Python algorithms3
Project description
SEANLAB Algorithms Pythonic Data Structures and Algorithms
Minimal and clean example implementations of data structures and algorithms in Python 3.
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Use unittest
For running all tests write down:
$ python3 -m unittest discover tests
For running some specific tests you can do this as following (Ex: sort):
$ python3 -m unittest tests.test_sort
Use pytest
For running all tests write down:
$ python3 -m pytest tests
If you want to use the API algorithms in your code, it is as simple as:
$ pip3 install seanalgorithms3
You can test by creating a python file: (Ex: use merge_sort
in sort
from seanalgorithms3.sort import merge_sort
if __name__ == "__main__":
my_list = [1, 8, 3, 5, 6]
my_list = merge_sort(my_list)
If you want to uninstall seanalgorithms3, it is as simple as:
$ pip3 uninstall -y seanalgorithms3
List of Implementations
- 1.add_to_array_form
- 10.degree_array
- 11.distribute_candies
- 12.duplicate_zeroes
- 13.find_all_dissapeared_numbers
- 14.find_all_duplicates
- 15.find_pivot_index
- 16.first_missing_positive
- 17.friends_of_ages
- 18.increasing_triplets
- 19.intersection_two_arrays_II
- 2.array_partition
- 20.is_monotonic
- 21.k_diff_pairs
- 22.largest_number_twice_of_others
- 23.longest_continuous_increasing_subsequence
- 24.majority_element_ii
- 25.max_average_subarray
- 26.max_consecutive_ones
- 27.max_product_three_numbers
- 28.maximize_distance_to_nearest_person
- 29.maximum_subarray
- 3.assign_cookies
- 30.merge_intervals
- 31.merge_sorted_array
- 32.min_moves_to_equal_elements
- 33.minimum_moves_to_equal_array
- 34.move_zeroes
- 35.my_calendar_II
- 36.next_greater_element
- 37.non_decreasing_array
- 38.number_plus_one
- 39.partition_array_in_three
- 4.best_time_to_buy_stock
- 40.place_flowers
- 41.positions_large_groups
- 42.product_of_array_except_self
- 43.remove_duplicates_two
- 44.rotate_array
- 45.set_mismatch
- 46.shortest_unsorted_subarray
- 47.smallest_range_I
- 48.sum_after_queries
- 49.summary_ranges
- 5.best_time_to_buy_stock_all
- 50.third_max_number
- 51.two_sum_sorted_array
- 52.wiggle_sort_II
- 6.candies_people
- 7.coins_in_a_line
- 8.contains_duplicate_one
- 9.contains_duplicate_range
- x.dynamic_array_implementation
- 1.binary_watch
- 10.letter_combinations
- 11.matchsticks_to_square
- 12.n_queens
- 13.n_queens_II
- 14.palindrome_partition
- 15.permutation_sequence
- 16.permutations_one
- 17.permutations_two
- 18.restore_ip_addresses
- 19.subsets
- 2.combinations
- 20.subsets_duplicates
- 21.sudoku_solver
- 22.valid_time
- 3.combinations_sum
- 4.combinations_sum_four
- 5.combinations_sum_three
- 6.combinations_sum_two
- 7.decoded_string_at_index
- 8.generate_paranthesis
- 9.letter_case_permutations
- xx.flatten_nested_list
- 1.arranging_coins
- 10.koko_eating_bananas
- 11.min_in_rotated_sorted_array
- 12.minimum_size_subarray
- 13.next_greater_letter
- 14.peak_index_mountain_array
- 15.search_2d_matrix
- 16.search_2d_matrix_I2
- 17.search_insert_position
- 18.search_range
- 19.search_rotated_array
- 20.search_rotated_array_II
- 21.sqrt_number
- 22.sum_square_numbers
- 23.valid_perfect_square
- 3.count_of_smaller_to_right
- 4.find_k_closest
- 5.find_peak
- 6.find_right_interval
- 7.four_sum_count
