Python algorithms4
Project description
SEANLAB Algorithms4 Pythonic Data Structures and Algorithms
Minimal and clean example implementations of data structures and algorithms in Python 3.
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Use unittest
For running all tests write down:
$ python3 -m unittest discover tests
For running some specific tests you can do this as following (Ex: sort):
$ python3 -m unittest tests.test_sort
Use pytest
For running all tests write down:
$ python3 -m pytest tests
If you want to use the API algorithms in your code, it is as simple as:
$ pip3 install seanalgorithms4
You can test by creating a python file: (Ex: use merge_sort
in sort
from seanalgorithms4.sort import merge_sort
if __name__ == "__main__":
my_list = [1, 8, 3, 5, 6]
my_list = merge_sort(my_list)
If you want to uninstall seanalgorithms4, it is as simple as:
$ pip3 uninstall -y seanalgorithms4
- algorithms4_practice
- 1.bisection
- 2.intersection
- 3.lu_decomposition
- 4.newton_method
- in_static_equilibrium
- newton_raphson_method
- 1.all_combinations
- 2.all_permutations
- 3.all_subsequences
- 4.minimax
- 5.n_queens
- 6.sudoku
- 7.sum_of_subsets
- quine_mc_cluskey_x
- affine_cipher
- atbash
- base16
- base32
- base64_cipher
- base85
- brute_force_caesar_cipher
- caesar_cipher
- cryptomath_module
- elgamal_key_generator
- hill_cipher
- morse_code_implementation
- onepad_cipher
- playfair_cipher
- rabin_miller
- rot13
- rsa_cipher
- rsa_key_generator
- simple_substitution_cipher
- trafid_cipher
- transposition_cipher
- transposition_cipher_encrypt_decrypt_file
- vigenere_cipher
- xor_cipher
- burrows_wheeler
- huffman
- peak_signal_to_noise_ratio
- 1.decimal_to_binary
- 2.decimal_to_hexadecimal
- 3.decimal_to_octal
- 1.avl_tree
- 2.basic_binary_tree
- 3.binary_search_tree
- 4.fenwick_tree
- 5.lazy_segment_tree
- 6.lca
- 7.red_black_tree
- 8.segment_tree
- treap
- double_hash
- hash_table
- hash_table_with_linked_list
- quadratic_probing
- 1.prime_numbers
- binomial_heap
- heap
- doubly_linked_list
- is_palindrome
- singly_linked_list
- swap_nodes
- 1.double_ended_queue
- queue_on_list
- queue_on_pseudo_stack
- 1.balanced_parentheses
- 1.balanced_parentheses2
- 2.infix_to_postfix_conversion
- 3.infix_to_prefix_conversion
- 4.next_greater_element
- 5.postfix_evaluation
- 6.stock_span_problem
- stack
- trie
- change_contrast
- test_digital_image_processing
- canny
- convolve
- gaussian_filter
- median_filter
- sobel_filter
- 1.closest_pair_of_points
- 2.convex_hull
- 3.inversions
- 4.max_subarray_sum
- 1.abbreviation
- 10.k_means_clustering_tensorflow
- 11.knapsack
- 12.longest_common_subsequence
- 13.longest_increasing_subsequence
- 14.longest_increasing_subsequence_o(nlogn)
- 15.longest_sub_array
- 16.matrix_chain_order
- 17.max_sub_array
- 18.minimum_partition
- 19.rod_cutting
- 2.bitmask
- 20.subset_generation
- 21.sum_of_subset
- 23.fibonacci
- 24.floyd_warshall
- 3.climbing_stairs
- 4.coin_change
- 5.edit_distance
- 6.factorial
- 7.fast_fibonacci
- 8.fractional_knapsack
- 9.integer_partition
- fibonacci
- floyd_warshall
- recieve_file
- send_file
- 1.a_star
- 10.depth_first_search
- 11.dfs
- 12.dijkstra
- 13.dijkstra_2
- 14.dijkstra_algorithm
- 15.edmonds_karp_multiple_source_and_sink
- 16.eulerian_path_and_circuit_for_undirected_graph
- 17.even_tree
- 18.finding_bridges
- 19.graph_list
- 2.articulation_points
- 20.graph_matrix
- 21.graphs_floyd_warshall
- 22.kahns_algorithm_long
- 23.kahns_algorithm_topo
- 24.minimum_spanning_tree_prims
- 25.multi_hueristic_astar
- 3.basic_graphs
- 4.bellman_ford
- 5.bfs
- 6.bfs_shortest_path
- 7.breadth_first_search
- 8.check_bipartite_graph_bfs
- 9.check_bipartite_graph_dfs
- directed_and_undirected_(weighted)_graph_x
- minimum_spanning_tree_kruskal_x
- page_rank_x
