Project description
BIMData API is a tool to interact with your models stored on BIMData’s servers. Through the API, you can manage your projects, the clouds, upload your IFC files and manage them through endpoints.
This Python package is automatically generated by the OpenAPI Generator project:
- API version: v1
- Package version: 1.0.0
- Build package: org.openapitools.codegen.languages.PythonClientCodegen
Python 2.7 and 3.4+
Installation & Usage
pip install
If the python package is hosted on a repository, you can install directly using:
pip install git+
(you may need to run pip
with root permission: sudo pip install git+
Then import the package:
import bimdata_api_client
Install via Setuptools.
python install --user
(or sudo python install
to install the package for all users)
Then import the package:
import bimdata_api_client
Getting Started
Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:
from __future__ import print_function
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from import ApiException
from pprint import pprint
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration()
# Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Authorization'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
# configuration.api_key_prefix['Authorization'] = 'Bearer'
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration()
# Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: bimdata_connect
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration()
# Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: client_credentials
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
# Defining host is optional and default to = ""
# Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = bimdata_api_client.BcfApi(bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration))
projects_pk = 'projects_pk_example' # str |
topics_guid = 'topics_guid_example' # str |
data = bimdata_api_client.Comment() # Comment |
# Create a comment
api_response = api_instance.create_comment(projects_pk, topics_guid, data)
except ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling BcfApi->create_comment: %s\n" % e)
Documentation for API Endpoints
All URIs are relative to
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
BcfApi | create_comment | POST /bcf/2.1/projects/{projects_pk}/topics/{topics_guid}/comments | Create a comment |
BcfApi | create_full_topic | POST /bcf/2.1/projects/{projects_pk}/full-topic | Create a Topic with viewpoints and comments |
BcfApi | create_topic | POST /bcf/2.1/projects/{projects_pk}/topics | Create a topic |
BcfApi | create_viewpoint | POST /bcf/2.1/projects/{projects_pk}/topics/{topics_guid}/viewpoints | Create a Viewpoint |
BcfApi | delete_comment | DELETE /bcf/2.1/projects/{projects_pk}/topics/{topics_guid}/comments/{guid} | Delete a comment |
BcfApi | delete_topic | DELETE /bcf/2.1/projects/{projects_pk}/topics/{guid} | Delete a topic |
BcfApi | delete_viewpoint | DELETE /bcf/2.1/projects/{projects_pk}/topics/{topics_guid}/viewpoints/{guid} | Delete a Viewpoint |
BcfApi | download_bcf_export | GET /bcf/2.1/projects/{id}/export | Export project's topics in bcf-xml format |
BcfApi | full_update_bcf_project | PUT /bcf/2.1/projects/{id} | Update all fields of a BCF project |
BcfApi | full_update_comment | PUT /bcf/2.1/projects/{projects_pk}/topics/{topics_guid}/comments/{guid} | Update all fields of a comment |
BcfApi | full_update_full_topic | PUT /bcf/2.1/projects/{projects_pk}/full-topic/{guid} | Update all fields of a topic |
BcfApi | full_update_topic | PUT /bcf/2.1/projects/{projects_pk}/topics/{guid} | Update all fields of a topic |
BcfApi | full_update_viewpoint | PUT /bcf/2.1/projects/{projects_pk}/topics/{topics_guid}/viewpoints/{guid} | Update all fields of a Viewpoint |
BcfApi | get_bcf_project | GET /bcf/2.1/projects/{id} | Retrieve a BCF project |
BcfApi | get_bcf_projects | GET /bcf/2.1/projects | Retrieve all BCF projects |
BcfApi | get_colorings | GET /bcf/2.1/projects/{projects_pk}/topics/{topics_guid}/viewpoints/{guid}/coloring | Retrieve all colorings of a viewpoint |
BcfApi | get_comment | GET /bcf/2.1/projects/{projects_pk}/topics/{topics_guid}/comments/{guid} | Retrieve a comment |
BcfApi | get_comments | GET /bcf/2.1/projects/{projects_pk}/topics/{topics_guid}/comments | Retrieve all comments |
BcfApi | get_extensions | GET /bcf/2.1/projects/{projects_pk}/extensions | Retrieve project extensions |
BcfApi | get_full_topic | GET /bcf/2.1/projects/{projects_pk}/full-topic/{guid} | Retrieve a full topic |
BcfApi | get_full_topics | GET /bcf/2.1/projects/{projects_pk}/full-topic | Retrieve all full topics |
BcfApi | get_selections | GET /bcf/2.1/projects/{projects_pk}/topics/{topics_guid}/viewpoints/{guid}/selection | Retrieve all selections of a viewpoint |
BcfApi | get_snapshot | GET /bcf/2.1/projects/{projects_pk}/topics/{topics_guid}/viewpoints/{guid}/snapshot | Retrieve the viewpoint' snapshot |
BcfApi | get_topic | GET /bcf/2.1/projects/{projects_pk}/topics/{guid} | Retrieve a topic |
BcfApi | get_topic_viewpoints | GET /bcf/2.1/projects/{projects_pk}/topics/{topics_guid}/topic-viewpoints | Retrieve all viewpoints attached to the topic |
BcfApi | get_topics | GET /bcf/2.1/projects/{projects_pk}/topics | Retrieve all topics |
BcfApi | get_user | GET /bcf/2.1/current-user | Get current user info |
BcfApi | get_viewpoint | GET /bcf/2.1/projects/{projects_pk}/topics/{topics_guid}/viewpoints/{guid} | Retrieve a Viewpoint |
BcfApi | get_viewpoints | GET /bcf/2.1/projects/{projects_pk}/topics/{topics_guid}/viewpoints | Retrieve all Viewpoints of a topic |
