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131 projects


Last released

Zip Codes Lookup is a simple tool for looking up the zip codes of a city. It returns the zip codes of the city.


Last released

World Time is a simple tool for getting the current time in any city. It returns the current time, date, and more.


Last released

World Holidays is a simple tool for getting the holidays of the world. It returns the holidays of the world for each day of the year.


Last released

Words to Numbers is a simple tool for converting words to numbers. It returns the words in numbers.


Last released

Word Rhymes is a simple tool for getting word rhymes. It returns a list of rhyming words.


Last released

Word Pronunciation is a simple tool for getting the pronunciation of a word. It returns the pronunciation of the word provided.


Last released

Whois Lookup is a simple tool for checking the registration of a domain name. It returns the name and contact information of the domain owner, the domain registrar, and more.


Last released

Website to Text is a simple tool for converting a website to text. It returns the text extracted from the website.


Last released

Website to PDF is a simple tool for converting a website to PDF. It returns the PDF file generated from the website.


Last released

Website Readability is a simple tool for analyzing the readability of a website. It returns the readability score of the website provided.


Last released

Web Screenshots is a simple tool for capturing screenshots of web pages. It returns an image screenshot of the web page provided.


Last released

Weather Seasons is a simple tool for getting the dates of the solstice and equinox. It returns the dates of the solstice and equinox for the current year.


Last released

Weather is a simple tool for getting the current weather. It returns the temperature, humidity, and more for a given location.


Last released

VIN Decoder is a simple tool for decoding vehicle identification numbers. It returns the make, model, and more of the vehicle.


Last released

Username Profanity Checker is a simple tool for checking if a username is inappropriate or profane. It returns if the username is inappropriate or profane.


Last released

Username Generator is a simple tool for generating usernames. It returns a list of usernames based on the specified criteria.


Last released

User Agent Parser is a simple tool for parsing user agent strings. It returns the browser, operating system, and more from the user agent string.


Last released

User Agent Generator is a simple tool for generating user agent strings. It returns a random user agent string.


Last released

URL Unshortener is a simple tool for unshortening shortened URLs. It returns the original URL before it was shortened.


Last released

URL Lookup is a simple tool for looking up the location of a URL. It returns the location of the URL provided.


Last released

Unit Converter is a simple tool for converting units. It returns the converted value.


Last released

Trivia is a simple tool for getting trivia questions. It returns a random trivia question based on your selected category.


Last released

Translator is a simple tool for translating text. It returns the translated text.


Last released

Title Capitalization is a simple tool for converting title text to various cases. It returns the text converted to your desired case.


Last released

Timezone Lookup is a simple tool for looking up timezone data. It returns the timezone name, offset, and more.


Last released

Thesaurus is a simple tool for getting word synonyms. It returns a list of synonyms.


Last released

Text to Color is a simple tool for converting the name of a color into various formats. It returns the color generated from the text provided.


Last released

Text Summarizer is a simple tool for summarizing text. It returns a summary of the text.


Last released

Text Similarity is a simple tool for checking the similarity between two texts. It returns the similarity score.


Last released

Tense Converter is a simple tool for converting text to past or future tense. It returns the text converted to the specified tense.


Last released

SWIFT Code Lookup is a simple tool for looking up SWIFT code information. It returns information such as the bank, branch, and more based on the SWIFT code provided.


Last released

Sunrise Sunset is a simple tool for getting the sunrise and sunset times. It returns the sunrise and sunset times for a given location and date.


Last released

Sun Position is a simple tool for getting sun position data. It returns data such as altitude, azimuth, and distance of the sun from the location provided.


Last released

Street Address Parser is a simple tool for parsing a US street addresses. It returns the parsed components of the street address provided.


Last released

Stock Market Open Times is a simple tool for getting the open times of the stock market. It returns the open times of the stock market for each day of the week.


Last released

Stars Lookup is a simple tool for looking up star data. It returns the star name, mass, diameter, and more.


Last released

SSL Checker is a simple tool for checking SSL certificates. It returns the SSL certificate details of a website.


Last released

Spell Checker is a simple tool for checking spelling in a given body of text. It returns correction suggestions


Last released

Spam Detector is a simple tool for detecting spam in a text. It utilize an email address or IP address to validate the given text against the spam database.


Last released

Silver Price is a simple tool for getting the current price of silver. It returns the current price of silver in USD and in various units.


Last released

SEO Validator is a simple tool for validating SEO metrics. It returns a list of issues that need to be fixed to improve the SEO metrics of a web page.


Last released

SEO Scraper is a simple tool for scraping SEO data. It returns the meta title, meta description, and more.


Last released

Sentiment Analysis is a simple tool for analyzing the sentiment of a text. It returns the sentiment score and the sentiment label.


Last released

Sales Tax Lookup is a simple tool for looking up the sales tax rate of a location. It returns the sales tax rate.


