easy stuff
Project description
This module is for easy interaction with linux, Mac OS X, Windows shell.
Tested under python 2.7
To see your python version
in terminal: python -V
or in python: import sys; print (sys.version)
pip install ez
no dependencies
Almost all commands support the usage of '~', '..', '.', '?', '*' in path (ls,fls only support regular expression).
Symbolic link itself is the target of file operations; the actual file should be safe.
see also pyg.py
# 0 = everything will be actually executed
# 1 = simulate operations of cp, mv, execute; other commands will be actually performed.
will print out simulated commands, useful for debugging and for counting files when necessary.
readx(path, sheet=0, r=[1,], c=None) # Read xlsx, xls file into a list
savex(path, data, header=None, delimiter=",", sheet_name='Sheet1') # Write a list of list to a xlsx (xlsxwriter), xls(xlwt), csv file
fullpath(path) fp()
pwd() or cwd() # Returns current working director.
csd() # Returns full path of current script directory, i.e. the directory where the running script is.
csf() # Returns current script name without ext.
parentdir(path) pr() # Returns the parent directory of a path.
joinpath(path1[, path2[, ...]]) jp() # Returns the joined path. Supports vectorization.
splitpath(path) sp() # Returns a list of path elements: [path, file, ext]. Supports vectorization.
cd(path) # Changes to a new working directory.
join(sep,string1,string2), join(sep,array) # Glues together strings with sep. Supports vectorization.
replace(theList,theItem,replacement), remove(theList,theItem)
ls([path[, regex]], full=True, dotfile=False) # Returns a list of all (including hidden) files with their full paths in path, filtered by regular expression.
lsd([path[, regex]], full=False, dotfolder=False)
fls([path[, regex, dotf=False]]) # Returns a list of files with their full paths in flattened path (i.e. walk each subdirectory).
# the filter only works for short file name not for full file name, i.e. the file name itself not its full path
# regular expression is case-sensitive
# usage: ls(); ls(cwd()); ls(cwd(), "\.py$")
mkdir("path/to/a/directory") # Makes a directory (also any one of the "path", "to", "a" directories if not exits).
rn(old, new) # Renames old to new.
exists(path) # Returns the existence of path (0 or 1).
rm(path) # Deletes a file or folder. Supports wildcards, vectorization.
cp(source, destination) # Copies source file(s) or folder to destination. Supports wildcards, vectorization.
mv(source, destination) # Moves source file(s) or folder to destination. Supports wildcards, vectorization.
sprintf(formatString, *args, **kwargs)
execute, execute1, execute2 # Executes a shell command
esp, esp1, esp2 # execute sprintf shell commands
espR, espR1, espR2 # execute sprintf R codes
with nooutput():
print 'this is will not be printed in stdout'
pprint(text,color='green') # color print; ppprint() # "pretty-print" arbitrary Python data structures
beep() # Beeps to notify user.
which(name) # Prints where a module is and in which module a function is. which('python') returns which python is being used.
help(name)/doc(name) # name is a string, Prints the doc string of a module/class/function
when write a module, add:
__doc__ = three double quotes blabla three double quotes <-----this is module's docstring, use explicit
when write a function/class:
def function(arg):
three double quotes Returns, blabla three double quotes <-----this is function's doctoring, use implicit
return sth
ver(package_name) version(package_name), see a package's version. package_name could be 'python'
whos(name),whos() list imported functions/packages
logon(file="log.txt", mode='a', status=True, timestamp=True), logoff()
tree([path[, forest=True]) # Prints a directory tree structure.
forest=True (default) prints only folders, i.e., print less to show the big forest
forest=False prints files plus folders
[starts, ends] = regexp(string, pattern); regexp(string, pattern, method='split/match'), regexpi
regexprep(string, pattern, replace, count=0), regexprepi
iff(expression, result1, result2), ifelse()
clear(module, recursive=False)
Randomize(x), randomize(x) # Sets a randomization seed.
RandomizeArray(list=[]) randomizearray(list=[]) # Shuffles a list in place.
Random(a,b) random(a,b) # Returns a random integer N such that a <= N <= b.
