Sync your packages in dotfiles.
Project description
* Sync your packages with your dotfiles
When we use a package manager (be it apt, pip, npm,…), we want to sync
the list of installed packages in requirement files. We then declare
a mapping that links a package manager to its requirements file:
#+BEGIN_SRC python
"apt": "apt.txt",
"pip": "pip.txt",
"npm": "npm.txt",
Note: see =syp --init=
Note: tested on python 2.7 and 3.4
The basic usage is to check all of them, and install and remove
what's necessary (compared with the cache at =~/.syp/=):
: syp
can output:
<img src="" </img>
So obviously we can *set the package manager* we want to use and *give
one or many packages to install*:
: syp --pm pip syp foo bar
will append syp, foo and bar to the bottom of =~/dotfiles/pip.txt= and
install them.
So a suggested alias is
: alias sypip="syp --pm pip "
If no package manager is specified, we use the default one (see
To *remove packages*, use =--rm=:
: syp --pm pip foo --rm
We can *add a message* with =-m=. It will be appended on the same line:
: syp --pm pip foo -m "foo is a cool package"
We can *edit the list* of packages for that package maneger before the
operations with =-e= (=--editor=):
: syp --pm pip foo --rm -e
* Develop
: pip install -e .
* TODOs and ideas
- more tests
- auto-recognize a virtualenv
- undo last action
- auto commit
- allow for more than a requirement file for one package manager.
Bust most of all… use [[][Guix]] !
When we use a package manager (be it apt, pip, npm,…), we want to sync
the list of installed packages in requirement files. We then declare
a mapping that links a package manager to its requirements file:
#+BEGIN_SRC python
"apt": "apt.txt",
"pip": "pip.txt",
"npm": "npm.txt",
Note: see =syp --init=
Note: tested on python 2.7 and 3.4
The basic usage is to check all of them, and install and remove
what's necessary (compared with the cache at =~/.syp/=):
: syp
can output:
<img src="" </img>
So obviously we can *set the package manager* we want to use and *give
one or many packages to install*:
: syp --pm pip syp foo bar
will append syp, foo and bar to the bottom of =~/dotfiles/pip.txt= and
install them.
So a suggested alias is
: alias sypip="syp --pm pip "
If no package manager is specified, we use the default one (see
To *remove packages*, use =--rm=:
: syp --pm pip foo --rm
We can *add a message* with =-m=. It will be appended on the same line:
: syp --pm pip foo -m "foo is a cool package"
We can *edit the list* of packages for that package maneger before the
operations with =-e= (=--editor=):
: syp --pm pip foo --rm -e
* Develop
: pip install -e .
* TODOs and ideas
- more tests
- auto-recognize a virtualenv
- undo last action
- auto commit
- allow for more than a requirement file for one package manager.
Bust most of all… use [[][Guix]] !