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Files as first-class citizens of CKAN. Upload, manage, remove files directly and attach them to datasets, resources, etc.


Compatibility with core CKAN versions:

CKAN version Compatible?
2.9 no
2.10 yes
2.11 yes
master yes

It's recommended to install the extension via pip. If you are using GitHub version of the extension, stick to the vX.Y.Z tags to avoid breaking changes. Check the changelog before upgrading the extension.


To install ckanext-files:

  1. Install the extension

    # minimal installation
    pip install ckanext-files
  2. Add files to the ckan.plugins setting in your CKAN config file.

  3. Run DB migrations

    ckan db upgrade -p files


Configure the storage

Before uploading files, you have to configure a storage: place where all uploaded files are stored. Storage relies on adapter that describes where and how data is be stored: filesystem, cloud, DB, etc. And, depending on the adapter, storage may have a couple of addition specific options. For example, filesystem adapter likely requires a path to the folder where uploads are stored. DB adapter may need DB connection parameters. Cloud adapter most likely will not work without an API key. These additional options are specific to adapter and you have to check its documentation to find out what are the possible options.

Let's start from the Redis adapter, because it has minimal requirements in terms of configuration.

Add the following line to the CKAN config file: = files:redis

The name of adapter is files:redis. It follows recommended naming convention for adapters:<EXTENSION>:<TYPE>. You can tell from the name above that we are using adapter defined in the files extension with redis type. But this naming convention is not enforced and its only purpose is avoiding name conflicts. Technically, adapter name can use any character, including spaces, newlines and emoji.

If you make a typo in the adapter's name, any CKAN CLI command will produce an error message with the list of available adapters:

Invalid configuration values provided: Value must be one of ['files:fs', 'files:public_fs', 'files:redis']

Storage is configured, so we can actually upload the file. Let's use ckanapi for this task. Files are created via files_file_create API action and this time we have to pass 2 parameters into it:

  • name: the name of uploaded file
  • upload: content of the file

The final command is here:

echo -n 'hello world' > /tmp/myfile.txt
ckanapi action files_file_create name=hello.txt upload@/tmp/myfile.txt

And that's what you see as result:

  "atime": null,
  "content_type": "text/plain",
  "ctime": "2024-06-02T15:02:14.819117+00:00",
  "hash": "5eb63bbbe01eeed093cb22bb8f5acdc3",
  "id": "e21162ab-abfb-476c-b8c5-5fe7cb89eca0",
  "location": "24d27fb9-a5f0-42f6-aaa3-7dcb599a0d46",
  "mtime": null,
  "name": "hello.txt",
  "size": 11,
  "storage": "default",
  "storage_data": {}

Content of the file can be checked via CKAN CLI. Use id from the last API call's output in the command ckan files stream ID:

ckan files stream e21162ab-abfb-476c-b8c5-5fe7cb89eca0

Alternatively, we can use Redis CLI to get the content of the file. Note, you cannot get the content via CKAN API, because it's JSON-based and streaming files doesn't suit its principles.

By default, Redis adapter puts the content under the key <PREFIX><LOCATION>. Pay attention to LOCATION. It's the value available as location in the API response(i.e, 24d27fb9-a5f0-42f6-aaa3-7dcb599a0d46 in our case). It's different from the id(ID used by DB to uniquely identify file record) and name(human readable name of the file). In our scenario, location looks like UUID because of the internal details of Redis adapter implementation. But different adapters may use more path-like value, i.e. something similar to path/to/folder/hello.txt.

PREFIX can be configured, but we skipped this step and got the default value: ckanext:files:default:file_content:. So the final Redis key of our file is ckanext:files:default:file_content:24d27fb9-a5f0-42f6-aaa3-7dcb599a0d46

redis-cli> GET ckanext:files:default:file_content:24d27fb9-a5f0-42f6-aaa3-7dcb599a0d46
"hello world"

And before we moved further, let's remove the file, using its id:

ckanapi action files_file_delete id=e21162ab-abfb-476c-b8c5-5fe7cb89eca0

Usage in code

If you are writing the code and you want to interact with the storage directly, without the API layer, you can do it via a number of public functions of the extension available in ckanext.files.shared.

Let's configure filesystem storage first. Filesystem adapter has a mandatory option path that controls filesystem location, where files are stored. If path does not exist, storage will raise an exception by default. But it can also create missing path if you enable create_path option. Here's our final version of settings: = files:fs = /tmp/example = true

Now we are going to connect to CKAN shell via ckan shell CLI command and create an instance of the storage:

from ckanext.files.shared import get_storage
storage = get_storage()

Because you have all configuration in place, the rest is fairly straightforward. We will upload the file, read it's content and remove it from the CKAN shell.

To create the file, storage.upload method must be called with 2 parameters:

  • the human readable name of the file
  • special steam-like object with content of the file

You can use any string as the first parameter. As for the "special stream-like object", ckanext-files has ckanext.files.shared.make_upload function, that accepts a number of different types(bytes, werkzeug.datastructures.FileStorage, BytesIO, file descriptor) and converts them into expected format.

from ckanext.files.shared import make_upload

upload = make_upload(b"hello world")
result = storage.upload('file.txt', upload)


... FileData(
...     location='60b385e7-8137-496c-bb1d-6ae4d7963ab3',
...     size=11,
...     content_type='text/plain',
...     hash='5eb63bbbe01eeed093cb22bb8f5acdc3',
...     storage_data={}
... )

result is an instance of ckanext.files.shared.FileData dataclass. It contains all the information required by storage to manage the file.

result object has location attribute that contains the name of the file relative to the path option specified in the storage configuration. If you visit /tmp/example directory, which was set as a path for the storage, you'll see there a file with the name matching location from result. And its content matches the content of our upload, which is quite an expected outcome.

cat /tmp/example/60b385e7-8137-496c-bb1d-6ae4d7963ab3

... hello world

But let's go back to the shell and try reading file from the python's code. We'll pass result to the storage's stream method, which produces an iterable of bytes based on our result:

buffer =
content = b"".join(buffer)

... b'hello world'

In most cases, storage only needs a location of the file object to read it. So, if you don't have result generated during the upload, you still can read the file as long as you have its location. But remember, that some storage adapters may require additional information, and the following example must be adapted depending on the adapter:

from ckanext.files.shared import FileData

location = "60b385e7-8137-496c-bb1d-6ae4d7963ab3"
data = FileData(location)

buffer =
content = b"".join(buffer)

... b'hello world'

And finally we can to remove the file


Usage in browser

You can upload files using JavaScript CKAN modules. ckanext-files extends CKAN's Sandbox object(available as this.sandbox inside the JS CKAN module), so we can use shortcut and upload file directly from the DevTools. Open any CKAN page, switch to JS console and create the sandbox instance. Inside it we have files object, which in turn contains upload method. This method accepts File object for upload(the same object you can get from the input[type=file]).

sandbox = ckan.sandbox()
await sandbox.files.upload(
  new File(["content"], "file.txt", {type: "text/plain"})

... {
...     "id": "18cdaa65-5eed-4078-89a8-469b137627ce",
...     "name": "file.txt",
...     "location": "b53907c3-8434-4dee-9a9e-6c4d3055d200",
...     "content_type": "text/plain",
...     "size": 7,
...     "hash": "9a0364b9e99bb480dd25e1f0284c8555",
...     "storage": "default",
...     "ctime": "2024-06-02T16:12:27.902055+00:00",
...     "mtime": null,
...     "atime": null,
...     "storage_data": {}
... }

If you are still using FS storage configured in previous section, switch to /tmp/example folder and check it's content:

ls /tmp/example
... b53907c3-8434-4dee-9a9e-6c4d3055d200

cat b53907c3-8434-4dee-9a9e-6c4d3055d200
... content

And, as usually, let's remove file using the ID from the upload promise:"POST", "files_file_delete", {
  id: "18cdaa65-5eed-4078-89a8-469b137627ce"


It's possible to configure multiple storages at once and specify which one you want to use for the individual file upload. Up until now we used the following storage options:


All of them have a common prefix and it's a key for using multiple storages simultaneously.

