Dynamically extend Archetypes schemas with named adapters.
Project description
This package allows you to modify an Archetypes schema, using simple
adapters. This can be used to add new fields, reorder fields and fieldsets
or make other changes.
The most common use of schema extension is to allow add-on products to
enhance standard Plone content types, for example by adding an option
that can be set to toggle special behaviour.
schemaextender hooks into the Archetypes framework by registering
an ISchema adapter for BaseContent and BaseFolder, making it responsible
for providing the schema for all types derived from those classes. This
includes all standard Plone content types. Since only one ISchema adapter
can be active schemaextender provides its own mechanism to modify schemas
using named adapters. Named adapters are allowing to register more than one
schemaextender per adapted interface.
There are three types of adapters available:
* ISchemaExtender: using this adapter you can add new fields to a schema.
* IOrderableSchemaExtender: this adapters makes it possible to both add
new fields and reorder fields. This is more costly than just adding new
* IBrowserLayerAwareExtender: this adapters are making use of
plone.browserlayer, so that the extender is only available if a layer is
* ISchemaModifier: this is a low-level hook that allows direct manipulation
of the schema. This can be very dangerous and should never be used if one
does not know exactly what she/he is doing!
The adapter types are documented in the ''interfaces.py'' file in
Simple example
As an example we will add a simple boolean field to the standard
Plone document type. First we need to create a field class::
from Products.Archetypes.public import BooleanField
from archetypes.schemaextender.field import ExtensionField
class MyBooleanField(ExtensionField, BooleanField):
"""A trivial field."""
schemaextender can not use the standard Archetypes fields directly
since those rely on the class generation logic generating accessors
and mutator methods. By using the ExtensionField mix-in class we can
still use them. Make sure the ExtensionField mix-in comes first, so it
properly overwrites the standard methods.
Next we have to create an adapter that will add this field::
from zope.component import adapts
from zope.interface import implements
from archetypes.schemaextender.interfaces import ISchemaExtender
from Products.Archetypes.public import BooleanWidget
from Products.ATContentTypes.interface import IATDocument
class PageExtender(object):
fields = [
widget = BooleanWidget(
label="This page has super powers")),
def __init__(self, context):
self.context = context
def getFields(self):
return self.fields
Try to store the fields on the class, that way they aren't created each
time the getFields method gets called. Generally you should make sure
getFields does as few things as possible, because it's called very often.
The final step is registering this adapter with the Zope component
architecture. Since we already declared the interface we provide and
which type of object we adapt this can be done very quickly in
configure.zcml (assuming you put the code above in a file extender.py)::
<configure xmlns="http://namespaces.zope.org/zope"
<include package="archetypes.schemaextender" />
<adapter factory=".extender.PageExtender" />
Custom fields
If you want you can make more complicated field types as well. The only
requirement is that you need to have ExtensionField as the first parent
class for your field type. As an example here is a field that toggles a
marker interface on an object::
from zope.interface import Interface
from zope.interface import alsoProvides
from zope.interface import noLongerProvides
from Products.Archetypes.public import BooleanField
from archetypes.schemaextender.field import ExtensionField
def addMarkerInterface(obj, *ifaces):
for iface in ifaces:
if not iface.providedBy(obj):
alsoProvides(obj, iface)
def removeMarkerInterface(obj, *ifaces):
for iface in ifaces:
if iface.providedBy(obj):
noLongerProvides(obj, iface)
class ISuperPower(Interface):
"""Marker interface for classes that can do amazing things."""
class InterfaceMarkerField(ExtensionField, BooleanField):
def get(self, instance, **kwargs):
return ISuperPower.providedBy(instance)
def getRaw(self, instance, **kwargs):
return ISuperPower.providedBy(instance)
def set(self, instance, value, **kwargs):
if value:
addMarkerInterface(instance, ISuperPower)
removeMarkerInterface(instance, ISuperPower)
Layer-aware example
By using ``archetypes.schemaextender.IBrowserLayerAwareExtender`` the
extender is only applied if a specific browser layer is installed on the site.
