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Sphinx traceability extension (Melexis fork)

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Sphinx Traceability plugin - README

Sphinx plugin that allows defining documentation items and relations between those items. Can be used as a requirements management tool for e.g. ISO26262 projects.


Define documentation items which can be linked to each other. E.g. define requirements which can be derived from other requirements, or linked to design items and test case descriptions.

Every item is an object in the documentation, which can have different relations to other objects in the documentation. Documentation objects can be spread in different documents.

Two kinds of relationships exist:

  • Internal relationships: Relationships between objects of the documentation (items). Once a (forward) relationship from item A to item B is defined, the reverse relationship from item B to item A is automatically generated by the plugin.

  • External relationships: Relationship from an object of the documentation (item), to an external reference (url of e.g. an external tool). As no item B exists, the reverse relationship is also not defined.

Relationship are configurable.

The plugin can generate

  • rendered versions of the defined documentation objects

  • flat lists of documentation objects

  • traceability matrices between objects


pip3 install mlx.traceability


The file contains the documentation configuration for your project. This file needs to be equipped in order to configure the traceability plugin.

First the plugin needs to be enabled in the extensions variable:

extensions = [

Second the path to the static javascript assets needs to be added to the sphinx html_static_path variable.

import os
import mlx.traceability

html_static_path = [os.path.join(os.path.dirname(mlx.traceability.__file__), 'assets')]

Valid attributes

Python variable traceability_attributes can be defined in order to override the default configuration of the traceability plugin. It is a set of attribute pairs: the key is the name of the attribute (can only be lowercase), while the value holds the regular expression to which the attribute-value should comply.

Example of attributes and their regular expression:

traceability_attributes = {
    'value': '^.*$',
    'asil': '^(QM|[ABCD])$',

Stringification of attributes

Python variable traceability_attribute_to_string can be defined in order to override the default configuration of the traceability plugin. It is a set of attribute stringifications: the key is the name of the attribute, while the value holds the string representation (as to be rendered in html) of the attribute name.

Example of attribute stringification:

traceability_relationship_to_string = {
    'value': 'Value',
    'asil': 'ASIL',

Valid relationships

Python variable traceability_relationsips can be defined in order to override the default configuration of the traceability plugin. It is a set of relationship pairs: the key is the name of the forward relationship, while the value holds the name of the corresponding reverse relationship. Both can only be lowercase.

Relationships with prefix ext_ are treated in a different way: they are handled as external relationships and don’t need a reverse relationship.

Example of internal and external relationship pairs:

traceability_relationships = {
    'validates': 'validated_by',
    'ext_polarion_reference': ''

Stringification of relationships

Python variable traceability_relationship_to_string can be defined in order to override the default configuration of the traceability plugin. It is a set of relationship stringifications: the key is the name of the (forward or reverse) relationship, while the value holds the string representation (as to be rendered in html) of the relationship.

Example of internal and external relationship stringification:

traceability_relationship_to_string = {
    'validates': 'Validates',
    'validated_by': 'Validated by',
    'ext_polarion_reference': 'Polarion reference'

External relationship to URL translation

External relationships need to be translated to URL’s while rendering. For each defined external relationship, an entry in the Python set named traceability_external_relationship_to_url is needed. The URL generation is templated using the fieldx keyword, where x is a number incrementing from 1 onwards for each value in the URL that needs to be replaced.

Example configuration of URL translation of external relationship using 2 fields:

traceability_external_relationship_to_url = {
    'ext_polarion_reference': '',

Rendering of relationships per documentation object

When rendering the documentation objects, the user has the option to include/exclude the rendering of the relationships to other documentation objects. This can be done through the Python variable traceability_render_relationship_per_item which is boolean: a value of ‘True’ will enable rendering of relationships per documentation object, while a value of ‘False’ will disable this rendering.

Example configuration of enable rendering relationships per item:

traceability_render_relationship_per_item = True

Rendering of attributes per documentation object

The rendering of attributes of documentation objects can be controlled through the boolean variable traceability_render_attributes_per_item: rendering of attributes is enabled by setting it to ‘True’ (the default) while a value of ‘False’ will prevent the attribute list from being rendered.

