Next iteration of the TARDIS framework. No digital repository required. Federated web stores + ftp access instead.
Project description
MyTARDIS is a multi-institutional collaborative venture that facilitates the archiving and sharing of data and metadata collected at major facilities such as the Australian Synchrotron and ANSTO and within Institutions.
An example of the benefit of a system such as MyTARDIS in the protein crystallography community is that while the model coordinates and (less often) the structure factors (processed experimental data) are stored in the community Protein Data Bank (PDB) the raw diffraction data is often not available. There are several reasons why this is important, which can be summarised as:
The availability of raw data is extremely useful for the development of improved methods of image analysis and data processing.
Fostering the archival of raw data at an institutional level is one the best ways of ensuring that this data is not lost (laboratory archives are typically volatile).
Send wishes, comments, patches, etc. to
2.0 - Unreleased
Auth/Auth redesign [Gerson, Uli, Russel]
Authorisation. Support for several pluggable authorisation plugins (Django internal, LDAP, VBL). The added AuthService middleware provides a mechanism to query all available auth modules to determine what group memberships a users has.
Alternative authorisation. Rule based experiment access control engine was implemented with the following access attributes for indivdual users and groups: canRead, canWrite, canDelete, isOwner. Additionally, a time stamp can be specified for each access rule.
Further information can be found at the wiki: Authorisation Engine design
New METS parser [Gerson]
Dist/Buildout infrastructure [Russell]
Through the web creation and editing of experiments [Steve, Russell]
Through the web upload of files [Steve]
1.07 - 01/06/2010
Publish to interface created, though not implemented, pending legal text
1.06 - 15/03/2010
Parameter import interface for creation of new parameter/schema definitions
iPhone Interface
1.05 - 01/03/2010
Images as parameters supported
Data / metadata transfer from synchrotron is now ‘threaded’ using asynchronous web service transfers.
1.0 - 01/02/2010
MyTARDIS created from existin MyTARDIS python / django codebase
Allows private data to be stored
Open key/value parameter model, replacing current crystallography one
Internal data store for data
LDAP Login
Pagination of files
Creation of synchrotron-tardis from MyTARDIS codebase including specific code for the VBL login service and data transfer to MyTARDIS deployments.
Web server changed to apache and mod_wsgi
0.5 - 2009
Re-wrote federated index (python / django)
Federated stores are now simple web server based with optional FTP access
Runs on Jython / Tomcat
0.1 - 2007
Federated index (php) running on Apache HTTP Server
Crystallography data deposition and packaging tools for Fedora Commons (java swing desktop)
Search Interface via web