5 projects
A set of functions that process and create topic models from a sample of community-detected Twitter networks' tweets. It can process and visualize network data across periods and communities.
A set of search patterns that query a corpus of event-based and community-detected tweets, but it could be modified to query most social-network (node-edge) data.
A set of functions that uses sklearn to conduct a TF-IDF analysis to generate keywords from event-based / grouped textual corpus.
A set of functions that tally URLs within an event-based corpus. It assumes that you have data divided into a range of event-based periods with community-detected modules/hubs. It also assumes that you have unspooled and cleaned your URL data. See Deen Freelon's unspooler module for help: https://github.com/dfreelon/unspooler.
A set of functions that process and create descriptive summary visualizations to help develop a broader narrative through-line of tweet data.