7 projects
DAG tools to process numerical topography and landscape evolution models
high-level python package for the DAGGER suite
This is an attempt to port LSDTT to Python
Provides numba framework for topographic analysis within the LSDTopoTools ecosystem. It aims to provdide full python access to the main algorithms of LSDTopoTools while avoiding the neeeds of c++. It does not replace or provide numba portage of the full LSDTopoTools, just the main one for quick use or quick developments
Feeding fastscape with a 3D bloc of differential lithology
High-level interface to LSDTopoTools in python. Include as much tools as we can port in python, for the rest see our docker solutions. This package is using lsdtt-xtensor-python as
Helper for matplotlib: tired of googling over and over again how to change my font size or make my axis semi-log, I am creating this helper to automate all of this. Use it if you want to.