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Collection of Testcontainers, pytest fixtures and test clients for end-to-end/integration testing for Python Tomodachi framework. A great starting point to learn more about Testcontainers and necessity of integration testing.

Project description


The library provides Testcontainers, Pytest fixtures, and test clients for working with Testcontainers, and testing applications built with Python Tomodachi framework.

This library has been created to explore and learn Testcontainers.

Although it has been intended to be used with the Tomodachi framework, it can be adapted to work with any Python or non-Python framework.

It's built on top of testcontainers-python library.

Testcontainers is an open-source framework for providing throwaway, lightweight instances of databases, message brokers, web browsers, or just about anything that can run in a Docker container. It facilitates the use of Docker containers for functional, integration, and end-to-end testing.


pip install tomodachi-testcontainers

# Extra dependencies:

# DatabaseContainer and SQLAlchemy
pip install tomodachi-testcontainers[db]

# MySQLContainer, SQLAlchemy and pymysql
pip install tomodachi-testcontainers[mysql]

# PostgreSQLContainer, SQLAlchemy and psycopg2
pip install tomodachi-testcontainers[postgres]

# SFTPContainer and asyncssh
pip install tomodachi-testcontainers[sftp]

# Installs python-wiremock SDK
pip install tomodachi-testcontainers[wiremock]

Quickstart and examples

Tomodachi service examples are in examples/ folder. Their end-to-end tests are in tests/test_services.

For full list of available testcontainers, check out Supported Testcontainers section, tomodachi_testcontainers.containers module, and the official testcontainers-python library - it makes it easy to create your own Testcontainers.

For full list of available Pytest fixtures check out tomodachi_testcontainers.pytest module, and for test clients - tomodachi_testcontainers.clients module.

Getting started

Testing standalone Tomodachi service

Starting with a simple service that returns HTTP 200 on the GET /health endpoint.

We'd like to test that the service is working. To do that, we'll package the application as a Docker image, run the container, send some requests, and assert the responses.

The example assumes that a Dockerfile for running the service is present in the current working directory. An example Dockerfile is in the examples/.

import tomodachi
from aiohttp import web

class TomodachiServiceHealthcheck(tomodachi.Service):
    name = "service-healthcheck"

    @tomodachi.http("GET", r"/health/?")
        async def healthcheck(self, request: web.Request) -> web.Response:
        return web.json_response(data={"status": "ok"})

The following tomodachi_container fixture builds and runs the service as a Docker container.

from typing import Generator, cast

import pytest
from docker.models.images import Image

from tomodachi_testcontainers import TomodachiContainer
from tomodachi_testcontainers.utils import get_available_port

def tomodachi_container(testcontainers_docker_image: Image) -> Generator[TomodachiContainer, None, None]:
    with TomodachiContainer(
    ) as container:
        yield cast(TomodachiContainer, container)

The testcontainers_docker_image fixture is from the tomodachi_testcontainers library. It builds a Docker image from a Dockerfile located in the current working directory.

The container is started by the TomodachiContainer context manager. When the context manager finishes, the built Docker image and containers are removed.

The testcontainers_docker_image fixture uses tomodachi_testcontainers.EphemeralDockerImage. It automatically deletes the Docker image after the container is stopped.

Furthermore, the tomodachi_container fixture will start a new Tomodachi service container and remove the old one for every test.

In this example, tomodachi_container fixture is used to test that the GET /health endpoint returns status code HTTP 200 and a correct JSON response.

import httpx
import pytest

from tomodachi_testcontainers import TomodachiContainer

async def test_healthcheck_passes(tomodachi_container: TomodachiContainer) -> None:
    async with httpx.AsyncClient(base_url=tomodachi_container.get_external_url()) as client:
        response = await client.get("/health")

    assert response.status_code == 200
    assert response.json() == {"status": "ok"}

tomodachi_container.get_external_url returns the container's URL that is accessible from the host, e.g. http://localhost:12345. The port is selected randomly by get_available_port function that has been used in tomodachi_container fixture.

For inter-container communication, use tomodachi_container.get_internal_url instead.

That's it! 🎉 We have tested that the Docker image can be built and run, and that the service is working as expected, all with a Docker container, on the highest test level - end-to-end.

