4 projects
Use fast FFT-based mutual information screening for large datasets. Works well on MRI brain imaging data. Developed by Kai Yang, [GPG Public key Fingerprint: CC02CF153594774CF956691492B2600D18170329](https://keys.openpgp.org/vks/v1/by-fingerprint/CC02CF153594774CF956691492B2600D18170329)
Implementation of accelerated gradient algorithm with strong rules for (high-dimensional) nonconvex sparse learning problems. Restarting, memory-mapping, and multiprocessing are now available. Developed by Kai Yang, [GPG Public key Fingerprint: CC02CF153594774CF956691492B2600D18170329](https://keys.openpgp.org/vks/v1/by-fingerprint/CC02CF153594774CF956691492B2600D18170329)
(GPU version) Implementation of accelerated gradient algorithm with strong rules for (high-dimensional) nonconvex sparse learning problems.
Use mutual information and accelerated gradient method to filter out and optimize nonconvex sparse learning problems on large genetic data based on bed/bim/fam. Multiprocessing is now available.