- 8.h_index
- 9.heaters
- binary_search
- x.first_bad
- x.guess_number
- x.random_pick_with_weight
- 1.binary_gap
- 10.number_with_alternating_bits
- 11.prefix_divisible_5
- 12.reverse_bits
- 13.single_number
- 14.single_number_ii
- 15.single_number_III
- 16sum_two_numbers
- 17.total_hamming_distance
- 2.bitwise_and_range
- 3.complement_base_10_integer
- 4.count_1_bits
- 5.count_set_bits_prime
- 6.counting_bits
- 6.find_max_xor_pair
- 7.gray_code
- 8.is_one_bit_character
- 9.max_product_word_lengths
- 1.bst_to_greater_sum_tree
- 10.my_calendar
- 11.range_sum_bst
- 12.search_bst
- 13.two_sum_bst
- 2.delete_node
- 3.find_mode_bst
- 4.increasing_order_search_tree
- 5.insert_into_bst
- 6.kth_smallest_element
- 7.lowest_common_ancestor_bst
- 8.min_distance_bst
- 9.minimum_diff_bst
- bst_implementation
- bst_iterator
- validate_bst
- x.list_to_bst
- x.recover_bst
- 1.best_sight_seeing_pair
- 10.delete_operations_for_two_strings
- 11.distinct_subsequences
- 12.dungeon_princess
- 13.edit_distance
- 14.fibonacci
- 15.flip_array
- 16.house_robber
- 16.integer_replacement
- 17.interleaving_strings
- 18.jump_game
- 19.jump_game_II
- 2.bitonic_subsequence
- 20.kth_grammar
- 21.longest_common_subsequence
- 22.longest_increasing_subsequence
- 23.longest_palindromic_subsequence
- 24.matrix_chain_multiplication
- 25.max_crossed_lines
- 26.max_product_subarray
- 27.max_sum_without_adjacent_elements
- 28.maximum_sum_two_non_overlapping_subarray
- 29.min_cost_climbing_stairs
- 3.box_stacking
- 30.minimum_path_sum
- 31.nth_ugly_number
- 32.partition_equal_subset
- 34.pascal
- 35.pascal_row
- 36.perfect_squares
- 37.pow
- 38.range_sum_query
- 39.range_sum_query_2d
- 4.capacity_to_ship_packages
- 40.range_sum_query_mutable
- 41.repeating_subsequence
- 42.russian_doll
- 43.scramble_string
- 44.super_ugly_number
- 45.triangle_min_path
- 46.unique_bst
- 47.unique_paths
- 48.unique_paths_with_obstacle
- 49.zero_one_matrix
- 5.climbing_stairs
- 6.coin_sum_infinite
- 7.continuous_subarray_sum
- 8.count_number_without_consecutive_ones
- 9.decode_ways
- fibonacci
- 0.graph_implementation
- 1.accounts_merge
- 10.is_bipartate
- 11.keys_and_rooms
- 12.longest_increasing_path_matrix
- 13.make_larger_island
- 14.max_area_island
- 15.maximum_sum
- 16.min_genetic_mutations
- 17.minesweeper
- 18.minimum_height_trees
- 19.network_delay_time
- 2.bt_right_view
- 20.nodes_at_distance
- 21.number_islands
- 22.number_of_enclaves
- 23.number_of_sqaureful_arrays
- 24.regions_cut_by_slashes
- 25.regular_expression_match
- 26.regular_expression_two
- 27.rotton_oranges
- 28.shortest_bridge
- 29.shortest_path_binary_matrix
- 3.color_the_border
- 30.surround_region
- 31.town_judge
- 32.tushars_birthday
- 33.unique_paths_III
- 34.water_and_jug
- 35.word_ladder
- 36.word_ladder_two
- 37.word_search
- 4.concatenated_words
- 5.course_order
- 6.flood_fill
- 7.flower_planting_with_no_adjacent
- 8.friend_circle
- 9.house_robber_three
- test
- x.clone_graph
- x.employee_importance
- x.pacific_atlantic_water_flow
- x.redundant_connection
- 1.burst_balloons
- 10.moving_stones
- 11.non_overlapping_intervals
- 12.queue_reconstruction_by_height
- 13.relative_ranks
- 14.remove_outermost_parantheses
- 15.reorganize_string
- 16.two_city_scheduling
- 2.di_string_match
- 3.dota2_senate
