Tools for for interacting with Archive-It.
Project description
AIU is a Python library for extracting information from web archive collections. The work is done through different classes, each specific to a different web archive collection host. Each class performs screen-scraping and API analysis (if available) in order to acquire general collection metadata, seed lists, and seed metadata.
This package requires Python 3 and is called aiu
on PyPI. Installation is handled via pip
pip install aiu
Using the ArchiveItCollection
The class named ArchiveItCollection
has many methods for extracting information about an Archive-It collection using its collection identifier.
For example, to use iPython to get information about Archive-It collection number 5728, one can execute the following:
In [1]: from aiu import ArchiveItCollection
In [2]: aic = ArchiveItCollection(5728)
In [3]: aic.get_collection_name()
Out[3]: 'Social Media'
In [4]: aic.get_collectedby()
Out[4]: 'Willamette University'
In [5]: aic.get_description()
Out[5]: 'Social media content created by Willamette University.'
In [6]: aic.get_collection_uri()
Out[6]: ''
In [7]: aic.get_archived_since()
Out[7]: 'Apr, 2015'
In [8]: aic.is_private()
Out[8]: False
In [9]: len(aic.list_seed_uris())
Out[9]: 113
In [10]: aic.list_seed_uris()[0]
Out[10]: ''
In [11]: seed_url = aic.list_seed_uris()[0]
In [12]: aic.get_seed_metadata(seed_url)
{'collection_web_pages': [{'title': 'Willamette MBA Blog',
'description': ['Blog for the Willamette University Atkinson Graduate School of Management']}]}
From this session we now know that the collection's name is Social Media, it was collected by Willamette University, it has been archived since April 2015, it is not private, and it has 113 seeds.
Examine the source in aiu/
for a full list of methods to use with this class.
Using the TroveCollection
The class named TroveCollection
has many methods for extracting information about a National Library of Australia (NLA) Trove collection using its collection identifier. Note: Because NLA has different collection policies than Archive-It, not all methods, or their outputs, are mirrored between TroveCollection
and ArchiveItCollection
For example, to use iPython to get information about Trove collection number 13742, one can execute the following:
In [1]: from aiu import TroveCollection
In [2]: tc = TroveCollection(13742)
In [3]: tc.get_collection_name()
Out[3]: 'Iconic Australian Brands'
In [4]: tc.get_collectedby()
{'National Library of Australia': '',
'State Library of Queensland': ''}
In [5]: tc.get_archived_since()
Out[5]: 'Feb 2000'
In [6]: tc.get_archived_until()
Out[6]: 'Mar 2021'
In [7]: len(tc.list_seed_uris())
Out[7]: 64
In [8]: tc.get_breadcrumbs()
Out[8]: [0, 15023]
From this session we now know that the collection's name is Iconic Australian Brands, it was collected by National Library of Australia and State Library of Queensland, has been archived since Feb 2000, and contains mementos up to Mar 2021, it has 63 seeds, and is a subcollection of collections with identifiers of 0 and 15023 -- the breadcrumbs that lead to this collection.
Examine the source in aiu/
for a full list of methods to use with this class.
Using the PandoraCollection
The class named PandoraCollection
has many methods for extracting information about a National Library of Australia (NLA) Pandora collection using its collection identifier. Note: Because NLA has different collection policies than Archive-It, not all methods, or their outputs, are mirrored between TroveCollection
and ArchiveItCollection
and PandoraCollection
For example, to use iPython to get information about Pandora collection number 12022, one can execute the following:
In [1]: from aiu import PandoraCollection
In [2]: pc = PandoraCollection(12022)
In [3]: pc.get_collection_name()
Out[3]: 'Fact sheets (Victoria. EPA Victoria) - Australian Internet Sites'
In [4]: pc.get_title_pages()
{'136318': ('', 'Air'),
'136347': ('',
'How to reduce noise from your business'),
'136317': ('', 'Land'),
'136346': ('', 'Landfill gas'),
'136314': ('', 'Litter'),
'136316': ('',
'Noise (EPA fact sheet)'),
'136319': ('', 'Odour'),
'136312': ('', 'Waste'),
'136313': ('', 'Water')}
In [5]: len(pc.list_memento_urims())
Out[5]: 10
In [6]: pc.list_seed_uris()
In [7]: pc.get_collectedby()
Out[7]: {'State Library of Victoria': ''}
Examine the source in aiu/
for a full list of methods to use with this class.
Using the PandoraSubject
The class named PandoraSubject
has many methods for extracting information about a National Library of Australia (NLA) Pandora subject using its subject identifier. Note: Because NLA has different collection policies than Archive-It, not all methods, or their outputs, are mirrored between TroveCollection
and ArchiveItCollection
and PandoraCollection
and PandoraSubject
For example, to use iPython to get information about Pandora subject number 83, one can execute the following:
In [1]: from aiu import PandoraSubject
In [2]: ps = PandoraSubject(83)
In [3]: ps.get_subject_name()
Out[3]: 'Humanities'
In [4]: len(ps.get_title_pages())
Out[4]: 71
In [5]: len(ps.list_memento_urims())
Out[5]: 246
In [6]: len(ps.list_seed_uris())
Out[6]: 71
In [7]: ps.subject_id
Out[7]: '83'
In [8]: ps.get_collectedby()
{'National Library of Australia': '',
'Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies': '',
'State Library of New South Wales': '',
'State Library of Victoria': '',
'State Library of Western Australia': '',
'State Library of South Australia': ''}
In [9]: ps.list_subcategories()
Out[9]: ['84', '85', '86']
Examine the source in aiu/
for a full list of methods to use with this class.
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