.. note ::
You should always use IBrowserLayerAwareExtender on configurations
where there can be multiple Plone sites on a single Zope application server.
Otherwise extenders are applied on every site, unconditionally.
Below is an example of ``extender.py`` which adds new field on *Dates* edit tab::
Retrofit re-review dates to Archetypes schema.
__docformat__ = "epytext"
from zope.component import adapts
from zope.interface import implements
from Products.Archetypes.public import BooleanWidget
from Products.ATContentTypes.interface import IATDocument
from Products.Archetypes import public as atapi
from Products.Archetypes.interfaces import IBaseContent
from archetypes.schemaextender.field import ExtensionField
from archetypes.schemaextender.interfaces import ISchemaExtender, IOrderableSchemaExtender, IBrowserLayerAwareExtender
# Your add-on browserlayer
from your.package.interfaces import IAddOnInstalled
class ExtensionDateField(ExtensionField, atapi.DateTimeField):
""" Retrofitted date field """
class RevisitExtender(object):
""" Include revisit date on all objects.
An example extended which will create a new field on Dates tab between effective date and expiration date.
# This extender will apply to all Archetypes based content
# We use both orderable and browser layer aware sensitive properties
implements(IOrderableSchemaExtender, IBrowserLayerAwareExtender)
# Don't do schema extending unless our add-on product is installed on Plone site
layer = IAddOnInstalled
fields = [
widget = atapi.CalendarWidget(
label="Review Date",
description="When this date is reached, the content will be visible in the review task list",
def __init__(self, context):
self.context = context
def getOrder(self, schematas):
""" Manipulate the order in which fields appear.
@param schematas: Dictonary of schemata name -> field lists
@return: Dictionary of reordered field lists per schemata.
schematas["dates"] = ['effectiveDate', 'revisitDate', 'expirationDate', 'creation_date', 'modification_date']
return schematas
def getFields(self):
@return: List of new fields we contribute to content.
return self.fields
2.0.4 - 2011-06-14
* Acquire request object via local site hook if object is not
acquisition-wrapped (in ``cachingInstanceSchemaFactory``). This
fixes caching issues with objects rendered using DTML. Note that
this is likely a bug in the ``DocumentTemplate`` code. Ideally, the
issue should be resolved there.
* Added example of how to use ordered extenders and browser layer aware
2.0.3 - 2010-07-07
* Added back the ``caching.zcml`` file, but have it load ``configure.zcml``.
This makes it easier to write Plone 3 / 4 compatible code.
* Factored out the condition to disable the cache during tests into a module
global variable called ``CACHE_ENABLED``.
2.0.2 - 2010-06-13
* Changed the schema cache again, to use the id() only as a fallback when there
is not yet an UID assigned. The id() is unstable with Acquisition wrappers
and ZODB level ghosting of objects. We provide an explicit API for disabling
the cache instead.
* Avoid deprecation warnings under Zope 2.13.
* Change the schema cache key to avoid an issue during content migration when
there might be two objects that have the same UID but different schemata.
Now concatenating the Python id() with the UID (id() alone isn't good enough,
as two objects with non-overlapping lifetimes may have the same id() value).
Fixes http://dev.plone.org/plone/ticket/10637.
2.0.1 - 2010-05-23
* Disable the schema cache during test runs.
2.0 - 2010-05-23
* Removed the ``caching.zcml`` and enabled caching by default. You can use
a different caching implementation by using an ``overrides.zcml`` file.
* Added ``z3c.autoinclude`` entry point to mark this as a Plone plugin.
1.6 - 2010-03-22
* Fix index accessor to support setting custom accessor methods.
1.5 - 2009-11-18
* Fixed test failure in usage.txt.
* Standardized package metadata layout.
1.4 - 2009-11-05
* Fix schema copying to also include properties and layers.
1.3 - 2009-10-20
* Refactored the TranslatableExtensionField getMutator to directly reuse the
generatedMutatorWrapper from LinguaPlone itself. This avoids duplicating the
logic and lets schemaextender fields use the special reference field
handling introduced in LinguaPlone. This change introduces a version
requirement for LinguaPlone of at least 3.0b6.