Last released

Routing Number Lookup is a simple tool for looking up routing number information for USA Banks. It returns information such as the bank, location, and more based on the routing number provided.


Last released

Reverse Geocode is a simple tool for getting the location of a set of coordinates. Only supports USA and Canada Coordinates. It returns the city, state, and more.


Last released

Readability Score is a simple tool for calculating the readability score of text. It returns the readability score based on various readability formulas.


Last released

Random Word is a simple tool for getting random words. It returns a random word.


Last released

Random User Generator is a simple tool for generating random user data. It returns the user's name, email, and more.


Last released

Random Quote is a simple tool for getting random quotes. It returns a random quote from a collection of quotes.


Last released

Random Pun is a simple tool for getting random puns. It returns a random pun from a collection of puns.


Last released

Random Joke is a simple tool for getting random jokes. It returns a random joke from a collection of jokes.


Last released

Random Identity is a simple tool for generating random identities. It returns a random name, address, and more.


Last released

Random Generator is a simple tool for generating random data. It returns random data such as numbers, strings, and more.


Last released

Random Facts is a simple tool for getting random facts. It returns a random fact.


Last released

QR Code Generator is a simple tool for generating QR codes. It returns a PNG image of the QR code.


Last released

Profanity Filter is a simple tool for filtering out profanity words from a text. It returns the text with the profanity words replaced by placeholders.


Last released

Play Store Scraper is a simple tool for scraping app store data. It returns the app name, description, price, and more.


Last released

Phone Number Validator is a simple tool for validating if a phone number is valid or not. It checks the phone number format and the country code to see if the phone number is valid.


Last released

Password Generator is a simple tool for generating passwords. It returns the generated password.


Last released

Parts Of Speech is a simple tool for extracting nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, etc. from text. It returns the extracted words based on the part of speech specified.


Last released

Number to Words is a simple tool for converting numbers to words. It returns the number in words.


Last released

News API is a simple tool for scraping news data. It returns the news title, description, and more.


Last released

Mortgage Calculator is a simple tool for calculating mortgage payments. It returns the monthly payment, total interest, and more.


Last released

Moonrise Moonset is a simple tool for getting moonrise and moonset times. It returns the moonrise and moonset times based on the location provided.


Last released

Moon Position is a simple tool for getting moon position data. It returns data such as altitude, azimuth, and distance of the moon based on the location provided.


Last released

Moon Phases is a simple tool for getting the moon phases. It returns the moon phase for a given date.


Last released

Metadata Extractor is a simple tool for extracting metadata from web pages. It returns the meta title, meta description, and more.


Last released

Marine Weather is a simple tool for getting marine weather data. It returns the current weather conditions in coordinates within the ocean and sea.


Last released

Love Calculator is a simple tool for calculating love compatibility. It returns the love compatibility percentage between two names.


Last released

Lottery Numbers is a simple tool for looking up winning lottery numbers. It returns the winning lottery numbers based on the lottery name provided.


Last released

Lorem Ipsum Generator is a simple tool for generating lorem ipsum text. It returns the generated text.


Last released

Loan Payment Calculator is a simple tool for calculating loan payments. It returns the monthly payment, total interest, and more.


Last released

Link Scraper is a simple tool for scraping web page links. It returns all the links on a web page.


Last released

Lemmatizer is a simple tool for lemmatizing text. It returns the lemmatized text.


Last released

Language Detector is a simple tool for detecting the language of a text. It returns the language code and the confidence level.


Last released

Keyword Extractor is a simple tool for extracting keywords from a web page. It returns the keywords and the frequency of each keyword.


Last released

IP Lookup is a simple tool for looking up the location of an IP address. It returns the country, city, and more.


Last released

IP Blacklist Lookup is a simple tool for looking up if an IP address is in a blacklist. It returns if the IP is found in a blacklist.


Last released

Image to Text is a simple tool for extracting text from images. It returns the extracted text.


Last released

HTML to PDF is a simple tool for converting HTML to PDF. It returns the PDF file generated from the HTML.


Last released

Horoscope is a simple tool for getting horoscope data. It returns the horoscope for the day.


Last released

Historical Events is a simple tool for getting historical events. It returns a list of historical events between 300BC and 2012


Last released

Hashtag Generator is a simple tool for generating hashtags. It returns a list of hashtags based on the text provided.


Last released

Gravatar Lookup is a simple tool for looking up Gravatar profiles. It returns the Gravatar profile information of the email address provided.


Last released

Gold Price is a simple tool for getting the current price of gold. It returns the current price of gold in USD and in various units.


Last released

Easily detect the gender of an individual based on their name. This API uses AI to predict the likely gender of a person by their name


Last released

Fully Qualified Domain Name is a simple tool for getting the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of an IP. It returns the fully qualified domain name of the ip provided.