RandomChoice(seq), randomchoice(seq) # Returns a random element from sequence
Permute(iterable=[]) permute(iterable=[]) # Returns permutations in a list
unique(seq), union(seq1,seq2), intersect(seq1,seq2), setdiff(seq1,seq2) in original order
seq could be a list
note: setdiff(seq1,seq2) may not be equal to setdiff(seq2,seq1)
>>> unique('abracadaba')
['a', 'b', 'r', 'c', 'd']
>>> unique('simsalabim')
['s', 'i', 'm', 'a', 'l', 'b']
>>> setdiff('abracadaba','simsalabim')
['r', 'c', 'd']
>>> setdiff('simsalabim','abracadaba')
['s', 'i', 'm', 'l']
duplicate(seq) # returns a list of duplicated elements in original order
# e.g.
# a = [1,5,2,3,2,1,5,6,5,5,5]
# duplicate(a) # yields [2, 1, 5]
JDict() # Jerry's dictionary, customized ordered dictionary class with convient attributes and methods, see help(JDict)
Moment(timezone) # Generates the current datetime in specified timezone, or local naive datetime if omitted.
SetClip(content), setclip(content) # Copy/Write something to current clipboard
content = GetClip(), content = getclip() # Read out content from current clipboard and assign to a variable
lines(path='.', pattern='\.py$|.ini$|\.c$|\.h$|\.m$', recursive=True) # Counts lines of codes, counting empty lines as well.
keygen(length=8, complexity=3) # generate a random key
hashes(filename): # Calculate/Print a file's md5 32; sha1 32; can handle big files in a memory efficient way
To avoid typing email password each time, place a file named pygmailconfig.py with
EMAIL = 'someone@gmail.com'
PASSWORD = 'abcdefghik'
or better pygmailconfig.pyc
in the site-packages/ez folder, check with ez.which('ez')
The functions will no longer need email/password and become like this
Mail(to, subject, body, attach=None), AddEvent(event), Sheet(fileName)
Mail([EMAIL, PASSWORD, ] to, subject, body, attachment=None, bcc=None, cc=None, reply_to=None)
to/bcc/cc: ['a@a.com','b@b.com'] or 'a@a.com, b@b.com'
reply_to: 'a@a.com'
attachment: 'file_in_working_dir.txt' or ['a.txt','b.py','c.pdf']
AddEvent([EMAIL, PASSWORD, ] event) on DATE at TIME for DURATION in PLACE
Sheet([EMAIL, PASSWORD, ] fileName)
returns a sheet object representing "Sheet 1"
your google account doesn't have to the owner of this sheet, as long as you can edit it.
but you need to initialize/create this sheet and maybe the header by hand to begin with
the header could have spaces, ? etc, and when they are used as the keywords of dictionary, they are all converted to lowercase and all illegal characters are removed e.g. Delayed Test_date? --> delayedtestdate
fileName should be unique, can have spaces
GetRows(query=None, order_by=None,
reverse=None, filter_func=None)
:param query:
A string structured query on the full text in the worksheet.
Supported binaryOperators are:
- (), for overriding order of operations
- = or ==, for strict equality
- <> or !=, for strict inequality
- and or &&, for boolean and
- or or ||, for boolean or.
:param order_by:
A string which specifies what column to use in ordering the
entries in the feed. By position (the default): 'position' returns
rows in the order in which they appear in the GUI. Row 1, then
row 2, then row 3, and so on. By column:
'column:columnName' sorts rows in ascending order based on the
values in the column with the given columnName, where
columnName is the value in the header row for that column.
:param reverse:
A string which specifies whether to sort in descending or ascending
order.Reverses default sort order: 'true' results in a descending
sort; 'false' (the default) results in an ascending sort.
:param filter_func:
A lambda function which applied to each row, Gets a row dict as
argument and returns True or False. Used for filtering rows in
memory (as opposed to query which filters on the service side).
A list of row dictionaries.
Update Row (By ID).
Only the fields supplied will be updated.
:param row_data:
A dictionary containing row data. The row will be updated according
to the value in the ID_FIELD.
The updated row.
UpdateRowByIndex(index, row_data):
Update Row By Index
:param index:
An integer designating the index of a row to update (zero based).
Index is relative to the returned result set, not to the original
:param row_data:
A dictionary containing row data.
The updated row.
Append Row at the end
:param row_data:
A dictionary containing row data.
A row dictionary for the inserted row.
Delete Row (By ID).
Requires that the given row dictionary contains an ID_FIELD.
:param row:
A row dictionary to delete.
Delete Row By Index
:param index:
A row index. Index is relative to the returned result set, not to
the original spreadsheet.
