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Neutron guide optimization package

Project description

Early version of guide_bot in python

This project is a rewrite of the guide_bot software that was originally coded in MATLAB,

The purpose of guide_bot is to automate optimization of neutron guide systems given a simple job description and a description of the desired guide geometry. The guide geometry can be provided with as much or as little detail as desired, and everything not specified will be optimized. This has been used for many ESS instruments in early phases, as this allows investigating a broad range of different guide systems without much effort. guide_bot was also used at PSI for their guide upgrades for existing instruments. The guide simulations are performed by McStas and optimization was performed with iFit, usually on a cluster running SLURM.

The rewrite in python is underway and is thus far from fully functional. The rewrite will provide several important benefits:

  • Open source software, no MATLAB license required
  • Can depend on McStasScript which will handle McStas jobs, simplifying the guide_bot code
  • The original guide_bot could only scan two dimensions, and only certain were allowed, this limitation was removed
  • Much easier for the user to add a new figure of merit or source
  • Avoided complex parameter space transformations by using constraints during optimization instead
  • Can have python code executed before each optimization step, moves complexity away from instrument file
  • User defined parameters are possible, which can depend on one another using arbitrary functions
  • User defiend constraints can be added to the user defined parameters
  • Computing tasks written as pickled python code, easy to perform the task on other hardware
  • Now have unit tests (in progress)

This is the earliest public version of the software, and is not yet ready for production. There are many systems which are yet to be added, such as allowing guides that break line of sight, specification of the guide coating, only the bare minimum of plots are shown.

Currently these guide elements are implemented:

  • Straight guide (or tapered, start and end dimensions can differ, but the mirrors are straight)
  • Elliptic guide
  • Curved guide
  • Gap
  • Kink
  • Slit

The software can be installed through pip with the following line:

pip install guide_bot --upgrade

As part of the dependencies McStasScript will be installed, this software needs to be configured, follow the instructions on its github page to do so.

To install from git, it is recommended to install the software in a virtual python environment, follow the steps below. This is necessary if a specific branch is to be used, as only the master branch is available through pip.

  1. clone the repository
  2. navigate to the folder in a terminal
  3. create the virtual environment with: python -m venv venv
  4. activate the virtual environment: source ./venv/bin/activate
  5. install required packages with pip: pip install -r requirements.txt
  6. install guide_bot with: pip install -e .

Before using guide_bot, that virtual environment need to be activated by repeating step 4.

For any suggestions on development or questions, please write The project is funded by the EU project HighNESS and is done under work package 7.

Breif user manual

The software is still in a very early stage, but can be used by someone curious.

Setting up a guide_bot project

The main module is called guide_bot and in examples is loaded as gb.

import guide_bot as gb

Setting up figure of merit

The figure of merit in guide_bot is referred to as the target. In many situations this correspond to beam requirements on the sample, but it could also be on monochromator or similar. Create a Target object to describe the figure of merit, which is a description of the desired beam after the guide. In the example below a list is given for height, that ensures a scan is performed, meaning guide_bot will perform an optimization for both a 1 cm and 3 cm tall target.

target = gb.Target(width=0.02, height=[0.01, 0.03],
                   div_horizontal=0.75, div_vertical=1.0,
                   min_wavelength=1.5, max_wavelength=3.0,
                   instrument_length=60, target_guide_distance=0.5)

Setting up sources

One can set up a source for several reasons, the primary one is the source for the optimization, but its also possible to add sources for analysis. Here we add two sources, one with a scan of moderator heights and one for analysis which can not have scans.

moderator = gb.Moderator(name="fom_moderator", width=0.1,
                         height=[0.02, 0.04, 0.06, 0.08, 0.1], guide_start=2.0)

ESS_moderator = gb.ESS_Butterfly(name="large_moderator", height=0.03, guide_start=2.0)

Creating the project

Now a project can be created, this uses the target and source objects defined above. It also includes settings, this can adjust the optimizer and ncount used for optimization and analysis. The analysis moderator is used for analysis in addition to the figure of merit moderator.

settings = {"maxiter": 400, "swarmsize": 25, "minstep": 5E-4,
            "ncount": 5E6, "ncount_analysis": 1E8, "logfile": True}

first_project = gb.Project(name="first_project", target=target, moderator=moderator,
                           settings=settings, analysis_moderators=ESS_moderator)

Adding a guide

With a guide_bot run defined, one can create a guide object with the new_guide method, it only requires a name. The returned object will be an empty guide, and the user can expand it as necessary as it is already registred by the project that created it. It is possible to overwrite the instrument_length and target_guide_distance in this particular guide to facilitate comparing different instrument lengths in a single project, but it is good practice to include such info in the guide name.