Every option of the storage follows the pattern:<STORAGE_NAME>.<OPTION>. As all the options above contain default on position of <STORAGE_NAME>, they are related to the default storage.

If you want to configure a storage with the name custom change the configuration of storage: = files:fs = /tmp/example = true

And, if you want to use Redis-based storage named memory and filesystem-based storage named default, use the following configuration: = files:redis = files:fs = /tmp/example = true

The default storage is special. ckanext-files use it by default, as name suggests. If you remove configuration for the default storage and try to create a file, you'll see the following error:

echo 'hello world' > /tmp/myfile.txt
ckanapi action files_file_create name=hello.txt upload@/tmp/myfile.txt

... ckan.logic.ValidationError: None - {'storage': ['Storage default is not configured']}

Storage default is not configured. That's why we need default configuration. But if you want to upload a file into a different storage or you don't want to add the default storage at all, you can always specify explicitly the name of the storage you are going to use.

When using API actions, add storage parameter to the call:

echo 'hello world' > /tmp/myfile.txt
ckanapi action files_file_create name=hello.txt upload@/tmp/myfile.txt storage=memory

When writing python code, pass storage name to get_storage function:

storage = get_storage("memory")

When writing JS code, pass object {uploaderParams: [{storage: "memory"}]} to upload function:

const sandbox = ckan.sandbox()
const file = new File(["content"], "file.txt", {type: "text/plain"})
const options = {uploaderParams: [{storage: "memory"}]};

await sandbox.files.upload(file, options)

Tracked and untracked files

There is a difference between creating files via action:

    {"ignore_auth": True},
    {"upload": "hello", "name": "hello.txt"}

and via direct call to Storage.upload:

from ckanext.files.shared import get_storage, make_upload

storage = get_storage()
storage.upload("hello.txt", make_upload(b"hello"), {})

The former snippet creates a tracked file: file uploaded to the storage and its details are saved to database.

The latter snippet creates an untracked file: file uploaded to the storage, but its details are not saved anywhere.

Untracked files can be used to achieve specific goals. For example, imagine a storage adapter that writes files to the specified ZIP archive. You can create an interface, that initializes such storage for an existing ZIP resource and uploads files into it. You don't need a separate record in DB for every uploaded file, because all of them go into the resource, that is already stored in DB.

But such use-cases are pretty specific, so prefer to use API if you are not sure, what you need. The main reason to use tracked files is their discoverability: you can use files_file_search API action to list all the tracked files and optionally filter them by storage, location, content_type, etc:

ckanapi action files_file_search

... {
...   "count": 123,
...   "results": [
...     {
...       "atime": null,
...       "content_type": "text/plain",
...       "ctime": "2024-06-02T14:53:12.345358+00:00",
...       "hash": "5eb63bbbe01eeed093cb22bb8f5acdc3",
...       "id": "67a0dc8f-be91-48cd-bc8a-9934e12a48d0",
...       "location": "25c01077-c2cf-484b-a417-f231bb6b448b",
...       "mtime": null,
...       "name": "hello.txt",
...       "size": 11,
...       "storage": "default",
...       "storage_data": {}
...     },
...     ...
...   ]
... }

ckanapi action files_file_search size:5 rows=1

... {
...   "count": 2,
...   "results": [
...     {
...       "atime": null,
...       "content_type": "text/plain",
...       "ctime": "2024-06-02T14:53:12.345358+00:00",
...       "hash": "5eb63bbbe01eeed093cb22bb8f5acdc3",
...       "id": "67a0dc8f-be91-48cd-bc8a-9934e12a48d0",
...       "location": "25c01077-c2cf-484b-a417-f231bb6b448b",
...       "mtime": null,
...       "name": "hello.txt",
...       "size": 5,
...       "storage": "default",
...       "storage_data": {}
...     }
...   ]
... }

ckanapi action files_file_search content_type=application/pdf

... {
...   "count": 0,
...   "results": []
... }

As for untracked files, their discoverability depends on the storage adapters. Some of them, files:fs for example, can scan the storage and locate all uploaded files, both thacked and untracked. If you have files:fs storage configured as default, use the following command to scan its content:

ckan files scan

If you want to scan a different storage, specify its name via -s/--storage-name option. Remember, that some storage adapters do not support scanning.

ckan files scan -s memory

If you want to see untracked files only, add -u/--untracked-only flag.

ckan files scan -u

If you want to track any untracked files, by creating a DB record for every such file, add -t/--track flag. After that you'll be able to discover previously untracked files via files_file_search API action. Most usable this option will be during the migration, when you are configuring a new storage, that points to an existing location with files.

ckan files scan -t


File creation is not allowed by default. Only sysadmin can use files_file_create and files_multipart_start actions. This is done deliberately: uncontrolled uploads can turn your portal into user's personal cloud-storage.

There are three ways to grant upload permission to normal users.

The BAD option is simple. Enable ckanext.files.authenticated_uploads.allow config option and every registered user will be allowed to upload files. But only into default storage. If you want to change the list of storages available to common user, specify storage names as ckanext.files.authenticated_uploads.storages option.

The GOOD option is relatively simple. Define chained auth function with name files_file_create. It's called whenever user initiates an upload. Now you can decide whether user is allowed to upload files with specified parameters.

The BEST option is to leave this restriction unchanged. Do not allow any user to call files_file_create. Instead, create a new action for your goal. ckanext-files isn't a solution - it's a tool that helps you in building the solution.

If you need to add documents field to dataset that contains uploaded PDF files, create a separate action dataset_document_attach. Specify access rules and validation for it. Or even hardcode the storage that will be used for uploads. And then, from this new action, call files_file_create with ignore_auth: True.

In this way you control every side of uploading documents into dataset and do not accidentally break other functionality, because every other feature will define its own action.

File ownership

Every file can have an owner and there can be only one owner of the file. It's possible to create file without an owner, but usually application will only benefit from keeping every file with its owner. Owner is described with two fields: ID and type.

When file is created, by default the current user from API action's context is assigned as an owner of the file. From now on, the owner can perform other operations, such as renaming/displaying/removing with the file.

