5 projects
Xena OpenAutomation (XOA) Python API is a driver providing user-friendly communication interfaces to Xena's physical and virtual Traffic Generation and Analysis (TGA) testers. It provides a rich collection of programming interfaces that can be used to either write test scripts or develop applications.
Xena OpenAutomation - Chimera Core, for network impairment test configuration, integration, and development.
Xena OpenAutomation test configuration converter let you easily migrate your Valkyrie test suites config files (.v2544, .v2889, .v3918, and .v1564) into XOA.
Xena Open Automation framework for Xena test suite execution, integration, and development.
Xena OpenAutomation ANLT Utility provides a shell-like command-line interface for users to do ANLT tests interactively.