Hypermedia implementation for Avocado
Project description
# Serrano
Serrano implements a hypermedia API for [Avocado](http://cbmi.github.com/avocado/). Avocado is a Django app which targets _developers who are interested in letting their data do the work for them_.
## Install
pip install serrano
## Configure
Include `serrano.urls` in your `ROOT_URLCONF` (the main **urls.py**):
urlpatterns = patterns('',
url(r'^api/', include('serrano.urls')),
Add `django.contrib.sessions` to your project's `INSTALLED_APPS`:
Add the `serrano.middleware.SessionMiddleware` to the `MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES`
setting after Django's session and authentication middleware (if installed):
In this example, `/api/` is the root endpoint for Serrano. Hitting this endpoint will expose the available URLs for the API.
## Media Types
Serrano is a Hypermedia API implementation for Avocado. Defined here are the media types Serrano uses to represent data structures corresponding to those in Avocado.
_Note that currently Serrano exposed plain `application/json` representations of the below mediatypes._
### application/vnd.serrano.datacontext+json
#### Definition
A JSON-based media type representing a condition tree structure corresponding to Avocado's `DataContext` model.
#### Description
A tree structure with two types of nodes, **condition** and **branch**.
#### Node Types
##### Condition
"id": <id>,
"operator": <operator>,
"value": <value>
#### Branch
"type": <type>,
"children": [<node>, <node> [, ...]]
#### Node Elements
##### Condition Node
##### `id`
The value can be:
- An `int` representing the primary key identifer for a `DataField` instance, e.g. `1`
- Period-delimited `string` representing a natural key for a `DataField` instance, e.g. `'app.model.field'`
- An `array` of strings representing a natural key for a `DataField` instance, e.g. `["app", "model", "field"]`
##### `operator`
A `string` representing a valid `DataField` operator. Valid operators vary depending on the implementation, but should be validated downstream.
##### `value`
Any valid JSON data type.
##### Branch Node
##### `type`
A `string` that is `"and"` or `"or"` representing the type of branch or logical operation between child nodes defined in the `children` property.
##### `children`
An `array` of _two_ or more nodes.
#### Examples
##### Single Condition
"id": 2,
"operator": "iexact",
"value": 50
##### Branch with Two Conditions
"type": "and",
"children": [{
"id": 2,
"operator": "iexact",
"value": 50
}, {
"id": 1,
"operator": "in",
"value": ["foo", "bar"]
##### Branch with One Condition and One Branch
"type": "or",
"children": [{
"id": 2,
"operator": "iexact",
"value": 50
}, {
"type": "and",
"children": [{
"id": 1,
"operator": "in",
"value": ["foo", "bar"]
}, {
"id": 1,
"operator": "in",
"value": ["baz", "qux"]
### application/vnd.serrano.dataview+json
#### Definition
A JSON-based media type representing an table-based output format corresponding to Avocado's `DataView` model.
#### Description
Contains two properties `columns` and `ordering` which represent the selected output columns for the table and column ordering, respectively. Each _column_ in this context corresponds to a `DataConcept`.
#### Example
"columns": [3, 1, 8],
"ordering": [[1, 'desc']],
## Resources
### DataField
Descriptive and other various metadata about `DataField` objects.