BcfApi | get_visibilities | GET /bcf/2.1/projects/{projects_pk}/topics/{topics_guid}/viewpoints/{guid}/visibility | Retrieve all visibilities of a viewpoint |
BcfApi | update_bcf_project | PATCH /bcf/2.1/projects/{id} | Update some fields of a BCF project |
BcfApi | update_comment | PATCH /bcf/2.1/projects/{projects_pk}/topics/{topics_guid}/comments/{guid} | Update some fields of a comment |
BcfApi | update_extensions | PATCH /bcf/2.1/projects/{projects_pk}/extensions | Update project extensions |
BcfApi | update_full_topic | PATCH /bcf/2.1/projects/{projects_pk}/full-topic/{guid} | Update some fields of a topic |
BcfApi | update_topic | PATCH /bcf/2.1/projects/{projects_pk}/topics/{guid} | Update some fields of a topic |
BcfApi | update_viewpoint | PATCH /bcf/2.1/projects/{projects_pk}/topics/{topics_guid}/viewpoints/{guid} | Update some fields of a Viewpoint |
CheckerApi | create_checker | POST /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/ifc/{ifc_pk}/checker | Create a checker to a model |
CheckerApi | create_checker_result | POST /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/ifc/{ifc_pk}/checker/{checker_pk}/result | Create a CheckerResult |
CheckerApi | create_checkplan | POST /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/checkplan | Create a Checkplan |
CheckerApi | create_rule | POST /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/checkplan/{check_plan_pk}/ruleset/{ruleset_pk}/rule | Create a Rule |
CheckerApi | create_rule_component | POST /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/checkplan/{check_plan_pk}/ruleset/{ruleset_pk}/rule/{rule_pk}/rulecomponent | Create a RuleComponent |
CheckerApi | create_ruleset | POST /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/checkplan/{check_plan_pk}/ruleset | Create a Ruleset |
CheckerApi | delete_checker | DELETE /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/ifc/{ifc_pk}/checker/{id} | Delete a checker of a model |
CheckerApi | delete_checker_result | DELETE /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/ifc/{ifc_pk}/checker/{checker_pk}/result/{id} | Delete a CheckerResult |
CheckerApi | delete_checkplan | DELETE /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/checkplan/{id} | Delete a Checkplan |
CheckerApi | delete_rule | DELETE /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/checkplan/{check_plan_pk}/ruleset/{ruleset_pk}/rule/{id} | Delete a Rule |
CheckerApi | delete_rule_component | DELETE /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/checkplan/{check_plan_pk}/ruleset/{ruleset_pk}/rule/{rule_pk}/rulecomponent/{id} | Delete a RuleComponent |
CheckerApi | delete_ruleset | DELETE /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/checkplan/{check_plan_pk}/ruleset/{id} | Delete a Ruleset |
CheckerApi | full_update_checker | PUT /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/ifc/{ifc_pk}/checker/{id} | Update all fields of a checker of a model |
CheckerApi | full_update_checker_result | PUT /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/ifc/{ifc_pk}/checker/{checker_pk}/result/{id} | Update all fields of a CheckerResult |
CheckerApi | full_update_checkplan | PUT /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/checkplan/{id} | Update all fields of a Checkplan |
CheckerApi | full_update_rule | PUT /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/checkplan/{check_plan_pk}/ruleset/{ruleset_pk}/rule/{id} | Update all fields of a Rule |
CheckerApi | full_update_rule_component | PUT /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/checkplan/{check_plan_pk}/ruleset/{ruleset_pk}/rule/{rule_pk}/rulecomponent/{id} | Update all fields of a RuleComponent |
CheckerApi | full_update_ruleset | PUT /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/checkplan/{check_plan_pk}/ruleset/{id} | Update all fields of a Ruleset |
CheckerApi | get_checker | GET /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/ifc/{ifc_pk}/checker/{id} | Retrieve a checker of a model |
CheckerApi | get_checker_result | GET /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/ifc/{ifc_pk}/checker/{checker_pk}/result/{id} | Retrieve one CheckerResult |
CheckerApi | get_checker_results | GET /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/ifc/{ifc_pk}/checker/{checker_pk}/result | Retrieve all CheckerResults |
CheckerApi | get_checkers | GET /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/ifc/{ifc_pk}/checker | Retrieve all checkers of a model |
CheckerApi | get_checkplan | GET /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/checkplan/{id} | Retrieve one Checkplan |
CheckerApi | get_checkplans | GET /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/checkplan | Retrieve all Checkplans |
CheckerApi | get_rule | GET /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/checkplan/{check_plan_pk}/ruleset/{ruleset_pk}/rule/{id} | Retrieve one Rule |
CheckerApi | get_rule_component | GET /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/checkplan/{check_plan_pk}/ruleset/{ruleset_pk}/rule/{rule_pk}/rulecomponent/{id} | Retrieve one RuleComponent |
CheckerApi | get_rule_components | GET /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/checkplan/{check_plan_pk}/ruleset/{ruleset_pk}/rule/{rule_pk}/rulecomponent | Retrieve all RuleComponents |
CheckerApi | get_rules | GET /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/checkplan/{check_plan_pk}/ruleset/{ruleset_pk}/rule | Retrieve all Rules |