- 4.fair_candy_swap
- 5.is_subsequence
- 6.make_paran_valid
- 7.max_chunks_to_make_sorted
- 8.max_chunks_to_make_sorted_II
- 9.maximize_sum_array
- 1.banned_words
- 10.find_common_characters
- 11.four_sum
- 12.fraction_to_decimal
- 13.group_anagrams
- 14.keyboard_row
- 15.largest_triangle_area
- 16.lemonade_change
- 17.longest_consecutive_sequence
- 18.longest_word_dictionary
- 19.minimum_index_sum_of_two_lists
- 2.boomerang_points
- 20.n_repeated_elements
- 21.pairs_with_sum
- 22.powerful_integers
- 23.repeated_dna_sequences
- 24.shortest_completing_word
- 25.shuffle_array
- 26.sort_by_count
- 27.subdomain_visit_count
- 28.substring_concat
- 29.three_sum
- 3.bulls_and_cows
- 30.two_sum
- 31.uncommon_words
- 32.valid_sudoku
- 33.verifying_alien_dictionary
- 34.word_pattern
- 35.word_subsets
- 4.contiguous_array
- 5.deck_of_cards
- 6.distant_barcodes
- 7.encode_decode
- 8.expressive_words
- 9.find_and_replace_pattern
- hashmap
- hashmap_implementation
- hashset
- insert_delete_random
- insert_delete_random_duplicates
- lru_cache
- magic_dictionary
- 1.check_valid_triangle
- 10.sliding_window_median
- 11.top_k_frequent_words
- 2.design_twitter
- 3.k_most_frequent
- 4.k_pairs_with_smallest_sums
- 5.kth_largest
- 6.kth_largest_in_stream
- 7.kth_smallest_in_sorted_matrix
- 8.last_stone_weight
- 9.median_of_stream
- heap_implementation
- priority_queue_implementation
- 1.add_two_numbers
- 10.list_palindrome
- 11.merge_k_lists
- 12.middle_linked_list
- 13.merge_two_lists
- 14.odd_even_linked_list
- 15.partition_list
- 16.remove_element
- 17.remove_nth_end
- 18.reorder_list
- 19.reverse_k_groups
- 2.add_two_numbers_II
- 20.reverse_linkedlist
- 21.reverse_mn
- 22.rotate_list
- 23.sort_list
- 24.swap_pairs
- 3.delete_duplicates
- 4.delete_duplicates_all
- 5.insertion_sort_list_geeks
- 6.insertion_sort_list
- 7.intersection_geeks
- 8.linked_cycle
- 9.linked_list_cycle_II
- delete_node_without_head
- intersection
- linkedlist
- linked_list_random
- next_greater_node
- singly_linked_list_implementation
- split_list_in_parts
- test
- 1.add_binary_mod1
- 10.count_zeroes_factorial
- 11.divide_two_numbers
- 12.divisor_game
- 13.elimination_game
- 14.finding_position
- 15.game_of_nim
- 16.hamming_distance
- 17.happy_numbers
- 18.integer_to_english_words
- 19.intersection_two_arrays
- 2.add_digits
- 20.largest_triangle_area
- 21.letter_tile_possibilities
- 22.majority_element
- 24.max_points_on_line
- 25.min_time_difference
- 26.minimum_area_rectangle
- 27.missing_number
- 28.next_greater_III
- 29.next_permutation
- 3.basic_calculator_I
- 30.nth_digit
- 31.num_to_col
- 32.perfect_number
- 33.power_of_two
- 34.reach_a_number
- 35.rectangle_overlap
- 36.self_dividing_numbers
- 37.smallest_integer_divisible_by_k
- 38.statistics_from_sample
- 39.ugly_numbers
- 4.basic_calculator_II
- 40.valid_boomerang
- 41.valid_number
- 42.valid_triangle_number
- 5.construct_rectangle
- 6.convert_to_base_7
- 7.convert_to_hex
- 8.convert_to_number
- 9.count_primes
- add_binary
- total_time
- 1.battleships_in_a_board
- 10.reshape_matrix
- 11.robot_bounded_circle
- 12.rook_captures
- 13.rotate_image_v1
- 14.set_matrix_zeros
- 15.spiral_matrix
- 16.spiral_matrix_generate
- 17.spiral_matrix_III
- 18.toeplitz_matrix
- 19.transpose_matrix
- 2.brick_wall
- 20.
