Utility for web scraping.
Project description
This library intends to make parsing HTML with using request_html. So, When using this library you automatically get (same as request_html):
- Full JavaScript support!
- CSS Selectors (a.k.a jQuery-style, thanks to PyQuery).
- XPath Selectors, for the faint of heart.
- Mocked user-agent (like a real web browser).
- Automatic following of redirects.
- Connection– pooling and cookie persistence.
- The Requests experience you know and love, with magical parsing abilities.
- Async Support
And new features.
- URL / PROXY parser with validator.
- UserAgent manager using collected real user-agents.
- proxy rotation suppport.
- access with random wait time
- shell environment options.
- logging support.
Tutorial and Usage
class URL
- validator()
- unquote() / decode()
- enquote() / encode()
In [1]: from scrapinghelper import URL
In [2]: u = URL()
In [3]: u.validator('http://sample.om')
Out[3]: True
In [4]: u.validator('http://sample.')
Out[4]: False
In [5]: url = URL('http://www.example.com/sample?src=git&encode=jp')
In [6]: url.is_valid
Out[6]: True
In [7]: url.attrs
{'url': 'http://www.example.com/sample?src=git&encode=jp',
'is_valid': True,
'scheme': 'http',
'netloc': 'www.example.com',
'username': None,
'password': None,
'hostname': 'www.example.com',
'port': None,
'path': '/sample',
'params': '',
'query': 'src=git&encode=jp',
'fragment': '',
'basename': 'sample'}
In [8]: url = URL('http://www.example.com/データ.txt')
In [9]: url.attrs
{'url': 'http://www.example.com/%E3%83%87%E3%83%BC%E3%82%BF.txt',
'is_valid': True,
'scheme': 'http',
'netloc': 'www.example.com',
'username': None,
'password': None,
'hostname': 'www.example.com',
'port': None,
'path': '/%E3%83%87%E3%83%BC%E3%82%BF.txt',
'params': '',
'query': '',
'fragment': '',
'basename': 'データ.txt'}
In [10]: url.query
Out[10]: 'src=git&encode=jp'
In [11]: url.get_query_val('src')
Out[11]: 'git'
In [12]: url.set_query_val('src', 'csv')
Out[12]: 'http://www.example.com/sample?src=csv&encode=jp'
In [13]: url
Out[13]: http://www.example.com/sample?src=git&encode=jp
In [14]: url.set_query_val('src', 'csv',update=True)
Out[14]: 'http://www.example.com/sample?src=csv&encode=jp'
In [15]: url
Out[15]: http://www.example.com/sample?src=csv&encode=jp
In [16]: url.get_root_address()
Out[16]: 'http://www.example.com'
In [17]: url.strip_query()
Out[17]: 'http://www.example.com/sample'
In [18]: url = URL('https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/日本語')
In [19]: url
Out[19]: https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E6%97%A5%E6%9C%AC%E8%AA%9E
In [20]: url.unquote()
Out[20]: 'https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/日本語'
In [21]: url.decode()
Out[21]: 'https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/日本語'
class UserAgent
- load_datafile(keep_user_agents: int=50, datapath: Optional[str]=None)
- get_random_user_agent()
- get_next_user_agent()
- first_user_agent
class Scraper
- get_random_user_agent() pass to UserAgent.get_random_user_agent()
- get_random_ipv4()
- get_random_ipv6()
- request()
- request_async()
- get_filename()
- get_links()
- get_texts()
- download_file()
n [1]: from scrapinghelper import Scraper
In [2]: sc = Scraper()
In [3]: sc.get_random_user_agent()
Out[3]: 'Mozilla/5.0 (CrKey armv7l 1.5.16041) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/31.0.1650.0 Safari/537.36'
In [4]: sc.get_random_user_agent()
Out[4]: 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_11_2) AppleWebKit/601.3.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/'
In [5]: sc.get_random_user_agent()
Out[5]: 'Mozilla/5.0 (CrKey armv7l 1.5.16041) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/31.0.1650.0 Safari/537.36'
In [6]: sc.get_random_user_agent()
Out[6]: 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:15.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/15.0.1'
In [7]: sc.get_random_user_agent()
Out[7]: 'Mozilla/5.0 (CrKey armv7l 1.5.16041) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/31.0.1650.0 Safari/537.36'
In [8]: sc.get_random_user_agent()
Out[8]: 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/'
In [9]: sc.get_random_user_agent()
Out[9]: 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:15.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/15.0.1'
In [10]: sc.get_random_ipv4()
Out[10]: ''
In [11]: sc.get_random_ipv4()
Out[11]: ''
In [12]: sc.get_random_ipv6()
Out[12]: '3d18:cb77:5387:3ee9:1e60:d5f3:d987:283a'
In [13]: sc.get_random_ipv6()
Out[13]: 'cfc1:a00d:9013:37a0:ed94:5e92:7fe7:e356'
In [14]:
the request headers with user agents will be automatically created.