1.2 - 2009-10-10
* Add `ISchema` adapter using simple caching on the request in order to
avoid redundant calculation of the (extended) schema. The adapter is
not enabled by default and can be activated by loading `caching.zcml`.
* Avoid using the overridden `+` operator when copying the original schema
as this will needlessly validate all fields again.
* Added missing changelog entry.
[hannosch, woutervh]
1.1 - 2009-06-03
* Added support for LinguaPlone language independent fields, by seamlessly
using a new TranslatableExtensionField when LP is installed.
* Added a proper interface to the IExtensionField.
* Adjusted tests for Plone 3.3.
* Minor adjustment in documentation: a) don't adapt the class in the example,
b) explain why named adapters are used.
* Schema modifiers now also browserlayer-aware.
1.0 - 2008-07-17
* No changes since 1.0rc1.
1.0rc1 - 2008-04-07
* Added optional plone.browserlayer support. Extenders implementing
IBrowserLayerAwareExtender need to have a layer attribute. Those extenders
are taken into account only if the specified layer is active.
1.0b1 - 2007-12-07
* Schema modifiers implementing ISchemaModifier are now responsible for
copying fields they modify. See README and the doc strings.
* Added a simple benchmark and made some optimizations by avoiding a lot
of field copying.
[fschulze, wiggy]
* Use a marker interface instead of overrides.zcml - this means you don't
need to muck with overrides in dependent products.
* Added code to allow addition of new schemata. We need an ordered
dictionary to not bork the order of the schemata.
* Add a small benchmark utility.
* Replace the high-level test with unit-tests and extend the test coverage.
* Rewrite the README to be more human readable.
1.0a1 - 2007-10-15
* First public release.
This package allows you to modify an Archetypes schema, using simple
adapters. This can be used to add new fields, reorder fields and fieldsets
or make other changes.
The most common use of schema extension is to allow add-on products to
enhance standard Plone content types, for example by adding an option
that can be set to toggle special behaviour.
schemaextender hooks into the Archetypes framework by registering
an ISchema adapter for BaseContent and BaseFolder, making it responsible
for providing the schema for all types derived from those classes. This
includes all standard Plone content types. Since only one ISchema adapter
can be active schemaextender provides its own mechanism to modify schemas
using named adapters. Named adapters are allowing to register more than one
schemaextender per adapted interface.
There are three types of adapters available:
* ISchemaExtender: using this adapter you can add new fields to a schema.
* IOrderableSchemaExtender: this adapters makes it possible to both add
new fields and reorder fields. This is more costly than just adding new
* IBrowserLayerAwareExtender: this adapters are making use of
plone.browserlayer, so that the extender is only available if a layer is
* ISchemaModifier: this is a low-level hook that allows direct manipulation
of the schema. This can be very dangerous and should never be used if one
does not know exactly what she/he is doing!
The adapter types are documented in the ''interfaces.py'' file in
Simple example
As an example we will add a simple boolean field to the standard
Plone document type. First we need to create a field class::
from Products.Archetypes.public import BooleanField
from archetypes.schemaextender.field import ExtensionField
class MyBooleanField(ExtensionField, BooleanField):
"""A trivial field."""
schemaextender can not use the standard Archetypes fields directly
since those rely on the class generation logic generating accessors
and mutator methods. By using the ExtensionField mix-in class we can
still use them. Make sure the ExtensionField mix-in comes first, so it
properly overwrites the standard methods.
Next we have to create an adapter that will add this field::
from zope.component import adapts
from zope.interface import implements
from archetypes.schemaextender.interfaces import ISchemaExtender
from Products.Archetypes.public import BooleanWidget
from Products.ATContentTypes.interface import IATDocument
class PageExtender(object):
fields = [
widget = BooleanWidget(
label="This page has super powers")),
def __init__(self, context):
self.context = context
def getFields(self):
return self.fields
Try to store the fields on the class, that way they aren't created each
time the getFields method gets called. Generally you should make sure
getFields does as few things as possible, because it's called very often.