Apart from chaining auth function, to modify access rules for the file, plugin can implement IFiles.files_is_allowed method.

def files_is_allowed(
    context: Context,
    file: File | Multipart | None,
    operation: types.AuthOperation,
    next_owner: Any | None,
) -> bool | None:

This method receives current action context, the file that is accessed, the name of operation(show, update, delete, file_transfer) and the next owner in case of file transfer.

If method returns true/false, operation is allowed/denied. If method returns None, default logic used to check access.

As already mentoined, by default, user who owns the file, can access it. But what about different owners? What if file owned by other entity, like resource or dataset?

Out of the box, nobody can access such files. But there are two config options that modify this restriction. ckanext.files.owner.cascade_access = ENTITY_TYPE gives access to file owned by entity if user already has access to entity itself. Use words like package, resource, group instead of ENTITY_TYPE.

For example: file is owned by resource. If cascade access is enabled, whoever has access to resource_show of the resource, can also see the file owned by this resource. If user passes resource_update for resource, he can also modify the file owned by this resource, etc.

The second option is ckanext.files.owner.transfer_as_update. By default, there is no auth function that gives user cascade permission to modify ownership of the file. But when transfer-as-update enabled together with cascade access, any user who has resource_update, can also modify ownership of the file owned by resource.

Be careful and do not add user to ckanext.files.owner.cascade_access. User's own files are considered private and most likely you don't really need anyone else to be able to see or modify these files.

Ownership transfer

File ownership can be transfered. As there can be only one owner of the file, as soon as you transfer ownership over file, you yourself do not own this file.

To transfer ownership, use files_transfer_ownership action and specify id of the file, owner_id and owner_type of the new owner.

You can't just transfer ownership to anyone. You either must pass IFiles.files_is_allowed check for file_transfer operation, or pass a cascade access check for the future owner of the file when cascade access and transfer-as-update is enabled.

For example, if you have the following options in config file:

ckanext.files.owner.cascade_access = organization
ckanext.files.owner.transfer_as_update = true

you must pass organization_update auth function if you want to transfer file ownership to organization.

In addition, file can be pinned. In this way we mark important files. Imagine the resource and its uploaded file. The link to this file is used by resource and we don't want this file to be accidentally transfered to someone else. We pin the file and now nobody can transfer the file without explicit confirmation of his intention.

There are two ways to move pinned file:

  • you can call files_file_unpin first and then transfer the ownership via separate API call
  • you can pass force parameter to files_transfer_ownership

Task queue

One of the challenges introduced by independently managed files is related to file ownership. As long as you can call files_transfer_ownership manually, things are transparent. But as soon as you add custom file field to dataset, you probably want to automatically transfer ownership of the file refered by this custom field.

Imagine, that you have PDF file owned by you. And you specify ID of this file in the attachment_id field of the dataset. You want to show download link for this file on the dataset page. But if file owned by you, nobody will be able to download the file. So you decide to transfer file ownership to dataset, so that anyone who sees dataset, can see the file as well.

You cannot update dataset and transfer ownership after it, because there will be a time window between these two actions, when data is not valid. Or even worse, after updating dataset you'll lose internet connection and won't be able to finish the transfer.

Neither you can transfer ownership first and then update the dataset. attachment_id may have additional validators and you don't know in advance, whether you'll be able to successfully update dataset after the transfer.

This problem can be solved via queuing additional tasks inside the action. For example, validator that checks if certain file ID can be used as attachment_id can queue ownership transfer. If dataset update completed without errors, queued task is executed automatically and dataset becomes the owner of the file.

Task is queued via ckanext.files.shared.add_task function, which accepts objects inherited from ckanext.files.shared.Task. Task class requires implementing abstract method run(result: Any, idx: int, prev: Any), which is called when task is executed. This method receives the result of action which caused task execution, task's position in queue and the result of previous task.

For example, one of attachment_id validatos can queue the following MyTask via add_task(MyTask(file_id)) to transfer file_id ownership to the updated dataset:

from ckanext.files.shared import Task

class MyTask(Task):
    def __init__(self, file_id):
        self.file_id = file_id

    def run(self, dataset, idx, prev):
        return tk.get_action("files_transfer_ownership")(
            {"ignore_auth": True},
                "id": self.file_id,
                "owner_type": "package",
                "owner_id": dataset["id"],
                "pin": True,

As the first argument, receives the result of action which was called. Right now only following actions support tasks:

  • package_create
  • packaage_update
  • resource_create
  • resource_update
  • group_create
  • group_update
  • organization_create
  • organization_update
  • user_create
  • user_update

If you want to enable tasks support for your custom action, decorate it with ckanext.files.shared.with_task_queue decorator:

from ckanext.files.shared import with_task_queue

def my_action(context, data_dict)
    # you can call `add_task` inside this action's stack frame.

Good example of validator using tasks is files_transfer_ownership validator factory. It can be added to metadata schema as files_transfer_ownership(owner_type, name_of_id_field). For example, if you are adding this validator to resource, call it as files_transfer_ownership("resource", "id"). The second argument is the name of the ID field. As in most cases it's id, you can omit the second argument:

  • organization: files_transfer_ownership("organization")
  • dataset: files_transfer_ownership("package")
  • user: files_transfer_ownership("user")


To understand in advance whether specific storage can perform certain actions, ckanext-files uses ckanext.files.shared.Capability. It's an enumeration of operations that can be supported by storage:

  • CREATE: create a file as an atomic object
  • STREAM: return file content as stream of bytes
  • COPY: make a copy of the file inside the same storage
  • REMOVE: remove file from the storage
  • MULTIPART: create file in 3 stages: start, upload(repeatable), complete
  • MOVE: move file to a different location inside the same storage
  • EXISTS: check if file exists
  • SCAN: iterate over all files in the storage
  • APPEND: add content to the existing file
  • COMPOSE: combine multiple files into a new one in the same storage
  • RANGE: return specific range of bytes from the file
  • ANALYZE: return file details from the storage, as if file was uploaded just now
  • PERMANENT_LINK: make permanent download link for private file
  • TEMPORAL_LINK: make expiring download link for private file
  • ONE_TIME_LINK: make one-time download link for private file
  • PUBLIC_LINK: make permanent public link

These capabilities are defined when storage is created and are automatically checked by actions that work with storage. If you want to check if storage supports certain capability, it can be done manually. If you want to check presence of multiple capabilities at once, you can combine them via bitwise-or operator.

from ckanext.files.shared import Capability, get_storage

storage = get_storage()

can_read = storage.supports(Capability.STREAM)

read_and_write = Capability.CREATE | Capability.STREAM
can_read_and_write = storage.supports(read_and_write)

ckan files storages -v CLI command lists all configured storages with their capabilities.

File upload strategies

There is no "right" way to add file to entity via ckanext-files. Everything depends on your use-case and here you can find a few different ways to combine file and arbitrary entity.

Attach existing file and then transfer ownership via API

The simplest option is just saving file ID inside a field of the entity. It's recommended to transfer file ownership to the entity and pin the file.

ckanapi action package_patch id=PACKAGE_ID attachment_id=FILE_ID

ckanapi action files_transfer_ownership id=FILE_ID \
    owner_type=package owner_id=PACKAGE_ID pin=true


  • simple and transparent


  • it's easy to forget about ownership transfer and leave the entity with the inaccessible file
  • after entity got reference to file and before ownership is transfered data may be considered invalid.