Change Dockerfile path, build context and build target

If the Dockerfile is not located in the current working directory or you need a different Docker build context, specify a new path with the TOMODACHI_TESTCONTAINER_DOCKERFILE_PATH and TOMODACHI_TESTCONTAINER_DOCKER_BUILD_CONTEXT environment variables.



If you have a multi-stage Dockerfile and want to run testcontainer tests against a specific stage, specify the stage name with the TOMODACHI_TESTCONTAINER_DOCKER_BUILD_TARGET environment variable. Note that usually want to run tests against the release/production stage, so this environment variable is not needed in most cases, as it's the last stage in the Dockerfile.



Running Tomodachi container from pre-built image

If the Tomodachi service Docker image is already built, you can run the container by specifying the image ID in the TOMODACHI_TESTCONTAINER_IMAGE_ID environment variable.

It is useful when running tests in the CI pipeline when the image has been already built on the build step. Instead of building a new image from scratch for the tests, we want to test the exact same image that will be pushed to a Container Registry and deployed to production.


  • TOMODACHI_TESTCONTAINER_IMAGE_ID=sha256:56ca9586de1cf25081bb5f070b59b86625b6221bb26d7409a74e6051d7954c92
  • TOMODACHI_TESTCONTAINER_IMAGE_ID=mycompany/my-tomodachi-application:1.0.0

⚠️ Make sure that the environment variable is set before running pytest.

Testing Tomodachi service with external dependencies

The main benefit of Testcontainers is that it allows testing an application with production-like external dependencies - databases, message brokers, file stores, HTTP APIs, etc.

For example, let's test a Tomodachi service that uses AWS S3 to store files. The TomodachiServiceS3 has one endpoint GET /file/<key> that returns a content of a file stored in AWS S3.

import os

import tomodachi
from aiobotocore.session import get_session
from aiohttp import web
from types_aiobotocore_s3 import S3Client

def get_s3_client() -> S3Client:
    return get_session().create_client(

class TomodachiServiceS3(tomodachi.Service):
    name = "service-s3"

    async def _start_service(self) -> None:
        self.bucket = "test-bucket"
        async with get_s3_client() as client:
            await client.create_bucket(Bucket=self.bucket)

    @tomodachi.http("GET", r"/file/(?P<key>[^/]+?)/?")
    async def get_file(self, request: web.Request, key: str) -> web.Response:
        async with get_s3_client() as client:
            s3_object = await client.get_object(Bucket=self.bucket, Key=key)
            content = await s3_object["Body"].read()
            return web.json_response({"content": content.decode()})

There are a couple of ways to test the service.

  • Mock the AWS S3 client with unittest.mock:

    • The simplest way, but it doesn't test the actual AWS S3 integration.
    • We can't be sure that all calls to the AWS client are correct, without typos or surprising configuration mismatches.
    • Although unit tests are necessary, they won't give us the last bit of confidence that the service will work in production.
    • That's why it's necessary to supplement unit tests with integration and end-to-end tests.
  • Use a real AWS S3 bucket:

    • This is the most production-like way, but has some significant drawbacks in automated testing.
    • It requires a separate AWS account dedicated only to automated tests.
    • It's tricky to setup AWS credentials and permissions securely in the CI pipeline.
    • Need to be careful to not mutate production infrastructure.
    • Costs some money for using real AWS services.
    • It's slow, because we're making real network calls to AWS.
  • Use cloud environment mock library like LocalStack or Moto

    • Although it's not a real AWS, it's very close to simulating AWS services, so that it can be confidently used in cloud service integration tests.
    • Battle-tested and used by many organizations with wide community support.
    • Easy to use on a local machine and in the CI pipeline, simply run it in a Docker container and remove it when finished.
    • Works well with Testcontainers! This is the approach we'll take in this example. 🐳

As in the previous example, first, we need to create Tomodachi Testcontainer fixture to build and run the service under test. It's done with a tomodachi_container fixture in the example below.