The final step is registering this adapter with the Zope component
architecture. Since we already declared the interface we provide and
which type of object we adapt this can be done very quickly in
configure.zcml (assuming you put the code above in a file extender.py)::
<configure xmlns="http://namespaces.zope.org/zope"
<include package="archetypes.schemaextender" />
<adapter factory=".extender.PageExtender" />
Custom fields
If you want you can make more complicated field types as well. The only
requirement is that you need to have ExtensionField as the first parent
class for your field type. As an example here is a field that toggles a
marker interface on an object::
from zope.interface import Interface
from zope.interface import alsoProvides
from zope.interface import noLongerProvides
from Products.Archetypes.public import BooleanField
from archetypes.schemaextender.field import ExtensionField
def addMarkerInterface(obj, *ifaces):
for iface in ifaces:
if not iface.providedBy(obj):
alsoProvides(obj, iface)
def removeMarkerInterface(obj, *ifaces):
for iface in ifaces:
if iface.providedBy(obj):
noLongerProvides(obj, iface)
class ISuperPower(Interface):
"""Marker interface for classes that can do amazing things."""
class InterfaceMarkerField(ExtensionField, BooleanField):
def get(self, instance, **kwargs):
return ISuperPower.providedBy(instance)
def getRaw(self, instance, **kwargs):
return ISuperPower.providedBy(instance)
def set(self, instance, value, **kwargs):
if value:
addMarkerInterface(instance, ISuperPower)
removeMarkerInterface(instance, ISuperPower)
Layer-aware example
By using ``archetypes.schemaextender.IBrowserLayerAwareExtender`` the
extender is only applied if a specific browser layer is installed on the site.
.. note ::
You should always use IBrowserLayerAwareExtender on configurations
where there can be multiple Plone sites on a single Zope application server.
Otherwise extenders are applied on every site, unconditionally.
Below is an example of ``extender.py`` which adds new field on *Dates* edit tab::
Retrofit re-review dates to Archetypes schema.
__docformat__ = "epytext"
from zope.component import adapts
from zope.interface import implements
from Products.Archetypes.public import BooleanWidget
from Products.ATContentTypes.interface import IATDocument
from Products.Archetypes import public as atapi
from Products.Archetypes.interfaces import IBaseContent
from archetypes.schemaextender.field import ExtensionField
from archetypes.schemaextender.interfaces import ISchemaExtender, IOrderableSchemaExtender, IBrowserLayerAwareExtender
# Your add-on browserlayer
from your.package.interfaces import IAddOnInstalled
class ExtensionDateField(ExtensionField, atapi.DateTimeField):
""" Retrofitted date field """
class RevisitExtender(object):
""" Include revisit date on all objects.
An example extended which will create a new field on Dates tab between effective date and expiration date.
# This extender will apply to all Archetypes based content
# We use both orderable and browser layer aware sensitive properties
implements(IOrderableSchemaExtender, IBrowserLayerAwareExtender)
# Don't do schema extending unless our add-on product is installed on Plone site
layer = IAddOnInstalled
fields = [
widget = atapi.CalendarWidget(
label="Review Date",
description="When this date is reached, the content will be visible in the review task list",
def __init__(self, context):
self.context = context
def getOrder(self, schematas):
""" Manipulate the order in which fields appear.
@param schematas: Dictonary of schemata name -> field lists
@return: Dictionary of reordered field lists per schemata.
schematas["dates"] = ['effectiveDate', 'revisitDate', 'expirationDate', 'creation_date', 'modification_date']
return schematas
def getFields(self):
@return: List of new fields we contribute to content.
return self.fields
2.0.4 - 2011-06-14
* Acquire request object via local site hook if object is not
acquisition-wrapped (in ``cachingInstanceSchemaFactory``). This
fixes caching issues with objects rendered using DTML. Note that
this is likely a bug in the ``DocumentTemplate`` code. Ideally, the
issue should be resolved there.