Automatically transfer ownership using validator

Add files_transfer_ownership(owner_type) to the validation schema of entity. When it validated, ownership transfer task is queued and file automatically transfered to the entity after the update.


  • minimal amount of changes if metadata schema already modified
  • relationships between owner and file are up-to-date after any modification


  • works only with files uploaded in advance and cannot handle native implementation of resource form

Upload file and assign owner via queued task

Add a field that accepts uploaded file. The action itself does not process the upload. Instead create a validator for the upload field, that will schedule a task for file upload and ownership transfer.

In this way, if action is failed, no upload happens and you don't need to do anything with the file, as it never left server's temporal directory. If action finished without an error, the task is executed and file uploaded/attached to action result.


  • can be used together with native group/user/resource form after small modification of CKAN core.
  • handles upload inside other action as an atomic operation


  • you have to validate file before upload happens to prevent situation when action finished successfully but then upload failed because of file's content type or size.
  • tasks themselves are experimental and it's not recommended to put a lot of logic into them
  • there are just too many things that can go wrong

Add a new action that combines uploads, modifications and ownership transfer

If you want to add attachmen to dataset, create a separate action that accepts dataset ID and uploaded file. Internally it will upload the file by calling files_file_create, then update dataset via packaage_patch and finally transfer ownership via files_transfer_ownership.


  • no magic. Everything is described in the new action
  • can be extracted into shared extension and used across multiple portals


  • if you need to upload multiple files and update multipe fields, action quickly becomes too compicated.
  • integration with existing workflows, like dataset/resource creation is hard. You have to override existing views or create a brand new ones.

Example implementation of custom storage adapter

Storage consist of the storage object that dispatches operation requests and 3 services that do the actual job: Reader, Uploader and Manager. To define a custom storage, you need to extend the main storage class, describe storage logic and register storage via IFiles.files_get_storage_adapters.

Let's implement DB storage. It will store files in SQL table using SQLAlchemy. There will be just one requirement for the table: it must have column for storing unique identifier of the file and another column for storing content of the file as bytes.

For the sake of simplicity, our storage will work only with existing tables. Create the table manually before we begin.

First of all, we create an adapter that does nothing and register it in our plugin.

from __future__ import annotations

from typing import Any
import sqlalchemy as sa

import ckan.plugins as p
from ckan.model.types import make_uuid
from ckanext.files import shared

class ExamplePlugin(p.SingletonPlugin):
    def files_get_storage_adapters(self) -> dict[str, Any]:
        return {"example:db": DbStorage}

class DbStorage(shared.Storage):

After installing and enabling your custom plugin, you can configure storage with this adapter by adding a single new line to config file: = files:db

But if you check storage via ckan files storages -v, you'll see that it can't do anything.

ckan files storages -v

... db: example:db
...        Supports: Capability.NONE
...        Does not support: Capability.REMOVE|STREAM|CREATE|...

Before we start uploading files, let's make sure that storage has proper configuration. As files will be stored in the DB table, we need the name of the table and DB connection string. Let's assume that table already exists, but we don't know which columns to use for files. So we need name of column for content and for file's unique identifier. ckanext-files uses term location instead of identifier, so we'll do the same in our implementation.

There are 4 required options in total:

  • db_url: DB connection string
  • table: name of the table
  • location_column: name of column for file's unique identifier
  • content_column: name of column for file's content

It's not mandatory, but is highly recommended that you declare config options for the adapter. It can be done via Storage.declare_config_options class method, which accepts declaration object and key namespace for storage options.

class DbStorage(shared.Storage):

    def declare_config_options(cls, declaration, key) -> None:

And we probably want to initialize DB connection when storage is initialized. For this we'll extend constructor, which must be defined as method accepting keyword-only arguments:

class DbStorage(shared.Storage):

    def __init__(self, **settings: Any) -> None:
        db_url = self.ensure_option(settings, "db_url")

        self.engine = sa.create_engine(db_url)
        self.location_column = sa.column(
            self.ensure_option(settings, "location_column")
        self.content_column = sa.column(self.ensure_option(settings, "content_column"))
        self.table = sa.table(
            self.ensure_option(settings, "table"),

You can notice that we are using Storage.ensure_option quite often. This method returns the value of specified option from settings or raises an exception.

The table definition and columns are saved as storage attributes, to simplify building SQL queries in future.

Now we are going to define classes for all 3 storage services and tell storage, how to initialize these services.

There are 3 services: Reader, Uploader and Manager. Each of them initialized via corresponding storage method: make_reader, make_uploader and make_manager. And each of them accepts a single argument during creation, the storage itself.

class DbStorage(shared.Storage):
    def make_reader(self):
        return DbReader(self)

    def make_uploader(self):
        return DbUploader(self)

    def make_manager(self):
        return DbManager(self)

class DbReader(shared.Reader):

class DbUploader(shared.Uploader):

class DbManager(shared.Manager):

Our first target is Uploader service. It's responsible for file creation. For the minimal implementation it needs upload method and capabilities attribute which tells the storage, what exactly the Uploader can do.

class DbUploader(shared.Uploader):
    capabilities = shared.Capability.CREATE

    def upload(self, location: str, upload: shared.Upload, extras: dict[str, Any]) -> shared.FileData:

upload receives the location(name) of the uploaded file; upload object with file's content; and extras dictionary that contains any additional arguments that can be passed to uploader. We are going to ignore location and generate a unique UUID for every uploaded file instead of using user-defined filename.

The goal is to write the file into DB and return shared.FileData that contains location of the file in DB(value of location_column), size of the file in bytes, MIMEtype of the file and hash of file content.

For location we'll just use ckan.model.types.make_uuid function. Size and MIMEtype are already available as upload.size and upload.content_type.

The only problem is hash of the content. You can compute it in any way you like, but there is a simple option if you have no preferences. upload has hashing_reader method, which returns an iterable for file content. When you read file through it, content hash is automatically computed and you can get it using get_hash method of the reader.

Just make sure to read the whole file before checking the hash, because hash computed using consumed content. I.e, if you just create the hashing reader, but do not read a single byte from it, you'll receive the has of empty string. If you read just 1 byte, you'll receive the hash of this single byte, etc.

The easiest option for you is to call method to consume the whole file and then call reader.get_hash() to receive the hash.

Here's the final implementation of DbUploader:

class DbUploader(shared.Uploader):
    capabilities = shared.Capability.CREATE

    def upload(self, location: str, upload: shared.Upload, extras: dict[str, Any]) -> shared.FileData:
        uuid = make_uuid()
        reader = upload.hashing_reader()

        values = {
        stmt = sa.insert(, values)

        result =

        return shared.FileData(

Now you can upload file into your new db storage:

ckanapi action files_file_create storage=db name=hello.txt upload@<(echo -n 'hello world')

...  "atime": null,
...  "content_type": "text/plain",
...  "ctime": "2024-06-17T13:48:52.121755+00:00",
...  "hash": "5eb63bbbe01eeed093cb22bb8f5acdc3",
...  "id": "bdfc0268-d36d-4f1b-8a03-2f2aaa21de24",
...  "location": "5a4472b3-cf38-4c58-81a6-4d4acb7b170e",
...  "mtime": null,
...  "name": "hello.txt",
...  "owner_id": "59ea0f6c-5c2f-438d-9d2e-e045be9a2beb",
...  "owner_type": "user",
...  "pinned": false,
...  "size": 11,
...  "storage": "db",
...  "storage_data": {}

File is created, but you cannot read it just yet. Try running ckan files stream CLI command with file ID:

ckan files stream bdfc0268-d36d-4f1b-8a03-2f2aaa21de24

... Operation stream is not supported by db storage
... Aborted!