- 3.flip_image
- 4.game_of_life
- 5.image_smoother
- 6.island_perimeter
- 7.magic_squares_in_grid
- 8.matrix_cells_distance
- 9.range_addition
- rotate_image
- 1.car_pooling
- 2.circular_deque_implementation
- 3.circular_queue_implementation
- 4.gas_station
- 5.max_sliding_window
- 6.queue_implementation
- 7.queue_using_stacks
- 8.rotate_string
- 9.stack_using_queues
- 1.bubble_sort
- 10.most_profit_workers
- 11.quick_sort_v2
- 12.reorder_logs
- 13.selection_sort_v2
- 14.sort_array_parity_II
- 15.sort_by_parity
- 16.sort_three_colors
- 17.insertion_sort
- 18.merge_sort
- 19.quick_sort
- 2.delete_columns_to_make_sorted
- 20.selection_sort
- 3.height_checker
- 4.insertion_sort_v2
- 5.k_closest_points_to_origin
- 6.lexical_numbers
- 7.longest_harmonious_sequence
- 8.max_gap
- 9.merge_sort_v2
- 1.asteroid_collinsion
- 10.min_stack
- 11.next_greater_element_II
- 12.one_three_two_pattern
- 13.remove_k_digits
- 14.simplify_path
- 15.smallest_distinct_seq
- 16.trap_rainwater
- 17.valid_paran
- 18.validate_stack_sequence
- 2.baseball_game
- 3.daily_temperatures
- 4.duplicate_removal
- 5.evaluate_reverse_polish_notation
- 6.exclusive_fuction_time
- 7.largest_rectangle_in_histogram
- 8.longest_valid_paranthesis
- 9.maximal_rectangle
- 1.2.add_binary
- 1.add_binary_v2
- 10.decode_string
- 10.decode_string_v2
- 11.defanged_ip_address
- 12.detect_capital
- 13.find_all_anagrams
- 14.find_and_replace
- 15.find_duplicate_files
- 16.first_unique_character
- 17.gcd_of_string
- 18.goat_latin
- 19.int_to_roman
- 19.int_to_roman_v2
- 2.add_strings
- 20.isomorphic
- 21.jewels
- 22.largest_number
- 23.length_of_last_word
- 24.licence_key_reformatting
- 25.long_pressed_name
- 26.longest_common_prefix
- 27.longest_palin_substring
- 28.longest_palindrome
- 29.longest_substring_with_k_chars
- 3.backspace_compare
- 30.longest_substring_without_repeating
- 31.longest_uncommon_seq
- 32.magical_strings
- 33.minimum_window_string
- 34.number_of_lines_to_write_string
- 35.multiply_strings
- 35.multiply_strings_v2
- 36.number_of_segments_string
- 37.occurances_after_bigram
- 38.optimal_division
- 39.palindrome
- 4.buddy_strings
- 40.permutations_in_string
- 41.ransom_note
- 42.remove_comments
- 43.remove_duplicate_letters
- 44.repeated_string_match
- 45.repeated_substring_pattern
- 46.reverse_int
- 47.reverse_only_letters
- 48.reverse_string
- 48.reverse_string_v2
- 49.reverse_string_II
- 5.camelcase_matching
- 50.reverse_string_words
- 51.reverse_vowels_strings
- 52.reverse_words_III
- 53.robot_origin
- 54.roman_to_int
- 54.roman_to_int_v2
- 55.rotated_digits
- 56.shifting_letters
- 57.shortest_distance_to_character
- 58.shortest_palindrome
- 59.string_compression
- 6.compare_version_numbers
- 60.string_to_integer
- 61.strstr
- 62.to_lower
- 63.unique_email
- 64.unique_morse_code
- 65.valid_anagram
- 66.valid_ip
- 67.valid_palin
- 68.valid_palindrome_II
- 69.valid_string_after_subs
- 7.complex_number_multiplication
- 70.zigzag_conversion
- 8.count_binary_strings
- 9.count_say
- 1.add_row_to_tree
- 2.array_bst
- 3.average_levels
- 4.bst_to_greater_tree
- 5.build_tree_postorder
- 6.construct_pre_in
- count_complete_tree_nodes
- cousins_in_binary_trees
- diameter_binary_tree
- find_bottom_left
- flatten_binary_tree_to_linked_list
- inorder
- invert_tree
- is_balanced
- largest_value_level
- lca_deepest_leaves
- left_similar_trees
- level_order_one
- level_order_two
- lowest_common_ancestor
- maximum_diff_between_ancestor_and_node
- maximum_path_sum
- max_depth
- max_depth_n_ary
- max_subtree
- merge_two_trees
- min_depth
- most_frequent_subtree_sum
- nary_level_order
- nodes_at_distance_k
- n_ary_postorder