- prim_x
- scc_kosaraju_x
- tarjans_scc_x
- chaos_machine
- enigma_machine
- md5
- sha1
- lib
- polynom-for-points
- tests
- decision_tree
- gradient_descent
- knn_sklearn
- k_means_clust
- linear_regression
- logistic_regression
- scoring_functions
- sorted_vector_machines
- random_forest_classification
- random_forest_regression
- 3n+1
- abs
- abs_max
- abs_min
- average_mean
- average_median
- basic_maths
- binary_exponentiation
- collatz_sequence
- extended_euclidean_algorithm
- factorial_python
- factorial_recursive
- fermat_little_theorem
- fibonacci
- fibonacci_sequence_recursion
- find_lcm
- find_max
- find_min
- gaussian
- greater_common_divisor
- is_square_free
- largest_of_very_large_numbers
- lucas_lehmer_primality_test
- lucas_series
- mobius_function
- modular_exponential
- newton_raphson
- prime_check
- prime_factors
- quadratic_equations_complex_numbers
- radix2_fft
- segmented_sieve
- sieve_of_eratosthenes
- simpson_rule
- test
- test_prime_check
- trapezoidal_rule
- volume
- zellers_congruence
- 1.matrix_operation
- 2.nth_fibonacci_using_matrix_exponentiation
- 3.rotate_matrix
- 4.searching_in_sorted_matrix
- 5.spiral_print
- sherman_morrison_x
- test_matrix_operation
- 1.ford_fulkerson
- 2.minimum_cut
- back_propagation_neural_network
- convolution_neural_network
- perceptron
- anagrams
- binary_exponentiation
- binary_exponentiation_2
- detecting_english_programmatically
- euclidean_gcd
- fischer_yates_shuffle
- frequency_finder
- game_of_life
- linear_congruential_generator
- nested_brackets
- palindrome
- password_generator
- primelib
- sierpinski_triangle
- tower_of_hanoi
- two_sum
- word_patterns
- sol1
- sol2
- sol3
- sol4
- sol5
- sol6
- sol1
- sol2
- sol3
- sol4
- sol1
- sol2
- sol1
- sol2
- sol1
- sol2
- sol1
- sol2
- sol3
- sol1
- sol2
- sol3
- sol1
- sol2
- sol1
- sol2
- sol3
- sol1
- sol2
- sol3
- sol1
- sol2
- sol1
- sol2
- sol1
- sol1
- sol2
- sol1
- sol1
- sol2
- sol1
- sol1
- sol1
- sol2
- sol1
- sol1
- sol2
- sol1
- sol1
- sol1
- sol2
- sol1
- solution
- sol1
- sol1
- sol1
- sol1
- sol1
- sol1
- sol1
- sol1
- sol1
- build_directory_md
- validate_filenames
- 1.binary_search
- 10.jump_search
- 11.linear_search
- 2.interpolation_search
- 3.jump_search
- 4.linear_search
- 5.quick_select
- 6.sentinel_linear_search
- 7.ternary_search
- 8.binary_search
- 9.interpolation_search
- binary_search
- linear_search
- quick_select
- sentinel_linear_search
- tabu_search
- ternary_search
- 1.bitonic_sort
- 10.heap_sort
- 11.insertion_sort
- 12.merge_sort
- 13.merge_sort_fastest
- 14.odd_even_transposition_parallel
- 15.odd_even_transposition_single_threaded
- 16.pancake_sort
- 18.external_sort
- 19.pancake_sort
- 2.bogo_sort
- 20.pigeon_sort
- 21.quick_sort
- 22.quick_sort_3_partition
- 23.radix_sort
- 24.random_pivot_quick_sort
- 25.selection_sort
- 26.shell_sort
- 27.tim_sort
- 28.topological_sort
- 29.tree_sort
- 3.bubble_sort
- 30.wiggle_sort
- 4.bucket_sort
- 5.cocktail_shaker_sort
- 6.comb_sort
- 7.counting_sort
- 8.cycle_sort
- 9.gnome_sort
- bitonic_sort
- bogo_sort
- bubble_sort
- bucket_sort
- cocktail_shaker_sort
- comb_sort
- counting_sort
- cycle_sort
- external_sort
- gnome_sort
- heap_sort
- insertion_sort
- merge_sort
- merge_sort_fastest
- odd_even_transposition_parallel
- odd_even_transposition_single_threaded
- pancake_sort
- quick_sort
- quick_sort_3_partition
- radix_sort
- random_normal_distribution_quicksort_x
- random_pivot_quick_sort
- selection_sort
- shell_sort
- tim_sort
- topological_sort
- tree_sort
- wiggle_sort
- 1.boyer_moore_search
- 2.knuth_morris_pratt
- levenshtein_distance
- manacher
- min_cost_string_conversion
- naive_string_search
- rabin_karp
- binary_tree_traversals
- bisection
- intersection
- in_static_equilibrium
- lu_decomposition
- newton_method
