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A library to query GIE ALSI/AGSI data

Project description


Python client for the ALSI/AGSI APIs

Documentation of the API can be found on:

Documentation of the client API can be found on:


python -m pip install -i roiti-gie


The package is split in two clients:

  1. GieRawClient: Returns data in raw Python Dict.
  2. GiePandasClient: Returns parsed data in the form of a pandas DataFrame.
import asyncio

from roiti.gie.gie_pandas_client import GiePandasClient
from decouple import config

async def main():
    The following methods return pandas DataFrame, however you can use the
    raw client "raw_client = GieRawClient(api_key=Your API key)" and you will get the results as
    JSON parsed to a Python Object
    NOTE that every method available for AGSI is also available for ALSI
    pandas_client = GiePandasClient(api_key=config("API_KEY"))

    # You can specify the country, start date, end date, size (the number of results) in order to get country storage
    await pandas_client.query_country_agsi_storage("AT", start="2020-01-01", end="2022-07-10", size=60)

    # You can run the query without any parameters (in order to get all countries result)
    await pandas_client.query_country_alsi_storage()

    # You can use this query in order to get all AGSI/ALSI EICs (Energy Identification Code)
    await pandas_client.query_alsi_eic_listing()
    # Query which lists all the ALSI/AGSI news (without params)
    await pandas_client.query_alsi_news_listing()
    # Query which lists the news for a specific country (using the url code)
    await pandas_client.query_alsi_news_listing(43419)
    # Query which lists the data for a current facility storage (provide the storage name and params)
    await pandas_client.query_agsi_facility_storage("ugs_haidach_astora", start="2022-10-10")
    # You can list the data for a current storage only using its name
    await pandas_client.query_alsi_facility_storage("dunkerque")
    # Query which lists the data for a current company (also date and size are by choice)
    await pandas_client.query_agsi_company("astora", size=60)
    await pandas_client.query_alsi_company("dunkerque_lng", size=200)
    # Query which lists the unavailability for a current country (country name, date, size are optional)
    await pandas_client.query_agsi_unavailability("GB", size=60)
    await pandas_client.query_agsi_unavailability()
    await pandas_client.query_alsi_unavailability("FR")

    await pandas_client.close_session()

# set_event_loop_policy method is used in order to avoid EventLoopError for Windows
"""All possible use cases of the AGSI/ALSI queries.
Each query from our service could be triggered only with the simple variable (below)
passed as an argument (and of course you could add dates, size and other query params)

