7 projects
Support for onward deposit of software artifacts to Software Heritage
SWORDv2 Python client
SWORDv3 Common Object Library
SWORDv3 Client Library
Module for depositing record metadata and uploading files.
Proper Content Negotiation for Python The Negotiator is a library for decision making over Content Negotiation requests. It takes the standard HTTP Accept headers (Accept, Accept-Language, Accept-Charset, Accept-Encoding) and rationalises them against the parameters acceptable by the server; it then makes a recommendation as to the appropriate response format. This version of the Negotiator also supports the SWORDv2 extensions to HTTP Accept in the form of Accept-Packaging.
A library for serialising and deserialising URL query strings which can represent hierarchical data structures which can also be represented as JSON. This is convenient, for example, if you wish to have a web API which takes JSON objects as a POST body, but which may also need to respond to GET requests for which a more readable set of parameters would be appropriate.