Object-Oriented JSON (OOJ) is a universal libraryfor working with JSON in Python, providing simplicityand convenience in serializing and deserializingcomplex objects.
Project description
Object-Oriented JSON (OOJ)
is a universal library for working with JSON in Python, providing simplicity and convenience in serializing and deserializing complex objects.
Table of Contents
Install the library via pip
pip install ooj
Core Classes
An abstract class representing the base for all JSON objects. It provides methods for converting objects to a dictionary and checking their equality.
A class representing a key-value pair in JSON. It implements methods for serialization to a dictionary and comparison.
A class representing a tree of JSON objects. It supports adding and removing elements and serializing to a dictionary.
and Tree
Classes extending BaseTree
that provide structuring for nested objects.
A class for converting JSON data into RootTree
and Tree
Usage Example
from ooj import TreeConverter
json_data = {
"name": "Alice",
"age": 30,
"address": {
"street": "123 Main St",
"city": "Anytown"
root_tree = TreeConverter.to_root_tree(json_data)
Support for Nested Types
The OOJ library supports deserializing complex nested types, allowing you to easily handle structures with arbitrary nesting. When serializing and deserializing, you can use annotations to specify data types, simplifying the work with custom objects and arrays.
from ooj import Serializer
class Address(JsonEntity):
def __init__(self, street: str, city: str):
self.street = street
self.city = city
def to_dict(self):
return {
"street": self.street,
"city": self.city
class Person(JsonEntity):
def __init__(self, name: str, age: int, address: Address):
self.name = name
self.age = age
self.address = address
def to_dict(self):
return {
"name": self.name,
"age": self.age,
"address": self.address.to_dict()
address = Address("123 Main St", "Anytown")
person = Person("Alice", 30, address)
json_dict = person.to_dict()
This project is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License. See the LICENSE
file for more information.