# All AGSI companies (please use the variable names for your queries)

astora = "21X000000001160J", "AT"
gsa = "25X-GSALLC-----E", "AT"
omv_gas_storage = "25X-OMVGASSTORA5", "AT"
rag_energy_storage = "23X----100225-1C", "AT"
uniper_energy_storage_at = "21X000000001127H", "AT"
fluxys = "21X-BE-A-A0A0A-Y", "BE"
bulgartransgaz = "21X-BG-A-A0A0A-C", "BG"
psp = "31X-PSP-OSS-HR-D", "HR"
mnd_energy_storage = "27XG-MNDGS-CZ--R", "CZ"
moravia_gas_storage = "27X-MORAVIAGS--E", "CZ"
rwe_gas_storage_cz = "27XG-RWE-GAS-STI", "CZ"
spp_storage = "27X-SPPSTORAGE-R", "CZ"
gsd = "21X000000001104T", "DK"
storengy = "21X000000001083B", "FR"
terega = "21X-FR-B-A0A0A-J", "FR"
astora_germany = "21X000000001160J", "DE"
bayernugs = "37X0000000000151", "DE"
bes = "37X0000000000224", "DE"
edf_gas_deutschland = "37X000000000152S", "DE"
enbw_etzel_speicher = "11X0-0000-0667-8", "DE"
eneco_gasspeicher = "21X0000000010849", "DE"
enovos_storage = "**TOBEPROVIDED**", "DE"
equinor_storage_deutschland = "21X000000001368W", "DE"
erdgasspeicher_peissen = "21X000000001297T", "DE"
ekb = "21X000000001080H", "DE"
ewe_gasspeicher = "21X0000000011756", "DE"
hansewerk = "21X0000000013805", "DE"
kge = "21X000000001140P", "DE"
met_speicher = "37X000000000047P", "DE"
mnd_energy_storage_germany = "37X000000000042Z", "DE"
n_ergie = "11XNERGIE------1", "DE"
nafta_speicher_inzenham = "21X0000000011748", "DE"
nuon_epe_gasspeicher = "37X0000000000119", "DE"
omv_gas_storage_germany = "25X-OMVGASSTORA5", "DE"
rwe_gas_storage_west = "21X000000001262B", "DE"
stadtwerke_hannover = "11XSWHANNOVERAG3", "DE"
storengy_deutschland = "21X000000001072G", "DE"
swb_vertrieb_bremen = "11XSWB-BREMEN--I", "DE"
swkiel_speicher = "37X000000000051Y", "DE"
tep = "21X000000001307F", "DE"
total_etzel_gaslager = "**TOBEPROVIDED**", "DE"
trianel_gasspeicher_epe = "21X000000001310Q", "DE"
uniper_energy_storage = "21X000000001127H", "DE"
vng_gasspeicher_gmbh = "21X000000001138C", "DE"
hexum = "21X0000000013643", "HU"
hgs = "21X0000000013635", "HU"
kinsale_energy = "47X0000000000584", "IE"
edison_stoccaggio = "21X0000000013651", "IT"
igs = "59X4-IGSTORAGE-T", "IT"
stogit = "21X000000001250I", "IT"
conexus_baltic_grid = "21X000000001379R", "LV"
energystock = "21X000000001057C", "NL"
ewe_gasspeicher_nl = "21X0000000011756", "NL"
nam = "21X000000001075A", "NL"
taqa_gas_storage = "21X000000001120V", "NL"
taqa_piek_gas = "21X0000000013732", "NL"
gsp = "53XPL000000OSMP5", "PL"
ren_armazenagem = "21X0000000013627", "PT"
depomures = "21X000000001300T", "RO"
depogaz_ploiesti = "21X-DEPOGAZ-AGSI", "RO"
nafta = "42X-NAFTA-SK---U", "SK"
pozagas = "42X-POZAGAS-SK-V", "SK"
enagas_gts = "21X0000000013368", "ES"
swedegas = "21X-SE-A-A0A0A-F", "SE"
centrica_storage = "21X000000001022V", "GB"
edf = "23X-EDFE-------W", "GB"
humbly_grove_energy = "55XHUMBLYGROVE1H", "GB"
scottish_power = "23XSCOTTISHPOWEF", "GB"
sse_gas_storage = "23X--140207-SSE9", "GB"
storengy_uk = "48XSTORENGYUK01P", "GB"
uniper_energy_storage_ltd = "21X0000000013716", "GB"

# All AGSI countries (please use the variable names for your queries)

AT = "AT", "Austria"
BE = "BE", "Belgium"
BG = "BG", "Bulgaria"
HR = "HR", "Croatia"
CZ = "CZ", "Czech Republic"
DK = "DK", "Denmark"
FR = "FR", "France"
DE = "DE", "Germany"
HU = "HU", "Hungary"
IE = "IE", "Ireland"
IT = "IT", "Italy"
LV = "LV", "Latvia"
NL = "NL", "Netherlands"
PL = "PL", "Poland"
PT = "PT", "Portugal"
RO = "RO", "Romania"
SK = "SK", "Slovakia"
ES = "ES", "Spain"
SE = "SE", "Sweden"
GB_pre = "GB", "United Kingdom (Pre-Brexit)"
RS = "RS", "Serbia"
UA = "UA", "Ukraine"
GB = "GB*", "United Kingdom (Post-Brexit)"

