Wordpress importer for PieCrust using the SQL database directly
Project description
This plugin for PieCrust lets you import a Wordpress website directly from its SQL database, unlike the Wordpress importer that ships with PieCrust and can only import from an XML archive.
Most of the time, your SQL database will only accept connections from localhost, in which case you’ll have to make an SSH tunnel between your machine and your server’s machine:
ssh username@myserver.com -L 3307:localhost:3306 -N
Here, username is a user that has SSH access to the machine running the SQL server – not the SQL user.
This command creates a “tunnel” between port 3307 on your local machine and port 3306 on your SQL server’s machine.
Then, you can run the importer by going through the tunnel:
chef import wordpress-sql mysql+pymysql://user:password@localhost:3307/dbname
Here, user and password are the credentials to the user with access to the SQL databse. dbname is the name of the SQL database. You may also want to pass --prefix to specify what table name prefix your Wordpress website is using.