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Crawlee for Python

Project description

A web scraping and browser automation library

Crawlee covers your crawling and scraping end-to-end and helps you build reliable scrapers. Fast.

Your crawlers will appear almost human-like and fly under the radar of modern bot protections even with the default configuration. Crawlee gives you the tools to crawl the web for links, scrape data, and store it to disk or cloud while staying configurable to suit your project's needs.

We also have a TypeScript implementation of the Crawlee, which you can explore and utilize for your projects. Visit our GitHub repository for more information Crawlee on GitHub.


Crawlee is available as the crawlee PyPI package.

pip install crawlee

Additional, optional dependencies unlocking more features are shipped as package extras.

If you plan to use BeautifulSoupCrawler, install crawlee with beautifulsoup extra:

pip install 'crawlee[beautifulsoup]'

If you plan to use PlaywrightCrawler, install crawlee with the playwright extra:

pip install 'crawlee[playwright]'

Then, install the Playwright dependencies:

playwright install

You can install multiple extras at once by using a comma as a separator:

pip install 'crawlee[beautifulsoup,playwright]'


Why Crawlee is the preferred choice for web scraping and crawling?

Why use Crawlee instead of just a random HTTP library with an HTML parser?

  • Unified interface for HTTP & headless browser crawling.
  • Automatic parallel crawling based on available system resources.
  • Written in Python with type hints - enhances DX (IDE autocompletion) and reduces bugs (static type checking).
  • Automatic retries on errors or when you’re getting blocked.
  • Integrated proxy rotation and session management.
  • Configurable request routing - direct URLs to the appropriate handlers.
  • Persistent queue for URLs to crawl.
  • Pluggable storage of both tabular data and files.
  • Robust error handling.

Why to use Crawlee rather than Scrapy?

  • Crawlee has out-of-the-box support for headless browser crawling (Playwright).
  • Crawlee has a minimalistic & elegant interface - Set up your scraper with fewer than 10 lines of code.
  • Complete type hint coverage.
  • Based on standard Asyncio.


Crawlee covers your crawling and scraping end-to-end and helps you build reliable scrapers. Fast.

Your crawlers will appear human-like and fly under the radar of modern bot protections even with the default configuration. Crawlee gives you the tools to crawl the web for links, scrape data and persistently store it in machine-readable formats, without having to worry about the technical details. And thanks to rich configuration options, you can tweak almost any aspect of Crawlee to suit your project's needs if the default settings don't cut it.


Crawlee offers a framework for parallel web crawling through a variety of crawler classes, each designed to meet different crawling needs.


HttpCrawler provides a framework for the parallel crawling of web pages using plain HTTP requests. The URLs to crawl are fed from a request provider. It enables the recursive crawling of websites. The parsing of obtained HTML is the user's responsibility.

Since HttpCrawler uses raw HTTP requests to download web pages, it is very fast and efficient on data bandwidth. However, if the target website requires JavaScript to display the content, you might need to use some browser crawler instead, e.g. PlaywrightCrawler, because it loads the pages using a full-featured headless Chrome browser.

HttpCrawler downloads each URL using a plain HTTP request, obtain the response and then invokes the user-provided request handler to extract page data.

The source URLs are represented using the Request objects that are fed from RequestList or RequestQueue instances provided by the request provider option.

The crawler finishes when there are no more Request objects to crawl.

If you want to parse data using BeautifulSoup see the BeautifulSoupCrawler section.

Example usage:

import asyncio

from crawlee.http_crawler import HttpCrawler, HttpCrawlingContext

async def main() -> None:
    # Create a HttpCrawler instance and provide a starting requests
    crawler = HttpCrawler()

    # Define a handler for processing requests
    async def request_handler(context: HttpCrawlingContext) -> None:
        # Crawler will provide a HttpCrawlingContext instance,
        # from which you can access the request and response data
        data = {
            'url': context.request.url,
            'status_code': context.http_response.status_code,
            'headers': dict(context.http_response.headers),
        # Extract the record and push it to the dataset
        await context.push_data(data)

    # Add first URL to the queue and start the crawl

if __name__ == '__main__':

For further explanation of storages (dataset, request queue) see the storages section.