# ALL AGSI facilities (please use the variable names for your queries)

ugs_haidach_astora = "21W000000000078N", "AT", "21X000000001160J"
ugs_haidach_gsa = "25W-SPHAID-GAZ-M", "AT", "25X-GSALLC-----E"
vgs_omv_tallesbrunn = "21W000000000081Y", "AT", "25X-OMVGASSTORA5"
rag_puchkirchen_haag = "21W000000000079L", "AT", "23X----100225-1C"
ugs_7_fields_uniper = "21W000000000057V", "AT", "21X000000001127H"
ugs_loenhout = "21Z000000000102A", "BE", "21X-BE-A-A0A0A-Y"
ugs_chiren = "21W000000000031C", "BG", "21X-BG-A-A0A0A-C"
ugs_okoli = "21W000000000077P", "HR", "31X-PSP-OSS-HR-D"
ugs_uhrice = "21W000000000075T", "CZ", "27XG-MNDGS-CZ--R"
ugs_damborice = "21W000000000102F", "CZ", "27X-MORAVIAGS--E"
vgs_rwe_haje = "21W000000000076R", "CZ", "27XG-RWE-GAS-STI"
ugs_dolni_bojanovice = "21W000000000074V", "CZ", "27X-SPPSTORAGE-R"
vgs_gsd_lille_torup_stenlille = (
vgs_saline_tersanne_etrez_manosque = (
vgs_sediane_saintilliers = "21W0000000000710", "FR", "21X000000001083B"
vgs_sediane_b_gournay = "21W0000000000702", "FR", "21X000000001083B"
vgs_serene_atlantique_chemery = (
vgs_serene_nord_trois_fontaines_labbaye = (
vgs_lussagnet_terega = "21W000000000068Q", "FR", "21X-FR-B-A0A0A-J"
ugs_jemgum_h_astora = "21W0000000001148", "DE", "21X000000001160J"
ugs_rehden = "21Z000000000271O", "DE", "21X000000001160J"
vsp_nord_rehden_jemgum = "21W0000000001261", "DE", "21X000000001160J"
ugs_wolfersberg = "21W0000000000184", "DE", "37X0000000000151"
ugs_berlin = "21W0000000001083", "DE", "37X0000000000224"
vgs_ugs_etzel_edf = "37W000000000003M", "DE", "37X000000000152S"
vgs_ugs_etzel_enbw = "11W0-0000-0432-M", "DE", "11X0-0000-0667-8"
ugs_enschede_epe_eneco = "21W000000000012G", "DE", "21X0000000010849"
ugs_frankenthal = "37Z0000000034538", "DE", "**TOBEPROVIDED**"
ugs_etzel_egl_equinor_storage_deutschland = (
ugs_katharina = "21W0000000000281", "DE", "21X000000001297T"
ugs_etzel_ekb = "21Z000000000291I", "DE", "21X000000001080H"
ewe_h = "37W000000000002O", "DE", "21X0000000011756"
ugs_ewe_l = "21W0000000001075", "DE", "21X0000000011756"
ugs_jemgum_h_ewe = "21W0000000000508", "DE", "21X0000000011756"
ugs_nuttermoor_h_2 = "21W000000000104B", "DE", "21X0000000011756"
ugs_nuttermoor_h_3 = "21W000000000103D", "DE", "21X0000000011756"
ugs_nuttermoor_l_gud = "21W0000000001067", "DE", "21X0000000011756"
ugs_rudersdorf_h = "21W000000000048W", "DE", "21X0000000011756"
ugs_kraak = "21W000000000020H", "DE", "21X0000000013805"
ugs_epe_kge = "21W000000000097J", "DE", "21X000000001140P"
ugs_etzel_ese_met = "21W000000000055Z", "DE", "37X000000000047P"
ugs_reckrod = "21W0000000000540", "DE", "37X000000000047P"
vgs_zone_mnd_esg_ugs_stockstadt = (
ugs_eschenfelden_nergie = "21Z000000000321Z", "DE", "11XNERGIE------1"
ugs_inzenham_west = "21W0000000000192", "DE", "21X0000000011748"
ugs_enschede_epe_nuon = "21W000000000005D", "DE", "37X0000000000119"
ugs_etzel_ese_omv = "21W000000000056X", "DE", "25X-OMVGASSTORA5"
innexpool_rwegsw = "21W000000000121B", "DE", "21X000000001262B"
ugs_epe_l_rwegsw = "21W0000000000532", "DE", "21X000000001262B"
ugs_epe_nl_rwegswest = "21W000000000003H", "DE", "21X000000001262B"
ugs_kalle_rwegswest = "21W000000000004F", "DE", "21X000000001262B"
ugs_stassfurt_rwegswest = "21W0000000000265", "DE", "21X000000001262B"
ugs_ronnenberg_empelde = "21Z0000000004002", "DE", "11XSWHANNOVERAG3"
ugs_fronhofen = "21W000000000091V", "DE", "21X000000001072G"
ugs_harsefeld = "21W000000000092T", "DE", "21X000000001072G"
ugs_lesum = "21W000000000090X", "DE", "21X000000001072G"
ugs_peckensen = "21W0000000000273", "DE", "21X000000001072G"