- n_ary_preorder
- path_sum
- path_sum_all
- path_sum_III
- populate_next_right_pointer
- postorder
- preorder
- same_tree
- second_minimum_node
- serialize_tree
- subtree_of_another_tree
- sum_of_left_leaves
- sum_root_to_leafs
- sum_root_to_leaf_paths
- symmetric
- tilt_tree
- tree_implementation
- tree_paths
- trie_implementation
- univalue_tree
- verify_tree_serialization
- zigzag_level_order
- longest_word_dictionary
- replace_words
- trie_implementation
- word_search_II
- container_with_most_water
- find_duplicate_number
- longest_repeating_character_replacement
- longest_word_in_dictionary
- remove_duplicates
- remove_element
- squares_of_sorted_array
- three_sum_closest
- segment_trees
- add_to_array_form
- array_partition
- assign_cookies
- best_time_to_buy_stock
- best_time_to_buy_stock_all
- candies_people
- coins_in_a_line
- contains_duplicate_one
- contains_duplicate_range
- degree_array
- distribute_candies
- duplicate_zeroes
- DynamicArray
- find_all_dissapeared_numbers
- find_all_duplicates
- find_pivot_index
- find_pivot_index_v2
- find_set_mismatch
- first_missing_positive
- friends_of_ages
- increasing_triplets
- intersect_two_array
- intersect_two_array_v2
- is_monotonic
- k_diff_pairs
- largest_number_twice_of_others
- longest_continuous_increasing_subsequence
- majority_element_2
- maximize_distance_to_nearest_person
- maximum_subarray
- max_average_subarray
- max_consecutive_ones
- max_product_three_numbers
- merge_intervals
- merge_sorted_array
- minimum_moves_to_equal_array
- min_moves_to_equal_elements
- move_zeroes
- my_calendar_two
- next_greater_element
- non_decreasing_array
- number_plus_one
- partition_array_in_three
- place_flowers
- positions_large_groups
- product_of_array_except_self
- product_of_array_except_self_v2
- remove_duplicates_two
- rotate_array
- shortest_unsorted_subarray
- smallest_range_1
- summary_ranges
- sum_after_queries
- third_max_number
- two_sum_sorted_array
- wiggle_sort
- binary_watch
- combinations_numbers
- combinations_sum
- combinations_sum_four
- combinations_sum_four_v2
- combinations_sum_four_v3
- combinations_sum_three
- combinations_sum_two
- decoded_string_at_index
- generate_paranthesis
- letter_case_permutations
- letter_case_permutations_v2
- letter_combinations
- matchsticks_to_square
- NestedIterator
- n_queens
- palindrome_partition
- palindrome_partition_v2
- permutations_one
- permutations_two
- permutations_two_v2
- permutation_sequence
- restore_ip_addresses
- subsets
- subsets_duplicates
- sudoku_solver
- total_queens
- valid_time
- arranging_coins
- binary_search
- count_smaller
- find_k_closest
- find_peak
- find_right_interval
- first_bad
- four_sum_count
- guess_number
- heaters
- h_index
- koko_eating_speed
- koko_eating_speed_v2
- minimum_size_subarray
- minimum_size_subarray_v2
- minimum_size_subarray_v3
- min_in_rotated_sorted_array
- next_greater_letter
- peak_index_mountain_array
- random_pick_with_weight
- search_2d_matrix
- search_2d_matrix_2
- search_2d_matrix_2_v2
- search_insert_position
- search_range
- search_rotated_array
- search_rotated_array_2
- sqrt_number
- sum_square_numbers
- sum_square_numbers_v2
- valid_perfect_square
- binary_gap
- binary_gap_v2
- bitwise_and_range
- bitwise_compliment
- bitwise_compliment_v2
- counting_bits
- counting_bits_v2
- counting_bits_v3
- count_set_bits_prime
- count_set_bits_prime_v2
- count_set_bits_prime_v3
- find_max_xor_pair
- gray_code
- hamming_weight
- hamming_weight_v2
- is_one_bit_character
- is_one_bit_character_v2
- max_product_word_lengths
- max_product_word_lengths_v2
- max_product_word_lengths_v3
- number_with_alternating_bits