CheckerApi | get_ruleset | GET /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/checkplan/{check_plan_pk}/ruleset/{id} | Retrieve one Ruleset |
CheckerApi | get_rulesets | GET /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/checkplan/{check_plan_pk}/ruleset | Retrieve all Rulesets |
CheckerApi | launch_new_check | POST /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/ifc/{ifc_pk}/checker/{id}/launch-check | Launch a new check on the model |
CheckerApi | update_checker | PATCH /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/ifc/{ifc_pk}/checker/{id} | Update some fields of a checker of a model |
CheckerApi | update_checker_result | PATCH /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/ifc/{ifc_pk}/checker/{checker_pk}/result/{id} | Update some fields of a CheckerResult |
CheckerApi | update_checkplan | PATCH /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/checkplan/{id} | Update some fields of a Checkplan |
CheckerApi | update_rule | PATCH /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/checkplan/{check_plan_pk}/ruleset/{ruleset_pk}/rule/{id} | Update some fields of a Rule |
CheckerApi | update_rule_component | PATCH /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/checkplan/{check_plan_pk}/ruleset/{ruleset_pk}/rule/{rule_pk}/rulecomponent/{id} | Update some fields of a RuleComponent |
CheckerApi | update_ruleset | PATCH /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/checkplan/{check_plan_pk}/ruleset/{id} | Update some fields of a Ruleset |
CollaborationApi | cancel_cloud_user_invitation | DELETE /cloud/{cloud_pk}/invitation/{id} | Cancel a pending invitation |
CollaborationApi | cancel_project_user_invitation | DELETE /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/invitation/{id} | Cancel a pending invitation |
CollaborationApi | create_classification | POST /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/classification | Create a classification |
CollaborationApi | create_cloud | POST /cloud | Create a cloud |
CollaborationApi | create_demo | POST /cloud/{id}/create-demo | Create a Demo project in a cloud |
CollaborationApi | create_document | POST /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/document | Create a document |
CollaborationApi | create_folder | POST /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/folder | Create a folder |
CollaborationApi | create_project | POST /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project | Create a project |
CollaborationApi | delete_classification | DELETE /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/classification/{id} | Delete a classification |
CollaborationApi | delete_cloud | DELETE /cloud/{id} | Delete a cloud |
CollaborationApi | delete_cloud_user | DELETE /cloud/{cloud_pk}/user/{id} | Remove a user from a cloud |
CollaborationApi | delete_document | DELETE /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/document/{id} | Delete the document |
CollaborationApi | delete_folder | DELETE /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/folder/{id} | Delete a folder |
CollaborationApi | delete_project | DELETE /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{id} | Delete a project |
CollaborationApi | delete_project_user | DELETE /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/user/{id} | Remove a user from a project |
CollaborationApi | full_update_classification | PUT /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/classification/{id} | Update all fields of a classification |
CollaborationApi | full_update_cloud | PUT /cloud/{id} | Update all fields of a cloud |
CollaborationApi | full_update_cloud_user | PUT /cloud/{cloud_pk}/user/{id} | Update all fields of a cloud user |
CollaborationApi | full_update_document | PUT /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/document/{id} | Update all fields of the document |
CollaborationApi | full_update_folder | PUT /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/folder/{id} | Update all fields of a folder |
CollaborationApi | full_update_project | PUT /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{id} | Update all fields of a project |
CollaborationApi | full_update_project_user | PUT /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/user/{id} | Update all fields of a project user |
CollaborationApi | get_classification | GET /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/classification/{id} | Retrieve a classification |
CollaborationApi | get_classifications | GET /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/classification | Retrieve all classifications |
CollaborationApi | get_cloud | GET /cloud/{id} | Retrieve one cloud |
CollaborationApi | get_cloud_invitations | GET /cloud/{cloud_pk}/invitation | Retrieve all pending invitations in the cloud |
CollaborationApi | get_cloud_size | GET /cloud/{id}/size | Get size of all files in the cloud |
CollaborationApi | get_cloud_user | GET /cloud/{cloud_pk}/user/{id} | Retrieve a user in a cloud |
CollaborationApi | get_cloud_users | GET /cloud/{cloud_pk}/user | Retrieve all users in a cloud |
CollaborationApi | get_clouds | GET /cloud | Retrieve all clouds |
CollaborationApi | get_document | GET /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/document/{id} | Retrieve a document |
CollaborationApi | get_documents | GET /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/document | Retrieve all documents |
CollaborationApi | get_folder | GET /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/folder/{id} | Retrieve a folder |
CollaborationApi | get_folders | GET /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/folder | Retrieve all folders |