In [1]: # %load examples/check_headers.py
...: import scrapinghelper as sch
...: from pprint import pprint
...: scraper = sch.Scraper()
...: response = scraper.request('http://httpbin.org/headers')
...: pprint(response.json())
{'headers': {'Accept': 'text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8,application/signed-exchange;v=b3;q=0.9',
'Accept-Encoding': 'gzip, deflate, br',
'Accept-Language': 'en',
'Host': 'httpbin.org',
'Upgrade-Insecure-Requests': '1',
'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (iPad; CPU OS 8_1_2 like Mac OS X) '
'AppleWebKit/600.1.4 (KHTML, like Gecko) '
'X-Amzn-Trace-Id': 'Root=1-62de3626-07daf491262b96356486884d'}}
In [2]:
**[Important note regardings trie]
the datasets of UserAgents from 51Degrees/DeviceDetection. data file '20000 User Agents.csv' is licenced under the European Union Public Licence V.1.2.
from scrapinghelper import Scraper
scrapper = Scraper(datapath="path_to_new_user_agent_csvfile")
# ...
or set shell Environmnet "SCRAPINGHELPER_USERAGENT_PATH".
export SCRAPINGHELPER_USERAGENT_PATH="/path/to/new_user_agent_csvfile"
In [2]: from scrapinghelper import URL, Scraper, LogConfig
...: logconfig = LogConfig()
...: logconfig.level = 'INFO'
...: sc = Scraper(logconfig=logconfig)
...: url = URL('https://www.houjin-bangou.nta.go.jp/download/zenken/#csv-unic
...: ode')
...: response = sc.request(url)
...: content = response.content
...: print(f'code: {response.status_code}')
code: 200
In [2]: # %load examples/yahoo_finance.py
...: from typing import Any
...: import numpy as np
...: from scrapinghelper import Scraper, URL
...: '#market-summary > div > div.D\(ib\).Fl\(start\).W\(100\%\) '
...: '> div.Carousel-Mask.Pos\(r\).Ov\(h\).market-summary'
...: '.M\(0\).Pos\(r\).Ov\(h\).D\(ib\).Va\(t\) > ul'
...: )
...: class YHFinance(Scraper):
...: Finance = URL('https://finance.yahoo.com/')
...: def __init__(self, **kwargs: Any):
...: super().__init__(browser_args='--incognito', **kwargs)
...: self.response = self.request(self.Finance.url)
...: def get_market_summary(self)->list:
...: contents = self.get_texts(MARKET_SUMMARY)[0]
...: return contents
...: if __name__ == '__main__':
...: from scrapinghelper.utils import split_chunks
...: yahoo = YHFinance()
...: summary = yahoo.get_market_summary()
...: for data in split_chunks(summary, 5):
...: print(data)
['S&P Futures', '', '4,215.50', '-16.00', '(-0.38%)']
['Dow Futures', '', '33,583.00', '-123.00', '(-0.36%)']
['Nasdaq Futures', '', '13,207.00', '-61.50', '(-0.46%)']
['Russell 2000 Futures', '', '1,952.70', '-6.40', '(-0.33%)']
['Crude Oil', '', '89.87', '-0.90', '(-0.99%)']
['Gold', '', '1,759.70', '-3.20', '(-0.18%)']
In [3]:
In [3]: from scrapinghelper import Scraper, LogConfig
...: logconfig = LogConfig()
...: logconfig.level = 'DEBUG'
...: sc = Scraper(logconfig=logconfig)
...: url = URL('https://www.houjin-bangou.nta.go.jp/download/zenken/#csv-unic
...: ode')
...: response = sc.request(url)
...: content = response.content
...: print(f'code: {response.status_code}')
2022-06-02T19:34:31.885790+0900 LOG configure: {'handlers': [{'sink': <_io.TextIOWrapper name='<stdout>' mode='w' encoding='utf-8'>, 'level': 'DEBUG', 'format': '<green>{time}</green> <level>{message}</level>', 'colorize': True, 'serialize': False}]}
2022-06-02T19:34:31.886414+0900 URL: https://www.houjin-bangou.nta.go.jp/download/zenken/#csv-unicode
2022-06-02T14:34:32.092599+0900 response status_code: 200
code: 200
In [4]: logconfig
Out[4]: LogConfig(sink=None, level=DEBUG, format=<green>{time}</green> <level>{message}</level>, colorize=True, serialize=False
In [5]:
render() and PROXY
if passed render=False
, request()
skip call render()
of requests-html does not work with proxy.
scrapinghelper support render()
with proxy.
