eGenix mxODBC Connect Server
Project description
This application includes the server part of the mxODBC Connect Database Interface for Python.
The mxODBC Connect Database Interface for Python allows users to easily connect Python applications to all major databases on the market today in a highly portable, convenient and secure way.
Unlike our mxODBC Python extension, mxODBC Connect is designed as client-server application, so you no longer need to find production quality ODBC drivers for all the platforms you target with your Python application.
Instead you use an easy to install Python client library which connects directly to the mxODBC Connect database server over the network.
This makes mxODBC Connect the ideal basis for writing cross-platform database programs and utilities in Python, especially if you run applications that need to communicate with databases such as MS SQL Server, Oracle or DB2 that run on Windows or Linux machines.
This software is brought to you by and distributed under the Commercial License 1.3.0.