BeautifulSoupCrawler extends the HttpCrawler. It provides the same features and on top of that, it uses BeautifulSoup HTML parser.

Same as for HttpCrawler, since BeautifulSoupCrawler uses raw HTTP requests to download web pages, it is very fast and efficient on data bandwidth. However, if the target website requires JavaScript to display the content, you might need to use PlaywrightCrawler instead, because it loads the pages using a full-featured headless browser (Chrome, Firefox or others).

BeautifulSoupCrawler downloads each URL using a plain HTTP request, parses the HTML content using BeautifulSoup and then invokes the user-provided request handler to extract page data using an interface to the parsed HTML DOM.

Example usage:

import asyncio

from crawlee.beautifulsoup_crawler import BeautifulSoupCrawler, BeautifulSoupCrawlingContext

async def main() -> None:
    # Create a BeautifulSoupCrawler instance
    crawler = BeautifulSoupCrawler()

    # Define a handler for processing requests
    async def request_handler(context: BeautifulSoupCrawlingContext) -> None:
        # Crawler will provide a BeautifulSoupCrawlingContext instance,
        # from which you can access the request and response data
        data = {
            'title': context.soup.title.text,
            'url': context.request.url,
        # Extract the record and push it to the dataset
        await context.push_data(data)

    # Add first URL to the queue and start the crawl

if __name__ == '__main__':

BeautifulSoupCrawler also provides a helper for enqueuing links in the currently crawling website. See the following example with the updated request handler:

from crawlee.enqueue_strategy import EnqueueStrategy

# ...

    async def request_handler(context: BeautifulSoupCrawlingContext) -> None:
        # Use enqueue links helper to enqueue all links from the page with the same domain
        await context.enqueue_links(strategy=EnqueueStrategy.SAME_DOMAIN)

        data = {
            'title': context.soup.title.text,
            'url': context.request.url,

        await context.push_data(data)


PlaywrightCrawler extends the BasicCrawler. It provides the same features and on top of that, it uses Playwright browser automation tool.

This crawler provides a straightforward framework for parallel web page crawling using headless versions of Chromium, Firefox, and Webkit browsers through Playwright. URLs to be crawled are supplied by a request provider, which can be either a RequestList containing a static list of URLs or a dynamic RequestQueue.

Using a headless browser to download web pages and extract data, PlaywrightCrawler is ideal for crawling websites that require JavaScript execution. For websites that do not require JavaScript, consider using the BeautifulSoupCrawler, which utilizes raw HTTP requests and will be much faster.

Example usage:

import asyncio

from crawlee.playwright_crawler import PlaywrightCrawler, PlaywrightCrawlingContext

async def main() -> None:
    # Create a crawler instance
    crawler = PlaywrightCrawler(
        # headless=False,
        # browser_type='firefox',

    async def request_handler(context: PlaywrightCrawlingContext) -> None:
        data = {
            'request_url': context.request.url,
            'page_title': await,
            'page_content': (await[:10000],
        await context.push_data(data)


if __name__ == '__main__':

Example usage with custom browser pool:

import asyncio

from crawlee.browsers import BrowserPool, PlaywrightBrowserPlugin
from crawlee.playwright_crawler import PlaywrightCrawler, PlaywrightCrawlingContext

async def main() -> None:
    # Create a browser pool with a Playwright browser plugin
    browser_pool = BrowserPool(
                browser_options={'headless': False},
                page_options={'viewport': {'width': 1920, 'height': 1080}},

    # Create a crawler instance and provide a browser pool
    crawler = PlaywrightCrawler(browser_pool=browser_pool)

    async def request_handler(context: PlaywrightCrawlingContext) -> None:
        data = {
            'request_url': context.request.url,
            'page_title': await,
            'page_content': (await[:10000],
        await context.push_data(data)

    await['', ''])

if __name__ == '__main__':


Crawlee introduces several result storage types that are useful for specific tasks. The storing of underlying data is realized by the storage client. Currently, only a memory storage client is implemented. Using this, the data are stored either in the memory or persisted on the disk.

