Dice notation tools
Project description
This notation is widely used on tabletop games, such as wargames or RPGs, and was created on the late 70s for Dungeons & Dragons, as a way to allow generating random values in specific distributions.
With the pass of years it has evolved, and while it never underwent a formal standarization process a core set of rules is kept among all the variations, mostly representing dice in a format such as ‘1d6’, and the use of algebra operations like addition and subtraction.
This project aims to give support to the dice notation, allowing parsing and operating with it on any Python application.
The library contains the following features:
API for dice and dice notation, along classes to generate values from them
Parser to create API instances from the notation
Documentation sources are included with the project, and used to generate the documentation sites:
The latest docs are always generated for the latest release, kept in the ‘master’ branch
The development docs are generated from the latest code in the ‘develop’ branch
You can also create the documentation from the source files, kept in the ‘docs’ folder, with the help of Sphinx. For this use the makefile, or the make.bat file, contained on that folder.
The project has been tested in the following versions of the interpreter:
Python 2.7
Python 3.3
Python 3.4
Python 3.5
Pypy 3
All other dependencies are indicated on the requirements.txt file. The included makefile can install them with the command:
$ make requirements
The project is offered as a Pypi package, and using pip is the preferred way to install it. For this use the following command;
$ pip install dice-notation
If manual installation is required, the project includes a setup.py file, along a makefile allowing direct installation of the library, which can be done with the following command:
$ make install
The application has been coded in Python, without using any particular framework.
Any kind of help with the project will be well received, and there are two main ways to give such help:
Reporting errors and asking for extensions through the issues management
or forking the repository and extending the project
Issues management
Issues are managed at the GitHub project issues tracker, where any Github user may report bugs or ask for new features.
Getting the code
If you wish to fork or modify the code, visit the GitHub project page, where the latest versions are always kept. Check the ‘master’ branch for the latest release, and the ‘develop’ for the current, and stable, development version.
The project has been released under the MIT License.