* Added example of how to use ordered extenders and browser layer aware
2.0.3 - 2010-07-07
* Added back the ``caching.zcml`` file, but have it load ``configure.zcml``.
This makes it easier to write Plone 3 / 4 compatible code.
* Factored out the condition to disable the cache during tests into a module
global variable called ``CACHE_ENABLED``.
2.0.2 - 2010-06-13
* Changed the schema cache again, to use the id() only as a fallback when there
is not yet an UID assigned. The id() is unstable with Acquisition wrappers
and ZODB level ghosting of objects. We provide an explicit API for disabling
the cache instead.
* Avoid deprecation warnings under Zope 2.13.
* Change the schema cache key to avoid an issue during content migration when
there might be two objects that have the same UID but different schemata.
Now concatenating the Python id() with the UID (id() alone isn't good enough,
as two objects with non-overlapping lifetimes may have the same id() value).
Fixes http://dev.plone.org/plone/ticket/10637.
2.0.1 - 2010-05-23
* Disable the schema cache during test runs.
2.0 - 2010-05-23
* Removed the ``caching.zcml`` and enabled caching by default. You can use
a different caching implementation by using an ``overrides.zcml`` file.
* Added ``z3c.autoinclude`` entry point to mark this as a Plone plugin.
1.6 - 2010-03-22
* Fix index accessor to support setting custom accessor methods.
1.5 - 2009-11-18
* Fixed test failure in usage.txt.
* Standardized package metadata layout.
1.4 - 2009-11-05
* Fix schema copying to also include properties and layers.
1.3 - 2009-10-20
* Refactored the TranslatableExtensionField getMutator to directly reuse the
generatedMutatorWrapper from LinguaPlone itself. This avoids duplicating the
logic and lets schemaextender fields use the special reference field
handling introduced in LinguaPlone. This change introduces a version
requirement for LinguaPlone of at least 3.0b6.
1.2 - 2009-10-10
* Add `ISchema` adapter using simple caching on the request in order to
avoid redundant calculation of the (extended) schema. The adapter is
not enabled by default and can be activated by loading `caching.zcml`.
* Avoid using the overridden `+` operator when copying the original schema
as this will needlessly validate all fields again.
* Added missing changelog entry.
[hannosch, woutervh]
1.1 - 2009-06-03
* Added support for LinguaPlone language independent fields, by seamlessly
using a new TranslatableExtensionField when LP is installed.
* Added a proper interface to the IExtensionField.
* Adjusted tests for Plone 3.3.
* Minor adjustment in documentation: a) don't adapt the class in the example,
b) explain why named adapters are used.
* Schema modifiers now also browserlayer-aware.
1.0 - 2008-07-17
* No changes since 1.0rc1.
1.0rc1 - 2008-04-07
* Added optional plone.browserlayer support. Extenders implementing
IBrowserLayerAwareExtender need to have a layer attribute. Those extenders
are taken into account only if the specified layer is active.
1.0b1 - 2007-12-07
* Schema modifiers implementing ISchemaModifier are now responsible for
copying fields they modify. See README and the doc strings.
* Added a simple benchmark and made some optimizations by avoiding a lot
of field copying.
[fschulze, wiggy]
* Use a marker interface instead of overrides.zcml - this means you don't
need to muck with overrides in dependent products.
* Added code to allow addition of new schemata. We need an ordered
dictionary to not bork the order of the schemata.
* Add a small benchmark utility.
* Replace the high-level test with unit-tests and extend the test coverage.
* Rewrite the README to be more human readable.
1.0a1 - 2007-10-15
* First public release.
Project details
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Source Distribution
Hashes for archetypes.schemaextender-2.0.4.zip
Algorithm | Hash digest | |
SHA256 | 05d3639dc51a5782d2811ac87ebc9f4fe23d3e0bd2321f2842e77ebe7e0b8b01 |
MD5 | 2c3b027d40eb1ac81718fe56212d4cb3 |
BLAKE2b-256 | a163ebabdd93c7f37a83d07c6c773733f89446b82a4c17085e0fa2af3d648bcc |