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Fast, small ASGI-compliant webframework

Project description

shallot - a plugable "webframework"

What is a shallot?

It is a small onion. It has only small and few layers. When you use it (cut it for cocking), it does not make you cry (that much).

The above description of the vegetable, is a good misson-statement for what shallot (the [micro-] "webframework") tries to be.

shallot is a small layer on top of an ASGI - compatible server, like: uvicorn, hypercorn, ... It is haveliy inspired by ring. The main differnce to other webframeworks is, that shallot is easly pugable and extensible. Every component can be switched and new features can be added without touching shallots source-code. That is accomplished by using middlewares for every functionality in shallot.


shallot is an ASGI - compatible webframework.


shallot models a http-request-response-cycle as single function call. It treats request and response as dicts. The request get passed to a handler (which itself can be "middleware-decorated") and the handler produces a response. Basically shallot works like this:

  1. take the ASGI connection-scope (dict)
  2. read the body of the request and attach the body (bytes) to scope-dict
  3. pass the request-dict (scope + attached body) to a user-defined function (called handler)
  4. the result (response) of a handler has to be a dict. The response must at least provide a status-key with an integer. If provided a body-key for the response is provided, than the value must be of type bytes and to will be transfered to the client.


+----------+           +----------+             +------------+
|          |           |          |             |            |
|          +-----------> request  +-------------> middlewares+-----------+
|          |           |          |             | (enter)    |           |
|          |           +----------+             +------------+           |
|    A     |                                                             |
|    S     |                                                             |
|    G     |                                                             |
|    I     |                                                             |
|          |                                                   +---------v--------+
|    |     |                                                   |                  |
|          |                                                   |    handler       |
|    S     |                                                   |                  |
|    E     |                                                   +---------+--------+
|    R     |                                                             |
|    V     |                                                             |
|    E     |                                                             |
|    R     |           +----------+             +------------+           |
|          |           |          |             |            |           |
|          <-----------+ response <-------------+ middlewares<-----------+
|          |           |          |             | (leave)    |
+----------+           +----------+             +------------+


The request is always the first argument that gets passed to your handler-function. It is of type dict. It has basically the same content as the ASGI-connection-scope.

A request will at least have the following structure:

  • type: http [string]
  • http_version: one of 1.0, 1.1 or 2 [string]
  • method: the http-verb in uppercase (for example: "GET", "PUT", "POST", ...) [string]
  • scheme [optional, but not empty]: the url-scheme (for example: "http", "https") [string]
  • query_string: Byte-string with the url-query-path content (everything after the first ?) [bytes]
  • root_path: mounting-point of your application [string]
  • client: A two-item iterable of [host, port], where host is a unicode string of the remote host’s IPv4 or IPv6 address, and port is the remote port as an integer. Optional, defaults to None. [list|tuple]
  • server: A two-item iterable of [host, port], where host is the listening address for this server as a unicode string, and port is the integer listening port. Optional, defaults to None. [list|tuple]
  • headers: a dict with all header-names as keys and the corresponding-values as values of the dict. Duplicated headers will be joined "comma-separated". All header-names are lower-cased. [dict]
  • headers_list: the original headers-data-structure form the ASGI-connection-scope. This is a list containing tuples in the form: [(header-name1, header-value1), ...]. The header-names can be duplicated. [This is the basis for headers]
  • body: The body of the http-request as bytes. shallot always read the entire body and then calls the handler-function. [bytes]


The response is the result of the function-call to the handler (with the request as first argument). The response has to be a dict. The reponse must have the following structure:

  • status: the http-return-code [int]
  • body [optional]: the body of the http-response [bytes]
  • headers [optional]: the http-response-headers to be used. The value is a dict (for example: {"header1-name": "header1-value", ...})
  • stream [optional]: this must be an async-iterable yielding bytes. When the response contains a key named stream, than shallot will consume the iterable and will stream the provided data to the client. This is specially usefull for large response-bodies.


shallot assembles a request-dict and calls a user-provided handler. A handler is an async-function that takes a request and returns a response (dict).

async def handler(request):
    return {"status": 200}


Most of shallots functionality is implemented via middlewares. That makes it possible to easily extend, configure or change shallots behaviour. In fact: if you don't like the implementation of a certain middleware, just write your own and use it insetad (or better: enhance shallot via PR)!

The general functionality of a middleware is, that it wraps a handler-function-call. Middlewares are designed that way, that they can be composed / chained together. So for a middleware-chain with 3 different middlewares, a call chain might look like:

|-> middleware 1 (enter)
    |-> middleware 2 (enter)
        |-> middleware 3 (enter)
            |-> handler (execute)
        |<- middleware 3 (leave)
    |<- middleware 2 (leave)
|<- middleware 1 (leave)

A good analogy for a middleware is a python-decorator. A decorator wraps a function and returns another function to provide extended functionality.

middleware signature

in order to make middlewares composeable / work together, thy must implement the following signature:

def wrap_print_logging(next_middleware):
    async def _log_request_response(handler, request):
        print(f"Request to the handler: {request}")

        response = await next_middleware(handler, request)  # IMPORTANT: here we call the middlewares and wait for them to run

        print(f"Response from the handler: {response}")
        return response
    return _log_request_response

