4 projects
Sentry File System Node Storage
Sentry Riak Node Storage
C3PO is Python module responsible for converting all .po files from locale directory into one .ods file and sending it to the Google Docs (spreadsheet link provided by user), so users with access to that spreadsheet can translate expression included there. This module provides Communicator which deals with uploading, downloading these translations and synchronizing whole content by merging it. Package contains basic methods for converting po files into csv, ods formats and back. It also provides methods for git push and git checkout po files into repository.
django-C3PO is a Django application using C3PO - module responsible for converting .po files from locale folder with translations to .ods format and sending them to Google Spreadsheets. This Django application provides panel where user can synchronize translations with GDocs and it gives possibility to push all translations on git and checkout last commit. django-C3PO uses celery since version 0.2. Be sure to properly configure it before using application.