- newton_raphson_method
- all_combinations
- all_permutations
- all_subsequences
- minimax
- n_queens
- sudoku
- sum_of_subsets
- quine_mc_cluskey
- affine_cipher
- atbash
- base16
- base32
- base64_cipher
- base85
- brute_force_caesar_cipher
- caesar_cipher
- cryptomath_module
- elgamal_key_generator
- hill_cipher
- morse_code_implementation
- onepad_cipher
- playfair_cipher
- rabin_miller
- rot13
- rsa_cipher
- rsa_key_generator
- simple_substitution_cipher
- trafid_cipher
- transposition_cipher
- transposition_cipher_encrypt_decrypt_file
- vigenere_cipher
- xor_cipher
- burrows_wheeler
- huffman
- peak_signal_to_noise_ratio
- decimal_to_binary
- decimal_to_hexadecimal
- decimal_to_octal
- avl_tree
- basic_binary_tree
- binary_search_tree
- fenwick_tree
- lazy_segment_tree
- lca
- red_black_tree
- segment_tree
- treap
- double_hash
- hash_table
- hash_table_with_linked_list
- quadratic_probing
- prime_numbers
- binomial_heap
- heap
- doubly_linked_list
- is_palindrome
- singly_linked_list
- swap_nodes
- double_ended_queue
- queue_on_list
- queue_on_pseudo_stack
- balanced_parentheses
- infix_to_postfix_conversion
- infix_to_prefix_conversion
- next_greater_element
- postfix_evaluation
- stack
- stock_span_problem
- trie
- change_contrast
- test_digital_image_processing
- canny
- convolve
- gaussian_filter
- median_filter
- sobel_filter
- closest_pair_of_points
- convex_hull
- inversions
- max_subarray_sum
- abbreviation
- bitmask
- climbing_stairs
- coin_change
- edit_distance
- factorial
- fast_fibonacci
- fibonacci
- floyd_warshall
- fractional_knapsack
- integer_partition
- knapsack
- k_means_clustering_tensorflow
- longest_common_subsequence
- longest_increasing_subsequence
- longest_increasing_subsequence_o(nlogn)
- longest_sub_array
- matrix_chain_order
- max_sub_array
- minimum_partition
- rod_cutting
- subset_generation
- sum_of_subset
- recieve_file
- send_file
- articulation_points
- a_star
- basic_graphs
- bellman_ford
- bfs
- bfs_shortest_path
- breadth_first_search
- check_bipartite_graph_bfs
- check_bipartite_graph_dfs
- depth_first_search
- dfs
- dijkstra
- dijkstra_2
- dijkstra_algorithm
- directed_and_undirected_(weighted)_graph
- edmonds_karp_multiple_source_and_sink
- eulerian_path_and_circuit_for_undirected_graph
- even_tree
- finding_bridges
- graphs_floyd_warshall
- graph_list
- graph_matrix
- kahns_algorithm_long
- kahns_algorithm_topo
- minimum_spanning_tree_kruskal
- minimum_spanning_tree_prims
- multi_hueristic_astar
- page_rank
- prim
- scc_kosaraju
- tarjans_scc
- chaos_machine
- enigma_machine
- md5
- sha1
- lib
- polynom-for-points
- tests
- decision_tree
- gradient_descent
- knn_sklearn
- k_means_clust
- linear_regression
- logistic_regression
- scoring_functions
- sorted_vector_machines
- random_forest_classification
- random_forest_regression
- 3n+1
- abs
- abs_max
- abs_min
- average_mean
- average_median
- basic_maths
- binary_exponentiation
- collatz_sequence
- extended_euclidean_algorithm
- factorial_python
- factorial_recursive
- fermat_little_theorem
- fibonacci
- fibonacci_sequence_recursion
- find_lcm
- find_max
- find_min
- gaussian
- greater_common_divisor
- is_square_free
- largest_of_very_large_numbers
- lucas_lehmer_primality_test
- lucas_series
- mobius_function
- modular_exponential
- newton_raphson
- prime_check
- prime_factors
- quadratic_equations_complex_numbers
- radix2_fft
- segmented_sieve
- sieve_of_eratosthenes
- simpson_rule
- test_prime_check
- trapezoidal_rule
- volume
- zellers_congruence
- matrix_operation
- nth_fibonacci_using_matrix_exponentiation
- rotate_matrix
- searching_in_sorted_matrix
- sherman_morrison
- spiral_print
- test_matrix_operation
- ford_fulkerson
- minimum_cut
- back_propagation_neural_network
- convolution_neural_network
