SparkLib is a Python client library for interacting with . It provides functionalities to manage accounts, strategies, place orders, and much more.
Project description
SparkLib - MaticAlgos Python Client
SparkLib is a Python client library for interacting with . It provides functionalities to manage accounts, strategies, place orders, and much more.
You can install the pre release via pip
pip install maticalgos-spark
Setup Guide
Follow these steps to set up and start trading with Spark:
Prerequisites for Trading
Before you can begin trading on Spark, ensure you've completed the following steps:
Account Creation:
- Sign up for an account on Spark.
Broker Account Setup:
- Have an active broker account with one of the supported brokers.
Connection Establishment:
- Connect your broker account to Spark seamlessly.
Strategy Creation:
- Develop your trading strategy within the Spark platform.
Strategy Linking:
- Associate your created strategy with your broker account on Spark.
Strategy Activation:
- Activate your linked strategy within the Spark interface.
Trading Activation:
- Enable trading on your broker account within Spark by specifying the Capital Deployed and Multiplier.
Access Token Generation:
- Generate an access token to initiate trading activities securely.
Commence Trading:
- Once all setup steps are completed, you're ready to commence trading using Spark.
Control Flow
Login to Your Account
- Visit Spark and log in using your user ID and password.
Add a Broker Account
- Navigate to 'Connections' -> 'ACCOUNTS' -> 'Add Account'.
- Choose your preferred broker.
- Provide a unique account name and your client ID.
- Optionally, add your Telegram bot key and chat ID.
- Click on 'Add Account'.
Create Strategy
- Go to 'Connections' -> 'STRATEGIES' -> 'Add Strategy'.
- Name your strategy and describe it.
- Select the strategy type (Intraday or Positional).
- Choose the display type (Private or Public).
- Decide if you want to perform a forward test (Yes or No).
- Click on 'Add Strategy'.
Link Strategy to Connected Broker Accounts
- Click on 'Connections' -> 'LINKED STRATEGIES' -> 'Add Linked Strategy'.
- Select the strategy and the associated account.
- Specify the multiplier and capital deployed.
- Click on 'Add'.
Activate Strategy
- Visit 'Connections' -> 'LINKED STRATEGIES'.
- If the strategy status is 'Inactive', click on the 'Activate' button.
Start Trading
- Navigate to 'Connections' -> 'ACCOUNTS'.
- Generate an access token by clicking on 'Generate Token' for the respective account.
- Click on the 'Trade' button for the respective account.
- Choose the strategy name and click on 'Activate Now'.
Getting API Keys
api key is unique for each and every account.
- Login to your Spark account.
- Click on 'Account Name' -> 'Settings'.
- Copy the 'App Key'. You will need this to generate a session ID.
Getting an Access Token
- Import the Spark library
from maticalgos.sparkLib import SparkLib, OrderSocket
- Create a Spark object
spark = SparkLib(userid = "Your Emailid",
password = "Your Password")
# OR
spark = SparkLib(apikeys = "Your API Keys")
- Generate a access token
Sample response
{'status': True, 'error': False, 'data': [{'access_token': 'eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIs', 'token_type': 'bearer'}], 'message': 'User Authorized'}
API Methods
- Link Account to Strategy
- Get Linked Strategies
- Get Linked Strategies By Account
- Modify Linked Strategy
- Modify Linked Strategy
- Activate Linked Strategy
- Deactivate Linked Strategy
- Delete Linked Strategy
This method is used to get the profile of the user.
print(spark.profile()) # get profile
Sample response
{'status': True, 'error': False, 'message': 'User exists', 'data': [{'ID': 10, 'Name': 'Your Name', 'Email': 'Your Email', 'PhoneNo': 'Your Phone No', 'LastLogin': '2024-04-02', 'CreatedOn': '2024-02-27', 'UCC': 'Your Unique User Code', 'Disabled': 0, 'UserType': 'admin', 'acLimit': 10, 'stLimit': 20}]}
Account INFO
We can get the account information using the following methods of all accounts and one account.