CollaborationApi | get_project | GET /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{id} | Retrieve a project |
CollaborationApi | get_project_dms_tree | GET /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{id}/dms-tree | Retrieve the complete DMS tree |
CollaborationApi | get_project_invitations | GET /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/invitation | Retrieve all pending invitations in the project |
CollaborationApi | get_project_sub_tree | GET /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/subtree | Retrieve the complete projects tree of the cloud |
CollaborationApi | get_project_tree | GET /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{id}/tree | Retrieve the complete DMS tree |
CollaborationApi | get_project_user | GET /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/user/{id} | Retrieve a user in a project |
CollaborationApi | get_project_users | GET /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/user | Retrieve all users in a project |
CollaborationApi | get_projects | GET /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project | Retrieve all projects |
CollaborationApi | get_self_projects | GET /user/projects | List current user's projects |
CollaborationApi | get_self_user | GET /user | Get info about the current user |
CollaborationApi | invite_cloud_user | POST /cloud/{cloud_pk}/invitation | Invite a cloud administrator |
CollaborationApi | invite_project_user | POST /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/invitation | Invite a project member |
CollaborationApi | update_classification | PATCH /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/classification/{id} | Update some fields of a classification |
CollaborationApi | update_cloud | PATCH /cloud/{id} | Update some fields of a cloud |
CollaborationApi | update_cloud_user | PATCH /cloud/{cloud_pk}/user/{id} | Update some fields of a cloud user |
CollaborationApi | update_document | PATCH /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/document/{id} | Update some fields of the document |
CollaborationApi | update_folder | PATCH /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/folder/{id} | Update some fields of a folder |
CollaborationApi | update_project | PATCH /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{id} | Update some fields of a project |
CollaborationApi | update_project_user | PATCH /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/user/{id} | Update some fields of a project user |
CollaborationApi | update_self_user | PATCH /user | Update info of the current user |
IfcApi | add_ifc_errors | POST /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/ifc/{id}/errors | Add errors to IFC |
IfcApi | bulk_delete_ifc_classifications | DELETE /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/ifc/{ifc_pk}/classification/list_destroy | Remove all classifications from model's elements |
IfcApi | bulk_delete_ifc_properties | DELETE /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/ifc/{ifc_pk}/property/bulk_destroy | Delete many Property of a model |
IfcApi | bulk_delete_ifc_property_definitions | DELETE /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/ifc/{ifc_pk}/propertydefinition/bulk_destroy | Delete many PropertyDefinitions of a model |
IfcApi | bulk_delete_ifc_units | DELETE /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/ifc/{ifc_pk}/unit/bulk_destroy | Delete many Units of a model |
IfcApi | bulk_delete_property_set | DELETE /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/ifc/{ifc_pk}/propertyset/bulk_destroy | Delete many PropertySet of a model |
IfcApi | bulk_full_update_elements | PATCH /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/ifc/{ifc_pk}/element/bulk_update | Update many elements at once (only changing fields may be defined) |
IfcApi | bulk_full_update_ifc_property | PATCH /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/ifc/{ifc_pk}/property/bulk_update | Update some fields of many properties of a model |
IfcApi | bulk_remove_classifications_of_element | DELETE /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/ifc/{ifc_pk}/element/{element_uuid}/classification/bulk_destroy | Remove many classifications from an element |
IfcApi | bulk_remove_elements_from_classification | DELETE /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/ifc/{ifc_pk}/classification/{ifc_classification_pk}/element/bulk_destroy | Remove the classifications from all elements |
IfcApi | bulk_update_elements | PUT /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/ifc/{ifc_pk}/element/bulk_update | Update many elements at once (all field must be defined) |
IfcApi | bulk_update_ifc_property | PUT /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/ifc/{ifc_pk}/property/bulk_update | Update all fields of many properties of a model |
IfcApi | create_access_token | POST /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/ifc/{ifc_pk}/access_token | Create a token for this model |
IfcApi | create_classification_element_relations | POST /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/ifc/{ifc_pk}/classification-element | Create association between existing classification and existing element |
IfcApi | create_classifications_of_element | POST /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/ifc/{ifc_pk}/element/{element_uuid}/classification | Create one or many classifications to an element |
IfcApi | create_cloud | POST /cloud | Create a cloud |
IfcApi | create_demo | POST /cloud/{id}/create-demo | Create a Demo project in a cloud |