ugs_schmidhausen = "21W000000000089I", "DE", "21X000000001072G"
ugs_uelsen = "21W000000000093R", "DE", "21X000000001072G"
ugs_bremen_lesum_swb = "21W000000000090X", "DE", "11XSWB-BREMEN--I"
ugs_kiel_ronne = "21W0000000001164", "DE", "37X000000000051Y"
ugs_allmenhausen = "21W000000000030E", "DE", "21X000000001307F"
ugs_etzel_egl_total_etzel_gaslager = (
ugs_epe_trianel = "21W000000000085Q", "DE", "21X000000001310Q"
ugs_bierwang = "21W0000000000613", "DE", "21X000000001127H"
ugs_breitbrunn = "21W0000000000605", "DE", "21X000000001127H"
ugs_epe_uniper_h = "21W000000000066U", "DE", "21X000000001127H"
ugs_epe_uniper_l = "21W000000000065W", "DE", "21X000000001127H"
ugs_eschenfelden_uniper = "21W000000000083U", "DE", "21X000000001127H"
ugs_etzel_erdgas_lager_egl = "21W000000000059R", "DE", "21X000000001127H"
ugs_etzel_ese_uniper_energy_storage = (
ugs_krummhorn = "21W000000000067S", "DE", "21X000000001127H"
ugs_etzel_ese_vgs = "21W000000000120D", "DE", "21X000000001138C"
ugs_jemgum_h_vgs = "21W000000000128Y", "DE", "21X000000001138C"
vgs_storage_hub_bernburg = "21W0000000000427", "DE", "21X000000001138C"
vgs_vtp_storage_gpl = "21W0000000001091", "DE", "21X000000001138C"
ugs_szoreg_1 = "21W000000000086O", "HU", "21X0000000013643"
vgs_mfgt_pusztaederics = "21W000000000087M", "HU", "21X0000000013635"
ugs_kinsale_southwest = "47W000000000245J", "IE", "47X0000000000584"
vgs_edison_stoccaggio_collalto = (
ugs_cornegliano = "59W-IGSTORAGE-0Q", "IT", "59X4-IGSTORAGE-T"
vgs_stogit_fiume_treste = "21Z000000000274I", "IT", "21X000000001250I"
ugs_incukalns = "21W000000000113A", "LV", "21X000000001379R"
ugs_energystock = "21W000000000006B", "NL", "21X000000001057C"
ugs_nuttermoor_h_1 = "21W0000000001059", "NL", "21X0000000011756"
ugs_grijpskerk = "21W000000000001L", "NL", "21X000000001075A"
ugs_norg_langelo = "21W000000000015A", "NL", "21X000000001075A"
ugs_bergermeer = "21W0000000000087", "NL", "21X000000001120V"
ugs_alkmaar = "21W000000000002J", "NL", "21X0000000013732"
gsp_historical_data_prior_to_4_feb_2014 = (
ugs_wierzchowice = "21Z000000000381H", "PL", "53XPL000000OSMP5"
vgs_gim_kawerna_kosakowo = "21Z000000000383D", "PL", "53XPL000000OSMP5"
vgs_gim_sanok_brzeznica = "21Z000000000382F", "PL", "53XPL000000OSMP5"
ugs_carrico = "16ZAS01--------8", "PT", "21X0000000013627"
ugs_targu_mures = "21Z000000000309P", "RO", "21X000000001300T"
ugs_balaceanca = "21Z0000000003111", "RO", "21X-DEPOGAZ-AGSI"
ugs_bilciuresti = "21Z000000000313Y", "RO", "21X-DEPOGAZ-AGSI"
ugs_cetatea_de_balta = "21Z000000000316S", "RO", "21X-DEPOGAZ-AGSI"
ugs_ghercesti = "21Z000000000315U", "RO", "21X-DEPOGAZ-AGSI"
ugs_sarmasel = "21Z000000000314W", "RO", "21X-DEPOGAZ-AGSI"
ugs_urziceni = "21Z0000000003103", "RO", "21X-DEPOGAZ-AGSI"
ugs_lab_incl_gajary_baden = "21W000000000088K", "SK", "42X-NAFTA-SK---U"
ugs_lab_iv_pozagas = "21W000000000047Y", "SK", "42X-POZAGAS-SK-V"
vgs_enagas_serrablo = "21W000000000032A", "ES", "21X0000000013368"
ugs_skallen = "21W0000000000435", "SE", "21X-SE-A-A0A0A-F"
ugs_rough = "21W000000000094P", "GB", "21X000000001022V"
ugs_holehouse_farm_storage = "21Z000000000227R", "GB", "23X-EDFE-------W"
ugs_humbly_grove = "55WHUMBLY1GROVER", "GB", "55XHUMBLYGROVE1H"
ugs_hatfield_moors_storage = "21Z000000000229N", "GB", "23XSCOTTISHPOWEF"
ugs_aldbrough_i = "55WALDBOROUGH00H", "GB", "23X--140207-SSE9"
ugs_atwick = "55WATWICK-SSE00J", "GB", "23X--140207-SSE9"
ugs_stublach = "21W000000000101H", "GB", "48XSTORENGYUK01P"
ugs_holford = "21W000000000112C", "GB", "21X0000000013716"