All Accounts
Sample response
{'status': True, 'error': False, 'data': [{'Clientid': 'Your Client ID', 'AccountName': 'Your Account Name', 'LastLogin': '2024-04-03', 'UCC': 'Your Unique User Code', 'Trade': True, 'Broker': 'Your Broker'}], 'message': 'Data Received'}
One Account
We have to pass the account name to get the account information.
print(spark.getOneAccount(accountName='Your Account Name'))
Sample response
{'status': True, 'error': False, 'data': [{'Clientid': 'Your Client ID', 'AccountName': 'Your Account Name', 'LastLogin': '2024-04-03', 'UCC': 'Your Unique User Code', 'Chatid': 'Your telegram chat ID', 'BotKeys': 'Your Bot Keys', 'Sessionid': 'Your Session ID', 'Trade': 'Y', 'Broker': 'Your Broker'}], 'message': 'Data Received'}
Account Management
For activating and deactivating the Broker account on the Spark platform.We can use the following methods.
Activate account
Sample response
{'status': True, 'error': False, 'data': [{'Trade': 'Y'}], 'message': 'Trading activated'}
Deactivate Account
print(spark.deactivateAccount(accountName='Your Account Name',activate='N'))
Sample response
{'status': True, 'error': False, 'data': [{'Trade': 'N'}], 'message': 'Trading deactivated'}
Input Variables | Possible Values | Data Type | Description |
accountName | Your Created Account Name | String | Account Name |
activate | 'Y', 'N' | String | Activate or Deactivate the account |
Strategies Management
Create Strategy
Description='Your Description',
Sample response
{'status': True, 'error': False, 'data': [], 'message': 'Strategy Added.'}
Get Strategies
Sample response
{'status': True, 'error': False, 'data': [{'ID': 104, 'StrategyName': 'Your Strategy Name', 'Description': '', 'StrategyType': 'Intraday', 'UCC': 'Your Unique User Code', 'Display': 'Private','ForwardTest': 'N'},{'ID': 127, 'StrategyName': 'Strategy_1', 'Description': 'Your Description', 'StrategyType': 'Intraday', 'UCC': 'Your UCC', 'Display': 'Private', 'ForwardTest': 'Y'}], 'message': 'Strategy data received'}
Modify Strategy
Description='Your Description',
Sample response
{'status': True, 'error': False, 'data': [], 'message': 'Strategy Modified.'}
Delete Strategy
Sample response
{'status': True, 'error': False, 'data': [], 'message': 'Strategy Deleted.'}
Input Variables | Possible Values | Data Type | Description |
strategyName | Your Strategy Name | String | Name of the strategy |
Description | Your Description | String | Description of the strategy |
StrategyType | 'Intraday', 'Positional' | String | Type of strategy (Intraday or Positional) |
Display | 'Private', 'Public' | String | Display setting for the strategy |
ForwardTest | 'Y', 'N' | String | Whether forward testing is enabled |
Linked Strategies
- Link Account to Strategy
- Get Linked Strategies
- Get Linked Strategies By Account
- Modify Linked Strategy
- Modify Linked Strategy
- Activate Linked Strategy
- Deactivate Linked Strategy
- Delete Linked Strategy
Link Account to Strategy
print(spark.addlinkStrategy(strategyName='Your Strategy Name',
accountName='Your Account Name',
Sample response
{'status': True, 'error': False, 'data': [], 'message': 'Strategy Added.'}
Get Linked Strategies
Sample response
{'status': True, 'error': False, 'data': [{'StrategyName': 'Your Strategy Name', 'AccountName': 'Your Account Name', 'UCC': 'Your UCC', 'Multiplier': 1, 'Activate': 1, 'Capital': 0.0 ,'StrategyID': 'F000000:Your Strategy Name'}], 'message': 'Data Received'}