Example configuration of disabling per item attribute rendering:

traceability_render_attributes_per_item = False

No captions

By default, the output will contain hyperlinks to all related items. By default, the caption for the target item is displayed for each of the related items. The captions can be omitted at configuration level (see this section) and at directive level (see e.g. traceability_usage_item_matrix).

No captions for item

Example configuration of disabling the rendering of captions on item:

traceability_item_no_captions = True
No captions for item-list

Example configuration of disabling the rendering of captions on item-list:

traceability_list_no_captions = True
No captions for item-matrix

Example configuration of disabling the rendering of captions on item-matrix:

traceability_matrix_no_captions = True
No captions for item-attributes-matrix

Example configuration of disabling the rendering of captions on item-attributes-matrix:

traceability_attributes_matrix_no_captions = True
No captions for item-tree

Example configuration of disabling the rendering of captions on item-tree:

traceability_tree_no_captions = True


The plugin allows exporting the documentation items.

Export to JSON

As a preliminary test feature, the plugin allows to export the documentation items to a JSON database. The feature can be enabled by setting the configuration to your JSON-file to export to. Note, the JSON-file is overwritten (not appended) on every build of the documentation.

traceability_json_export_path = '/path/to/your/database.json'

As a preliminary feature, the database only contains per documentation item:

  • the id,

  • the caption,

  • the document name and line number,

  • the relations to other items.

The actual content (RST content with images, formulas, etc) of the item is currently not stored.

Callback per item (advanced)

The plugin allows parsing and modifying documentation objects ‘behind the scenes’ using a callback. The callback has this prototype:

def traceability_my_callback_per_item(name, all_items):
    Custom callback on items

    :param name: Name (id) of the item currently being parsed
    :param all_items: Set of all items that are parsed so far

The callback is executed while parsing the documentation item from your rst-file. Note that not all items are available at the time this callback executes, the all_items parameter is a growing set of documentation objects.

Example of no callback per item:

traceability_callback_per_item = None

Default config

The plugin itself holds a default config that can be used for any traceability documenting project:

traceability_callback_per_item = None
traceability_attributes = {
    'value': '^.*$',
    'asil': '^(QM|[ABCD])$',
    'aspice': '^[123]$',
    'status': '^.*$',
    'result': '(?i)^(pass|fail|error)$'
traceability_attribute_to_string = {
    'value': 'Value',
    'asil': 'ASIL',
    'aspice': 'ASPICE',
    'status': 'Status'
traceability_relationships = {
    'fulfills': 'fulfilled_by',
    'depends_on': 'impacts_on',
    'implements': 'implemented_by',
    'realizes': 'realized_by',
    'validates': 'validated_by',
    'trace': 'backtrace',
    'ext_toolname': ''
traceability_relationship_to_string = {
    'fulfills': 'Fulfills',
    'fulfilled_by': 'Fulfilled by',
    'depends_on': 'Depends on',
    'impacts_on': 'Impacts on',
    'implements': 'Implements',
    'implemented_by': 'Implemented by',
    'realizes': 'Realizes',
    'realized_by': 'Realized by',
    'validates': 'Validates',
    'validated_by': 'Validated by',
    'trace': 'Traces',
    'backtrace': 'Back traces',
    'ext_toolname': 'Reference to toolname'
traceability_external_relationship_to_url = {
    'ext_toolname': ''
traceability_render_relationship_per_item = False

This default configuration built into the plugin, can be overridden through the of your project.

For Melexis.SWCC silicon projects, the SWCC process holds a default configuration in the config/ file. For each of the above configuration variables, the default configuration file holds a variable with swcc_ prefix. Taking the default configuration is as easy as assiging the above configuration value with the swcc_ variable. Overriding a configuration is as easy as assigning your own values to a configuration value.

