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A pytest plugin to generate test outcomes reports with markdown table format.

Project description


PyPI package version Supported Python versions Supported Python implementations CI status of Linux/macOS/Windows CodeQL

A pytest plugin to generate test outcomes reports with markdown table format.


pip install pytest-md-report


pytest --md-report examples/

Output example

Other examples

Increase verbosity level (--md-report-verbose option):

pytest --md-report --md-report-verbose=1 examples/

Output example (verbose)

Not rendering results of zero value (--md-report-zeros emmpty option):

pytest --md-report --md-report-zeros empty --md-report-color never examples/
|         filepath         | passed | failed | error | skipped | xfailed | xpassed | SUBTOTAL |
| ------------------------ | -----: | -----: | ----: | ------: | ------: | ------: | -------: |
| examples/   |        |        |     2 |         |         |         |        2 |
| examples/  |        |      2 |       |         |         |         |        2 |
| examples/    |      2 |        |       |         |         |         |        2 |
| examples/ |        |        |       |       2 |         |         |        2 |
| examples/ |        |        |       |         |       2 |         |        2 |
| examples/ |        |        |       |         |         |       2 |        2 |
| TOTAL                    |      2 |      2 |     2 |       2 |       2 |       2 |       12 |

Generate GitHub Flavored Markdown (GFM) report:

pytest --md-report --md-report-flavor gfm examples/

GFM rendering result can be seen at here.

Config file examples

You can set configurations with pyproject.toml or setup.cfg as follows.

Example of pyproject.toml:
md_report = true
md_report_verbose = 0
md_report_color = "auto"
Example of setup.cfg:
md_report = True
md_report_verbose = 0
md_report_color = auto

Add report to pull requests

You can add test reports to pull requests by GitHub actions workflow like the below:

name: md-report - pull request example


    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      contents: read
      pull-requests: write

      - uses: actions/checkout@v4

      - uses: actions/setup-python@v5
          python-version: '3.12'
          cache: pip

      - name: Install dependencies
        run: pip install --upgrade pytest-md-report

      - name: Run tests
        shell: bash
        run: |
          echo "REPORT_FILE=${REPORT_OUTPUT}" >> "$GITHUB_ENV"
          pytest -v --md-report --md-report-flavor gfm --md-report-exclude-outcomes passed skipped xpassed --md-report-output "$REPORT_OUTPUT"

      - name: Render the report to the PR when tests fail
        uses: marocchino/sticky-pull-request-comment@v2
        if: failure()
          header: test-report
          recreate: true
          path: ${{ env.REPORT_FILE }}

Rendering result

Add report to pull requests: only failed tests

You can exclude specific test outcomes from the report by using the --md-report-exclude-outcomes option. The below example excludes passed, skipped, and xpassed test outcomes from the report and posts the report to the pull request when tests fail with verbose output.

name: md-report - pull request example


    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      contents: read
      pull-requests: write

      - uses: actions/checkout@v4

      - uses: actions/setup-python@v5
          python-version: '3.12'
          cache: pip

      - name: Install dependencies
        run: pip install --upgrade pytest-md-report

      - name: Run tests
        shell: bash
        run: |
          echo "REPORT_FILE=${report_file}" >> "$GITHUB_ENV"
          pytest -v --md-report --md-report-flavor gfm --md-report-exclude-outcomes passed skipped xpassed --md-report-output "$report_file"

      - name: Render the report to the PR when tests fail
        uses: marocchino/sticky-pull-request-comment@v2
        if: failure()
          header: test-report
          recreate: true
          path: ${{ env.REPORT_FILE }}

Rendering result

Add reports to the job summary of the GitHub action workflow runs

The below example adds test reports to the job summary of the GitHub action workflow runs when tests fail.

name: md-report - job summary example


    runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }}
      fail-fast: false
        os: [ubuntu-latest, windows-latest]

      - uses: actions/checkout@v4

      - uses: actions/setup-python@v5
          python-version: '3.12'
          cache: pip