from typing import Generator, cast

import pytest
from docker.models.images import Image

from tomodachi_testcontainers import LocalStackContainer, TomodachiContainer
from tomodachi_testcontainers.utils import get_available_port

def tomodachi_container(
    testcontainers_docker_image: Image,
    localstack_container: LocalStackContainer,
) -> Generator[TomodachiContainer, None, None]:
    with (
        TomodachiContainer(image=str(, edge_port=get_available_port())
        .with_env("AWS_REGION", "us-east-1")
        .with_env("AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID", "testing")
        .with_env("AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY", "testing")
        .with_env("AWS_S3_ENDPOINT_URL", localstack_container.get_internal_url())
        .with_command("tomodachi run --production")
    ) as container:
        yield cast(TomodachiContainer, container)

This time, tomodachi_container fixture is more involved. It uses localstack_container fixture, provided by tomodachi_testcontainers library. The fixture starts a LocalStackContainer.

After the LocalStackContainer is started, we can use its get_internal_url method to get the URL of the container that is accessible inside the Docker network. This time, we need the internal URL of the container, because the TomodachiContainer needs to communicate with LocalStackContainer, and they both run in the same Docker network.

The LocalStack's internal_url is passed to TomodachiContainer as an environment variable AWS_S3_ENDPOINT_URL, following 12-factor app principle of providing app configuration in environment variables.

On tomodachi_container fixture teardown, LocalStack container is restarted to reset its state - delete all S3 buckets and files. This way we can be sure that each test starts with a clean state. As alternative for calling restart method explicitly, you can use _restart_localstack_container_on_teardown fixture. We avoid flaky tests that depend on the state of the previous test or their execution order, and avoid leaking test data from one test to another. As a drawback, it takes a more time to restart a container after every test. To improve test execution speed, you can explicitly cleanup AWS resources, for example, deleting all S3 buckets and DynamoDB tables after every test.

That's the setup, now on to the application test. 🧪

import httpx
import pytest
from types_aiobotocore_s3 import S3Client

from tomodachi_testcontainers import TomodachiContainer

async def test_upload_and_read_file(
    tomodachi_container: TomodachiContainer,
    localstack_s3_client: S3Client,
) -> None:
    await localstack_s3_client.put_object(
        Body=b"Hello, World!",

    async with httpx.AsyncClient(base_url=tomodachi_container.get_external_url()) as http_client:
        response = await http_client.get("/file/hello-world.txt")

    assert response.status_code == 200
    assert response.json() == {"content": "Hello, World!"}

In the test setup/arrangement step, the test uses localstack_s3_client fixture to upload a file to the AWS S3 bucket. The localstack_s3_client is yet another helper fixture provided by tomodachi_testcontainers. It creates a new S3 client configured to communicate with the LocalStackContainer.

For full list of available fixtures, check out tomodachi_testcontainers.pytest module.

In the act step, the test sends a request to the GET /file/hello-world.txt endpoint to read the contents of a file, and in the assert step verifies that the response is correct.

⚠️ Note that to make the request to the running TomodachiContainer, the tomodachi_container.get_external_url is used to get the URL of the TomodachiContainer that is accessible from the host, because the pytest runs on the host machine, and not inside the Docker network.

Awesome! 🚀 We have tested that our application is working with production-like infrastructure, and established confidence that it will work in the real environment as well.

For more examples, see examples/ and tests in tests/test_services.

Benefits and dangers of end-to-end tests

Building confidence of releasability

The examples from this guide and tests/test_services show that end-to-end tests are powerful kind of tests. End-to-end test are used to test the system from its users perspective, be it a human being or another application. End-to-end tests test the system from the outside, on its public API level.

End-to-end tests build the last bit of confidence of releasability - that the system will work in production without more manual testing.

To get a high confidence of releasability, it's necessary to test the system with real dependencies and infrastructure. Testcontainers make it easy to spin up real dependencies in Docker containers, and throw them away when the tests are finished. They work in the same way locally and in the CI pipeline, so you need to setup test suite only once.

⚠️ Mind the Test Pyramid - don't overdo end-to-end tests

Despite many benefits of end-to-end tests, they are the most expensive kind 💸 - they're slow, sometimes flaky, it's hard to understand what's broken when they fail.

End-to-end tests are expensive, but necessary to build confidence of releasability, so it's important to use them intentionally and know about other kinds of tests. After all, we can't be confident that the system really works in production if we haven't tested it in the environment as close to production as possible.