#### Schema
"id": 4,
"name": "Ethnicity",
"name_plural": "Ethnicities",
"description": "The fact or state of belonging to a social group that has a common national or cultural tradition",
"keywords": "",
"unit": null,
"unit_plural": null,
"category" : {
"id": 2,
"name": "Demographics",
"order": 1,
"parent_id": null
"app_name": "patient",
"model_name": "demographics",
"field_name": "ethnicity",
"modified": "2012-02-04T15:11:03Z",
"created": "2012-02-04T15:11:03Z",
"published": true,
"archived": false,
"simple_type": "string",
"internal_type": "char",
"enumerable": true,
"searchable": false,
"data_modified": "2011-10-01T11:05:10Z",
"links": {
"self": {
"rel": "self",
"href": "http://example.com/api/fields/1/",
"values": {
"rel": "data",
"href": "http://example.com/api/fields/1/values/"
"stats": {
"rel": "data",
"href": "http://example.com/api/fields/1/stats/"
"distribution": {
"rel": "data",
"href": "http://example.com/api/fields/1/distribution/"
"concepts": {
"rel": "related",
"href": "http://example.com/api/fields/1/concepts/"
#### Endpoints
- `/api/fields/` - Array of `DataField` objects _(privileged users will also see unpublished
and archived data)_
- `/api/fields/:id/` - Single `DataField` object
#### Parameters
- `category` _(default)_ - sort by the category (which is sorted by the order)
- `name` - sort by the name
- `desc` _(default)_ - descending order
- `asc` - ascending order
_published (for privileged users)_
- `true` - filters the published objects
- `false` - filters the unpublished objects
_archived (for privileged users)_
- `true` - filters the archived objects
- `false` - filters the archived objects
- `<query term>` - Performs a robust search across metadata and the data values themselves
#### Links
- `stats` - link to aggregation data about the `DataField`
- `distribution` - link to distribution data for the `DataField`
- `concepts` - link to `DataConcept` objects in which this `DataField` is related to
### DataField Values
Returns an array of distinct values for this `DataField`.
#### Schema
"name": "Value 1",
"value": "value1"
#### Endpoints
- `/api/fields/:id/values/` - Unique values for a `DataField`.
**Note:** This endpoint may be used when a datafield is flagged as `searchable` and can same a query parameter `q` for performing searches on the values themselves.
A convention for better search implementations is to override the URL to point to a different resource which supports the same media types.
#### Parameters
- `<query term>` - Performs a `LIKE` search on the values themselves
### DataField Stats
Various statistics about a particular `DataField`. The output of this is dependent on the data type.
### Schema
"size": null,
"count": null,
"max": null,
"min": null,
"avg": null,
"sum": null,
"stddev": null,
"variance": null,
"links": {
"parent": {
"rel": "parent",
"href": "http://example.com/api/fields/1/"
### Endpoints
- `/api/fields/:id/stats/` - Statistical data specific to the `DataField` object
#### Links
- `parent` - link to the corresponding `DataField` resource
### DataField Distribution
Dynamic resource for generating distribution data between one or more `DataField`s. This resource is only available if Numpy and SciPy has been installed as an optional dependency for Avocado.
#### Schema
"clustered": true,
"data": [
"count": "Foo",
"values": [[...], ...]
"outliers": [
#### Endpoints
- `/api/fields/:id/dist/` - Defines a distribution between one or more `DataField`s
#### Parameters
- `:id` - Add a dimension to the distribution. Multiple dimensions can be provided using multiple GET parameters, e.g. `/api/fields/3/distribution/?dimension=4&dimension=6`
- `false` _(default)_ - Exclude `NULL` values from distribution
- `true` - Include `NULL` values in distribution. Note, for continuous data that is clustered, nulls are removed.
- `null` _(default)_ - If the vector size exceeds this threshold, the data is down-sampled to a more reasonable size based on the current size of the data. Note, this sampling is now an approximation of the data and information is lost.
- `true` - Explicitly cluster the distribution regardless of the size
- `false` - Do not cluster
## Client Tools & Interfaces
Having a hypermedia API is great, but without a client to consume it, it is somewhat useless. [Cilantro](http://cbmi.github.com/cilantro/) is Web browser-based client that provides a clean browsable interface for viewing and interacting with the APIs Serrano provides.