my_guide = first_project.new_guide(name="my_guide")
my_second_guide = first_project.new_guide(name="guide_with_new_instrument_length", instrument_length=45)

The next step is to add guide elements to the guide object. In the example below a guide object is created and a guide consisting of a feeder, a gap and elliptic guide is added. The '+=' operator is used to add an additional guide modeule to an existing guide object.

guide = first_project.new_guide(name="Elliptic_with_feeder")
guide += gb.Elliptic(name="Feeder", m=4)
guide += gb.Gap(name="Chopper_gap", start_point=6.5, length=0.1, start_width=0.03, start_height=0.04)
guide += gb.Elliptic(name="Main_guide", m=3)

Currently these elements are available:

  • Gap: Gap in the guide
  • Kink: Gap where the position and rotation of the next element is changed
  • Slit: Slit (As gap, but with limited entrance)
  • Straight: Guide with straight mirrors
  • Elliptic: Elliptic guide
  • Curved: Curved guide

All guide elements have the following common keyword arguments:

  • start_point: Starting point measured in [m] from the source
  • length: Length of the element
  • start_width: Width at the start of the element in [m]
  • start_height: Height at the start of the element in [m]
  • end_width: Width at the end of the element in [m]
  • end_height: Height at the end of the element in [m]

These can be used in several ways.

  • If not set, it will be a free parameter.
  • If set as a float value, that parameter will be locked.
  • If set as a list with length two, that will be min, max for that free parameter.

When setting a range with a list, None is allowed for min or max to avoid setting that end of the range, these will be overwritten with default values.

This input scheme should be used for as many of the keyword arguments as possible to streamline the input method. The vast majority of cases can be handled with only the above input method, but more complex tools are available.

In addition to the above ways, some keyword arguments can be controlled with user defined parameters. The main advantage with these are that one user defined parameter can be set to control multiple parameters, locking them together.

The user defined parameters are of these three types:

  • FixedInstrumentParameter(name, value)
  • RelativeFreeInstrumentParameter(name, min_value, max_value)
  • DependentInstrumentParameter(name, dependent_list, dependent_function)

The locked parameter sets a specific value for the parameter, similar to setting a float. The free parameter sets a range, similar to setting the min/max values. The dependent parameter depends on one or more other user defined parameters, and have a general function that will be evaluated. An arbitrary number of inputs can be used, but they must match the number of function inputs, a few examples are shown below.

guide_width = gb.RelativeFreeInstrumentParameter("guide_width", 0.01, 0.08)
double_guide_width = gb.DependentInstrumentParameter("double_guide_width", [guide_width], lambda x: 2*x)

guide_height = gb.RelativeFreeInstrumentParameter("guide_height", 0.01, 0.1)
guide_area = gb.DependentInstrumentParameter("guide_area", [guide_width, guide_height], lambda x, y: x*y)

It is also possible to add user defined constraints to the user defined parameters. This is represented much like a dependent parameter, but where the constraint is considered fulfilled if the returned value of the function is above 0. Such a constraint need to be added to the guide object, as it can not be added to any one guide element.

constraint_area = Constraint([guide_area], lambda x: 0.01 - x)

With these parameters defined we can define a completely straight guide with a gap, and a constraint on the guide area.

guide = first_project.new_guide(name="straight_with_gaps")
guide += gb.Straight(name="first_section", m=2,
                     start_width=guide_width, end_width=guide_width,
                     start_height=guide_height, end_height=guide_height)
guide += gb.Gap(name="chopper_gap", start_point=6.5)
guide += gb.Straight(name="second_section", m=2,
                     start_width=guide_width, end_width=guide_width,
                      start_height=guide_height, end_height=guide_height)

Special options for each module

The elliptic guide module have the following special options:

  • minor_axis_x: The minor axis of the elliptic guide in the horizontal direction [m]
  • minor_axis_y: The minor axis of the elliptic guide in the vertical direction [m]
  • max_width: Maximum width of the guide [m]
  • max_height: Maximum height of the guide [m]

The curved guide module have the following special options:

  • angle: The angle the curved guide rotates [radians], together with its length this defines the curvature
  • bend: String to give direction of curve, can be "left", "right", "up" or "down"

Notice that due to limitations in the used McStas component, the gravity is disabled in the curved segments, and the width / height is constant, so end_width and end_height will be set to the start values.