Last released

Emoji is a simple tool for getting emoji data. It returns the emoji name, category, and more.


Last released

Email Validator is a simple tool for validating if an email address is valid or not. It checks the email address format and the domain records to see if the email address is valid.


Last released

Email Disposable Checker is a simple tool for checking if an email address is disposable. It returns if the email address is disposable or not.


Last released

Domain Expiration Checker is a simple tool for checking the expiration date and age of a domain. It returns the expiration date and age of the domain provided.


Last released

Domain Availability Checker is a simple tool for checking the availability of a domain. It returns if the domain is available or not.


Last released

Dog Breeds is a simple tool for getting information about dog breeds. It returns information such as breed name, temperament, lifespan, and more.


Last released

DNS Lookup is a simple tool for looking up the DNS records of a domain. It returns the A, MX, and other records of the domain.


Last released

Distance Calculator is a simple tool for calculating the distance between two locations. It returns the distance in miles and kilometers.


Last released

Dictionary is a simple tool for getting word definitions. It returns the definition a word.


Last released

Currency Symbols is a simple tool for getting currency symbols. It returns the currency symbol, name, and more of a currency.


Last released

Currency Converter is a simple tool for converting currency rates. It returns the converted currency rate based on the amount and currency provided.


Last released

County Data is a simple tool for getting data about US counties. It returns information such as average income, area, and more based on the county name provided.


Last released

Country Lookup is a simple tool for looking up country data. It returns the country name, capital, and more.


Last released

Counter is a simple tool for incrementing, decrementing, and resetting a cloud counter. It returns the current value of the counter.


Last released

Coordinates are Sea is a simple tool for checking if coordinates are in the sea. It returns if the coordinates are in the sea or not.


Last released

Contact Extractor is a simple tool for extracting contact data from a website URL. It returns the contact emails, phone numbers, and places.


Last released

Company Name Generator is a simple tool for generating company names. It returns a list of company names based on the specified keyword.


Last released

Color Palette is a simple tool for generating color palettes. It returns a list of colors based on a given color input.


Last released

Color Converter is a simple tool for converting color formats. It returns the color converted to the specified format.


Last released

Cocktail is a simple tool for getting cocktail recipes. It returns the ingredients, instructions, and more of the cocktail.


Last released

Cities Lookup is a simple tool for looking up city data. It returns the city name, population, and more.


Last released

Chuck Norris Jokes is a simple tool for getting Chuck Norris jokes. It returns a random Chuck Norris joke.


Last released

Card Validator is a simple tool for validating if a card number is valid or not. It checks the card number format and the Luhn algorithm to see if the card number is valid.


Last released

Card Generator is a simple tool for generating test/sample card numbers. It returns a list of card numbers for testing.


Last released

BIN Lookup is a simple tool for looking up BIN number information. It returns information such as the bank, card type, and more based on the BIN number provided.


Last released

Bible is a simple tool for getting bible verses. Simply provide the book, chapter, and verse, and the API will return the verse.


Last released

Baby Name Generator is a simple tool for generating baby names. It returns a list of baby names.


Last released

App Store Scraper is a simple tool for scraping app store data. It returns the app name, description, price, and more.


Last released

Air Quality is a simple tool for getting air quality data. It returns the air quality index, o3, pm2, and more.


Last released

Airports is a simple tool for getting airport data. It returns the airport name, location, and more.


Last released

Phone Number Validator is a simple tool for validating if a phone number is valid or not. It checks the phone number format and the country code to see if the phone number is valid.


Last released

News API is a simple tool for scraping news data. It returns the news title, description, and more.


Last released

Cocktail is a simple tool for getting cocktail recipes. It returns the ingredients, instructions, and more of the cocktail.


Last released

Zip Codes is a simple tool for looking up zip codes. It returns the city, state, and more of a zip code.


Last released

Word Extractor is a simple tool for extracting nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, and more from text. It returns the extracted words based on the specified part of speech.


Last released

Word Rhymes is a simple tool for getting word rhymes. It returns a list of rhyming words.


Last released

Username Profanity Checker is a simple tool for checking if a username is inappropriate or profane. It returns if the username is inappropriate or profane.


Last released

SSL Checker is a simple tool for checking SSL certificates. It returns the SSL certificate details of a website.


Last released

SEO Scraper is a simple tool for scraping SEO data. It returns the meta title, meta description, and more.


Last released

Random Identity is a simple tool for generating random identities. It returns a random name, address, and more.


Last released

Lemmatizer is a simple tool for lemmatizing text. It returns the lemmatized text.


Last released

Emoji is a simple tool for getting emoji data. It returns the emoji name, category, and more.


Last released

Counter is a simple tool for incrementing, decrementing, and resetting a counter. It returns the current value of the counter.

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