Example of accepting default configuration for relationships, while disabling (override) rendering of relationships per documentation object:

sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath('<path_to_process_submodule>/config'))

from traceability_config import swcc_traceability_attributes
from traceability_config import swcc_traceability_relationships
from traceability_config import swcc_traceability_relationship_to_string

traceability_attributes = swcc_traceability_attributes
traceability_relationships = swcc_traceability_relationships
traceability_relationship_to_string = swcc_traceability_relationship_to_string
traceability_render_relationship_per_item = False


Required sphinx options

By default, sphinx (sphinx-build) performs an incremental build: it only parses the changed files and generates new output for changed files. As this plugin generates automatic reverse relations, the incremental build option of sphinx needs to be disabled. This can be done using the -E option:

sphinx-build -E <other_options>

The plugin allows linking documentation items through relations. If a forward relation from item-A (in document-a.rst) to item-B (in document-b.rst) is created, the reverse relations from item-B to item-A is automatically created. With incremental builds, documents only get re-generated when they are changed. This means the automatic reverse relation cannot be created if that document-B was not touched. By disabling incremental builds, it is made sure every document is updated (with automatic reverse relations) on every re-build.

The plugin assumes incremental builds are disabled, as this makes the implementation of the plugin much easier.

Defining documentation items

Documentation items can be defined using the item directive, specifying:

  • the name (id) of the documentation item

  • caption or short description of the documentation item

  • attributes for the documentation item

  • internal/external relationships to other documentation items (details in next paragraph)

  • content of documentation item including any rst content including text, images, formulas, code-blocks, etc.

.. item:: SWRQT-MY_FIRST_REQUIREMENT Caption of my first requirement
    :value: 400
    :status: Approved
    :ext_polarion_reference: project_x:workitem_y

    According to the Polarion reference, the software **shall** implement my first requirement.

Attributes can be added to the item, using the configured attribute keys (e.g. value in the above example). The content of the attribute is treated as a single string and should match the regular expression in configuration.

The relations to other documentation items can be specified as:

  • a space-separated list of item ID’s, or

  • items can be linked to on a newline (tabulated)

.. item:: SWRQT-MY_FIRST_REQUIREMENT Caption of my first requirement

The output will contain hyperlinks to all related items. By default, the caption for the target item is displayed for each of these related items. With the option nocaptions these captions can be omitted.

Adding relations outside of the item definitions

In some cases, it’s useful to add relations outside of the definition of the items involved. In that case, you can use the item-link directive as follows:

.. item-link::
    :sources: RQT1 RQT2
    :targets: TST3 TST4 TST5
    :type: validates

This directive has no representation in the documentation build output. It will just add an additional relationship to the items mentioned in sources and targets.

Adding description to attributes

Section traceability_config_attributes explain how attributes can be added to the configuration. It is possible to add content to the attributes. A detailed description can be added to an attribute definition:

  • The name (id) of the attribute needs to match the configured attribute. This name is not case sensitive.

  • Caption or short description of the attribute.

  • Content of attribute including any rst content including text, images, formulas, code-blocks, etc.

.. item-attribute:: status The status of a requirement

    The status of the requirement explains whether it is *draft*, *under-review*, *approved* or *invalid*.

Flat list of documentation items

A flat list of documentation items can be generated using a Python regular expression filter:

.. item-list:: All software requirements
    :filter: SWRQT
    :status: Appr

where SWRQT (filter argument) can be replaced by any Python regular expression. Documentation items matching their ID to the given regular expression end up in the list.

where status can be replaced by any configured attribute, and Appr can be replaced by any Python regular expression. Documentation items where the status attribute matches the given regular expression end up in the list.

By default, the caption for every item in the list is shown. By providing the nocaptions flag, the caption can be omitted. This gives a smaller list, but also less details.

Matrix with attributes of documentation items

A matrix listing the attributes of documentation items can be generated using:

.. item-attributes-matrix:: Attributes for requirements
    :filter: SWRQT
    :status: Appr
    :attributes: status
    :sort: status

where the filter argument can be replaced by any Python regular expression. Documentation items matching their ID to the given regular expression end up in the list.

where status can be replaced by any configured attribute, and Appr can be replaced by any Python regular expression. Documentation items where the status attribute matches the given regular expression end up in the list.

where attributes argument is a space-separated list of attributes that should be matched in the matrix.