IfcApi | create_element | POST /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/ifc/{ifc_pk}/element | Create an element in the model |
IfcApi | create_element_property_set | POST /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/ifc/{ifc_pk}/element/{element_uuid}/propertyset | Create a PropertySets to an element |
IfcApi | create_element_property_set_property | POST /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/ifc/{ifc_pk}/element/{element_uuid}/propertyset/{propertyset_pk}/property | Create a property to a PropertySet |
IfcApi | create_element_property_set_property_definition | POST /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/ifc/{ifc_pk}/element/{element_uuid}/propertyset/{propertyset_pk}/property/{property_pk}/propertydefinition | Create a Definition to a Property |
IfcApi | create_element_property_set_property_definition_unit | POST /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/ifc/{ifc_pk}/element/{element_uuid}/propertyset/{propertyset_pk}/property/{property_pk}/propertydefinition/{propertydefinition_pk}/unit | Create a Unit to a Definition |
IfcApi | create_ifc_property_definition | POST /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/ifc/{ifc_pk}/propertydefinition | Create a PropertyDefinition on the model |
IfcApi | create_ifc_unit | POST /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/ifc/{ifc_pk}/unit | Create a Unit on a model |
IfcApi | create_layer | POST /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/ifc/{ifc_pk}/layer | Create a layer in the model |
IfcApi | create_project | POST /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project | Create a project |
IfcApi | create_property_set | POST /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/ifc/{ifc_pk}/propertyset | Create a PropertySet |
IfcApi | create_property_set_element_relations | POST /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/ifc/{ifc_pk}/propertyset-element | Create association between PropertySet and element |
IfcApi | create_raw_elements | POST /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/ifc/{ifc_pk}/element/raw | Create elements in an optimized format |
IfcApi | create_space | POST /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/ifc/{ifc_pk}/space | Create a space in the model |
IfcApi | create_system | POST /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/ifc/{ifc_pk}/system | Create a system in the model |
IfcApi | create_zone | POST /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/ifc/{ifc_pk}/zone | Create a zone in the model |
IfcApi | create_zone_space | POST /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/ifc/{ifc_pk}/zone/{zone_pk}/space | Create a space in a zone |
IfcApi | delete_access_token | DELETE /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/ifc/{ifc_pk}/access_token/{token} | Delete a token |
IfcApi | delete_cloud | DELETE /cloud/{id} | Delete a cloud |
IfcApi | delete_element | DELETE /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/ifc/{ifc_pk}/element/{uuid} | Delete a zone of a model |
IfcApi | delete_ifc | DELETE /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/ifc/{id} | Delete a model |
IfcApi | delete_ifc_property | DELETE /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/ifc/{ifc_pk}/property/{id} | Delete a Property of a model |
IfcApi | delete_ifc_property_definition | DELETE /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/ifc/{ifc_pk}/propertydefinition/{id} | Delete a PropertyDefinitions of a model |
IfcApi | delete_ifc_unit | DELETE /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/ifc/{ifc_pk}/unit/{id} | Delete a Unit of a model |
IfcApi | delete_layer | DELETE /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/ifc/{ifc_pk}/layer/{id} | Delete a layer of a model |
IfcApi | delete_project | DELETE /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{id} | Delete a project |
IfcApi | delete_property_set | DELETE /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/ifc/{ifc_pk}/propertyset/{id} | Delete a PropertySet of a model |
IfcApi | delete_space | DELETE /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/ifc/{ifc_pk}/space/{id} | Delete a space |
IfcApi | delete_system | DELETE /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/ifc/{ifc_pk}/system/{uuid} | Delete a system of a model |
IfcApi | delete_zone | DELETE /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/ifc/{ifc_pk}/zone/{id} | Delete a zone of a model |
IfcApi | delete_zone_space | DELETE /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/ifc/{ifc_pk}/zone/{zone_pk}/space/{id} | Delete a space of a zone |
IfcApi | export_ifc | POST /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/ifc/{id}/export | Export IFC |
IfcApi | full_update_access_token | PUT /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/ifc/{ifc_pk}/access_token/{token} | Update all fields of a token |
IfcApi | full_update_cloud | PUT /cloud/{id} | Update all fields of a cloud |
IfcApi | full_update_element | PUT /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/ifc/{ifc_pk}/element/{uuid} | Update all fields of an element |
IfcApi | full_update_ifc | PUT /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/ifc/{id} | Update all fields of a model |
IfcApi | full_update_ifc_property | PUT /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/ifc/{ifc_pk}/property/{id} | Update some fields of a Property |
IfcApi | full_update_ifc_property_definition | PUT /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/ifc/{ifc_pk}/propertydefinition/{id} | Update all fields of many PropertyDefinitions of a model |