As expected, you have to write extra code.

Streaming, reading and generating links is a responsibility of Reader service. We only need stream method for minimal implementation. This method receives shared.FileData object(the same object as the one returned from Uploader.upload) and extras containing all additional arguments passed by the caller. The result is any iterable producing bytes.

We'll use location property of shared.FileData as a value for location_column inside the table.

And don't forget to add STREAM capability to Reader.capabilities.

class DbReader(shared.Reader):
    capabilities = shared.Capability.STREAM

    def stream(self, data: shared.FileData, extras: dict[str, Any]) -> Iterable[bytes]:
        stmt = (
            .where( == data.location)
        row =

        return row

The result may be confusing: we returning Row object from the stream method. But our goal is to return any iterable that produces bytes. Row is iterable(tuple-like). And it contains only one item - value of column with file content, i.e, bytes. So it satisfy the requirements.

Now you can check content via CLI once again.

ckan files stream bdfc0268-d36d-4f1b-8a03-2f2aaa21de24

... hello world

Finally, we need to add file removal for the minimal implementation. And it also nice to to have SCAN capability, as it shows all files currently available in storage, so we add it as bonus. These operations handled by Manager. We need remove and scan methods. Arguments are already familiar to you. As for results:

  • remove: return True if file was successfully removed. Should return False if file does not exist, but it's allowed to return True as long as you are not checking the result.
  • scan: return iterable with all file locations
class DbManager(shared.Manager):
    storage: DbStorage
    capabilities = shared.Capability.SCAN | shared.Capability.REMOVE

    def scan(self, extras: dict[str, Any]) -> Iterable[str]:
        stmt =
        for row in
            yield row[0]

    def remove(
        data: shared.FileData | shared.MultipartData,
        extras: dict[str, Any],
    ) -> bool:
        stmt = sa.delete(
   == data.location,
        return True

Now you can list the all the files in storage:

ckan files scan -s db

And remove file using ckanaapi and file ID

ckanapi action files_file_delete id=bdfc0268-d36d-4f1b-8a03-2f2aaa21de24

That's all you need for the basic storage. But check definition of base storage and services to find details about other methods. And also check implementation of other storages for additional ideas.


ckanext-files register files entrypoint under ckan command. Commands below must be executed as ckan -c $CKAN_INI files <COMMAND>.

adapters [-v]

List all available storage adapters. With -v/--verbose flag docstring from adapter classes are printed as well.

storages [-v]

List all configured storages. With -v/--verbose flag all supported capabilities are shown.

stream FILE_ID

Stream content of the file to STDOUT.

scan [-s default] [-u] [-t [-a OWNER_ID]]

List all files that exist in storage. Works only if storage supports SCAN. By default shows content of default storage. -s/--storage-name option changes target storage.

-u/--untracked-only flag shows only untracked files, that has no corresponding record in DB. Can be used to identify leftovers after removing data from portal.

-t/--track flag registers any untracked file by creating DB record for it. Can be used only when ANALYZE is supported. Files are created without an owner. Use -a/--adopt-by option with user ID to give ownership over new files to the specified user. Can be used when configuring a new storage connected to existing location with files.

API actions

API actions are documented here

Public utilities

All public utilites are collected inside ckanext.files.shared module. Avoid using anything that is not listed there. Do not import anything from modules other than shared.


ckanext-files registers ckanext.files.shared.IFiles interface. As extension is actively developed, this interface may change in future. Always use inherit=True when implementing IFiles.

class IFiles(Interface):
    """Extension point for ckanext-files."""

    def files_get_storage_adapters(self) -> dict[str, Any]:
        """Return mapping of storage type to adapter class.

        >>> def files_get_storage_adapters(self):
        >>>     return {
        >>>         "my_ext:dropbox": DropboxStorage,
        >>>     }


        return {}

    def files_register_owner_getters(self) -> dict[str, Callable[[str], Any]]:
        """Return mapping with lookup functions for owner types.

        Name of the getter is the name used as `Owner.owner_type`. The getter
        itself is a function that accepts owner ID and returns optional owner

        >>> def files_register_owner_getters(self):
        >>>     return {"resource": model.Resource.get}
        return {}

    def files_is_allowed(
        context: Context,
        file: File | Multipart | None,
        operation: types.AuthOperation,
        next_owner: Any | None,
    ) -> bool | None:
        """Decide if user is allowed to perform specified operation on the file.

        Return True/False if user allowed/not allowed. Return `None` to rely on
        other plugins. If every implementation returns `None`, default logic
        allows only user who owns the file to perform any operation on it. It
        means, that nobody is allowed to do anything with file owner by
        resource, dataset, group, etc.

        >>> def files_is_allowed(
        >>>         self, context, file, operation, next_owner
        >>> ) -> bool | None:
        >>>     if file.owner_info and file.owner_info.owner_type == "resource":
        >>>         return is_authorized_boolean(
        >>>             f"resource_{operation}",
        >>>             context,
        >>>             {"id":}
        >>>         )
        >>>     return None

        return None


Validator Effect
files_into_upload Transform value of field(usually file uploaded via <input type="file">) into upload object using ckanext.files.shared.make_upload
files_parse_filesize Convert human-readable filesize(1B, 10MiB, 20GB) into an integer
files_ensure_name(name_field) If name_field is empty, copy into it filename from current field. Current field must be processed with files_into_upload first
files_file_id_exists Verify that file ID exists
files_accept_file_with_type(*type) Verify that file ID refers to file with one of specified types. As a type can be used full MIMEtype(image/png), or just its main(image) or secondary(png) part
files_accept_file_with_storage(*storage_name) Verify that file ID refers to file stored inside one of specified storages
files_transfer_ownership(owner_type, name_of_owner_id_field) Transfer ownership for file ID to specified entity when current API action is successfully finished


There are two types of config options for ckanext-files:

  • Global: affects the behavior of the extension and every available storage adapter.
  • Storage configuration: changes behavior of the specific storage and never affects anything outside of the storage.

