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LicenseSpring Python Library

Project description

LicenseSpring Python Library

The LicenseSpring Python Library provides convenient access to the LicenseSpring API from applications written in the Python language.


Install licensespring library:

pip install licensespring

Requires: Python >=3.7

Hardware (Device) IDs

This library provides preconfigured hardware identity providers:

  • HardwareIdProvider (default)
  • PlatformIdProvider

You can set the desired hardware identity provider when initializing the APIClient:

from licensespring.hardware import PlatformIdProvider

api_client = APIClient(api_key="_your_api_key_", shared_key="_your_shared_key_", hardware_id_provider=PlatformIdProvider)

It also supports their customization and creation of your own hardware id provider.


Uses uuid.getnode() to generate unique ID per device as described:

Get the hardware address as a 48-bit positive integer. The first time this runs, it may launch a separate program, which could be quite slow. If all attempts to obtain the hardware address fail, we choose a random 48-bit number with the multicast bit (least significant bit of the first octet) set to 1 as recommended in RFC 4122. “Hardware address” means the MAC address of a network interface. On a machine with multiple network interfaces, universally administered MAC addresses (i.e. where the second least significant bit of the first octet is unset) will be preferred over locally administered MAC addresses, but with no other ordering guarantees.

All of the methods exposed by HardwareIdProvider:

class HardwareIdProvider:
    def get_id(self):
        return str(uuid.getnode())

    def get_os_ver(self):
        return platform.platform()

    def get_hostname(self):
        return platform.node()

    def get_ip(self):
        return socket.gethostbyname(self.get_hostname())

    def get_is_vm(self):
        return False

    def get_vm_info(self):
        return None

    def get_mac_address(self):
        return ":".join(("%012X" % uuid.getnode())[i : i + 2] for i in range(0, 12, 2))

    def get_request_id(self):
        return str(uuid.uuid4())


Uses sys.platform and OS queries to find the raw GUID of the device.

Extends the HardwareIdProvider and overwrites only the get_id method:

class PlatformIdProvider(HardwareIdProvider):
    def get_id(self):
        id = None

        if sys.platform == 'darwin':
            id = execute("ioreg -d2 -c IOPlatformExpertDevice | awk -F\\\" '/IOPlatformUUID/{print $(NF-1)}'")

        if sys.platform == 'win32' or sys.platform == 'cygwin' or sys.platform == 'msys':
            id = read_win_registry('HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Cryptography', 'MachineGuid')
            if not id:
                id = execute('wmic csproduct get uuid').split('\n')[2].strip()

        if sys.platform.startswith('linux'):
            id = read_file('/var/lib/dbus/machine-id')
            if not id:
                id = read_file('/etc/machine-id')

        if sys.platform.startswith('openbsd') or sys.platform.startswith('freebsd'):
            id = read_file('/etc/hostid')
            if not id:
                id = execute('kenv -q smbios.system.uuid')

        if not id:
            id = super().get_id()

        return id


Extend any of the preconfigured hardware identity providers, overwrite the methods you want and provide it when initializing the APIClient:

class CustomHardwareIdProvider(HardwareIdProvider):
    def get_id(self):
        return "_my_id_"

api_client = APIClient(api_key="_your_api_key_", shared_key="_your_shared_key_", hardware_id_provider=CustomHardwareIdProvider)

APIClient Usage Examples

Set app version

import licensespring

licensespring.app_version = "MyApp 1.0.0"

Create APIClient

from licensespring.api import APIClient

api_client = APIClient(api_key="_your_api_key_", shared_key="_your_shared_key_")

Activate key based license

product = "lkprod1"
license_key = "GPB7-279T-6MNK-CQLK"
license_data = api_client.activate_license(product=product, license_key=license_key)


Activate user based license

product = "uprod1"
username = ""
password = "nq64k1!@"

license_data = api_client.activate_license(
    product=product, username=username, password=password


Deactivate key based license

product = "lkprod1"
license_key = "GPUB-J4PH-CGNK-C7LK"
api_client.deactivate_license(product=product, license_key=license_key)

Deactivate user based license

product = "uprod1"
username = ""
password = "nq64k1!@"

    product=product, username=username, password=password

Check key based license

product = "lkprod1"
license_key = "GPBQ-DZCP-E9SK-CQLK"

license_data = api_client.check_license(product=product, license_key=license_key)