- number_with_alternating_bits_v2
- prefix_divisible
- prefix_divisible_v2
- prefix_divisible_v3
- reverse_bits
- single_number
- single_number_three
- single_number_twice
- sum_two_numbers
- total_hamming_distance
- total_hamming_distance_v2
- bst_implementation
- bst_iterator
- bst_to_greater_sum_tree
- delete_node
- find_mode_bst
- increasing_order_search_tree
- insert_into_bst
- kth_smallest_element
- list_to_bst
- lowest_common_ancestor_bst
- minimum_diff_bst
- min_distance_bst
- my_calendar
- range_sum_bst
- recover_bst
- search_bst
- two_sum_bst
- validate_bst
- best_sight_seeing_pair
- bitonic_subsequence
- box_stacking
- capacity_to_ship_packages
- climbing_stairs
- coin_sum_infinite
- continuous_subarray_sum
- count_number_without_consecutive_ones
- decode_ways
- delete_operations_for_two_strings
- distinct_subsequences
- dungeon_princess
- edit_distance
- fibonacci
- flip_array
- house_robber
- integer_replacement
- interleaving_strings
- jump_game
- jump_game_II
- kth_grammar
- longest_common_subsequence
- longest_increasing_subsequence
- longest_palindromic_subsequence
- matrix_chain_multiplication
- maximum_sum_two_non_overlapping_subarray
- max_crossed_lines
- max_product_subarray
- max_sum_without_adjacent_elements
- minimum_path_sum
- min_cost_climbing_stairs
- nth_ugly_number
- partition_equal_subset
- party
- pascal
- pascal_row
- perfect_squares
- pow
- range_sum_query
- range_sum_query_2d
- range_sum_query_mutable
- repeating_subsequence
- russian_doll
- scramble_string
- super_ugly_number
- triangle_min_path
- unique_bst
- unique_paths
- unique_paths_with_obstacle
- zero_one_matrix
- accounts_merge
- bt_right_view
- clone_graph
- color_the_border
- concatenated_words
- course_order
- employee_importance
- flood_fill
- flower_planting_with_no_adjacent
- friend_circle
- graph_implementation
- house_robber_three
- is_bipartate
- keys_and_rooms
- longest_increasing_path_matrix
- make_larger_island
- maximum_sum
- max_area_island
- minesweeper
- minimum_height_trees
- min_genetic_mutations
- network_delay_time
- nodes_at_distance
- number_islands
- number_of_enclaves
- number_of_sqaureful_arrays
- pacific_atlantic_water_flow
- redundant_connection
- regions_cut_by_slashes
- regular_expression_match
- regular_expression_two
- rotton_oranges
- shortest_bridge
- shortest_path_binary_matrix
- surround_region
- town_judge
- tushars_birthday
- unique_paths_III
- water_and_jug
- word_ladder
- word_ladder_two
- word_ladder_v2
- word_search
- burst_balloons
- di_string_match
- dota2_senate
- fair_candy_swap
- is_subsequence
- make_paran_valid
- maximize_sum_array
- max_chunks_to_make_sorted
- max_chunks_to_make_sorted_II
- moving_stones
- non_overlapping_intervals
- queue_reconstruction_by_height
- relative_ranks
- remove_outermost_parantheses
- reorganize_string
- two_city_scheduling
- banned_words
- boomerang_points
- bulls_and_cows
- contiguous_array
- deck_of_cards
- distant_barcodes
- encode_decode
- expressive_words
- find_and_replace_pattern
- find_common_characters
- four_sum
- fraction_to_decimal
- group_anagrams
- hashmap
- hashmap_implementation
- hashset
- insert_delete_random
- insert_delete_random_duplicates
- keyboard_row
- largest_triangle_area
- lemonade_change
- longest_consecutive_sequence
- longest_word_dictionary
- lru_cache
- magic_dictionary
- minimum_index_sum_of_two_lists
- n_repeated_elements
- pairs_with_sum
- powerful_integers
- repeated_dna_sequences
- shortest_completing_word
- shuffle_array
- sort_by_count
- subdomain_visit_count
- substring_concat
- three_sum
- two_sum
- uncommon_words
- valid_sudoku
- verifying_alien_dictionary