IfcApi | full_update_ifc_unit | PUT /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/ifc/{ifc_pk}/unit/{id} | Update all fields of a Unit of a model |
IfcApi | full_update_layer | PUT /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/ifc/{ifc_pk}/layer/{id} | Update all fields of a layer |
IfcApi | full_update_processor_handler | PATCH /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/ifc/{ifc_pk}/processorhandler/{id} | Update the status of a processor handler |
IfcApi | full_update_project | PUT /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{id} | Update all fields of a project |
IfcApi | full_update_property_set | PUT /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/ifc/{ifc_pk}/propertyset/{id} | Update all fields of a PropertySet |
IfcApi | full_update_space | PUT /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/ifc/{ifc_pk}/space/{id} | Update all fields of a space |
IfcApi | full_update_system | PUT /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/ifc/{ifc_pk}/system/{uuid} | Update all fields of a system |
IfcApi | full_update_zone | PUT /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/ifc/{ifc_pk}/zone/{id} | Update all fields of a zone |
IfcApi | full_update_zone_space | PUT /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/ifc/{ifc_pk}/zone/{zone_pk}/space/{id} | Update all fields of a space |
IfcApi | get_access_token | GET /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/ifc/{ifc_pk}/access_token/{token} | Retrieve one token created for this model |
IfcApi | get_access_tokens | GET /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/ifc/{ifc_pk}/access_token | Retrieve all tokens created for this model |
IfcApi | get_classifications_of_element | GET /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/ifc/{ifc_pk}/element/{element_uuid}/classification | Retrieve all classifications of an element |
IfcApi | get_cloud | GET /cloud/{id} | Retrieve one cloud |
IfcApi | get_cloud_size | GET /cloud/{id}/size | Get size of all files in the cloud |
IfcApi | get_clouds | GET /cloud | Retrieve all clouds |
IfcApi | get_element | GET /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/ifc/{ifc_pk}/element/{uuid} | Retrieve an element of a model |
IfcApi | get_element_property_set | GET /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/ifc/{ifc_pk}/element/{element_uuid}/propertyset/{id} | Retrieve a PropertySet of an element |
IfcApi | get_element_property_set_properties | GET /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/ifc/{ifc_pk}/element/{element_uuid}/propertyset/{propertyset_pk}/property | Retrieve all Properties of a PropertySet |
IfcApi | get_element_property_set_property | GET /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/ifc/{ifc_pk}/element/{element_uuid}/propertyset/{propertyset_pk}/property/{id} | Retrieve a Property of a PropertySet |
IfcApi | get_element_property_set_property_definition | GET /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/ifc/{ifc_pk}/element/{element_uuid}/propertyset/{propertyset_pk}/property/{property_pk}/propertydefinition/{id} | Retrieve a Definition of a Property |
IfcApi | get_element_property_set_property_definition_unit | GET /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/ifc/{ifc_pk}/element/{element_uuid}/propertyset/{propertyset_pk}/property/{property_pk}/propertydefinition/{propertydefinition_pk}/unit/{id} | Retrieve a Unit of a Definition |
IfcApi | get_element_property_set_property_definition_units | GET /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/ifc/{ifc_pk}/element/{element_uuid}/propertyset/{propertyset_pk}/property/{property_pk}/propertydefinition/{propertydefinition_pk}/unit | Retrieve all Units of a Definition |
IfcApi | get_element_property_set_property_definitions | GET /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/ifc/{ifc_pk}/element/{element_uuid}/propertyset/{propertyset_pk}/property/{property_pk}/propertydefinition | Retrieve all Definitions of a PropertySet |
IfcApi | get_element_property_sets | GET /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/ifc/{ifc_pk}/element/{element_uuid}/propertyset | Retrieve all PropertySets of an element |
IfcApi | get_elements | GET /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/ifc/{ifc_pk}/element | Retrieve all elements of a model |
IfcApi | get_elements_from_classification | GET /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/ifc/{ifc_pk}/classification/{ifc_classification_pk}/element | Retrieve all elements with the classification |
IfcApi | get_ifc | GET /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/ifc/{id} | Retrieve one model |
IfcApi | get_ifc_bvh | GET /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/ifc/{id}/map | Get svg file |
IfcApi | get_ifc_classifications | GET /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/ifc/{ifc_pk}/classification | Retrieve all classifications in a model |
IfcApi | get_ifc_gltf | GET /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/ifc/{id}/gltf | Get gltf file |
IfcApi | get_ifc_map | GET /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/ifc/{id}/bvh | Get bvh file |
IfcApi | get_ifc_properties | GET /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/ifc/{ifc_pk}/property | Retrieve all Properties of a model |
IfcApi | get_ifc_property | GET /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/ifc/{ifc_pk}/property/{id} | Retrieve a Property of a model |