By default, the data are stored in the directory specified by the CRAWLEE_STORAGE_DIR environment variable. With default .storage/.


A Dataset is a type of storage mainly suitable for storing tabular data.

Datasets are used to store structured data where each object stored has the same attributes, such as online store products or real estate offers. The dataset can be imagined as a table, where each object is a row and its attributes are columns. The dataset is an append-only storage - we can only add new records to it, but we cannot modify or remove existing records.

Each Crawlee project run is associated with a default dataset. Typically, it is used to store crawling results specific to the crawler run. Its usage is optional.

The data are persisted as follows:


The following code demonstrates the basic operations of the dataset:

import asyncio

from crawlee.storages import Dataset

async def main() -> None:
    # Open a default dataset
    dataset = await

    # Push a single record
    await dataset.push_data({'key1': 'value1'})

    # Get records from the dataset
    data = await dataset.get_data()
    print(f'Dataset data: {data.items}')  # Dataset data: [{'key1': 'value1'}]

    # Open a named dataset
    dataset_named = await'some-name')

    # Push multiple records
    await dataset_named.push_data([{'key2': 'value2'}, {'key3': 'value3'}])

if __name__ == '__main__':

Key-value store

The KeyValueStore is used for saving and reading data records or files. Each data record is represented by a unique key and associated with a MIME content type. Key-value stores are ideal for saving screenshots of web pages, and PDFs or to persist the state of crawlers.

Each Crawlee project run is associated with a default key-value store. By convention, the project input and output are stored in the default key-value store under the INPUT and OUTPUT keys respectively. Typically, both input and output are JSON files, although they could be any other format.

The data are persisted as follows:


The following code demonstrates the basic operations of key-value stores:

import asyncio

from crawlee.storages import KeyValueStore

async def main() -> None:
    kvs = await  # Open a default key-value store

    # Write the OUTPUT to the default key-value store
    await kvs.set_value('OUTPUT', {'my_result': 123})

    # Read the OUTPUT from the default key-value store
    value = await kvs.get_value('OUTPUT')
    print(f'Value of OUTPUT: {value}')  # Value of OUTPUT: {'my_result': 123}

    # Open a named key-value store
    kvs_named = await'some-name')

    # Write a record to the named key-value store
    await kvs_named.set_value('some-key', {'foo': 'bar'})

    # Delete a record from the named key-value store
    await kvs_named.set_value('some-key', None)

if __name__ == '__main__':

Request queue

The RequestQueue is a storage of URLs (requests) to crawl. The queue is used for the deep crawling of websites, where we start with several URLs and then recursively follow links to other pages. The data structure supports both breadth-first and depth-first crawling orders.

Each Crawlee project run is associated with a default request queue. Typically, it is used to store URLs to crawl in the specific crawler run. Its usage is optional.

The data are persisted as follows:


The following code demonstrates the basic usage of the request queue:

import asyncio

from crawlee.storages import RequestQueue

async def main() -> None:
    # Open a default request queue
    rq = await

    # Add a single request
    await rq.add_request('')

    # Open a named request queue
    rq_named = await'some-name')

    # Add multiple requests
    await rq_named.add_requests_batched(['', ''])

    # Fetch the next request
    request = await rq_named.fetch_next_request()
    print(f'Next request: {request.url}')  # Next request:

if __name__ == '__main__':

For an example of usage of the request queue with a crawler see the BeautifulSoupCrawler example.