Get Linked Strategies By Account
print(spark.getlinkStrategyAccount(accountName='Your Account Name'))
Sample response
{'status': True, 'error': False, 'data': [{'StrategyName': 'Your Strategy Name', 'AccountName': 'Your Account Name', 'UCC': 'Your UCC', 'Multiplier': 1, 'Activate': 1, 'Capital': 0.0}], 'message': 'Data Received'}
Modify Linked Strategy
# Modify Linked Strategy
print(spark.modifyLinkedStrategy(strategyName='Your Strategy Name',
accountName='Your Account Name',
# Activate Linked Strategy
# Send Activate=1 to activate the strategy
print(spark.modifyLinkedStrategy(strategyName='Your Strategy Name',
accountName='Your Account Name',
# Deactivate Linked Strategy
# Send Activate=0 to deactivate the strategy
print(spark.modifyLinkedStrategy(strategyName='Your Strategy Name',
accountName='Your Account Name',
Sample response
{'status': True, 'error': False, 'data': [], 'message': 'Strategy Link modified'}
Delete Linked Strategy
print(spark.deletelinkStrategy(strategyName='Your Strategy Name',accountName='Your Account Name'))
Sample response
{'status': True, 'error': False, 'data': [], 'message': 'Strategy Link Deleted.'}
Input Variables | Possible Values | Data Type | Description |
strategyName | Your Strategy Name | String | Name of the strategy to be linked/modifed/deleted |
accountName | Your Account Name | String | Name of the account to be linked/modifed/deleted |
Multiplier | Integer | Integer | Multiplier value for the linked strategy |
Activate | 'Y', 'N' | String | 'Y' to activate, 'N' to deactivate the linked strategy |
Capital | Float | Float | Capital amount for the linked strategy (if applicable) |
Get Expiry Dates
Sample response
{'status': True, 'error': False, 'data': ['2024-04-04', '2024-04-10', '2024-04-18', '2024-04-25'], 'message': 'Data Received'}
Input Variables | Possible Values | Data Type | Description |
symbol | 'NIFTY', 'SBIN', 'SENSEX', etc. | String | Symbol of the instrument |
exchange | 'NFO', 'BFO', 'CDS','NSE','BSE' | String | Exchange where the instrument trades |
instrument | 'FUT', 'OPT' | String | Type of instrument (Futures, Options) |
Get Tokens
Sample response
{'status': True, 'error': False, 'data': [{'token': '42378', 'symbol': 'NIFTY04APR2420050PE', 'name': 'NIFTY', 'expiry': '2024-04-04', 'strike': 20050, 'lotsize': 50, 'instrumenttype': 'OPTIDX', 'exch_seg': 'NFO', 'tick_size': 0.05}, {'token': '45720', 'symbol': 'NIFTY04APR2421650PE', 'name': 'NIFTY', 'expiry': '2024-04-04', 'strike': 21650, 'lotsize': 50, 'instrumenttype': 'OPTIDX', 'exch_seg': 'NFO', 'tick_size': 0.05}], 'message': 'Data Received'}
Input Variables | Possible Values | Data Type | Description | Optional |
symbol | 'NIFTY', 'SBIN', 'SENSEX', etc. | String | Symbol of the instrument | No |
exchange | 'NFO', 'BFO', 'CDS', 'NSE', 'BSE' | String | Exchange where the instrument trades | No |
instrument | 'FUT', 'OPT' | String | Type of instrument (Futures, Option) | Yes |
expiry | Date string format (e.g., '2024-04-04') | String | Expiry date of the instrument (if applicable) | Yes |
Order Management
- Place order
- Modify order
- Cancel order
- Delete Order
- Square off All Orders
- Cancel All Orders
- Stop Operation
- Square Off Single
- Delete Trade
- Manual Square Off
- Orderbook
- Tradebook
- Netposition
- Push Trades
Get the last traded price of the token. Token format is 'Exchange:Token'
Place an Order
You can place following types of order through this API.