Delete All Rows
Tested under python 2.7
To see your python version
in terminal: python -V
or in python: import sys; print (sys.version)
pip install ez
no dependencies
Almost all commands support the usage of '~', '..', '.', '?', '*' in path (ls,fls only support regular expression).
Symbolic link itself is the target of file operations; the actual file should be safe.
see also pyg.py
# 0 = everything will be actually executed
# 1 = simulate operations of cp, mv, execute; other commands will be actually performed.
will print out simulated commands, useful for debugging and for counting files when necessary.
readx(path, sheet=0, r=[1,], c=None) # Read xlsx, xls file into a list
savex(path, data, header=None, delimiter=",", sheet_name='Sheet1') # Write a list of list to a xlsx (xlsxwriter), xls(xlwt), csv file
fullpath(path) fp()
pwd() or cwd() # Returns current working director.
csd() # Returns full path of current script directory, i.e. the directory where the running script is.
csf() # Returns current script name without ext.
parentdir(path) pr() # Returns the parent directory of a path.
joinpath(path1[, path2[, ...]]) jp() # Returns the joined path. Supports vectorization.
splitpath(path) sp() # Returns a list of path elements: [path, file, ext]. Supports vectorization.
cd(path) # Changes to a new working directory.
join(sep,string1,string2), join(sep,array) # Glues together strings with sep. Supports vectorization.
replace(theList,theItem,replacement), remove(theList,theItem)
ls([path[, regex]], full=True, dotfile=False) # Returns a list of all (including hidden) files with their full paths in path, filtered by regular expression.
lsd([path[, regex]], full=False, dotfolder=False)
fls([path[, regex, dotf=False]]) # Returns a list of files with their full paths in flattened path (i.e. walk each subdirectory).
# the filter only works for short file name not for full file name, i.e. the file name itself not its full path
# regular expression is case-sensitive
# usage: ls(); ls(cwd()); ls(cwd(), "\.py$")
mkdir("path/to/a/directory") # Makes a directory (also any one of the "path", "to", "a" directories if not exits).
rn(old, new) # Renames old to new.
exists(path) # Returns the existence of path (0 or 1).
rm(path) # Deletes a file or folder. Supports wildcards, vectorization.
cp(source, destination) # Copies source file(s) or folder to destination. Supports wildcards, vectorization.
mv(source, destination) # Moves source file(s) or folder to destination. Supports wildcards, vectorization.
sprintf(formatString, *args, **kwargs)
execute, execute1, execute2 # Executes a shell command
esp, esp1, esp2 # execute sprintf shell commands
espR, espR1, espR2 # execute sprintf R codes
with nooutput():
print 'this is will not be printed in stdout'
pprint(text,color='green') # color print; ppprint() # "pretty-print" arbitrary Python data structures
beep() # Beeps to notify user.
which(name) # Prints where a module is and in which module a function is. which('python') returns which python is being used.
help(name)/doc(name) # name is a string, Prints the doc string of a module/class/function
when write a module, add:
__doc__ = three double quotes blabla three double quotes <-----this is module's docstring, use explicit
when write a function/class:
def function(arg):
three double quotes Returns, blabla three double quotes <-----this is function's doctoring, use implicit
return sth
ver(package_name) version(package_name), see a package's version. package_name could be 'python'
whos(name),whos() list imported functions/packages
logon(file="log.txt", mode='a', status=True, timestamp=True), logoff()
tree([path[, forest=True]) # Prints a directory tree structure.
forest=True (default) prints only folders, i.e., print less to show the big forest
forest=False prints files plus folders
[starts, ends] = regexp(string, pattern); regexp(string, pattern, method='split/match'), regexpi
regexprep(string, pattern, replace, count=0), regexprepi
iff(expression, result1, result2), ifelse()
clear(module, recursive=False)
Randomize(x), randomize(x) # Sets a randomization seed.
RandomizeArray(list=[]) randomizearray(list=[]) # Shuffles a list in place.
Random(a,b) random(a,b) # Returns a random integer N such that a <= N <= b.