In [2]: # %load examples/check_ipaddress.py
...: from scrapinghelper import Scraper, ProxyManager, ProxyRotate
...: # tiny socks5 proxy
...: proxies = [ 'socks5://']
...: url = 'https://httpbin.org/ip'
...: scraper = Scraper(proxies=proxies)
...: # default proxy_rotate is ProxyRotate.NO_PROXY
...: # does not call render()
...: response = scraper.request(url, render=False)
...: print(response.html.text)
...: # using next proxy server.
...: response = scraper.request(url, proxy_rotate=ProxyRotate.NEXT, render=Fa
...: lse)
...: print(response.html.text)
...: # using current proxy server.
...: response = scraper.request(url, proxy_rotate=ProxyRotate.KEEP, render=Fa
...: lse)
...: print(response.html.text)
...: # using random proxy server.
...: response = scraper.request(url, proxy_rotate=ProxyRotate.RANDOM)
...: print(response.html.text)
{ "origin": "" }
{ "origin": "" }
{ "origin": "" }
{ "origin": "" }
In [3]:
Get public proxies list from url. default is github.com/hookzof. Please keep in mind, there proxies are ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
In [1]: from scrapinghelper import ProxyManager, PROXY
In [2]: pm = ProxyManager()
In [3]: pm.load_proxies('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/hookzof/socks5_list/m
...: aster/proxy.txt', proxy_type='socks5')
In [4]: pm.proxies[:5]
In [5]: pm.proxy_pool
Out[5]: <itertools.cycle at 0x11bdd1b80>
In [6]: pm.next_proxy()
In [7]: pm.next_proxy()
In [8]: pm.random_proxy()
In [9]: pm.random_proxy().proxy_map
Out[9]: {'http': 'socks5://', 'https': 'socks5://'}
In [10]: pm.current_proxy
In [11]: pm.current_proxy.attrs
{'proxy_url': '',
'is_valid': True,
'scheme': 'socks5',
'netloc': '',
'username': None,
'password': None,
'hostname': '',
'port': 7302,
'proxy_map': {'http': 'socks5://',
'https': 'socks5://'}}
In [12]:
you can filename as url. i.e.:
p = ProxyManager('file://./myproxy_list.txt')
there uri expand as follows.
if proxies_url.startswith('file://.'):
proxies_url = proxies_url.replace('file://.','')
this_directory = Path(__file__).parent
proxies_url = 'file://{}/{}'.format(this_directory, proxies_url)
CAUTION if you use a free proxy to login to something or enter personal information and POST it, you must be assured that it will be leaked. Keep in mind, it is like writing your credit card number and security code on a postcard.
if you want to use this module(and/or requests_html, selenium) on ubuntu, you should add system libraries. try folloings.
sudo apt install -y gconf-service libasound2 libatk1.0-0 libc6 libcairo2 libcups2 libdbus-1-3 libexpat1 libfontconfig1 libgcc1 libgconf-2-4 libgdk-pixbuf2.0-0 libglib2.0-0 libgtk-3-0 libnspr4 libpango-1.0-0 libpangocairo-1.0-0 libstdc++6 libx11-6 libx11-xcb1 libxcb1 libxcomposite1 libxcursor1 libxdamage1 libxext6 libxfixes3 libxi6 libxrandr2 libxrender1 libxss1 libxtst6 ca-certificates fonts-liberation libappindicator1 libnss3 lsb-release xdg-utils wget
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Source Distribution
Built Distribution
Hashes for scrapinghelper-0.6.4-py3-none-any.whl
Algorithm | Hash digest | |
SHA256 | 3e30ed56aaceb833f5395ce6b1f897db9f37ad7f4351b38d298b00269d010922 |
MD5 | 474f616ce19d01d5f7bcf8082553975f |
BLAKE2b-256 | 5497de85ab81641201c734cb7260a47960bd31a71ad48b14c6b0a68fe8a03884 |