The above example shows a middleware that would simply printout the request and the reponse from the handler. Every middleware will run for EVERY request that comes to your application!

composing middlewares together

middlewares are great because they can be composed/chained together. In that way every middleware can enhance the request / response or choose a different handler to add functionality. Chaining middlewares is done via the apply_middleware - function provided by shallot:

from shallot.middlewares import chain_middleware
middlewares = chain_middleware(middleware1, middleware2, middleware3)

enhanced_handler = middlewares(default_handler)

The result of chain_middleware is a middleware-chain. A middleware-chain is a function that accepts another function, the default_handler. This is the handler-function that gets called after the request is passed through all middlewares. After instantiating the middleware-chain with a handler, the result is another-function. The function behaves just like a normal handler-function and can be used with build_server

differences to ring-middleware

While the function-signature of a shallot-handler is the same as with ring, the middleware-signature is different and slitely more complex. This is, to support "request-routing" as a middleware. This way, the router can be just another middleware choosing a new handler, instead of enhancing the request. This way, other middlewares (possible type-annotation-aware middlewares) can be chained after the router and have access to the handler-function.

run an application

the minimal deployable thing one can build is this:

async def minimal(request):
    answer EVERY request with 200 and NO body 
    return {"status": 200}

server = build_server(minimal)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    import uvicorn  # shallot is not tied to uvicorn, its just fast"", 5000, log_level="info", debug=True)

to configure/run a real application, one would typically chain/apply a pile of middlewares and a handler:

async def handle_404(request):
    return {"status": 404}

middleware_pile = apply_middleware(

server = build_server(middlewre_pile(handle_404))


Nothing is enabled by default. Every functionality has its own middleware.


To include shallot builtin routing use the routing-middleware: wrap_routes:


The routing-middleware is somewhat special, to other middlewares. It does not enhance the request/response, but chooses a new handler for the specific request. If the router can't find a matching handler for the route, then the default_handler will be transfered into the next middleware(s).

routing is one essential and by far, the most opinonated part of any webframeworks-api. shallot is there no exception. Routing is defined completely via a data-structure:

async def hello_world(request):
    return text("hi user!")

# is attached to a "dynamic"-route with one parseable url-part
async def handle_index(request, idx):
    return text(f"hi user number: {idx}")

routes = [
    ("/", ["GET"], hello_world),
    ("/hello", ["GET"], hello_world),
    ("/hello/{index}", ["GET"], handle_index),
    ("/echo", ["GET", "PUT", "POST"], post_echo),
    ("/json", ["GET", "PUT"], show_and_accept_json),

as shown above, routes is a list of tuples with:

1. the (potentially dynamic) route
2. the allowed methods
3. the handler

routes with an {tag} in it, are considered dynamic-routes. The router will parse the value from the url and transfered it (as string) to the handler-function. Therfore the handler function must accept the request and as many arguments as there are {tag}s.

maybe one controversial one upfront: trailing slashes are ignored. In the defined routes and in the matching of requests too.


to easily work with json-data, use the json-middleware:


every request, that contains a content-type application/json will be parsed and the result will be attached to the request under the key json. When data body is not parseable as json, the middleware will respond with {"status": 400, "body": "Malformed JSON"}.

when you want to return json-data as your response, use the shallot.response - function json:

from shallot.response import json

async def json_handler(request):
    return json({"hello": "world"})


parameters are url-encoded query-strings or bodies. To automatically parse this data use the wrap_parameters - middleware

from shallot.middlewars import wrap_parameters
    wrap_parameters(keep_blank_values=False, strict_parsing=False, encoding='utf-8')
) (handler))

Parameters (url-query or form-body-data) is parsed to a dict. The value(s) are added to a list. The middleware is mostly a wrapper to the python-builtin urllib.parse.parse_qs. All parameters to wrap_parameters are passed to parse_qs.

This middleware will add 3 keys to the request. URL-query-strings will be parsed and added to query_params. If the body is sent with the content-type application/x-www-form-urlencoded, the body will parsed and added to form_params. The result of merging query_params and form_params will be added to the params-key.

async def return_request(request):
    return request

handle_request = apply_middleware(wrap_parameters())(return_request)

url_request = {"query_string": b"key1=0&p2=val&p2=9"}
>> {
    "query_string": b"p2=9&key1=0&p2=val",
    "query_params": {
        "key1": ["0"],
        "p2": ["9", "val"]
    "form_params": {},
    "params": {
        "key1": ["0"],
        "p2": ["9", "val"]

form_request = {
    "headers": {"content-type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"},
    "body": b"p2=9&key1=0&p2=val" 

>> {
    "body": b"p2=9&key1=0&p2=val",
    "query_params": {},
    "form_params": {
        "key1": ["0"],
        "p2": ["9", "val"]
    "params": {
        "key1": ["0"],
        "p2": ["9", "val"]

mixed_request = {
    "query_string": b"u1=0&u8=3",
    "headers": {"content-type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"},
    "body": b"p2=9&key1=0&p2=val",
>> {
    "body": b"p2=9&key1=0&p2=val",
    "query_string": b"u1=0&u8=3",