The kink module have the following special options:

  • angle: The angle of rotation for the next element [degrees]
  • kink_dir: String describing kink direction, "left", "right", "horizontal", "up", "down" or "vertical"
  • h_displacement: Horizontal displacement in [m]
  • v_displacement: Vertical displacement in [m]
  • displacement: Sets both horizontal and vertical displacement [m]

Line of sight

Currenty there are two line of sight breakers among the implemented elements, the curved guide and the kink. If their angle parameter is specified, they will act as normal elements, but if not they will be considered line of sight breakers. guide_bot is able to set the angles of line of sight breakers dynamically to break line of sight between two user specified points in the guide. This has to be done for each iteration of the optimizer, as guide dimensions and element placements impacts how much the guide must turn to avoid line of sight. To use this feature, the user needs to define line of sight sections for which line of sight needs to be broken. This requires describing a point within the guide, which can be done with ElementPoint. Consider this simple guide.

guide = first_project.new_guide(name="curved_with_elliptic_nose")
guide += gb.Straight(name="extraction", m=2)
guide += gb.Curved(name="curved")
guide += gb.Elliptic(name="elliptic", m=4)

Using ElementPoint one can specify a point in an element in three ways demonstrated here

gb.ElementPoint("extraction", from_start=1.2) # A point 1.2 m from the start of extraction
gb.ElementPoint("curved", fraction=0.4) # A point 40% through the curved section
gb.ElementPoint("elliptic", from_end=4.1) # A point 4.1 m from the end of the elliptic section

Using this notation, line of sight sections can be added.

guide.add_los_section(gb.ElementPoint("extraction", from_start=0.0), gb.ElementPoint("elliptic", from_end=0.0))
guide.add_los_section(gb.ElementPoint("extraction", from_start=0.0), gb.ElementPoint("curved", from_end=2.0))

This would instruct guide_bot to curve the curved guide enough to break line of sight from the start of the extraction element to the end of the elliptic element, and then curve the guide enough to eliminate line of sight from the start of the guide to 2.0 m from the end of the curved guide. The system is at present limited to handling one line of sight blocker per line of sight interval, but one guide can contain multiple intervals and blockers as long as no interval contains more than one blocker. It is also possible to specify a los section using distance from the source. The following line would break line of sight from 4.0 m after the soure to 30.0 m after the source, but this notation leaves little control over what elements are in that range, so for now it is only recommended if a single los breaker is used.

guide.add_los_section(4.0, 30.0)

Available sources

There are a number of sources available, each can be used for both optimization and analysis.

  • Moderator
  • ESS_Butterfly
  • MCPL_source

All have the following parameters:

  • name, string describing this moderator for your own use
  • width [m]
  • height [m]
  • guide_start [m]
  • min_guide_start [m]
  • max_guide_start [m]

Setting guide_start locks the distance between source and guide to the given value, but if that is not set, one can set a minimum and maximum instead.

The Moderator has no additional parameters.

The ESS_Butterfly source have the following parameters:

  • sector: Choice of sector, must be "N" "S" "E" or "W"
  • beamline: Beamline number, between 1 and 11, integer
  • acc_power: Accelerator power [MW]
  • cold_frac: Fraction of rays generated on cold surface

The ESS Butterfly can only have heights of 3 cm and 6 cm, this is a restriction from the McStas components. When using this source the rotation of the first guide element is optimized, along with a small displacement, this is needed to point the guide at the appropriate moderator face for the selected wavelength interval.

The MCPL_source can have the following parameters:

  • mcpl_file: Path to mcpl file to use, it will be copied into the project when writing the project
  • repeat_count: Number of times to repeat the rays in the file
  • E_smear: Smear of energy when repeating [1], gaussian with E_smear*E width.
  • pos_smear: Smear of position when repeating [m]
  • dir_smear: Smear of direction when repeating [deg]

Writing the project to disk

Before writing the job to disk, its good practice to print the job to ensure it has the expected guides and scan.

guide_bot Project named 'first_project'
Included guides: 
Moderator scan configurations: 5
Target scan configurations: 2
Total optimizations to be performed: 20

Then the run can be performed, which will write the project folder to disk.


If the project is to be executed on a cluster, a cluster configuration need to be added. The package has a default folder for cluster config files called cluster_config, another path can be given with the keyword argument config_path.

from guide_bot.cluster import SLURM
DMSC = SLURM.ClusterSLURM(cluster_name="DMSC")

If the project is being executed on a local computer, one has to run each task written to disk with the runner. Navigate to the correct folder in python with for example os.chdir and execute the RunFromFile method with the path to the task file.