- word_pattern
- word_subsets
- check_valid_triangle
- design_twitter
- heap_implementation
- kth_largest
- kth_largest_in_stream
- kth_smallest_in_sorted_matrix
- k_most_frequent
- k_pairs_with_smallest_sums
- last_stone_weight
- median_of_stream
- priority_queue_implementation
- sliding_window_median
- top_k_frequent_words
- add_two_numbers
- add_two_numbers_II
- delete_duplicates
- delete_duplicates_all
- delete_node_without_head
- insertion_sort_list
- insertion_sort_list_geeks
- intersection
- intersection_geeks
- linkedlist
- linked_cycle
- linked_list_cycle_II
- linked_list_random
- list_palindrome
- merge_k_lists
- merge_two_lists
- middle_linked_list
- next_greater_node
- odd_even_linked_list
- partition_list
- remove_element
- remove_nth_end
- reorder_list
- reverse_k_groups
- reverse_linkedlist
- reverse_mn
- rotate_list
- singly_linked_list_implementation
- sort_list
- split_list_in_parts
- swap_pairs
- swap_pairs_v2
- add_binary
- add_digits
- basic_calculator_I
- basic_calculator_II
- construct_rectangle
- convert_to_base_7
- convert_to_hex
- convert_to_number
- count_primes
- count_zeroes_factorial
- divide_two_numbers
- divisor_game
- elimination_game
- finding_position
- game_of_nim
- hamming_distance
- hamming_distance_v2
- happy_numbers
- happy_numbers_v2
- integer_to_english_words
- intersection_two_arrays
- largest_triangle_area
- letter_tile_possibilities
- majority_element
- max_points_on_line
- minimum_area_rectangle
- min_time_difference
- missing_number
- next_greater_III
- next_permutation
- nth_digit
- num_to_col
- perfect_number
- power_of_two
- reach_a_number
- rectangle_overlap
- self_dividing_numbers
- smallest_integer_divisible_by_k
- statistics_from_sample
- total_time
- ugly_numbers
- valid_boomerang
- valid_number
- valid_triangle_number
- battleships_in_a_board
- brick_wall
- flip_image
- game_of_life
- image_smoother
- island_perimeter
- magic_squares_in_grid
- matrix_cells_distance
- range_addition
- range_addition_v2
- reshape_matrix
- robot_bounded_circle
- rook_captures
- rotate_image
- set_matrix_zeros
- spiral_matrix
- spiral_matrix_generate
- spiral_matrix_III
- toeplitz_matrix
- transpose_matrix
- walking_robot_simulation
- car_pooling
- circular_deque_implementation
- circular_queue_implementation
- gas_station
- max_sliding_window
- queue_implementation
- queue_using_stacks
- rotate_string
- stack_using_queues
- segment_trees
- bubble_sort
- delete_columns_to_make_sorted
- height_checker
- insertion_sort
- k_closest_points_to_origin
- lexical_numbers
- longest_harmonious_sequence
- max_gap
- merge_sort
- most_profit_workers
- quickSort
- quick_sort
- reorder_logs
- selection_sort
- sort_array_parity_II
- sort_by_parity
- sort_three_colors
- asteroid_collinsion
- baseball_game
- daily_temperatures
- duplicate_removal
- evaluate_reverse_polish_notation
- exclusive_fuction_time
- largest_rectangle_in_histogram
- longest_valid_paranthesis
- maximal_rectangle
- min_stack
- next_greater_element_II
- one_three_two_pattern
- remove_k_digits
- simplify_path
- smallest_distinct_seq
- trap_rainwater
- validate_stack_sequence
- valid_paran
- add_binary
- add_strings
- backspace_compare
- buddy_strings
- camelcase_matching
- compare_version_numbers
- complex_number_multiplication
- count_binary_strings
- count_say
- decode_string
- defanged_ip_address
- detect_capital
- find_all_anagrams
- find_and_replace
- find_duplicate_files
- first_unique_character
- gcd_of_string
- goat_latin
- int_to_roman
- isomorphic
- jewels
- largest_number
- length_of_last_word
- licence_key_reformatting
- longest_common_prefix
- longest_palindrome
- longest_palin_substring