RandomChoice(seq), randomchoice(seq) # Returns a random element from sequence
Permute(iterable=[]) permute(iterable=[]) # Returns permutations in a list
unique(seq), union(seq1,seq2), intersect(seq1,seq2), setdiff(seq1,seq2) in original order
seq could be a list
note: setdiff(seq1,seq2) may not be equal to setdiff(seq2,seq1)
>>> unique('abracadaba')
['a', 'b', 'r', 'c', 'd']
>>> unique('simsalabim')
['s', 'i', 'm', 'a', 'l', 'b']
>>> setdiff('abracadaba','simsalabim')
['r', 'c', 'd']
>>> setdiff('simsalabim','abracadaba')
['s', 'i', 'm', 'l']
duplicate(seq) # returns a list of duplicated elements in original order
# e.g.
# a = [1,5,2,3,2,1,5,6,5,5,5]
# duplicate(a) # yields [2, 1, 5]
JDict() # Jerry's dictionary, customized ordered dictionary class with convient attributes and methods, see help(JDict)
Moment(timezone) # Generates the current datetime in specified timezone, or local naive datetime if omitted.
SetClip(content), setclip(content) # Copy/Write something to current clipboard
content = GetClip(), content = getclip() # Read out content from current clipboard and assign to a variable
lines(path='.', pattern='\.py$|.ini$|\.c$|\.h$|\.m$', recursive=True) # Counts lines of codes, counting empty lines as well.
keygen(length=8, complexity=3) # generate a random key
hashes(filename): # Calculate/Print a file's md5 32; sha1 32; can handle big files in a memory efficient way
To avoid typing email password each time, place a file named pygmailconfig.py with
EMAIL = 'someone@gmail.com'
PASSWORD = 'abcdefghik'
or better pygmailconfig.pyc
in the site-packages/ez folder, check with ez.which('ez')
The functions will no longer need email/password and become like this
Mail(to, subject, body, attach=None), AddEvent(event), Sheet(fileName)
Mail([EMAIL, PASSWORD, ] to, subject, body, attachment=None, bcc=None, cc=None, reply_to=None)
to/bcc/cc: ['a@a.com','b@b.com'] or 'a@a.com, b@b.com'
reply_to: 'a@a.com'
attachment: 'file_in_working_dir.txt' or ['a.txt','b.py','c.pdf']
AddEvent([EMAIL, PASSWORD, ] event) on DATE at TIME for DURATION in PLACE
Sheet([EMAIL, PASSWORD, ] fileName)
returns a sheet object representing "Sheet 1"
your google account doesn't have to the owner of this sheet, as long as you can edit it.
but you need to initialize/create this sheet and maybe the header by hand to begin with
the header could have spaces, ? etc, and when they are used as the keywords of dictionary, they are all converted to lowercase and all illegal characters are removed e.g. Delayed Test_date? --> delayedtestdate
fileName should be unique, can have spaces
GetRows(query=None, order_by=None,
reverse=None, filter_func=None)
:param query:
A string structured query on the full text in the worksheet.
Supported binaryOperators are:
- (), for overriding order of operations
- = or ==, for strict equality
- <> or !=, for strict inequality
- and or &&, for boolean and
- or or ||, for boolean or.
:param order_by:
A string which specifies what column to use in ordering the
entries in the feed. By position (the default): 'position' returns
rows in the order in which they appear in the GUI. Row 1, then
row 2, then row 3, and so on. By column:
'column:columnName' sorts rows in ascending order based on the
values in the column with the given columnName, where
columnName is the value in the header row for that column.
:param reverse:
A string which specifies whether to sort in descending or ascending
order.Reverses default sort order: 'true' results in a descending
sort; 'false' (the default) results in an ascending sort.
:param filter_func:
A lambda function which applied to each row, Gets a row dict as
argument and returns True or False. Used for filtering rows in
memory (as opposed to query which filters on the service side).
A list of row dictionaries.
Update Row (By ID).
Only the fields supplied will be updated.
:param row_data:
A dictionary containing row data. The row will be updated according
to the value in the ID_FIELD.
The updated row.
UpdateRowByIndex(index, row_data):
Update Row By Index
:param index:
An integer designating the index of a row to update (zero based).
Index is relative to the returned result set, not to the original
:param row_data:
A dictionary containing row data.
The updated row.
Append Row at the end
:param row_data:
A dictionary containing row data.
A row dictionary for the inserted row.
Delete Row (By ID).
Requires that the given row dictionary contains an ID_FIELD.
:param row:
A row dictionary to delete.
Delete Row By Index
:param index:
A row index. Index is relative to the returned result set, not to
the original spreadsheet.
Delete All Rows
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