Check user based license

product = "uprod1"
username = ""
password = "1l48y#!b"

license_data = api_client.check_license(product=product, username=username)


Add consumption

product = "lkprod1"
license_key = "GPSU-QTKQ-HSSK-C9LK"

# Add 1 consumption
consumption_data = api_client.add_consumption(
    product=product, license_key=license_key


# Add 3 consumptions
consumption_data = api_client.add_consumption(
    product=product, license_key=license_key, consumptions=3


# Add 1 consumption, allow overages and define max overages
consumption_data = api_client.add_consumption(
    product=product, license_key=license_key, allow_overages=True, max_overages=10


Add feature consumption

product = "lkprod1"
license_key = "GPTJ-LSYZ-USEK-C8LK"
feature = "lkprod1cf1"

# Add 1 consumption
feature_consumption_data = api_client.add_feature_consumption(
    product=product, license_key=license_key, feature=feature

# Add 3 consumptions
feature_consumption_data = api_client.add_feature_consumption(
    product=product, license_key=license_key, feature=feature, consumptions=3


Trial key

product = "lkprod2"

trial_license_data = api_client.trial_key(product=product)


Product details

product = "lkprod1"

product_data = api_client.product_details(product=product)


Track device variables

product = "lkprod1"
license_key = "GPUB-SZF9-AB2K-C7LK"
variables = {"variable_1_key": "variable_1_value", "variable_2_key": "variable_2_value"}

device_variables = api_client.track_device_variables(product=product, license_key=license_key, variables=variables)


Get device variables

product = "lkprod1"
license_key = "GPUB-SZF9-AB2K-C7LK"

device_variables = api_client.get_device_variables(product=product, license_key=license_key)


Floating borrow

product = "lkprod1"
license_key = "GPUC-NGWU-3NJK-C7LK"

# Borrow for 2 hours
borrowed_until = (datetime.utcnow() + timedelta(hours=2)).isoformat()
floating_borrow_data = api_client.floating_borrow(product=product, license_key=license_key, borrowed_until=borrowed_until)


Floating release

product = "lkprod1"
license_key = "GPUC-NGWU-3NJK-C7LK"

api_client.floating_release(product=product, license_key=license_key)

Change password

username = ""
password = "_old_password_"
new_password = "_new_password_"

is_password_changed = api_client.change_password(username=username, password=password, new_password=new_password)



product = "lkprod1"
license_key = "GPB7-279T-6MNK-CQLK"

# Get versions for all environments
versions_data = api_client.versions(product=product, license_key=license_key)

# Get versions for mac environment
mac_versions_data = api_client.versions(
    product=product, license_key=license_key, env="mac"


Installation file

product = "lkprod1"
license_key = "GPB7-279T-6MNK-CQLK"

# Get the latest installation file
installation_file_data = api_client.installation_file(
    product=product, license_key=license_key

# Get the latest installation file for linux environment
installation_file_data = api_client.installation_file(
    product=product, license_key=license_key, env="linux"

# Get the latest installation file for version 1.0.0
installation_file_data = api_client.installation_file(
    product=product, license_key=license_key, version="1.0.0"


Customer license users

product = "uprod1"
customer = ''

customer_license_users_data = api_client.customer_license_users(
    product=product, customer=customer



product = "uprod1"
customer_account_code = "ccorp"

sso_url_data = api_client.sso_url(
    product=product, customer_account_code=customer_account_code


SSO URL with code response type

product = "uprod1"
customer_account_code = "ccorp"

sso_url_data = api_client.sso_url(


Activate offline

product = "lkprod1"
license_key = "GPY7-VHX9-MDSK-C3LK"

# Generate data for offline activation
activate_offline_data = api_client.activate_offline_dump(
    product=product, license_key=license_key

# Write to file
with open('activate_offline.req', mode='w') as f:
    print(activate_offline_data, file=f)

# Activate offline
license_data = api_client.activate_offline(data=activate_offline_data)


Activate offline load

# Read from file
with open('./ls_activation.lic') as file:
    ls_activation_data =

license_data = api_client.activate_offline_load(ls_activation_data)