IfcApi | get_ifc_property_definition | GET /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/ifc/{ifc_pk}/propertydefinition/{id} | Retrieve a PropertyDefinition of a model |
IfcApi | get_ifc_property_definitions | GET /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/ifc/{ifc_pk}/propertydefinition | Retrieve all PropertyDefinitions of a model |
IfcApi | get_ifc_structure | GET /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/ifc/{id}/structure | Get structure file |
IfcApi | get_ifc_systems | GET /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/ifc/{id}/systems | Get systems file |
IfcApi | get_ifc_unit | GET /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/ifc/{ifc_pk}/unit/{id} | Retrieve a Unit of a model |
IfcApi | get_ifc_units | GET /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/ifc/{ifc_pk}/unit | Retrieve all Units of a model |
IfcApi | get_ifcs | GET /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/ifc | Retrieve all models |
IfcApi | get_layer | GET /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/ifc/{ifc_pk}/layer/{id} | Retrieve a layer of a model |
IfcApi | get_layers | GET /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/ifc/{ifc_pk}/layer | Retrieve all layers of a model |
IfcApi | get_processor_handler | GET /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/ifc/{ifc_pk}/processorhandler/{id} | Retrieve a processor handler |
IfcApi | get_processor_handlers | GET /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/ifc/{ifc_pk}/processorhandler | Get all processor handlers |
IfcApi | get_project | GET /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{id} | Retrieve a project |
IfcApi | get_project_dms_tree | GET /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{id}/dms-tree | Retrieve the complete DMS tree |
IfcApi | get_project_sub_tree | GET /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/subtree | Retrieve the complete projects tree of the cloud |
IfcApi | get_project_tree | GET /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{id}/tree | Retrieve the complete DMS tree |
IfcApi | get_projects | GET /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project | Retrieve all projects |
IfcApi | get_property_set | GET /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/ifc/{ifc_pk}/propertyset/{id} | Retrieve a PropertySet of a model |
IfcApi | get_property_sets | GET /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/ifc/{ifc_pk}/propertyset | Retrieve all PropertySets of a model |
IfcApi | get_raw_elements | GET /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/ifc/{ifc_pk}/element/raw | Retrieve all elements in a optimized format |
IfcApi | get_simple_element | GET /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/ifc/{ifc_pk}/element/{uuid}/simple | Retrieve an element of a model with a simple value representation |
IfcApi | get_simple_elements | GET /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/ifc/{ifc_pk}/element/simple | Retrieve all elements of a model with a simple value representation |
IfcApi | get_space | GET /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/ifc/{ifc_pk}/space/{id} | Retrieve one space of the model |
IfcApi | get_spaces | GET /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/ifc/{ifc_pk}/space | Retrieve all spaces of the model |
IfcApi | get_system | GET /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/ifc/{ifc_pk}/system/{uuid} | Retrieve a system of a model |
IfcApi | get_systems | GET /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/ifc/{ifc_pk}/system | Retrieve all systems of a model |
IfcApi | get_zone | GET /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/ifc/{ifc_pk}/zone/{id} | Retrieve one zone of a model |
IfcApi | get_zone_space | GET /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/ifc/{ifc_pk}/zone/{zone_pk}/space/{id} | Retrieve one space of a zone |
IfcApi | get_zone_spaces | GET /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/ifc/{ifc_pk}/zone/{zone_pk}/space | Retrieve all spaces of a zone |
IfcApi | get_zones | GET /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/ifc/{ifc_pk}/zone | Retrieve zones of a model |
IfcApi | list_classification_element_relations | GET /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/ifc/{ifc_pk}/classification-element | List all associations between classifications and elements |
IfcApi | remove_classification_of_element | DELETE /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/ifc/{ifc_pk}/element/{element_uuid}/classification/{id} | Remove a classification from an element |
IfcApi | remove_element_property_set | DELETE /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/ifc/{ifc_pk}/element/{element_uuid}/propertyset/{id} | Remove a PropertySet from an element |
IfcApi | remove_element_property_set_property | DELETE /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/ifc/{ifc_pk}/element/{element_uuid}/propertyset/{propertyset_pk}/property/{id} | Remove a property from a PropertySet |
IfcApi | remove_element_property_set_property_definition | DELETE /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/ifc/{ifc_pk}/element/{element_uuid}/propertyset/{propertyset_pk}/property/{property_pk}/propertydefinition/{id} | Remove a Definition from a Property |
IfcApi | remove_element_property_set_property_definition_unit | DELETE /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/ifc/{ifc_pk}/element/{element_uuid}/propertyset/{propertyset_pk}/property/{property_pk}/propertydefinition/{propertydefinition_pk}/unit/{id} | Remove a Unit from a Definition |
