Project description
Preflight is a set of deploy checks for Django 1.8 and higher which inspect your settings and setup for common configuration errors on production environments. Often these are flags which are disabled during development (DEBUG = True) and can easily be overlooked before going live.
Built-in checks cover inspections for non-production settings in caches, databases, email, logging, storages, templates and more. They are opinionated, either for “common” packages (raven, django-compressor, …) or (in our eyes) optimal configurations, but Django’s check framework lets you silence the ones you do not need.
Run pip install git+https://github.com/bpeschier/django-preflight.git.
Add preflight to your INSTALLED_APPS setting:
INSTALLED_APPS = ( ... 'preflight', )
Running checks
Checks are part of the Django deploy checks, you can run them with:
python manage.py check --deploy