Session Management

​SessionPool is a class that allows us to handle the rotation of proxy IP addresses along with cookies and other custom settings in Crawlee.

The main benefit of using a session pool is that we can filter out blocked or non-working proxies, so our actor does not retry requests over known blocked/non-working proxies. Another benefit of using the session pool is that we can store information tied tightly to an IP address, such as cookies, auth tokens, and particular headers. Having our cookies and other identifiers used only with a specific IP will reduce the chance of being blocked. The last but not least benefit is the even rotation of IP addresses - the session pool picks the session randomly, which should prevent burning out a small pool of available IPs.

To use a default session pool with automatic session rotation use the use_session_pool option for the crawler.

from crawlee.http_crawler import HttpCrawler

crawler = HttpCrawler(use_session_pool=True)

If you want to configure your own session pool, instantiate it and provide it directly to the crawler.

import asyncio
from datetime import timedelta

from crawlee.http_crawler import HttpCrawler
from crawlee.sessions import Session, SessionPool

async def main() -> None:
    # Use dict as args for new sessions
    session_pool_v1 = SessionPool(
        create_session_settings = {'max_age': timedelta(minutes=10)},

    # Use lambda creation function for new sessions
    session_pool_v2 = SessionPool(
        create_session_function=lambda _: Session(max_age=timedelta(minutes=10)),

    crawler = HttpCrawler(session_pool=session_pool_v1, use_session_pool=True)

if __name__ == '__main__':

Running on the Apify platform

Crawlee is open-source and runs anywhere, but since it's developed by Apify, it's easy to set up on the Apify platform and run in the cloud. Visit the Apify SDK website to learn more about deploying Crawlee to the Apify platform.


If you find any bug or issue with Crawlee, please submit an issue on GitHub. For questions, you can ask on Stack Overflow, in GitHub Discussions or you can join our Discord server.


Your code contributions are welcome, and you'll be praised for eternity! If you have any ideas for improvements, either submit an issue or create a pull request. For contribution guidelines and the code of conduct, see


This project is licensed under the Apache License 2.0 - see the file for details.

Project details

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Source Distribution

crawlee-0.0.8b6.tar.gz (114.3 kB view details)

Uploaded Source

Built Distribution

crawlee-0.0.8b6-py3-none-any.whl (150.4 kB view details)

Uploaded Python 3

File details

Details for the file crawlee-0.0.8b6.tar.gz.

File metadata

  • Download URL: crawlee-0.0.8b6.tar.gz
  • Upload date:
  • Size: 114.3 kB
  • Tags: Source
  • Uploaded using Trusted Publishing? Yes
  • Uploaded via: twine/5.1.0 CPython/3.12.4

File hashes

Hashes for crawlee-0.0.8b6.tar.gz
Algorithm Hash digest
SHA256 2671e01bfdb48744a7e3e47300bfe5c30590550e2c576bc1931fe7bac4d5a754
MD5 089ee2cd2c2fa2ba23d51268287956d3
BLAKE2b-256 b8eef2ac1f1b8f69b743e35afcd8f653412e9313b7c88266b4fd9f1a02941788

See more details on using hashes here.

File details

Details for the file crawlee-0.0.8b6-py3-none-any.whl.

File metadata

  • Download URL: crawlee-0.0.8b6-py3-none-any.whl
  • Upload date:
  • Size: 150.4 kB
  • Tags: Python 3
  • Uploaded using Trusted Publishing? Yes
  • Uploaded via: twine/5.1.0 CPython/3.12.4

File hashes

Hashes for crawlee-0.0.8b6-py3-none-any.whl
Algorithm Hash digest
SHA256 46da7e4359957b48553584f5c686f73b49adf78a26989a5f79bdeccbce577a63
MD5 ddb314f00c60c2c4c8a74af932f45e2e
BLAKE2b-256 a9634eed259eb8aa47f9bc389f6db974ce08ebd148e0ac7ade8207187cf2cae1

See more details on using hashes here.

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