- Limit Order
- Market Order
- SL-Limit Order
# Limit Order
print(spark.placeorder(strategyName = "Your Strategy Name",
transType = "Buy",
token = "NSE:212",
qty = 1,
orderType = "Limit",
productType = "Intraday",
limitPrice = 500.0))
# Market Order
print(spark.placeorder(strategyName = "Your Strategy Name",
transType = "Sell",
token = "NSE:212",
qty = 1,
orderType = "Market",
productType = "Intraday"))
# SL-Limit Order
print(spark.placeorder(strategyName = "Your Strategy Name",
transType = "Buy",
token = "NSE:212",
qty = 1,
orderType = "SL-Limit",
productType = "Intraday",
triggerPrice = 220,
limitPrice = 210))
Sample reponse of place order
{'status': True, 'error': False, 'data': [{'strefID': 2000}], 'message': 'Order Placed.'}
Input Variables | Possible Values | Data Type | Description |
strategyName | "Your Strategy Name", etc. | String | Name of the strategy to place the order |
transType | "Buy", "Sell" | String | Type of transaction |
token | "NSE:212", etc. | String | Token representing the instrument to trade |
qty | Integer | Integer | Quantity of the instrument to buy/sell |
orderType | "Limit", "Market", "SL-Limit" | String | Type of order (Limit, Market, Stop-Limit) |
productType | "Intraday", "Delivery" | String | Product type (Intraday, Delivery, etc.) |
limitPrice | Float | Float | Price specified for Limit and SL-Limit orders |
triggerPrice | Float | Float | Trigger price specified for SL-Limit orders |
strefID | Integer | Integer | Reference ID of the order placed |
Modify Order
print(spark.modifyorder(strategyName='Your Strategy Name',
Sample response of modify order
{'status': True, 'error': False, 'data': [{'strefID': 2328}], 'message': 'Order Modified.'}
Cancel Order
print(spark.cancelorder(strategyName='Your Strategy Name',strefID=2328))
Sample response of cancel order
{'status': True, 'error': True, 'data': [{'strefID': 2328}], 'message': 'Order Cancelled.'}
Delete Order
print(spark.deleteOrder(strefID=568,reftag= 757))
Sample response
{'status': True, 'error': False, 'data': [], 'message': 'Order Deleted.'}
Square off
# if you want to square off all orders of Strategy linked to Broker account
print(spark.SquareOff(ctype='strategy',strategyName='Your Strategy Name',accountName='Your Account Name'))
# if you want to square off all orders of Broker account
print(spark.SquareOff(ctype='account',accountName='Your Account Name'))
{'status': True, 'error': False, 'data': [], 'message': 'Request sent to Square Off in StrategyName : Your Strategy Name with AccountName : Your Account Name'}
{'status': True, 'error': False, 'data': [], 'message': 'Request sent to Square Off in AccountNamme : Your Account Name'}
Cancel All Orders
# if you want to cancel all orders of Strategy linked to Broker account
print(spark.CancalAll(ctype='strategy',strategyName='Your Strategy Name',accountName='Your Account Name'))
# if you want to cancel all orders of Broker account
print(spark.CancalAll(ctype='account',accountName='Your Account Name'))
{'status': True, 'error': False, 'data': [], 'message': 'Request sent to Cancel All Orders in StrategyName : Your Strategy Name with AccountName : Your Account Name'}
{'status': True, 'error': False, 'data': [], 'message': 'Request sent to Cancel All Orders in AccountNamme : Your Account Name'}
Stop Operation
print(spark.stopOperation(strategyName='Your Strategy Name', strefID='Your order Reference ID'))
Sample response
{'status': True, 'error': False, 'data': [{'strefID':Your order Reference ID }], 'message': 'Operations stopped on {Your order Reference ID}'}
Square Off Single
print(spark.squareOffSingle(accountName='You Account Name', strategyName='Your Strategy Name', token='NSE:13528', positionType='Intraday', at_limit='true'))
Sample response
{"status":true,"error":false,"data":[{"strefID":308}],"message":"Order Placed, Position Squared off"}
Delete Trade
print(spark.deleteTrade(TDno='Your Trade Number'))
Sample response
{"status":true,"error":false,"data":[],"message":"Trade Deleted"}
Manual Square Off
print(spark.manualSquareOff(accountName='Your Account Name', strategyName='Your Strategy Name', token='NSE:13528', positionType='Intraday', tradedPrice=0, tradedAt=0, ordersPlaced=0, qty=1))
Sample response
{"status":true,"error":false,"data":[],"message":"Position closed manually."}
print(spark.orderbook(accountName='Your Account Name',
strategyName='Your Strategy Name',
strefid=2000, # Optional : order id
reftag='Your Reference Tag', # Optional : Reference Tag
withorders='Y')) # Optional : 'Y' to get all orders
print(spark.orderbook(accountName='Your Account Name',
strategyName='Your Strategy Name'))
Sample response