IfcApi | remove_elements_from_classification | DELETE /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/ifc/{ifc_pk}/classification/{ifc_classification_pk}/element/{uuid} | Remove the classification from all elements |
IfcApi | update_access_token | PATCH /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/ifc/{ifc_pk}/access_token/{token} | Update some fields of a token |
IfcApi | update_cloud | PATCH /cloud/{id} | Update some fields of a cloud |
IfcApi | update_element | PATCH /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/ifc/{ifc_pk}/element/{uuid} | Update some fields of a zone |
IfcApi | update_ifc | PATCH /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/ifc/{id} | Update some fields of a model |
IfcApi | update_ifc_files | PATCH /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/ifc/{id}/files | Update models file (gltf, svg, structure, etc) |
IfcApi | update_ifc_property | PATCH /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/ifc/{ifc_pk}/property/{id} | Update some fields of a Property |
IfcApi | update_ifc_property_definition | PATCH /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/ifc/{ifc_pk}/propertydefinition/{id} | Update some fields of many PropertyDefinitions of a model |
IfcApi | update_ifc_unit | PATCH /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/ifc/{ifc_pk}/unit/{id} | Update some fields of a Unit of a model |
IfcApi | update_layer | PATCH /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/ifc/{ifc_pk}/layer/{id} | Update some fields of a layer |
IfcApi | update_processor_handler | PUT /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/ifc/{ifc_pk}/processorhandler/{id} | Update the status of a processor handler |
IfcApi | update_project | PATCH /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{id} | Update some fields of a project |
IfcApi | update_property_set | PATCH /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/ifc/{ifc_pk}/propertyset/{id} | Update some fields of a PropertySet |
IfcApi | update_space | PATCH /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/ifc/{ifc_pk}/space/{id} | Update some fields of a space |
IfcApi | update_system | PATCH /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/ifc/{ifc_pk}/system/{uuid} | Update some fields of a system |
IfcApi | update_zone | PATCH /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/ifc/{ifc_pk}/zone/{id} | Update some fields of a zone |
IfcApi | update_zone_space | PATCH /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/ifc/{ifc_pk}/zone/{zone_pk}/space/{id} | Update some fields of a space |
SsoApi | accept_invitation | POST /identity-provider/invitation/{id}/accept | Accept an invitation |
SsoApi | delete_user | DELETE /identity-provider/user | Delete user form BIMData |
SsoApi | deny_invitation | POST /identity-provider/invitation/{id}/deny | Deny an invitation |
SsoApi | get_invitation | GET /identity-provider/invitation/{id} | Retrieve an invitation |
SsoApi | get_invitations | GET /identity-provider/invitation | Retrieve all invitations |
WebhookApi | create_web_hook | POST /cloud/{cloud_pk}/webhook | Create a new Webhook |
WebhookApi | delete_web_hook | DELETE /cloud/{cloud_pk}/webhook/{id} | Delete a webhook |
WebhookApi | full_update_web_hook | PUT /cloud/{cloud_pk}/webhook/{id} | Update all field of a webhook |
WebhookApi | get_web_hook | GET /cloud/{cloud_pk}/webhook/{id} | Retrieve one configured webhook |
WebhookApi | get_web_hooks | GET /cloud/{cloud_pk}/webhook | Retrieve all configured webhooks |
WebhookApi | ping_web_hook | POST /cloud/{cloud_pk}/webhook/{id}/ping | Test a webhook |
WebhookApi | update_web_hook | PATCH /cloud/{cloud_pk}/webhook/{id} | Update some field of a webhook |
Documentation For Models
- BcfProject
- BcfUser
- CheckPlan
- CheckerResult
- Classification
- ClientUser
- ClippingPlane
- Cloud
- CloudInvitation
- CloudRole
- Coloring
- Comment
- Component
- ComponentsParent
- Direction
- Document
- Element
- ElementClassificationRelation
- ElementPropertySetRelation
- Extensions
- Feature
- Folder
- FullTopic
- Ifc
- IfcAccessToken
- IfcChecker
- IfcCheckerCheckplan
- IfcCheckerResults
- IfcErrors
- IfcExport
- IfcFiles
- Invitation
- Label
- Layer
- LayerElement
- LineSeriaizer
- ModelProperty
- OrthogonalCamera
- PerspectiveCamera
- Point
- Priority
- ProcessorHandler
- Project
- ProjectInvitation
- ProjectRole
- ProjectWithChildren
- PropertyDefinition
- PropertySet
- RawClassification
- RawDefinition
- RawElement
- RawElements
- RawLayer
- RawProperty
- RawPropertySet
- RawSystem
- RawUnit
- RecursiveFolderChildren
- Rule
- RuleComponent
- Ruleset
- SelectUser
- SelfBcfUser
- SelfUser
- SimpleElement
- Snapshot
- Space
- Stage
- System
- Topic
- TopicStatus
- TopicType
- Unit
- User
- UserCloudUpdate
- UserProjectUpdate
- ViewSetupHints
- Viewpoint
- Visibility
- WebHook
- Zone
- ZoneSpace
Documentation For Authorization
- Type: API key
- API key parameter name: Authorization
- Location: HTTP header
- Type: OAuth
- Flow: implicit
- Authorization URL: http://localhost:8080/auth/realms/bimdata/protocol/openid-connect/auth
- Scopes: N/A
- Type: OAuth
- Flow: application
- Authorization URL:
- Scopes: N/A
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Hashes for bimdata_api_client-5.0.1-py3-none-any.whl
Algorithm | Hash digest | |
SHA256 | 941b7eebcbdb6acb0a755144d91f16139eb94bf053f6b6b13f0ff18a2dcc71d8 |
MD5 | 4f7c14621623ab9befc9c46234a2b777 |
BLAKE2b-256 | e995fc7f58fde3f1861d33d4b3a8d1f1277acca1be69d9f2f5a098555ed1f293 |