- longest_substring_without_repeating
- longest_substring_with_k_chars
- longest_uncommon_seq
- long_pressed_name
- magical_strings
- minimum_window_string
- multiply_strings
- number_of_lines_to_write_string
- number_of_segments_string
- occurances_after_bigram
- optimal_division
- palindrome
- permutations_in_string
- ransom_note
- remove_comments
- remove_duplicate_letters
- repeated_string_match
- repeated_substring_pattern
- reverse_int
- reverse_only_letters
- reverse_string
- reverse_string_II
- reverse_string_words
- reverse_vowels_strings
- reverse_words_III
- robot_origin
- roman_to_int
- rotated_digits
- rotated_digits_v2
- shifting_letters
- shortest_distance_to_character
- shortest_palindrome
- string_compression
- string_to_integer
- strstr
- to_lower
- unique_email
- unique_morse_code
- valid_anagram
- valid_ip
- valid_ip_v2
- valid_palin
- valid_palindrome_II
- valid_string_after_subs
- zigzag_conversion
- add_row_to_tree
- array_bst
- average_levels
- bst_to_greater_tree
- build_tree_postorder
- construct_pre_in
- count_complete_tree_nodes
- cousins_in_binary_trees
- diameter_binary_tree
- find_bottom_left
- flatten_binary_tree_to_linked_list
- inorder
- invert_tree
- is_balanced
- largest_value_level
- lca_deepest_leaves
- left_similar_trees
- level_order_one
- level_order_two
- lowest_common_ancestor
- maximum_diff_between_ancestor_and_node
- maximum_path_sum
- max_depth
- max_depth_n_ary
- max_subtree
- merge_two_trees
- min_depth
- most_frequent_subtree_sum
- nary_level_order
- nodes_at_distance_k
- n_ary_postorder
- n_ary_preorder
- path_sum
- path_sum_all
- path_sum_III
- populate_next_right_pointer
- postorder
- preorder
- same_tree
- second_minimum_node
- serialize_tree
- subtree_of_another_tree
- sum_of_left_leaves
- sum_root_to_leafs
- sum_root_to_leaf_paths
- symmetric
- tilt_tree
- tree_implementation
- tree_paths
- trie_implementation
- univalue_tree
- verify_tree_serialization
- zigzag_level_order
- longest_word_dictionary
- replace_words
- trie_implementation
- word_search_II
- container_with_most_water
- find_duplicate_number
- longest_repeating_character_replacement
- longest_word_in_dictionary
- remove_duplicates
- remove_element
- squares_of_sorted_array
- three_sum_closest
seanlab1, seanlab3 email:
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Details for the file seanalgorithms3-0.5.tar.gz
File metadata
- Download URL: seanalgorithms3-0.5.tar.gz
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- Size: 296.5 kB
- Tags: Source
- Uploaded using Trusted Publishing? No
- Uploaded via: twine/3.4.2 importlib_metadata/4.8.1 pkginfo/1.7.1 requests/2.26.0 requests-toolbelt/0.9.1 tqdm/4.62.2 CPython/3.9.7
File hashes
Algorithm | Hash digest | |
SHA256 | eefb7ea6ac93bea1416dbb846aeb125364dbe464f051b5f7a77239d02084535f |
MD5 | e10d38dca7587daeab7b41e68ae3f447 |
BLAKE2b-256 | b9d19410f249cb90de1a21594877601285ebf649f66fdbd5b8f6a0a1161a0341 |
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Details for the file seanalgorithms3-0.5-py3-none-any.whl
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- Download URL: seanalgorithms3-0.5-py3-none-any.whl
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- Tags: Python 3
- Uploaded using Trusted Publishing? No
- Uploaded via: twine/3.4.2 importlib_metadata/4.8.1 pkginfo/1.7.1 requests/2.26.0 requests-toolbelt/0.9.1 tqdm/4.62.2 CPython/3.9.7
File hashes
Algorithm | Hash digest | |
SHA256 | 7eeb307d8fb9643eee071cea43eda44e6f74eb9df6b26f3294e6de323ad08054 |
MD5 | 3fcc74c0d91c73df33c003f87ae490e4 |
BLAKE2b-256 | 949d0ab44822d891e09bc1d870b1cf673b6c565316278145437a532867deddbb |