Deactivate offline

product = "lkprod1"
license_key = "GPYC-X5J2-L5SK-C3LK"

# Generate data for offline deactivation
deactivate_offline_data = api_client.deactivate_offline_dump(
    product=product, license_key=license_key

# Write to file
with open('deactivate_offline.req', mode='w') as f:
    print(deactivate_offline_data, file=f)

# Deactivate offline

Key based license feature check

product = "lkprod1"
license_key = "GPB7-279T-6MNK-CQLK"
feature = "lkprod1f1"

license_feature_data = api_client.check_license_feature(
    product=product, feature=feature, license_key=license_key


Key based license floating feature release

product = "lkprod1"
license_key = "GPB7-279T-6MNK-CQLK"
feature = "lkprod1f1"

    product=product, feature=feature, license_key=license_key


Licensefile setup

To use licensefile inside a python SDK you should first setup your key and IV. Key and IV are used inside Python SDK for encryption and decryption process inside licensefile. For the first setup it is essenital to chose password and salt for key generation. This process is only required once at the setup.

from licensespring.licensefile.default_crypto import DefaultCryptoProvider

password = "YOUR_PASSWORD"
salt = "YOUR_SALT"

crypto = DefaultCryptoProvider()

key = crypto.derive_key(password=key_password,salt=key_salt)
iv = crypto.generate_random_iv()

Configuration Setup

After you have successfully setup your key and IV you should setup your Configuration.

from licensespring.licensefile.config import Configuration

conf = Configuration(product="your_product_short_code",
  • product (str): product short code.
  • api_key (str): Your unique API key used for authentication with the licensing server.
  • shared_key (str): A shared secret key used alongside the API key for enhanced security during the license verification process.
  • file_key (str): The encryption key used for securing license files on the client side.
  • file_iv (str): The initialization vector for the encryption algorithm. This complements the file_key for encrypting and decrypting license files.
  • hardware_id_provider (object, optional): The provider class used for generating a unique hardware ID. This ID helps in binding the license to specific hardware. Defaults to HardwareIdProvider.
  • verify_license_signature (bool, optional): A boolean flag indicating whether the license's digital signature should be verified. Defaults to True for enhanced security.
  • signature_verifier (object, optional): The class responsible for verifying the digital signature of licenses. Defaults to SignatureVerifier.
  • api_domain (str, optional): The domain name of the API server with which the licensing operations are performed. Defaults to "".
  • api_version (str, optional): The version of the API to use for requests. This allows for compatibility with different versions of the licensing API. Defaults to "v4".
  • filename (str, optional): The default filename for saved license files. This can be customized as needed. Defaults to "License".
  • file_path (str, optional): The path where license files should be saved on the client system. If not specified, a default location is used.
  • grace_period_conf (int, optional): The number of hours to allow as a grace period for Defaults to 24 hours.


  • from_key(cls, key): Class method to create a LicenseID instance for key-based activation
  • from_user(cls, username, password): Class method to create a LicenseID instance for user-based activation.

Key-based setup

license_id = LicenseID.from_key("your_license_key") 

User-based setup

license_id = LicenseID.from_user(username="",password="password")                          


from licensespring.licensefile.license_manager import LicenseManager,LicenseID

manager = LicenseManager(conf)

Configuration parametres

conf (Configuration): A configuration object


Activates a license with the license server and updates local license data.Returns an instance of the License


manager = LicenseManager(conf)

license_id = LicenseID.from_key("H6QM-6H5R-ZENJ-VBLK")

license = manager.activate_license(license_id)


manager = LicenseManager(conf)

license_id = LicenseID.from_user(username="",password="7t_x3!o9")

license = manager.activate_license(license_id)


Loads the license file and sets attributes for the LicenseData instance. Returns an instance of the License class reflecting the loaded license.

manager = LicenseManager(conf)

license = manager.load_license()


Checks if the licensing server is accessible. Returns True if online, False otherwise.

manager = LicenseManager(conf)

license = manager.is_online()

License object

Object responsible for license operations


Determines whether the license's validity period has expired

manager = LicenseManager(conf)

license_id = LicenseID.from_key("H7G3-F4PJ-4AEJ-UKYL")

license = manager.activate_license(license_id)

Return (bool): True if license expired;False if license is valid


Verifies the current status of the license. It raises exceptions if the license is not enabled, not active, or expired

manager = LicenseManager(conf)

license_id = LicenseID.from_key("H7G3-F4PJ-4AEJ-UKYL")

license = manager.activate_license(license_id)

LicenseStateException: Raised if the license fails one of the following checks:

  • License is not enabled.
  • License is not active.
  • License validity period has expired.