- perceptron
- anagrams
- binary_exponentiation
- binary_exponentiation_2
- detecting_english_programmatically
- euclidean_gcd
- fischer_yates_shuffle
- frequency_finder
- game_of_life
- linear_congruential_generator
- nested_brackets
- palindrome
- password_generator
- primelib
- sierpinski_triangle
- tower_of_hanoi
- two_sum
- word_patterns
- sol1
- sol2
- sol3
- sol4
- sol5
- sol6
- sol1
- sol2
- sol3
- sol4
- sol1
- sol2
- sol1
- sol2
- sol1
- sol2
- sol1
- sol2
- sol3
- sol1
- sol2
- sol3
- sol1
- sol2
- sol1
- sol2
- sol3
- sol1
- sol2
- sol3
- sol1
- sol2
- sol1
- sol2
- sol1
- sol1
- sol2
- sol1
- sol1
- sol2
- sol1
- sol1
- sol1
- sol2
- sol1
- sol1
- sol2
- sol1
- sol1
- sol1
- sol2
- sol1
- solution
- sol1
- sol1
- sol1
- sol1
- sol1
- sol1
- sol1
- sol1
- sol1
- build_directory_md
- validate_filenames
- binary_search
- interpolation_search
- jump_search
- linear_search
- quick_select
- sentinel_linear_search
- tabu_search
- ternary_search
- bitonic_sort
- bogo_sort
- bubble_sort
- bucket_sort
- cocktail_shaker_sort
- comb_sort
- counting_sort
- cycle_sort
- external_sort
- gnome_sort
- heap_sort
- insertion_sort
- merge_sort
- merge_sort_fastest
- odd_even_transposition_parallel
- odd_even_transposition_single_threaded
- pancake_sort
- pigeon_sort
- quick_sort
- quick_sort_3_partition
- radix_sort
- random_normal_distribution_quicksort
- random_pivot_quick_sort
- selection_sort
- shell_sort
- tim_sort
- topological_sort
- tree_sort
- wiggle_sort
- boyer_moore_search
- knuth_morris_pratt
- levenshtein_distance
- manacher
- min_cost_string_conversion
- naive_string_search
- rabin_karp
- binary_tree_traversals
Arithmetic Analysis
Boolean Algebra
- affine cipher
- atbash
- base16
- base32
- base64 cipher
- base85
- brute force caesar cipher
- caesar cipher
- cryptomath module
- elgamal key generator
- hill cipher
- morse code implementation
- onepad cipher
- playfair cipher
- rabin miller
- rot13
- rsa cipher
- rsa key generator
- simple substitution cipher
- trafid cipher
- transposition cipher
- transposition cipher encrypt decrypt file
- vigenere cipher
- xor cipher
Data Structures
- Binary Tree
- Hashing
- Number Theory
- Heap
- Linked List
- Queue
- Stacks
- Trie
Digital Image Processing
* [change contrast](
- Edge Detection
- Filters
Divide And Conquer
Dynamic Programming
- abbreviation
- bitmask
- climbing stairs
- coin change
- edit distance
- factorial
- fast fibonacci
- fibonacci
- floyd warshall
- fractional knapsack
- integer partition
- k means clustering tensorflow
- knapsack
- longest common subsequence
- longest increasing subsequence
- longest increasing subsequence o(nlogn)
- longest sub array
- matrix chain order
- max sub array
- minimum partition
- rod cutting
- subset generation
- sum of subset
File Transfer
- a star
- articulation points
- basic graphs
- bellman ford
- bfs
- bfs shortest path
- breadth first search
- check bipartite graph bfs
- check bipartite graph dfs
- depth first search
- dfs
- dijkstra
- dijkstra 2
- dijkstra algorithm
- directed and undirected (weighted) graph
- edmonds karp multiple source and sink
- eulerian path and circuit for undirected graph
- even tree
- finding bridges
- graph list
- graph matrix
- graphs floyd warshall
- kahns algorithm long
- kahns algorithm topo
- minimum spanning tree kruskal
- minimum spanning tree prims
- multi hueristic astar
- page rank
- prim
- scc kosaraju
- tarjans scc
Linear Algebra
Machine Learning
- decision tree
- gradient descent
- k means clust
- knn sklearn
- linear regression
- logistic regression
- naive bayes
- Random Forest Classification
- Random Forest Regression
- reuters one vs rest classifier
- scoring functions
- sorted vector machines
- 3n+1
- abs
- abs max
- abs min
- average mean
- average median