    "query_params": {
        "u1": ["0"],
        "u8": ["val"],
    "form_params": {
        "key1": ["0"],
        "p2": ["9", "val"]
    "params": {
        "key1": ["0"],
        "p2": ["9", "val"],
        "u1": ["0"],
        "u8": ["val"],

The values are treated as list on purpose. Because every key can be sent multiple-times, it is better to consequently deal with lists. Otherwise an application would have to handle 2 different types (which both support iterating/indexing), rather than with different-length lists.


shallot is not optimized to work as static-file-server. Altough it goes to great length, to provide a solid experience for serving static content.

to work with static-files use the wrap_static - middleware:

rel_path_to_folder_to_serve_from = "/static/data"

This middleware depends on aiofiles. It will try to match the path of an request, to files in the folder /static/data relative to your current $PWD / %CWD%. To provide a cwd indepented path, call wrap_static with a root-path:

import os
here = os.path.dirname(__file__)
wrap_static("/static/data", root_path=here)  # will always assume the folder is located : <this_file>.py/static/data

Browser-caches will be honored. For that, last-modified and etag - headers will be send accordingly. When the browser requests a already-cached resource (if-none-match or/and if-modified-since), this middleware will reply with a 304-Not Modified. For further information about browser-file-caches: MDN:Cache validation

Requests with a path containing "../" will be automatically responded with 404-Not Found.


for static-files it can be convenient to use the content-type-middleware: wrap_content_type So when a resource is requested, for example: "/static/index.html", then this middleware will set the content-type-header to text/html

server = build_server(apply_middleware(

By defalut it will guess the content-type based on the python-builtin mimetypes. The default is to use mimetypes with non-strict evaluation. To change this behaviour one can provide a strict=True falg to wrap_content.

When the content-type can not be guessed, "application/octet-stream" is used. This can be overriden via wrap_content_type.

This middleware will only add a content-type-header when none is provided in the response.

Additional type->extension-mappings can be provided to wrap_content_type via dict:

add_mapping = {"application/fruit": [".apple", "orange"]}

the key is the content-type to map to, and the value is a list of extensions (with or without leading-dot)


Cookies are handled as dicts. To use cookie-handling one must include wrap_cookies in the middleware-chain.


Receive Cookies

Cookies send with the request, are parsed and attached to the request-object with the key cookies. For further information about cookies and how to use them: MDN:cookies

async def handler(request):
    print(request["cookies"])  # prints {a-cookie-name: value, b-cookie-name: value}

    return {
        "status": 200, 
        "cookies": {
            "first": {
                "value": 3.4,
                "expires": 1545335438.5059335,
                "path": "/some/path",
                "comment": "usefull comment",
                "domain": "my.domain.zz",
                "max-age" 3600,
                "secure": True,
                "version": 2,
                "httponly": True,
            "second": {"value": "value-asdf", "expires": "Thu, 20 Dec 2018 19:50:38 GMT"},
            "minimal": {"value": 0}.
            "to-delete": None,

Set Cookies

Cookies are send to the client, when the response contains a cookies-key. The cookies- value is a dict, with the minimal structure:

{"cookie-name": {"value": 0}}

This will result in a session-cookie : {"cookie-name": 0}, which will be sent with the next request. Further data can be attached to the cookie. The supported keys are, all names that are supported by python-std-lib:morsel:

- expires
- path
- comment
- domain
- max-age
- secure
- version
- httponly

The expires value can be set in two diffrent fashions:

1. string: the value will be sent *as-is* without further checking, whether it complies to a date-format.
2. int|float: the value will be interpreted as a timestamp and will be converted to a date-string

Deleting Cookies

To delete a cookie you will need to set the cookie-value to None:

{"cookie-name": None}

Then a cookie will be send, with an expires-value in the past.

Project details

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Source Distributions

No source distribution files available for this release.See tutorial on generating distribution archives.

Built Distribution

shallot-0.0.1-py3-none-any.whl (19.3 kB view details)

Uploaded Python 3

File details

Details for the file shallot-0.0.1-py3-none-any.whl.

File metadata

  • Download URL: shallot-0.0.1-py3-none-any.whl
  • Upload date:
  • Size: 19.3 kB
  • Tags: Python 3
  • Uploaded using Trusted Publishing? No
  • Uploaded via: twine/1.12.1 pkginfo/1.4.2 requests/2.21.0 setuptools/40.6.3 requests-toolbelt/0.8.0 tqdm/4.28.1 CPython/3.6.6

File hashes

Hashes for shallot-0.0.1-py3-none-any.whl
Algorithm Hash digest
SHA256 4f5b8b5226cfe2c4c356824283e641ea4d2fe7ab4c6f834c1f00200daa27cd27
MD5 c59abbee24e5446b97b53ce25b86663e
BLAKE2b-256 560e2279fcc54fae4eb2339712e7d82db8a37afd7943f9c57325839554a529b5

See more details on using hashes here.

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