Sphinx extension for documenting your Pyramid APIs.
Project description
Sphinx extension for documenting your Pyramid APIs.
pip install pyramid_autodoc
Getting Started
To use pyramid_autodoc you just need to add it to the extensions section of your Sphinx conf.py file:
# conf.py
extensions = [..., 'pyramid_autodoc']
Then just create a new .rst document that uses the pyramid-autodoc directive and provide the path to your Pyramid’s .ini file. Here is an example:
Welcome to my Pyramid app's API docs
These are the best APIs in the world!
.. autopyramid:: /path/to/development.ini
Then you can just run your sphinx-build command and it will autogenerate API documentation from your Pyramid routes and view docstrings.
We also support using sphinxcontrib-httpdomain format, just use the :format: setting:
Welcome to my Pyramid app's API docs
These are the best APIs in the world!
.. autopyramid:: /path/to/development.ini
:format: httpdomain
Ignoring Endpoints
If you have a set of endpoints that you don’t want to group or skip entirely there are a few options you can use:
:match-path: - Whitelist only a specific set of paths
:skip-path: - Blacklist a specific set of paths
:match-module: - Whitelist a set of modules
:skip-module: - Blacklist a set of modules
Welcome to my Pyramid app's API docs
These are the best APIs in the world!
.. autopyramid:: /path/to/development.ini
Linking to Source Code
If you want to link from the endpoint to the source code for the corresponding views and you are using sphinx.ext.viewcode, you can generate links to the source code pages it generates. Alternatively, if your source is on the web, you can generate external links instead.
:link-code: - Enable links from endpoints to source code. Assumes sphinx.ext.viewcode is being used unless link-code-pattern is specified.
:link-code-pattern: - Pattern URL for generating links to source code. Tokens in the pattern are replaced by the following values.
{file} is replaced by the file path, e.g. pyramid_autodoc/utils.py.
{lineno_start} is replaced by the beginning line number of the view, e.g. 17.
{lineno_end} is replaced by the end line number of the view, e.g. 22.
Welcome to my Pyramid app's API docs
Links to source code within the docs.
.. autopyramid:: /path/to/development.ini
Links to source code on GitHub.
.. autopyramid:: /path/to/development.ini
:link-code-pattern: https://github.com/SurveyMonkey/pyramid_autodoc/blob/master/{file}#L{lineno_start}-L{lineno_end}
In the last example, a generated link would look like https://github.com/SurveyMonkey/pyramid_autodoc/blob/master/pyramid_autodoc/utils.py#L17-L22.