# ALL ALSI companies (please use the variable names for your queries)

fluxys_lng = "21X000000001006T", "BE"
lng_croatia = "31X-LNG-HR-----7", "HR"
elengy = "21X0000000010679", "FR"
dunkerque_lng = "21X000000001331I", "FR"
fosmax_lng = "21X000000001070K", "FR"
desfa = "21X-GR-A-A0A0A-G", "GR"
gnl_italia = "26X00000117915-0", "IT"
olt_offshore_lng_toscana = "21X000000001109G", "IT"
adriatic_lng = "21X000000001360B", "IT"
klaipedos_nafta = "21X0000000013740", "LT"
eemsenergy_terminal = "52X000000000088H", "NL"
gate_terminal = "21X000000001063H", "NL"
gaz_system = "21X-PL-A-A0A0A-B", "PT"
ren_atlantico = "21X0000000013619", "PT"
bbg = "21X000000001352A", "ES"
enagas_transporte = "21X000000001254A", "ES"
saggas = "18XTGPRS-12345-G", "ES"
reganosa = "18XRGNSA-12345-V", "ES"
national_grid_grain_lng = "21X-GB-A-A0A0A-7", "GB"
south_hook_lng = "21X0000000013554", "GB"
all_spanish_terminals = "21X0000000013368", "ES*"
national_grid_grain_lng_post_brexit = "21X-GB-A-A0A0A-7", "GB*"
south_hook_lng_post_brexit = "21X0000000013554", "GB*"

# ALL ALSI countries (pelase use the variable names for your queries)

BE = "BE", "Belgium"
HR = "HR", "Croatia"
FR = "FR", "France"
GR = "GR", "Greece"
IT = "IT", "Italy"
LT = "LT", "Lithuania"
NL = "NL", "Netherlands"
PL = "PL", "Poland"
PT = "PT", "Portugal"
ES = "ES", "Spain"