2.0.8 [diff](https://github.com/cbmi/serrano/compare/2.0.7...2.0.8)
- Remove map of `operator_choices` to `operators`
- Change made in Avocado 2.0.10
2.0.7 [diff](https://github.com/cbmi/serrano/compare/2.0.6...2.0.7)
- Add support for defining the `context` and `view` objects via a POST request
- This enables performing one-off (non-persisted) queries
- Abstract out the browser-based *data preview* resource from the format export mechanism
- Change export endpoint `/api/data/export/` to return an object of possible export formats
- Each export target has it's own endpoint, e.g. `/api/data/export/sas/` for SAS export
2.0.6 [diff](https://github.com/cbmi/serrano/compare/2.0.5...2.0.6)
- Update django-preserialize 1.0 to make use of the `allow_missing` option
- This prevents missing keys or attributes from throwing an exception
- Add `DataConcept.sortable` field from Avocado 2.0.8+
2.0.5 [diff](https://github.com/cbmi/serrano/compare/2.0.4...2.0.5)
- #21 - Fix the `ExporterResource` to use the `DjangoJSONEncoder` to correctly handle datetimes and `Decimal`s
2.0.4 [diff](https://github.com/cbmi/serrano/compare/2.0.3...2.0.4)
- Change behavior of `DataContextResource` to recalculate count only [if at least one condition is present](https://github.com/cbmi/serrano/commit/a774621a2788f8b2736e6a5675d5ba6bdeb4163e)
- Integrate history API settings from Avocado 2.0.7+
- Instances are no longer auto-archived, but [are conditional](https://github.com/cbmi/serrano/commit/73d5ba5a44a5f06ea7342a5f627dc71b621aa09b) based the `HISTORY_ENABLED` setting
2.0.3 [diff](https://github.com/cbmi/serrano/compare/2.0.2...2.0.3)
- Fix incorrect use of `sys.version_info`
2.0.2 [diff](https://github.com/cbmi/serrano/compare/2.0.1...2.0.2)
- Add Python 2.6 support
2.0.1 [diff](https://github.com/cbmi/serrano/compare/2.0.0...2.0.1)
- Fix erroneous reset of kwargs in `DataContextResource` and `DataViewResource`
2.0.0 - Initial release
Serrano implements a hypermedia API for [Avocado](http://cbmi.github.com/avocado/). Avocado is a Django app which targets _developers who are interested in letting their data do the work for them_.
## Install
pip install serrano
## Configure
Include `serrano.urls` in your `ROOT_URLCONF` (the main **urls.py**):
urlpatterns = patterns('',
url(r'^api/', include('serrano.urls')),
Add `django.contrib.sessions` to your project's `INSTALLED_APPS`:
Add the `serrano.middleware.SessionMiddleware` to the `MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES`
setting after Django's session and authentication middleware (if installed):
In this example, `/api/` is the root endpoint for Serrano. Hitting this endpoint will expose the available URLs for the API.
## Media Types
Serrano is a Hypermedia API implementation for Avocado. Defined here are the media types Serrano uses to represent data structures corresponding to those in Avocado.
_Note that currently Serrano exposed plain `application/json` representations of the below mediatypes._
### application/vnd.serrano.datacontext+json
#### Definition
A JSON-based media type representing a condition tree structure corresponding to Avocado's `DataContext` model.
#### Description
A tree structure with two types of nodes, **condition** and **branch**.
#### Node Types
##### Condition
"id": <id>,
"operator": <operator>,
"value": <value>
#### Branch
"type": <type>,
"children": [<node>, <node> [, ...]]
#### Node Elements
##### Condition Node
##### `id`
The value can be:
- An `int` representing the primary key identifer for a `DataField` instance, e.g. `1`
- Period-delimited `string` representing a natural key for a `DataField` instance, e.g. `'app.model.field'`
- An `array` of strings representing a natural key for a `DataField` instance, e.g. `["app", "model", "field"]`
##### `operator`
A `string` representing a valid `DataField` operator. Valid operators vary depending on the implementation, but should be validated downstream.
##### `value`
Any valid JSON data type.