{'status': True, 'error': False, 'data': [{'UCC': 'Your UCC', 'AccountName': 'Your Account Name', 'strefID': 2240, 'reftag': 1939, 'StrategyName': 'Your Strategy Name', 'orderType': 'Limit', 'productType': 'Intraday', 'price': 171.25, 'limitPrice': 170.0, 'triggerPrice': 0.0, 'token': 'NSE:212', 'segment': 'C', 'symbol': 'ASHOKLEY-EQ', 'qty': 1, 'transType': 'Buy', 'splitby': 0, 'Operations': '{"timeLimit": 0, "shouldExecute": false, "priceBuffer": 0.0}', 'ordersplaced': 1, 'ordersdone': 1, 'ordersexecuted': 0, 'placed_at': '2024-03-29T10:54:08', 'recon_at': None, 'trade_at': None, 'filledQty': 0, 'tradedQty': None, 'tradeValue': None, 'tradePrice': 0.0, 'status': 'Error', 'active': 0, 'ForwardTest': None}], 'message': 'Data received'}
Get tradebook
strategyName='Your Strategy Name',
accountName='Your Account Name'))
Sample response
{'status': True, 'error': False, 'data': [], 'message': 'Tradebook data received'}
print(spark.netposition(accountName='Your Account Name',
strategyName='Your Strategy Name'))
Sample response
{'status': True, 'error': False, 'data': [{'Your Account Name': {'bookedpnl': 0.816660000000013, 'openpnl': None, 'totalpnl': None, 'totalpositions': 1, 'openpositions': 1}}], 'message': 'Data Received'}
Push Trades
Sample response
{'status': True, 'error': False, 'data': [], 'message': 'Orders converted to Trades and pushed to database'}
Get Excution Logs
Sample response
{'status': True, 'error': True, 'data': [{'Datetime': '2024-04-06T09:36:00', 'UCC': 'Your UCC', 'Name': 'Strategy Name', 'Alert Type': 'DEBUG', 'Message': "Endpoint Called : ModifyOrder. Payload Received : {'UCC': 'Your UCC', 'StrategyName': 'Strategy Name', 'strefID': 2327, 'orderType': 'Market', 'limitPrice': 0.0, 'triggerPrice': 0.0, 'identifier': ''}"}], 'message': 'Data Received'}
Reconnect Order Websocket
print(spark.reconnect_orderWS(accountName='Your Account Name'))
Sample response
{"status":true,"error":false,"data":[],"message":"Reconnecting to WS"}
Holiday List
Sample response
{'status': True, 'error': False, 'data': ['2024-04-02', '2024-04-06', '2024-04-13', '2024-04-14', '2024-04-19', '2024-04-21', '2024-04-28'], 'message': 'Data Received'}
Freeze Quantity
Sample response
{"status":true,"error":false,"data":[{"freezeQty":900}],"message":"Data Received"}
Contract Master File
Sample Code
from SparkLib import SparkLib
if __name__ == '__main__':
spark = SparkLib(userid = 'Your User ID', password = 'Your Password', apikeys = 'Your API Keys')
print(spark.placeorder(strategyName = "Your Strategy Name",
transType = "Buy",
token = "NSE:212",
qty = 1,
orderType = "SL-Limit",
productType = "Intraday",
triggerPrice = 220,
limitPrice = 210,
print(spark.modifyorder(strategyName='Your Strategy Name',
print(spark.cancelorder(strategyName='Your Strategy Name',strefID=2328))
print(spark.stopOperation(strategyName='Your Strategy Name', strefID='Your order Reference ID'))
print(spark.deleteTrade(TDno='Your Trade Number'))
print(spark.manualSquareOff(accountName='Your Account Name', strategyName='Your Strategy Name', token='NSE:13528', positionType='Intraday', tradedPrice=0, tradedAt=0, ordersPlaced=0, qty=1))
print(spark.getOneAccount(accountName='Your Account Name'))
Description='Your Description',
print(spark.modifyStrategy(strategyName='Strategy_1',Description='Your Description',StrategyType='Intraday',Display='Private',ForwardTest='Y'))
# print(spark.addlinkStrategy(strategyName='asa',accountName='Fyers_Vaibhav',Multiplier=1,Activate='Y',Capital=10000))
print(spark.addlinkStrategy(strategyName='Your Strategy Name',
accountName='Your Account Name',
print(spark.modifylinkStrategy(strategyName='Your Strategy Name',accountName='Your Account Name',Multiplier=1,Activate='Y',Capital=10000))
print(spark.deletelinkStrategy(strategyName='Your Strategy Name',accountName='Your Account Name'))
print(spark.CancalAll(ctype='strategy',strategyName='Your Strategy Name',accountName='Your Account Name'))
print(spark.CancalAll(ctype='account',accountName='Your Account Name'))
print(spark.SquareOff(ctype='strategy',strategyName='Your Strategy Name',accountName='Your Account Name'))
print(spark.SquareOff(ctype='account',accountName='Your Account Name'))
print(spark.squareOffSingle(accountName='You Account Name', strategyName='Your Strategy Name', token='NSE:13528', positionType='Intraday', at_limit='true'))
print(spark.intradaypnl(strategyName='Your Strategy Name',accountName='Your Account Name'))
print(spark.netposition(strategyName='Your Strategy Name',accountName='Your Account Name'))
print(spark.tradebook(startDate='2024-04-01',endDate='2024-04-04',strategyName='Your Strategy Name',accountName='Your Account Name'))
print(spark.orderbook(strategyName='Your Strategy Name',accountName='Your Account Name'))
print(spark.reconnect_orderWS(accountName='Your Account Name'))
Order Websocket
The order websocket is a real-time communication protocol used to receive order-related messages from the Spark platform. It provides users with updates on order status, execution, and other pertinent information related to their trading activity. The websocket operates by continuously listening for incoming messages from the Spark platform and relaying them to the user in real-time.