The Test Pyramid is a useful thinking model about different kinds of tests and their value. It proposes that the majority of tests should be unit tests, followed by integration tests, and the least amount of tests should be end-to-end tests.

The book Architecture Patterns with Python by Harry Percival and Bob Gregory describes a useful rule of thumb for use of different types of tests:

  • Aim for one end-to-end test per feature; error handling counts as a feature - it suggests using end-to-end tests to demonstrate that the feature works, and all the system components that build the feature are working together correctly. It means that end-to-end tests shouldn't be used as the main way of testing the system due to their cost and brittleness, but rather as a way to supplement service layer and unit tests.

  • Write the bulk of your tests against the service layer; maintain a small core of tests written against your domain model - if you keep your application business logic use cases decoupled from the framework, you can test most of the system without the need to rely on slow, real dependencies. You can use fakes for simulating input/output (databases, message brokers, external system adapters), making the tests focused on the business logic.

The Architecture Patterns with Python book neatly describes patterns for building robust and testable applications, so if you want to learn more, I highly recommend it as a starting point. Also, it's free! 📖

Another point worth noting about different test types is that, ideally, tests should be written on the same level of abstraction. ⚖️

If means that if you're writing, for example, end-to-end tests, you should strive to use only the public API of the application - HTTP endpoints, message topics or queues, etc. - to test the system, and not use any internal implementation details, like directly accessing a database.

For example, the test test_create_order in tests/test_services/ asserts that an order has been created by calling the public API endpoints GET /orders/<order_id>, instead of querying orders table directly to assert that the order row has been created with correct data.

This way, the internal orders table can be changed without breaking end-to-end tests, as long as the public API stays the same. However, if the GET /orders has a bug, all the tests that use GET /orders will fail, and it might not be intuitive to find the problem right away. That's a trade-off we need to make in order to not expose system's private data structures and internal implementation details.

The same principle applies to other test types. In service layer tests, you'd be using only use case functions to test the system, and not accessing domain model objects directly. In case of domain model tests or unit tests, you'd be testing only public methods of the objects, and not private methods and attributes. Since there're no explicit private methods and attributes in Python, it's important to remember this, and use automated code quality assertion tools like flake8 and pylint as a safety net.

Running Testcontainers in CI pipeline

To run Testcontainers in the CI pipeline, you'll need a container runtime installed on the CI server (GitHub Actions, Jenkins etc.). That's pretty much it!

Running Testcontainers in the CI shouldn't be much different from running them locally.

For a complete example of how to run Testcontainers in the CI pipeline, check out tomodachi-testcontainers-github-actions repository.

Supported Testcontainers

Phew! 😅 After going though all examples and understanding benefits and dangers of end-to-end tests, you're well-equipped to get the most value out of Testcontainers.

Bellow is the list of available Testcontainers in this library. Feel free to explore how they're implemented and create your own Testcontainers as you go. testcontainers-python provide and easy way to create your own Testcontainers.

Container Name Default Image Fixture Image Env Var Override
Tomodachi n/a (build from Dockerfile) n/a TOMODACHI_TESTCONTAINER_IMAGE_ID
Moto motoserver/moto:latest moto_container MOTO_TESTCONTAINER_IMAGE_ID
LocalStack localstack/localstack:3 localstack_container LOCALSTACK_TESTCONTAINER_IMAGE_ID
Minio minio/minio:latest minio_container MINIO_TESTCONTAINER_IMAGE_ID
DynamoDBAdmin aaronshaf/dynamodb-admin:latest n/a (use on demand for exploring data in DynamoDB) n/a
SFTP atmoz/sftp:latest sftp_container SFTP_TESTCONTAINER_IMAGE_ID
WireMock wiremock/wiremock:latest n/a (can't be generalized, copy from examples) n/a
MySQL mysql:8 mysql_container MYSQL_TESTCONTAINER_IMAGE_ID
PostgreSQL postgres:16 postgres_container POSTGRES_TESTCONTAINER_IMAGE_ID


Tomodachi - a lightweight microservices library on Python asyncio.



Moto is a library that allows your tests to mock out AWS Services.


Docker Hub:


LocalStack provides an easy-to-use test/mocking framework for developing cloud applications.