      - name: Install dependencies
        run: pip install --upgrade pytest-md-report

      - name: Run tests
        shell: bash
        run: |
          echo "REPORT_FILE=${REPORT_OUTPUT}" >> "$GITHUB_ENV"
          pytest -v --md-report --md-report-flavor gfm --md-report-exclude-outcomes passed skipped xpassed --md-report-output "$REPORT_OUTPUT"

      - name: Output reports to the job summary when tests fail
        if: failure()
        shell: bash
        run: |
          if [ -f "$REPORT_FILE" ]; then
            echo "<details><summary>Failed Test Report</summary>" >> $GITHUB_STEP_SUMMARY
            echo "" >> $GITHUB_STEP_SUMMARY
            cat "$REPORT_FILE" >> $GITHUB_STEP_SUMMARY
            echo "" >> $GITHUB_STEP_SUMMARY
            echo "</details>" >> $GITHUB_STEP_SUMMARY

Rendering result


Command options

generate test outcomes report with markdown table format:
  --md-report           Create a Markdown report. you can also specify the value
                        with PYTEST_MD_REPORT environment variable.
                        Verbosity level for pytest-md-report.
                        If not set, use the verbosity level of pytest.
                        Defaults to 0.
                        you can also specify the value with
                        PYTEST_MD_REPORT_VERBOSE environment variable.
                        Path to a file to the outputs test report.
                        Overwrite a file content if the file already exists.
                        you can also specify the value with
                        PYTEST_MD_REPORT_OUTPUT environment variable.
  --md-report-tee       output test report for both standard output and a file.
                        you can also specify the value with PYTEST_MD_REPORT_TEE
                        environment variable.
                        How coloring output reports.
                        auto: detect the output destination and colorize reports
                        appropriately with the output.
                        for terminal output, render colored (text and
                        background) reports using ANSI escape codes.
                        for file output, render the report without color.
                        text: render colored text reports by using ANSI escape
                        never: render report without color.
                        Defaults to 'auto'.
                        you can also specify the value with
                        PYTEST_MD_REPORT_COLOR environment variable.
                        Margin size for each cell.
                        Defaults to 1.
                        you can also specify the value with
                        PYTEST_MD_REPORT_MARGIN environment variable.
                        Rendering method for results of zero values.
                        number: render as a digit number (0).
                        empty: not rendering.
                        Automatically set to 'number' when the CI environment
                        variable is set to
                        TRUE (case insensitive) to display reports correctly at
                        CI services.
                        Defaults to 'number'.
                        you can also specify the value with
                        PYTEST_MD_REPORT_ZEROS environment variable.
                        Text color of succeeded results.
                        Specify a color name (one of the black/red/green/yellow/
                        or a color code (e.g. #ff1020).
                        Defaults to 'light_green'.
                        you can also specify the value with
                        PYTEST_MD_REPORT_SUCCESS_COLOR environment variable.
                        Text color of skipped results.
                        Specify a color name (one of the black/red/green/yellow/
                        or a color code (e.g. #ff1020).
                        Defaults to 'light_yellow'.
                        you can also specify the value with
                        PYTEST_MD_REPORT_SKIP_COLOR environment variable.
                        Text color of failed results.
                        Specify a color name (one of the black/red/green/yellow/
                        or a color code (e.g. #ff1020).
                        Defaults to 'light_red'.
                        you can also specify the value with
                        PYTEST_MD_REPORT_ERROR_COLOR environment variable.
                        Markdown flavor of the output report.
                        Defaults to 'common_mark'.
                        you can also specify the value with
                        PYTEST_MD_REPORT_FLAVOR environment variable.
                        List of test outcomes to exclude from the report.
                        When specifying as an environment variable, pass a
                        comma-separated string
                        (e.g. 'passed,skipped').
                        Defaults to '[]'.
                        you can also specify the value with
                        PYTEST_MD_REPORT_EXCLUDE_OUTCOMES environment variable.