Return: None


Performs an online check to synchronize the license data with the backend. This includes syncing consumptions for consumption-based licenses.


  • include_expired_features (bool, optional): Includes expired license features in the check.
manager = LicenseManager(conf)

license_id = LicenseID.from_key("H7G3-F4PJ-4AEJ-UKYL")

license = manager.activate_license(license_id)


ClientError: Raised if there's an issue with the API client's request, such as invalid credentials or unauthorized access.

RequestException: Raised if there's a problem with the request to the licensing server, such as network issues or server unavailability.

Return (dict): The updated license cache.


Deactivates the license and optionally deletes the local license file.


  • delete_license (bool, optional): If True, deletes the local license file upon deactivation.
manager = LicenseManager(conf)

license_id = LicenseID.from_key("H7G3-F4PJ-4AEJ-UKYL")

license = manager.activate_license(license_id)

Return: None


This method ensures the integrity and consistency of the licensing information by comparing the data stored in the local license file with the predefined configurations in the Configuration object.

manager = LicenseManager(conf)

license_id = LicenseID.from_key("H7G3-F4PJ-4AEJ-UKYL")

license = manager.activate_license(license_id)


ConfigurationMismatch: Raised if the product code or hardware ID in the license file does not match the expected values provided in the Configuration
VMIsNotAllowedException: Raised if the license is used in a VM environment when the license explicitly disallows it.
TimeoutExpiredException: Raised if a floating license has expired. This is more relevant if is_floating_expired is later implemented to perform actual checks. ClockTamperedException: Raised if there is evidence of tampering with the system's clock, detected by comparing the system's current time with the last usage time recorded in the license file.

Return: None


Adds local consumption records for consumption-based licenses. Parameters:

  • consumptions (bool, optional): The number of consumptions to add locally
manager = LicenseManager(conf)

license_id = LicenseID.from_key("H7G3-F4PJ-4AEJ-UKYL")

license = manager.activate_license(license_id)

LicenseSpringTypeError: Raised if the license type does not support consumption (i.e., not a consumption-based license).
ConsumptionError: Raised if adding the specified number of consumptions would exceed the allowed maximum for the license.

Return (dict): The updated license cache reflecting the new consumption count.


Synchronizes local consumption data with the server, adjusting for overages if specified.


  • req_overages (int, optional): Specifies behavior for consumption overages.
manager = LicenseManager(conf)

license_id = LicenseID.from_key("H7G3-F4PJ-4AEJ-UKYL")

license = manager.activate_license(license_id)


RequestException: Raised if the request to synchronize consumption data with the server fails, for instance, due to network issues or server unavailability.

Return (bool): True if the consumption data was successfully synchronized; False otherwise.


Determines if the current license state is within its grace period following a specific exception.

manager = LicenseManager(conf)

license_id = LicenseID.from_key("H7G3-F4PJ-4AEJ-UKYL")

license = manager.activate_license(license_id)

boolean = license.is_grace_period()

Return (bool): True if the license is within its grace period, False otherwise


Changes password of a user

manager = LicenseManager(conf)

license_id = LicenseID.from_user(username="",password="7t_x3!o9")

license = manager.activate_license(license_id)


Return (str): "password_changed"


Copyright (C) 2023 by Cense Data Inc.,

Dependency licenses

Name Version License URL
certifi 2023.7.22 Mozilla Public License 2.0 (MPL 2.0)
charset-normalizer 3.3.0 MIT License
idna 3.4 BSD License
pycryptodome 3.19.0 Apache Software License; BSD License; Public Domain
requests 2.31.0 Apache Software License
urllib3 2.0.7 MIT License
winregistry 1.1.1 UNKNOWN

Project details

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Source Distribution

licensespring-2.0.1.tar.gz (34.4 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Source

Built Distribution

licensespring-2.0.1-py3-none-any.whl (35.3 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 3

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