Depending on the type of the storage, available options are quite different. For example, files:fs storage type requires path option that controls filesystem path where uploads are stored. files:redis storage type accepts prefix option that defines Redis' key prefix of files stored in Redis. All storage specific options always have form<STORAGE>.<OPTION>: = xxx:
# or = /tmp/hello

Global configuration

# Default storage used for upload when no explicit storage specified
# (optional, default: default)
ckanext.files.default_storage = default

# MIMEtypes that can be served without content-disposition:attachment header.
# (optional, default: application/pdf image video)
ckanext.files.inline_content_types = application/pdf image video

# Storage used for user image uploads. When empty, user image uploads are not
# allowed.
# (optional, default: user_images)
ckanext.files.user_images_storage = user_images

# Storage used for group image uploads. When empty, group image uploads are
# not allowed.
# (optional, default: group_images)
ckanext.files.group_images_storage = group_images

# Storage used for resource uploads. When empty, resource uploads are not
# allowed.
# (optional, default: resources)
ckanext.files.resources_storage = resources

# Enable HTML templates and JS modules required for unsafe default
# implementation of resource uploads via files. IMPORTANT: this option exists
# to simplify migration and experiments with the extension. These templates
# may change a lot or even get removed in the public release of the
# extension.
# (optional, default: false)
ckanext.files.enable_resource_migration_template_patch = false

# Any authenticated user can upload files.
# (optional, default: false)
ckanext.files.authenticated_uploads.allow = false

# Names of storages that can by used by non-sysadmin users when authenticated
# uploads enabled
# (optional, default: default)
ckanext.files.authenticated_uploads.storages = default

# List of owner types that grant access on owned file to anyone who has
# access to the owner of file. For example, if this option has value
# `resource package`, anyone who passes `resource_show` auth, can see all
# files owned by resource; anyone who passes `package_show`, can see all
# files owned by package; anyone who passes
# `package_update`/`resource_update` can modify files owned by
# package/resource; anyone who passes `package_delete`/`resource_delete` can
# delete files owned by package/resoure. IMPORTANT: Do not add `user` to this
# list. Files may be temporarily owned by user during resource creation.
# Using cascade access rules with `user` exposes such temporal files to
# anyone who can read user's profile.
# (optional, default: package resource group organization)
ckanext.files.owner.cascade_access = package resource group organization

# Use `*_update` auth function to check cascade access for ownership
# transfer. Works with `ckanext.files.owner.cascade_access`, which by itself
# will check `*_file_transfer` auth function, but switch to `*_update` when
# this flag is enabled.
# (optional, default: true)
ckanext.files.owner.transfer_as_update = true

Storage configuration

All available options for the storage type can be checked via config declarations CLI. First, add the storage type to the config file: = files:redis

Now run the command that shows all available config option of the plugin.

ckan config declaration files -d

Because Redis storage adapter is enabled, you'll see all the options regsitered by Redis adapter alongside with the global options:

## ckanext-files ###############################################################
## ...
## Storage adapter used by the storage = files:redis
## Static prefix of the Redis key generated for every upload. = ckanext:files:default:file_content:

Sometimes you will see a validation error if storage has required config options. Let's try using files:fs storage instead of the redis: = files:fs

Now any attempt to run ckan config declaration files -d will show an error, because required path option is missing:

Invalid configuration values provided: Missing value

Add the required option to satisfy the application = files:fs = /tmp

And run CLI command once again. This time you'll see the list of allowed options:

## ckanext-files ###############################################################
## ...
## Storage adapter used by the storage = files:fs
## Path to the folder where uploaded data will be stored. =
## Create storage folder if it does not exist. = false

There is a number of options that are supported by every storage. You can set them and expect that every storage, regardless of type, will use these options in the same way:

## Storage adapter used by the storage = ADAPTER
## The maximum size of a single upload.
## Supports size suffixes: 42B, 2M, 24KiB, 1GB. `0` means no restrictions. = 0
## Space-separated list of MIME types or just type or subtype part.
## Example: text/csv pdf application video jpeg =
## Allow using inefficient implemetation of MOVE/COPY/COMPOSE if size of the file is smaller than specified value. = 10MiB
## Descriptive name of the storage used for debugging. When empty, name from
## the config option is used, i.e: `` = NAME

Redis storage configuration

## Storage adapter used by the storage = files:redis
## Static prefix of the Redis key generated for every upload. = ckanext:files:default:file_content:

Filesystem storage configuration

Private filesystem storage

## Storage adapter used by the storage = files:fs
## Path to the folder where uploaded data will be stored. =
## Create storage folder if it does not exist. = false
## Use this flag if files can be stored inside subfolders
## of the main storage path. = false

Public filesystem storage

## Storage adapter used by the storage = files:public_fs
## Path to the folder where uploaded data will be stored. =
## Create storage folder if it does not exist. = false
## Use this flag if files can be stored inside subfolders
## of the main storage path. = false
## URL of the storage folder. `public_root + location` must produce a public URL =

OpenDAL storage configuration

To use this storage install extension with opendal extras.

pip install 'ckanext-files[opendal]'

The actual storage backend is controlled by scheme option of the storage. List of all schemes is available here

## Storage adapter used by the storage = files:opendal
## OpenDAL service type. Check available services at =
## JSON object with parameters passed directly to OpenDAL operator. =

Apache libcloud storage configuration

To use this storage install extension with libcloud extras.

pip install 'ckanext-files[libcloud]'

The actual storage backend is controlled by provider option of the storage. List of all providers is available here

## Storage adapter used by the storage = files:libcloud
## apache-libcloud storage provider. List of providers available at . Use upper-cased value from Provider Constant column =
## API key or username =
## Secret password =
## JSON object with additional parameters passed directly to storage constructor. =
## Name of the container(bucket) =

Migration from native CKAN storage system

Important: ckanext-files itself is an independent file-management system. You don't have to migrate existing files from groups, users and resources to it. You can just start using ckanext-files for new fields defined in metadata schema or for uploading arbitrary files. And continue using native CKAN uploads for group/user images and resource files. Migration workflows described here merely exist as a PoC of using ckanext-files for everything in CKAN. Don't migrate your production instances yet, because concepts and rules may change in future and migration process will change as well. Try migration only as an experiment, that gives you an idea of what else you want to see in ckanext-file, and share this idea with us.

Note: every migration workflow described below requires installed ckanext-files. Complete installation section before going further.

CKAN has following types of files:

  • group/organization images
  • user avatars
  • resource files
  • site logo
  • files uploaded via custom logic from extensions

At the moment, there is no migration strategy for the last two types. Replacing site logo manually is a trivial task, so there will be no dedicated command for it. As for extensions, every of them is unique, so feel free to create an issue in the current repository: we'll consider creation of migration script for your scenario or, at least, explain how you can perform migration by yourself.

Migration process for group/organization/user images and resource uploads described below. Keep in mind, that this process only describes migration from native CKAN storage system, that keeps files inside local filesystem. If you are using storage extensions, like ckanext-s3filestore or ckanext-cloudstorage, create an issue in the current repository with a request of migration command. As there are a lot of different forks of such extension, creating reliable migration script may be challenging, so we need some details about your environment to help with migration.

Migration workflows bellow require certain changes to metadata schemas, UI widgets for file uploads and styles of your portal(depending on the customization).

Migration for group/organization images

Note: internally, groups and organizations are the same entity, so this workflow describes both of them.

First of all, you need a configured storage that supports public links. As all group/organization images are stored inside local filesystem, you can use files:public_fs storage adapter.

This extension expects that the name of group images storage will be group_images. This name will be used in all other commands of this migration workflow. If you want to use different name for group images storage, override ckanext.files.group_images_storage config option which has default value group_images and don't forget to adapt commands if you use a different name for the storage.