[pytest] ini-options in the first pytest.ini/tox.ini/setup.cfg/pyproject.toml (pytest 6.0.0 or later) file found:

md_report (bool):     Create a Markdown report.
md_report_verbose (string):
                      Verbosity level for pytest-md-report. If not set, use
                      the verbosity level of pytest. Defaults to 0.
md_report_color (string):
                      How coloring output reports. auto: detect the output
                      destination and colorize reports appropriately with the
                      output. for terminal output, render colored (text and
                      background) reports using ANSI escape codes. for file
                      output, render the report without color. text: render
                      colored text reports by using ANSI escape codes. never:
                      render report without color. Defaults to 'auto'.
md_report_output (string):
                      Path to a file to the outputs test report. Overwrite a
                      file content if the file already exists.
md_report_tee (string):
                      output test report for both standard output and a file.
md_report_margin (string):
                      Margin size for each cell. Defaults to 1.
md_report_zeros (string):
                      Rendering method for results of zero values. number:
                      render as a digit number (0). empty: not rendering.
                      Automatically set to 'number' when the CI environment
                      variable is set to TRUE (case insensitive) to display
                      reports correctly at CI services. Defaults to 'number'.
md_report_success_color (string):
                      Text color of succeeded results. Specify a color name
                      (one of the black/red/green/yellow/blue/magenta/cyan/whi
                      lightmagenta/lightcyan/lightwhite) or a color code (e.g.
                      #ff1020). Defaults to 'light_green'.
md_report_skip_color (string):
                      Text color of skipped results. Specify a color name (one
                      of the black/red/green/yellow/blue/magenta/cyan/white/li
                      magenta/lightcyan/lightwhite) or a color code (e.g.
                      #ff1020). Defaults to 'light_yellow'.
md_report_error_color (string):
                      Text color of failed results. Specify a color name (one
                      of the black/red/green/yellow/blue/magenta/cyan/white/li
                      magenta/lightcyan/lightwhite) or a color code (e.g.
                      #ff1020). Defaults to 'light_red'.
md_report_flavor (string):
                      Markdown flavor of the output report. Defaults to
md_report_exclude_outcomes (args):
                      List of test outcomes to exclude from the report. When
                      specifying as an environment variable, pass a
                      comma-separated string (e.g. 'passed,skipped'). Defaults
                      to '[]'.


Project details

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Source Distribution

pytest_md_report-0.6.3.tar.gz (283.7 kB view details)

Uploaded Source

Built Distribution

pytest_md_report-0.6.3-py3-none-any.whl (13.9 kB view details)

Uploaded Python 3

File details

Details for the file pytest_md_report-0.6.3.tar.gz.

File metadata

  • Download URL: pytest_md_report-0.6.3.tar.gz
  • Upload date:
  • Size: 283.7 kB
  • Tags: Source
  • Uploaded using Trusted Publishing? Yes
  • Uploaded via: twine/6.0.1 CPython/3.12.8

File hashes

Hashes for pytest_md_report-0.6.3.tar.gz
Algorithm Hash digest
SHA256 7e91ed0c0421b1493c1126ef996bdb521882a96a20cbd5b2cf0a38945495a852
MD5 d6b027c1a766769362b54a984e64032e
BLAKE2b-256 6fec5864e21c74e6ab2c493578bd6bbef775c4db4c1e69a2aad8830408341170

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The following attestation bundles were made for pytest_md_report-0.6.3.tar.gz:

Publisher: release.yml on thombashi/pytest-md-report

Attestations: Values shown here reflect the state when the release was signed and may no longer be current.

File details

Details for the file pytest_md_report-0.6.3-py3-none-any.whl.

File metadata

File hashes

Hashes for pytest_md_report-0.6.3-py3-none-any.whl
Algorithm Hash digest
SHA256 374126c013b29aab4dc585a318c4bbc5213fabafc101f9812f428cc4847b6a92
MD5 96960681b3e5875e89044529cf204975
BLAKE2b-256 22ad99382de65e29fa6230b592f176c4290084667dbf1404c0ef266a34bb2c46

See more details on using hashes here.


The following attestation bundles were made for pytest_md_report-0.6.3-py3-none-any.whl:

Publisher: release.yml on thombashi/pytest-md-report

Attestations: Values shown here reflect the state when the release was signed and may no longer be current.

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