Above arguments can be avoided, or left empty, in which case the table will contain all attributes for all documentation items.

Documentation items matching their ID to the given filter regular expression end up as rows in the generated table. The matching attribute values end up as columns in the generated table. Documentation items that don’t have a value for a certain attribute will have an empty cell at the corresponding location.

By default, the caption for every item in the table is shown. By providing the nocaptions flag, the caption can be omitted. This gives a smaller table, but also less details.

By default, items are sorted naturally based on their name. With the sort argument it is possible to sort on one or more attribute values alphabetically. When providing multiple attributes to sort on, the attribute keys are space-separated. With the reverse argument, the sorting is reversed.

Optionally, the class attribute can be specified to customize table output, especially useful when rendering to LaTeX. Normally the longtable class is used when the number of rows is greater than 30 which allows long tables to span multiple pages. By setting class to longtable manually, you can force the use of this environment.

Traceability matrix of documentation items

A traceability matrix of documentation items can be generated using:

.. item-matrix:: Requirements to test case description traceability
    :source: SWRQT
    :target: [IU]TEST
    :status: Appr
    :sourcetitle: Software requirements
    :targettitle: Integration and unit test cases
    :type: validated_by

where the source and target arguments can be replaced by any Python regular expression.

where status can be replaced by any configured attribute, and Appr can be replaced by any Python regular expression. Only documentation items where the status attribute matches the given regular expression end up in the source part of the matrix. The attribute value is not used as a filter on the target part.

The type argument is a space-separated list of relationships that should be matched in the matrix. The sourcetitle and targettitle arguments are the titles of the columns in the generated matrix.

Documentation items matching their ID to the given source regular expression end up in the left column of the generated table. Documentation items matching their ID to the given target regular expression with a matching relationship (see type argument) will end up in the right column of the generated table.

By default, the caption for every item in the table is shown. By providing the nocaptions flag, the caption can be omitted. This gives a smaller table, but also less details.

By providing the stats flag, some statistics (coverage percentage) are calculated and displayed above the matrix. The plugin counts the number of items having a target item in the target-column (=covered or allocated), and the number of items having no target in the target-column (=not covered or allocated). And calculates a coverage/allocation percentage from these counts. If the stats flag is not given, this percentage is not displayed.

Optionally, the class attribute can be specified to customize table output, especially useful when rendering to LaTeX. Normally the longtable class is used when the number of rows is greater than 30 which allows long tables to span multiple pages. By setting class to longtable manually, you can force the use of this environment.

2D-matrix of documentation items

A 2D-matrix of documentation items can be generated using:

.. item-2d-matrix:: Requirements to test case description traceability
    :source: SWRQT
    :target: [IU]TEST
    :status: Appr
    :hit: x
    :type: validated_by

where the source and target arguments can be replaced by any Python regular expression.

where status can be replaced by any configured attribute, and Appr can be replaced by any Python regular expression. Only documentation items where the status attribute matches the given regular expression end up in the source part of the matrix. The attribute value is not used as a filter on the target part.

The type argument is a space-separated list of relationships that should be matched in the matrix.

Documentation items matching their ID to the given source regular expression end up as columns of the generated table. Documentation items matching their ID to the given target regular expression end up as rows of the generated table. Where source and target items have a matching relationship (see type argument) an ‘x’ will be placed in the cell at co-ordinates of source/target.

Captions for items in the 2D table are never shown, as it would give a too heavy loaded table.

Optionally, the class attribute can be specified to customize table output, especially useful when rendering to LaTeX. Normally the longtable class is used when the number of rows is greater than 30 which allows long tables to span multiple pages. By setting class to longtable manually, you can force the use of this environment.

Documentation items tree-view

Note: this feature is not supported when building for latex/pdf.