This configuration example sets 10MiB restriction on upload size via option. Feel free to change it or remove completely to allow any upload size. This restriction is applied to future uploads only. Any existing file that exceeds limit is kept.

Uploads restricted to image/* MIMEtype via option. You can make this option more or less restrictive. This restriction is applied to future uploads only. Any existing file with wrong MIMEtype is kept. controls location of the upload folder in filesystem. It should match value of ckan.storage_path option plus storage/uploads/group. In example below we assume that value of ckan.storage_path is /var/storage/ckan. option specifies base URL from which every group image can be accessed. In most cases it's CKAN URL plus uploads/group. If you are serving CKAN application from the ckan.site_url, leave this option unchanged. If you are using ckan.root_path, like /data/, insert this root path into the value of the option. Example below uses %(ckan.site_url)s wildcard, which will be automatically replaced with the value of ckan.site_url config option. You can specify site URL explicitely if you don't like this wildcard syntax. = files:public_fs = 10MiB = image = /var/storage/ckan/storage/uploads/group = %(ckan.site_url)s/uploads/group

Now let's run a command that show us the list of files available under newly configured storage:

ckan files scan -s group_images

All these files are not tracked by files extension yet, i.e they don't have corresponding record in DB with base details, like size, MIMEtype, filehash, etc. Let's create these details via the command below. It's safe to run this command multiple times: it will gather and store information about files not registered in system and ignore any previously registered file.

ckan files scan -s group_images -t

Finally, let's run the command, that shows only untracked files. Ideally, you'll see nothing upon executing it, because you just registered every file in the system.

ckan files scan -s group_images -u

Note, all the file are still available inside storage directory. If previous command shows nothing, it only means that CKAN already knows details about each file from the storage directory. If you want to see the list of the files again, omit -u flag(which stands for "untracked") and you'll see again all the files in the command output:

ckan files scan -s group_images

Now, when all images are tracked by the system, we can give the ownership over these files to groups/organizations that are using them. Run the command below to connect files with their owners. It will search for groups/organizations first and report, how many connections were identified. There will be suggestion to show identified relationship and the list of files that have no owner(if there are such files). Presence of files without owner usually means that you removed group/organization from database, but did not remove its image.

Finally, you'll be asked if you want to transfer ownership over files. This operation does not change existing data and if you disable ckanext-files after ownership transfer, you won't see any difference. The whole ownership transfer is managed inside custom DB tables generated by ckanext-files, so it's safe operation.

ckan files migrate groups group_images

Here's an example of output that you can see when running the command:

Found 3 files. Searching file owners...
[####################################] 100% Located owners for 2 files out of 3.

Show group IDs and corresponding file? [y/N]: y
d7186937-3080-429f-a434-22b74b9a8d39: file-1.png
87e2a1aa-7905-4a28-a087-90433f8e169e: file-2.png

Show files that do not belong to any group? [y/N]: y

Transfer file ownership to group identified in previous steps? [y/N]: y
Transfering file-2.png  [####################################]  100%

Now comes the most complex part. You need to change metadata schema and UI in order to:

  • make sure that all new files are uploaded and managed by ckanext-files instead of native CKAN's uploader
  • generate image URLs using ckanext-files functionality. Right now, while files stored in the original storage folder it makes no difference. But if you change upload directory in future or even decide to move files from local filesystem into different storage backend, it will guarantee that files are remain visible.

Original CKAN workflow for uploading files was:

  • just save image URL provided by user or
  • upload a file
  • put it into directory that is publicly served by application
  • replace uploaded file in the HTML form/group metadata with the public URL of the uploaded file

This approach is different from strategy recommended by ckanext-files. But in order to make the migration as simple as possible, we'll stay close to original workflow.

Note: suggestet approach resembles existing process of file uploads in CKAN. But ckanext-files was designed as a system, that gives you a choice. Check file upload strategies to learn more about alternative implementations of upload and their pros/cons.

First, we need to replace Upload/Link widget on group/organization form. If you are using native group templates, create group/snippets/group_form.html and organization/snippets/organization_form.html. Inside both files, extend original template and override block basic_fields. You only need to replace last field

{{ form.image_upload(
    data, errors, is_upload_enabled=h.uploads_enabled(),
    is_url=is_url, is_upload=is_upload) }}


{{ form.image_upload(
    data, errors, is_upload_enabled=h.files_group_images_storage_is_configured(),
    is_url=is_url, is_upload=is_upload,
    field_upload="files_image_upload") }}

There are two differences with the original. First, we use h.files_group_images_storage_is_configured() instead of h.uploads_enabled(). As we are using different storage for different upload types, now upload widgets can be enabled independently. And second, we pass field_upload="files_image_upload" argument into macro. It will send uploaded file to CKAN inside files_image_upload instead of original image_upload field. This must be done because CKAN unconditionally strips image_upload field from submission payload, making processing of the file too unreliable. We changed the name of upload field and CKAN keeps this new field, so that we can process it as we wish.

Note: if you are using ckanext-scheming, you only need to replace form_snippet of the image_url field, instead of rewriting the whole template.

Now, let's define validation rules for this new upload field. We need to create plugins that modify validation schema for group and organization. Due to CKAN implementation details, you need separate plugin for group and organization.

Note: if you are using ckanext-scheming, you can add files_image_upload validators to schemas of organization and group. Check the list of validators that must be applied to this new field below.

Here's an example of plugins that modify validation schemas of group and organization. As you can see, they are mostly the same:

from ckan.lib.plugins import DefaultGroupForm, DefaultOrganizationForm
from ckan.logic.schema import default_create_group_schema, default_update_group_schema

def _modify_schema(schema, type):
    schema["files_image_upload"] = [
            type + "_patch",

class FilesGroupPlugin(p.SingletonPlugin, DefaultGroupForm):
    p.implements(p.IGroupForm, inherit=True)
    is_organization = False

    def group_types(self):
        return ["group"]

    def create_group_schema(self):
        return _modify_schema(default_create_group_schema(), "group")

    def update_group_schema(self):
        return _modify_schema(default_update_group_schema(), "group")

class FilesOrganizationPlugin(p.SingletonPlugin, DefaultOrganizationForm):
    p.implements(p.IGroupForm, inherit=True)
    is_organization = True

    def group_types(self):
        return ["organization"]

    def create_group_schema(self):
        return _modify_schema(default_create_group_schema(), "organization")

    def update_group_schema(self):
        return _modify_schema(default_update_group_schema(), "organization")

There are 4 validators that must be applied to the new upload field:

  • ignore_empty: to skip validation, when image URL set manually and no upload selected.
  • files_into_upload: to convert value of upload field into normalized format, which is expected by ckanext-files
  • files_validate_with_storage(STORAGE_NAME): this validator requires an argument: the name of the storage we are using for image uploads. The validator will use storage settings to verify size and MIMEtype of the appload.
  • files_upload_as(STORAGE_NAME, GROUP_TYPE, NAME_OF_ID_FIELD, "public_url", NAME_OF_PATCH_ACTION, NAME_OF_URL_FIELF): this validator is the most challenging. It accepts 6 arguments:
    • the name of storage used for image uploads
    • group or organization depending on processed entity
    • name of the ID field of processed entity. It's id in your case.
    • public_url - use this exact value. It tells which property of file you want to use as link to the file.
    • group_patch or organization_patch depending on processed entity
    • image_url - name of the field that contains URL of the image. ckanext-files will put the public link of uploaded file into this field when form is processed.