# ALL ALSI facilities (pelase use the variable names for your queries)

zeebrugge = "21W0000000001245", "BE", "21X000000001006T"
bilbao = "21W0000000000362", "ES", "21X000000001352A"
barcelona = "21W000000000039X", "ES", "21X000000001254A"
cartagena = "21W000000000038Z", "ES", "21X000000001254A"
huelva = "21W0000000000370", "ES", "21X000000001254A"
sagunto = "21W0000000000354", "ES", "18XTGPRS-12345-G"
mugardos = "21W0000000000338", "ES", "18XRGNSA-12345-V"
tvb_virtual_balancing_lng_tank = (
fos_tonkin = "63W179356656691A", "FR", "21X0000000010679"
montoir_de_bretagne = "63W631527814486R", "FR", "21X0000000010679"
dunkerque = "21W0000000000451", "FR", "21X000000001331I"
fos_cavaou = "63W943693783886F", "FR", "21X000000001070K"
isle_of_grain = "21W000000000099F", "GB", "21X-GB-A-A0A0A-7"
south_hook = "21W0000000000419", "GB", "21X0000000013554"
revythoussa = "21W000000000040B", "GR", "21X-GR-A-A0A0A-G"
krk_fsru = "31W-0000-G-000-Z", "HR", "31X-LNG-HR-----7"
panigaglia = "59W0000000000011", "IT", "26X00000117915-0"
fsru_olt_offshore_lng_toscana = (
porto_levante = "21W000000000082W", "IT", "21X000000001360B"
fsru_independence = "21W0000000001253", "LT", "21X0000000013740"
rotterdam_gate = "21W0000000000079", "NL", "21X000000001063H"
swinoujscie = "21W000000000096L", "PL", "21X-PL-A-A0A0A-B"
sines = "16WTGNL01------O", "PT", "21X0000000013619"
eemsenergy_lng = "52W000000000001W", "LT", "52X000000000088H"

For more information regarding company codes, facility codes and country codes visit:

Running unit tests

Tell pytest where to look for unit tests and create env for ALSI API key

  • On Unix

    export PYTHONPATH=./roiti
    export API_KEY='<API_KEY>'
  • On Windows


Run unit tests in coverage mode

python -m pytest ./tests --import-mode=append --cov


Pull the repository:

git clone
cd ./roiti

Set up your working environment:

  1. Create virtual environment

    python -m venv venv
  2. Activate the virtual environment

    • On UNIX system

      source venv/bin/activate
    • On Windows system


Install required packages:

python -m pip install -r requirements.txt

Bumping the package version after making changes:

bumpversion major|minor|patch|build

Project details

Download files

Download the file for your platform. If you're not sure which to choose, learn more about installing packages.

Source Distribution

roiti-gie-0.0.1.tar.gz (21.3 kB view details)

Uploaded Source

Built Distribution

roiti_gie-0.0.1-py3-none-any.whl (22.0 kB view details)

Uploaded Python 3

File details

Details for the file roiti-gie-0.0.1.tar.gz.

File metadata

  • Download URL: roiti-gie-0.0.1.tar.gz
  • Upload date:
  • Size: 21.3 kB
  • Tags: Source
  • Uploaded using Trusted Publishing? No
  • Uploaded via: twine/4.0.2 CPython/3.10.4

File hashes

Hashes for roiti-gie-0.0.1.tar.gz
Algorithm Hash digest
SHA256 869e7f4331be40530e6b0d352c5bdb60c5aa8320c7ac1adc5f34c2d6eaa923d4
MD5 edc653baaab0efeba7890a31b6a03152
BLAKE2b-256 95cb14f228d220bf5d84c04062d587f41744c1e5bd5cc596b05448842a96ad1d

See more details on using hashes here.

File details

Details for the file roiti_gie-0.0.1-py3-none-any.whl.

File metadata

  • Download URL: roiti_gie-0.0.1-py3-none-any.whl
  • Upload date:
  • Size: 22.0 kB
  • Tags: Python 3
  • Uploaded using Trusted Publishing? No
  • Uploaded via: twine/4.0.2 CPython/3.10.4

File hashes

Hashes for roiti_gie-0.0.1-py3-none-any.whl
Algorithm Hash digest
SHA256 ed5bb3fab12d16a17a97cbc50b1b3b2b24104f082b9a9e5c3d40f660afe1c64e
MD5 0aa5ec1182f5e580138866bbfd6f82bb
BLAKE2b-256 5715fcfa90677a669ed5035bb15b3fa671f9bad98657c3529774689e44c7cd24

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