A tree-view of documentation items can be generated using:

.. item-tree:: Requirements tree view
    :top: SWRQT
    :top_relation_filter: depends_on
    :status: Appr
    :type: impacts_on validated_by

where the top argument can be replaced by any Python regular expression. The top_relation_filter and type arguments are space-separated lists of relationships.

The directive generates an expandable tree of links to documentation items. A nested bullet list is generated with, at the top level, the top level documentation items. These are the ones matching their ID to the top regular expression and not having any relation of top_relation_filter kind to a documentation item matching the same top regular expression against its ID.

The status can be replaced by any configured attribute, and Appr can be replaced by any Python regular expression. Only documentation items where the status attribute matches the given regular expression end up in the tree.

Going deeper down this nested bullet list, the item’s relationships are checked: if there is a type relationship (type is a space-separated list of relationships), it gets added as a one-level-deeper item in the nested bullet list. This action is repeated recursively.

By default, the caption for every item in the tree is shown. By providing the nocaptions flag, the caption can be omitted. This gives a smaller tree, but also less details.

Pie chart of documentation items

A pie chart of documentation items can be generated using:

.. item-piechart:: Test coverage of requirements with report results
    :id_set: RQT TEST TEST_REP
    :label_set: uncovered, covered, executed
    :result: error, fail, pass

where the id_set arguments can be replaced by any Python regular expression. The label_set and result arguments are comma-separated lists.

The id_set is a list of item IDs with at least two and at most three item IDs. The first item ID is the source, the second item ID is the target, and the optional third item ID is the target of the second. Adding a third item ID splits up the items with an existing relationship between the first and second ID.

The optional label_set holds the string labels for the pie chart. For source items without a relationship to a target item, the first label is used. For those with a relationship, but without a relationship between the second and third ID, the second label is used. The third label is used for items with both relationships covered. This attribute is optional. The labels in the example are the default values.

The optional result can be replaced by any configured attribute of the third item ID. Its arguments are possible values of this attribute, ordered in priority from high to low. Using this option splits up the slice with the third label. In this example an RQT item with multiple TEST items, one with a fail and others a pass as result value in the TEST_REP item, will be added to the fail slice of the pie chart.


The Melexis.SWCC process has a Guideline for documenting in Restructured Text (RST). It holds guidelines for using the traceability plugin with naming conventions, templates, etc.

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mlx.traceability-2.15.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl (43.2 kB view details)

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Details for the file mlx.traceability-2.15.0.tar.gz.

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  • Download URL: mlx.traceability-2.15.0.tar.gz
  • Upload date:
  • Size: 72.9 kB
  • Tags: Source
  • Uploaded using Trusted Publishing? No
  • Uploaded via: twine/1.13.0 pkginfo/ requests/2.22.0 setuptools/41.0.1 requests-toolbelt/0.9.1 tqdm/4.32.2 CPython/3.6.3

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Hashes for mlx.traceability-2.15.0.tar.gz
Algorithm Hash digest
SHA256 e0631294f590d70c8e93a1d1ce819f0af1b8d73d1ea95c0bcc600521666db0e9
MD5 7cef612d3ec179a01b94e019348c439b
BLAKE2b-256 01ec5f1dc11e979e94f32ab819737f2fb4c7e835f0235034353410cd8e90eaed

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File details

Details for the file mlx.traceability-2.15.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl.

File metadata

  • Download URL: mlx.traceability-2.15.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl
  • Upload date:
  • Size: 43.2 kB
  • Tags: Python 2, Python 3
  • Uploaded using Trusted Publishing? No
  • Uploaded via: twine/1.13.0 pkginfo/ requests/2.22.0 setuptools/41.0.1 requests-toolbelt/0.9.1 tqdm/4.32.2 CPython/3.6.3

File hashes

Hashes for mlx.traceability-2.15.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl
Algorithm Hash digest
SHA256 9f983fe981ad520f7945a87ac297788d17796cfa69821f8f1b7f604f5f87e1e9
MD5 83b513061b8ea4954a10adaf61229f0e
BLAKE2b-256 d3a3e54b7d5245db4b77acfc80efe756f692319b1ac2d5bfad13881fafdeefdf

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