That's all. Now every image upload for group/organization is handled by ckanext-files. To verify it, do the following. First, check list of files currently stored in group_images storage via command that we used in the beginning of the migration:

ckan files scan -s group_images

You'll see a list of existing files. Their names follow format <ISO_8601_DATETIME><FILENAME>, e.g 2024-06-14-133840.539670photo.jpg.

Now upload an image into existing group, or create a new group with any image. When you check list of files again, you'll see one new record. But this time this record resembles UUID: da046887-e76c-4a68-97cf-7477665710ff.

Migration for user avatars

This workflow is similar to group/organization migration. It contains the sequence of actions, but explanations are removed, because you already know details from the group migration. Only steps that are different will contain detailed explanation of the process.

Configure local filesystem storage with support of public links(files:public_fs) for user images.

This extension expects that the name of user images storage will be user_images. This name will be used in all other commands of this migration workflow. If you want to use different name for user images storage, override ckanext.files.user_images_storage config option which has default value user_images and don't forget to adapt commands if you use a different name for the storage. resembles this option for group/organization images storage. But user images are kept inside user folder by default. As result, value of this option should match value of ckan.storage_path option plus storage/uploads/user. In example below we assume that value of ckan.storage_path is /var/storage/ckan. resebles this option for group/organization images storage. But user images are available at CKAN URL plus uploads/user. = files:public_fs = 10MiB = image = /var/storage/ckan/storage/uploads/user = %(ckan.site_url)s/uploads/user

Check the list of untracked files available inside newly configured storage:

ckan files scan -s user_images -u

Track all these files:

ckan files scan -s user_images -t

Re-check that now you see no untracked files:

ckan files scan -s user_images -u

Transfer image ownership to corresponding users:

ckan files migrate users user_images

Update user template. Required field is defined in user/new_user_form.html and user/edit_user_form.html. It's a bit different from the filed used by group/organization, but you again need to add field_upload="files_image_upload" parameter to the macro image_upload and replace h.uploads_enabled() with h.files_user_images_storage_is_configured().

User has no dedicated interface for validation schema modification and here comes the biggest difference from group migration. You need to chain user_create and user_update action and modify schema from context:

def _patch_schema(schema):
    schema["files_image_upload"] = [

def user_update(next_action, context, data_dict):
    schema = context.setdefault('schema', ckan.logic.schema.default_update_user_schema())
    return next_action(context, data_dict)

def user_create(next_action, context, data_dict):
    schema = context.setdefault('schema', ckan.logic.schema.default_user_schema())
    return next_action(context, data_dict)

Validators are all the same, but now we are using user instead of group/organization in parameters.

That's all. Just as with groups, you can update an avatar and verify that all new filenames resemble UUIDs.

Migration for resource uploads

Configure named storage for resources. Use files:ckan_resource_fs storage adapter.

This extension expects that the name of resources storage will be resources. This name will be used in all other commands of this migration workflow. If you want to use different name for resources storage, override ckanext.files.resources_storage config option which has default value resources and don't forget to adapt commands if you use a different name for the storage. must match value of ckan.storage_path option, followed by resources directory. In example below we assume that value of ckan.storage_path is /var/storage/ckan.

Example below sets 10MiB limit on resource size. Modify it if you are using different limit set by ckan.max_resource_size.

Unlike group and user images, this storage does not need upload type restriction and public_root. = files:ckan_resource_fs = 10MiB = /var/storage/ckan/resources

Check the list of untracked files available inside newly configured storage:

ckan files scan -s resources -u

Track all these files:

ckan files scan -s resources -t

Re-check that now you see no untracked files:

ckan files scan -s resources -u

Transfer file ownership to corresponding resources. In addition to simple ownership transfer, this command will ask you, whether you want to modify resource's url_type and url fields. It's required to move file management to files extension completely and enable possibility of migration to different storage type.

If you accept resource modifications, for every file owner url_type will be changed to file and url will be changed to file ID. Then all modified packages will be reindexed.

Changing url_type means that some pages will change. For example, instead of Download button CKAN will show you Go to resource button on the resource page, because Download label is specific to url_type=upload. And some views may stop working as well. But this is safer option for migration, than leaving url_type unchanged: ckanext-files manages files in its own way and some assumptions about files will not work anymore, so using different url_type is the fastest way to tell everyone that something changed.

Broken views can be easily fixed. Every view implemented as a separate plugin. You always can inherit from this plugin and override methods that relied on different behavior. And a lot of views work with file URL directly, so they won't even see the difference.

ckan files migrate local-resources resources

And the next goal is correct metadata schema. If you are using ckanext-scheming, you need to modify validators of url and format fields.

If you are working with native schemas, you have to modify dataset schema via implementing IDatasetForm. Here's an example:

from ckan.lib.plugins import DefaultDatasetForm
from ckan.logic import schema

class FilesDatasetPlugin(p.SingletonPlugin, DefaultDatasetForm):
    p.implements(p.IDatasetForm, inherit=True)

    def is_fallback(self):
        return True

    def package_types(self):
        return ["dataset"]

    def _modify_schema(self, schema):
        schema["resources"]["format"].insert(0, tk.get_validator("files_content_type_from_file")("url"))

    def create_package_schema(self):
        sch = schema.default_create_package_schema()
        return sch

    def update_package_schema(self):
        sch = schema.default_update_package_schema()
        return sch

    def show_package_schema(self):
        sch = schema.default_show_package_schema()
        return sch

Both create and update schemas are updated in the same way. We add a new validator to format field, to correctly identify file format. And there is a number of new validators for url:

  • files_verify_url_type_and_value: skip validation if we are not working with resource that contains file.
  • files_file_id_exists: verify existence of file ID
  • files_transfer_ownership("resource","id"): move file ownership to resource after successful validation

At top of this, we also have two validators applied to show_package_schema(use output_validators in ckanext-scheming):

  • files_verify_url_type_and_value: skip validation if we are not working with resource that contains file.
  • files_id_into_resource_download_url: replace file ID with download URL in API output

And the next part is the trickiest. You need to create a number of templates and JS modules. But because ckanext-files is actively developed, most likely, your custom files will be outdated pretty soon.

Instead, we recommend enabling patch for resource form that shipped with ckanext-files. It's a bit hacky, but because the extension itself is stil in alpha-stage, it should be acceptable. Check file upload strategies for examples of implementation that you can add to your portal instead of the default patch.

To enable patch for templates, add following line to the config file:

ckanext.files.enable_resource_migration_template_patch = true

This option adds Add file button to resource form

button on resource form

Upon clicking, this button is replaced by widget that supports uploading new files of selecting previously uploaded files that are not used by any resource yet

expanded widget on resource form

Project details

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Source Distribution

ckanext_files-1.0.0a0.tar.gz (185.7 kB view hashes)

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Built Distribution

ckanext_files-1.0.0a0-py3-none-any.whl (168.0 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 3

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