- basic maths
- binary exponentiation
- collatz sequence
- extended euclidean algorithm
- factorial python
- factorial recursive
- fermat little theorem
- fibonacci
- fibonacci sequence recursion
- find lcm
- find max
- find min
- gaussian
- greater common divisor
- is square free
- largest of very large numbers
- lucas lehmer primality test
- lucas series
- mobius function
- modular exponential
- newton raphson
- prime check
- prime factors
- quadratic equations complex numbers
- segmented sieve
- sieve of eratosthenes
- simpson rule
- test prime check
- trapezoidal rule
- volume
- zellers congruence
- matrix operation
- nth fibonacci using matrix exponentiation
- rotate matrix
- searching in sorted matrix
- spiral print
- Tests
Networking Flow
Neural Network
- back propagation neural network
- convolution neural network
- fully connected neural network
- perceptron
- anagrams
- binary exponentiation
- binary exponentiation 2
- detecting english programmatically
- euclidean gcd
- fischer yates shuffle
- food wastage analysis from 1961-2013 fao
- frequency finder
- game of life
- linear congruential generator
- nested brackets
- palindrome
- password generator
- primelib
- sierpinski triangle
- tower of hanoi
- two sum
- word patterns
Project Euler
- Problem 01
- Problem 02
- Problem 03
- Problem 04
- Problem 05
- Problem 06
- Problem 07
- Problem 08
- Problem 09
- Problem 10
- Problem 11
- Problem 12
- Problem 13
- Problem 14
- Problem 15
- Problem 16
- Problem 17
- Problem 18
- Problem 19
- Problem 20
- Problem 21
- Problem 22
- Problem 234
- Problem 24
- Problem 25
- Problem 28
- Problem 29
- Problem 31
- Problem 36
- Problem 40
- Problem 48
- Problem 52
- Problem 53
- Problem 56
- Problem 76
- binary search
- interpolation search
- jump search
- linear search
- quick select
- sentinel linear search
- tabu search
- ternary search
- bitonic sort
- bogo sort
- bubble sort
- bucket sort
- cocktail shaker sort
- comb sort
- counting sort
- cycle sort
- external sort
- gnome sort
- heap sort
- insertion sort
- merge sort
- merge sort fastest
- odd even transposition parallel
- odd even transposition single threaded
- pancake sort
- pigeon sort
- quick sort
- quick sort 3 partition
- radix sort
- random normal distribution quicksort
- random pivot quick sort
- selection sort
- shell sort
- tim sort
- topological sort
- tree sort
- wiggle sort
- boyer moore search
- knuth morris pratt
- levenshtein distance
- manacher
- min cost string conversion
- naive string search
- rabin karp
Project details
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File details
Details for the file seanalgorithms4-0.3.tar.gz
File metadata
- Download URL: seanalgorithms4-0.3.tar.gz
- Upload date:
- Size: 223.3 kB
- Tags: Source
- Uploaded using Trusted Publishing? No
- Uploaded via: twine/3.4.1 importlib_metadata/3.10.0 pkginfo/1.7.0 requests/2.25.1 requests-toolbelt/0.9.1 tqdm/4.60.0 CPython/3.7.1
File hashes
Algorithm | Hash digest | |
SHA256 | 6c4e398167a4e6faa6ed6c6dbd6806518c4e7d8cfd61ec0fa4988ee723a9231a |
MD5 | 81dd4d8c025e0b689dea0f65039a3919 |
BLAKE2b-256 | db99073d1746491cc596405fad5e193ade5f805ad92aacc06265fcb17a1c9471 |
File details
Details for the file seanalgorithms4-0.3-py3-none-any.whl
File metadata
- Download URL: seanalgorithms4-0.3-py3-none-any.whl
- Upload date:
- Size: 345.0 kB
- Tags: Python 3
- Uploaded using Trusted Publishing? No
- Uploaded via: twine/3.4.1 importlib_metadata/3.10.0 pkginfo/1.7.0 requests/2.25.1 requests-toolbelt/0.9.1 tqdm/4.60.0 CPython/3.7.1
File hashes
Algorithm | Hash digest | |
SHA256 | c963844a4b23409c1c0e4835e5c2b7ac5fa7e19b87d8932abc470c2d34d65d23 |
MD5 | f729999a5d0d71e7bc74abb710000d74 |
BLAKE2b-256 | 255058b00e15e9ff1bd896f619c826bc9874ed8b24f6279883230ed3eede7286 |