##### Branch Node
##### `type`
A `string` that is `"and"` or `"or"` representing the type of branch or logical operation between child nodes defined in the `children` property.
##### `children`
An `array` of _two_ or more nodes.
#### Examples
##### Single Condition
"id": 2,
"operator": "iexact",
"value": 50
##### Branch with Two Conditions
"type": "and",
"children": [{
"id": 2,
"operator": "iexact",
"value": 50
}, {
"id": 1,
"operator": "in",
"value": ["foo", "bar"]
##### Branch with One Condition and One Branch
"type": "or",
"children": [{
"id": 2,
"operator": "iexact",
"value": 50
}, {
"type": "and",
"children": [{
"id": 1,
"operator": "in",
"value": ["foo", "bar"]
}, {
"id": 1,
"operator": "in",
"value": ["baz", "qux"]
### application/vnd.serrano.dataview+json
#### Definition
A JSON-based media type representing an table-based output format corresponding to Avocado's `DataView` model.
#### Description
Contains two properties `columns` and `ordering` which represent the selected output columns for the table and column ordering, respectively. Each _column_ in this context corresponds to a `DataConcept`.
#### Example
"columns": [3, 1, 8],
"ordering": [[1, 'desc']],
## Resources
### DataField
Descriptive and other various metadata about `DataField` objects.
#### Schema
"id": 4,
"name": "Ethnicity",
"name_plural": "Ethnicities",
"description": "The fact or state of belonging to a social group that has a common national or cultural tradition",
"keywords": "",
"unit": null,
"unit_plural": null,
"category" : {
"id": 2,
"name": "Demographics",
"order": 1,
"parent_id": null
"app_name": "patient",
"model_name": "demographics",
"field_name": "ethnicity",
"modified": "2012-02-04T15:11:03Z",
"created": "2012-02-04T15:11:03Z",
"published": true,
"archived": false,
"simple_type": "string",
"internal_type": "char",
"enumerable": true,
"searchable": false,
"data_modified": "2011-10-01T11:05:10Z",
"links": {
"self": {
"rel": "self",
"href": "http://example.com/api/fields/1/",
"values": {
"rel": "data",
"href": "http://example.com/api/fields/1/values/"
"stats": {
"rel": "data",
"href": "http://example.com/api/fields/1/stats/"
"distribution": {
"rel": "data",
"href": "http://example.com/api/fields/1/distribution/"
"concepts": {
"rel": "related",
"href": "http://example.com/api/fields/1/concepts/"
#### Endpoints
- `/api/fields/` - Array of `DataField` objects _(privileged users will also see unpublished
and archived data)_
- `/api/fields/:id/` - Single `DataField` object
#### Parameters
- `category` _(default)_ - sort by the category (which is sorted by the order)
- `name` - sort by the name
- `desc` _(default)_ - descending order
- `asc` - ascending order
_published (for privileged users)_
- `true` - filters the published objects
- `false` - filters the unpublished objects
_archived (for privileged users)_
- `true` - filters the archived objects
- `false` - filters the archived objects
- `<query term>` - Performs a robust search across metadata and the data values themselves
#### Links
- `stats` - link to aggregation data about the `DataField`
- `distribution` - link to distribution data for the `DataField`
- `concepts` - link to `DataConcept` objects in which this `DataField` is related to
### DataField Values
Returns an array of distinct values for this `DataField`.
#### Schema
"name": "Value 1",
"value": "value1"
#### Endpoints
- `/api/fields/:id/values/` - Unique values for a `DataField`.
**Note:** This endpoint may be used when a datafield is flagged as `searchable` and can same a query parameter `q` for performing searches on the values themselves.
A convention for better search implementations is to override the URL to point to a different resource which supports the same media types.
#### Parameters
- `<query term>` - Performs a `LIKE` search on the values themselves
### DataField Stats
Various statistics about a particular `DataField`. The output of this is dependent on the data type.