- Real-time Updates: Receive instant updates on order status and execution as they occur on the Spark platform.
- Order Status: Stay informed about any changes in the status of your orders, including pending, executed, or cancelled orders.
- Execution Details: Get detailed information about order executions, including trade prices, quantities, and timestamps.
- Continuous Monitoring: The websocket continuously listens for incoming order messages, ensuring that users are always up-to-date with their trading activity.
To use the order websocket, users need to establish a connection to the Spark platform using their access token. Once connected, the websocket will start receiving order messages from the platform. Users can define callback functions to handle incoming order messages, error notifications, connection status changes, and more.
Sample Code:
from maticalgos.sparkLib import SparkLib, OrderSocket
# Define callback functions
def on_order(message):
print('Order', message)
def on_error(error):
print('Error', error)
def on_close():
print("Connection Closed")
def on_open():
print("Connection Established")
# Create an instance of OrderSocket
order_socket = OrderSocket(
access_token='Your Access Token',
reconnect=True, # Optional: Attempt to reconnect if connection is closed
max_reconnect_attempts=20 # Optional: Maximum attempts to reconnect
# Connect to the websocket
# Close the connection
- on_order(message):
- This function is called whenever a new order message is received. The message parameter contains the order details, including order status, execution details, and other relevant information.
- on_error(error):
- This function is called when an error occurs during the websocket connection.
- on_close():
- This function is called when the websocket connection is closed. It can be used to perform cleanup tasks or handle connection closure events.
- on_open():
- This function is called when the websocket connection is established. It can be used to perform initialization tasks or handle connection establishment events.
- reconnect:
- This parameter specifies whether the websocket should attempt to reconnect if the connection is closed. By default, it is set to True.
- max_reconnect_attempts:
- This parameter specifies the maximum number of reconnection attempts that the websocket should make before giving up. By default, it is set to 20.
- access_token:
- This parameter specifies the access token required to establish a connection to the Spark platform.
- connect():
- This method is used to establish a connection to the Spark platform using the access token.
- close_connection():
- This method is used to close the websocket connection to the Spark platform.
Project details
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File details
Details for the file maticalgos-spark-0.2.4.tar.gz
File metadata
- Download URL: maticalgos-spark-0.2.4.tar.gz
- Upload date:
- Size: 102.4 kB
- Tags: Source
- Uploaded using Trusted Publishing? No
- Uploaded via: twine/5.0.0 CPython/3.10.4
File hashes
Algorithm | Hash digest | |
SHA256 | 1e6adccbd6a6e740f1913a0719a3b639d747c41ca0c32face6efe0da967e0975 |
MD5 | 1447eae66c4c85561dc39e41ade079ec |
BLAKE2b-256 | cb14e8c2cdd1fd458dc7ab71d440b3f103b54b09c5a27c207e385ee82838378c |
File details
Details for the file maticalgos_spark-0.2.4-py3-none-any.whl
File metadata
- Download URL: maticalgos_spark-0.2.4-py3-none-any.whl
- Upload date:
- Size: 110.9 kB
- Tags: Python 3
- Uploaded using Trusted Publishing? No
- Uploaded via: twine/5.0.0 CPython/3.10.4
File hashes
Algorithm | Hash digest | |
SHA256 | e711974cdcbf0e07c05198291b456a9d02197a4309f0b67118015f959127af23 |
MD5 | c3fe5f8c35df2bb3614ae024ace9bfd0 |
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