MinIO is a High Performance Object Storage released under GNU Affero General Public License v3.0. It is API compatible with Amazon S3 cloud storage service.



DynamoDB Admin

GUI for DynamoDB Local, dynalite, localstack etc. Useful for exploring DynamoDB tables and data during development and testing.




Easy to use SFTP (SSH File Transfer Protocol) server with OpenSSH.



  • Available as an extra dependency sftp - install with pip install tomodachi-testcontainers[sftp] or poetry install -E sftp


WireMock is a tool for building mock APIs. Create stable development environments, isolate yourself from flaky 3rd parties and simulate APIs that don't exist yet.



Python SDK:


MySQL is a widely used, open-source relational database management system (RDBMS).



The PostgreSQL object-relational database system provides reliability and data integrity.


Configuration with environment variables

⚠️ Make sure that environment variables are set before running pytest - e.g. with pytest-env plugin or by setting it in the shell before running pytest.

Environment Variable Description
TESTCONTAINER_DOCKER_NETWORK Launch testcontainers in specified Docker network. Defaults to 'bridge'. Network must be created beforehand
TOMODACHI_TESTCONTAINER_DOCKERFILE_PATH Override path to Dockerfile for building Tomodachi service image. (--file flag in docker build command)
TOMODACHI_TESTCONTAINER_DOCKER_BUILD_TARGET Override Docker build target (--target flag in docker build command)
<CONTAINER-NAME>_TESTCONTAINER_IMAGE_ID Override any supported Testcontainer Image ID. Defaults to None
DOCKER_BUILDKIT Set DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 to use Docker BuildKit for building Docker images

Change default Docker network

By default, testcontainers are started in the default bridge Docker network. Sometimes it's useful to start containers in a different network, e.g. a network specifically dedicated for running automated tests.

Specify a new network name with the TOMODACHI_TESTCONTAINER_NETWORK environment variable. The Docker network is not created automatically, so make sure that it exists before running tests.

⚠️ Make sure that the environment variable is set before running pytest.

Forward Testcontainer logs to Pytest

Logs from a testcontainer are forwarded to Python's standard logger as INFO logs when tomodachi_testcontainers.DockerContainer context manager exits.

To see the logs in Pytest, set the log level to at least INFO in Pytest configuration.

Capturing container logs is useful to see what happened inside a container if a test failed. It's especially useful if tests have failed in CI, because the containers are immediately deleted after the test run, and there's nothing else to inspect apart from logs.

log_level = "INFO"

Resources and acknowledgements


  • Install dev dependencies with Poetry
poetry install --with dev --all-extras
poetry shell
pre-commit install
  • Run tests
docker network create tomodachi-testcontainers

poetry run test-ci  # With test coverage
  • Format and lint code
poetry run format
poetry run lint
  • Run all commit hooks at once
poetry run hooks
  • Build package release
poetry build

Project details

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tomodachi_testcontainers-0.11.0.tar.gz (35.2 kB view details)

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Built Distribution

tomodachi_testcontainers-0.11.0-py3-none-any.whl (37.4 kB view details)

Uploaded Python 3

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Details for the file tomodachi_testcontainers-0.11.0.tar.gz.

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Hashes for tomodachi_testcontainers-0.11.0.tar.gz
Algorithm Hash digest
SHA256 0ebe231b8a94ac437373f718636a01c5e9f4d7116b62ba38ad663a073ca68bb5
MD5 cfa2fb7cccec443135b94a96d22a670d
BLAKE2b-256 6c42a19ef380ce90c26d3701d5f720e5c492a8d0ad9a0e0a1f10a457d69a1a09

See more details on using hashes here.

File details

Details for the file tomodachi_testcontainers-0.11.0-py3-none-any.whl.

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File hashes

Hashes for tomodachi_testcontainers-0.11.0-py3-none-any.whl
Algorithm Hash digest
SHA256 53ffaee4b679a2759d78a1b93cf6e5ee5be1bea776d5e16632282c4a7d28327c
MD5 88eecd481a2453f4a7b76e6aeb520a44
BLAKE2b-256 663c632c4f6b50027611aad8ff58e22d8d04148055177dea6da6117bd83397fc

See more details on using hashes here.

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