### Schema
"size": null,
"count": null,
"max": null,
"min": null,
"avg": null,
"sum": null,
"stddev": null,
"variance": null,
"links": {
"parent": {
"rel": "parent",
"href": "http://example.com/api/fields/1/"
### Endpoints
- `/api/fields/:id/stats/` - Statistical data specific to the `DataField` object
#### Links
- `parent` - link to the corresponding `DataField` resource
### DataField Distribution
Dynamic resource for generating distribution data between one or more `DataField`s. This resource is only available if Numpy and SciPy has been installed as an optional dependency for Avocado.
#### Schema
"clustered": true,
"data": [
"count": "Foo",
"values": [[...], ...]
"outliers": [
#### Endpoints
- `/api/fields/:id/dist/` - Defines a distribution between one or more `DataField`s
#### Parameters
- `:id` - Add a dimension to the distribution. Multiple dimensions can be provided using multiple GET parameters, e.g. `/api/fields/3/distribution/?dimension=4&dimension=6`
- `false` _(default)_ - Exclude `NULL` values from distribution
- `true` - Include `NULL` values in distribution. Note, for continuous data that is clustered, nulls are removed.
- `null` _(default)_ - If the vector size exceeds this threshold, the data is down-sampled to a more reasonable size based on the current size of the data. Note, this sampling is now an approximation of the data and information is lost.
- `true` - Explicitly cluster the distribution regardless of the size
- `false` - Do not cluster
## Client Tools & Interfaces
Having a hypermedia API is great, but without a client to consume it, it is somewhat useless. [Cilantro](http://cbmi.github.com/cilantro/) is Web browser-based client that provides a clean browsable interface for viewing and interacting with the APIs Serrano provides.
2.0.8 [diff](https://github.com/cbmi/serrano/compare/2.0.7...2.0.8)
- Remove map of `operator_choices` to `operators`
- Change made in Avocado 2.0.10
2.0.7 [diff](https://github.com/cbmi/serrano/compare/2.0.6...2.0.7)
- Add support for defining the `context` and `view` objects via a POST request
- This enables performing one-off (non-persisted) queries
- Abstract out the browser-based *data preview* resource from the format export mechanism
- Change export endpoint `/api/data/export/` to return an object of possible export formats
- Each export target has it's own endpoint, e.g. `/api/data/export/sas/` for SAS export
2.0.6 [diff](https://github.com/cbmi/serrano/compare/2.0.5...2.0.6)
- Update django-preserialize 1.0 to make use of the `allow_missing` option
- This prevents missing keys or attributes from throwing an exception
- Add `DataConcept.sortable` field from Avocado 2.0.8+
2.0.5 [diff](https://github.com/cbmi/serrano/compare/2.0.4...2.0.5)
- #21 - Fix the `ExporterResource` to use the `DjangoJSONEncoder` to correctly handle datetimes and `Decimal`s
2.0.4 [diff](https://github.com/cbmi/serrano/compare/2.0.3...2.0.4)
- Change behavior of `DataContextResource` to recalculate count only [if at least one condition is present](https://github.com/cbmi/serrano/commit/a774621a2788f8b2736e6a5675d5ba6bdeb4163e)
- Integrate history API settings from Avocado 2.0.7+
- Instances are no longer auto-archived, but [are conditional](https://github.com/cbmi/serrano/commit/73d5ba5a44a5f06ea7342a5f627dc71b621aa09b) based the `HISTORY_ENABLED` setting
2.0.3 [diff](https://github.com/cbmi/serrano/compare/2.0.2...2.0.3)
- Fix incorrect use of `sys.version_info`
2.0.2 [diff](https://github.com/cbmi/serrano/compare/2.0.1...2.0.2)
- Add Python 2.6 support
2.0.1 [diff](https://github.com/cbmi/serrano/compare/2.0.0...2.0.1)
- Fix erroneous reset of kwargs in `DataContextResource` and `DataViewResource`
2.0.0 - Initial release
Project details
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