Launching a run on a cluster

In order to launch a project on a cluster, one have to specify the desired cluster when writing the project to disk as detailed above. Then the entire generated project folder is uploaded to the cluster, for example:

scp -r first_project

Then login to the cluster and navigate to the project folder. In the project folder there will be a number of launch_all scripts corresponding to each queue configured for the cluster. For the DMSC cluster, only quark is configured correctly.


This will launch all the guide optimizations simultaneously, and after optimization analysis will be performed along with plots describing the simulated beam. When all the jobs have concluded, download the project folder.

Analyzing the data

The amount of data produced by a guide_bot run can be quite overwhelming, but there are tools included to get an overview and dive into the data. This is done through widgets in jupyter notebooks.

From a terminal, navigate to the project folder on your computer and open a jupyter notebook.

jupyter notebook

Load the guide_bot packages for analysis.

import matplotlib
%matplotlib widget

from guide_bot.scan_visualization.interfaces import Results

To create a Result object, provide the path to a project folder produced by guide_bot where at least some of the optimizations have been started

results = Results("cluster_data/scan_demo_slit")

The results object can show which optimizations succeeded with the show_status method.


It is possible to browse the contained data using widgets in a jupyter notebook, these are accessed by different methods.

  • plot_guide: Plots the optimized guide
  • plot_any_monitor: Plots any single monitor
  • compare_monitors: Compare 1D monitors for any number of guides
  • compare_moderators: Compare 1D monitors for any number of guides and moderators
  • compare_monitors_scan: Compare 1D monitors over a scan
  • plot_sum: Shows sum of any monitor as function of scan

Showing an interface is done by calling the corresponding method.


Its possible to access the data directly through the overview attribute, which is an object of type ScanOverview, that contains the data. This object can contain a lot of data in a complex structure, so here an example is shown on how to retrieve a single dataset, along with how to find the legal indices.

data =["Elliptic_with_feeder"][1,3]["fom_moderator"].runs["fom_wavelength_band"].get_data("Lambda")

The data object is first indexed with the guide name, an overview is available from the results object:


The next field is the scan indices, and an overview of the indices can be retrieved with show_scan.


The last field in the data dictionary is the used moderator, these can be found from get_moderators


The resulting data object contains a runs attribute with the data, and the available runs can be displayed with show_runs. This will include some wavelength snapshots where a single wavelength is used, and some wavelength ranges, one of which is the fom_wavelength_band which was the one used for the optimization.["Elliptic_with_feeder"][1,3]["fom_moderator"].show_runs()

A single run correspond to one McStas simulation, and there are multiple monitors available. These can be shown with get_monitor_list.["Elliptic_with_feeder"][1,3]["fom_moderator"].runs["fom_wavelength_band"].get_monitor_list()

And finally the desired dataset can be retrieved.

data =["Elliptic_with_feeder"][1,3]["fom_moderator"].runs["fom_wavelength_band"].get_data("Lambda")

To get a quick overview of the data one can plot all the figure of merit histories using the overview.


For big runs, this can be too much data, and it is possible to show data from just a single guide by specifying a guide name-


If some of the analysis moderators included optimizations, these can also be viewed with the mod keyword argument.

It is also possible to access an object called the log_plotter for each guide optimization.

log_plotter = results.overview.get_log_plotter("Elliptic_with_feeder",(1,3),"fom_moderator")

The log plotter contains all information from the log files written about the guide and can plot detailed information about the optimization, for example with the plot_overview method.


The parameters of the optimization can be shown with


Correlations between two parameters can be shown with plot_correlation, this method needs two different parameter names as input. It is also possible to plot correlations between all parameters with plot_all_correlations, but this is typically too many to see in a meaningful way, so a few keyword arguments can be used to search for subsets of parameters. On the correlation plots simulations that returned zero intensity is shown as a red cross to aid in debuggning.


Project details

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Source Distribution

guide_bot-0.0.31.tar.gz (144.7 kB view details)

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File details

Details for the file guide_bot-0.0.31.tar.gz.

File metadata

  • Download URL: guide_bot-0.0.31.tar.gz
  • Upload date:
  • Size: 144.7 kB
  • Tags: Source
  • Uploaded using Trusted Publishing? No
  • Uploaded via: twine/4.0.1 CPython/3.8.8

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Hashes for guide_bot-0.0.31.tar.gz
Algorithm Hash digest
SHA256 69513ee8d51b1eb50f7603bcbb317c9b0d671c713fe81449cf7e3fa90532a164
MD5 3dbb4328bc063771628e19d850cc0f95
BLAKE2b-256 308eb4f56bebbe91f8f98a4b772b81361d6faf054ba145d056386b5dccb8eb28

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