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Alchemy SDK for Python

An Alchemy SDK to use the Alchemy API.

It supports the exact same syntax and functionality of the Web3 eth, making it a 1:1 mapping for anyone using the Web3 eth. However, it adds a significant amount of improved functionality on top of Web3, such as easy access to Alchemy’s Enhanced and NFT APIs, and quality-of-life improvements such as automated retries.

The SDK leverages Alchemy's hardened node infrastructure, guaranteeing best-in-class node reliability, scalability, and data correctness, and is undergoing active development by Alchemy's engineers.


We'd love your thoughts on what would improve your web3 dev process the most! If you have 5 minutes, tell us what you want on our Feature Request feedback form, and we'd love to build it for you.

The SDK currently supports the following chains:

  • Ethereum: Mainnet, Goerli
  • Polygon: Mainnet, Mumbai
  • Optimism: Mainnet, Goerli, Kovan
  • Arbitrum: Mainnet, Goerli, Rinkeby
  • Astar: Mainnet

Getting started

Use the package manager pip to install alchemy_sdk.

pip3 install alchemy-sdk

After installing the app, you can then import and use the SDK:

from alchemy import Alchemy, Network

# create Alchemy object using your Alchemy api key, default is "demo"
api_key = "your_api_key"

# choose preferred network from Network, default is ETH_MAINNET
network = Network.ETH_MAINNET

# choose the maximum number of retries to perform, default is 5
max_retries = 3

# create Alchemy object
alchemy = Alchemy(api_key, network, max_retries=max_retries)

ℹ️ Creating a unique Alchemy API Key

The public "demo" API key may be rate limited based on traffic. To create your own API key, sign up for an Alchemy account here and use the key created on your dashboard for the first app.

Using the Alchemy SDK

The Alchemy SDK currently supports 2 different namespaces, including:

  • core: All web3.eth methods and Alchemy Enhanced API methods
  • nft: All Alchemy NFT API methods

If you are already using web3.eth, you should be simply able to replace the web3.eth object with alchemy.core and it should work properly.

ℹ️ ENS Name Resolution

The Alchemy SDK supports ENS names (e.g. vitalik.eth) for every parameter where you can pass in a Externally Owned Address, or user address (e.g. 0xd8dA6BF26964aF9D7eEd9e03E53415D37aA96045).

from alchemy import Alchemy
alchemy = Alchemy()

# Access standard Web3 request. Gets latest block hash
block_hash = Alchemy.to_hex(alchemy.core.get_block('latest')['hash'])

# Access Alchemy Enhanced API requests. Gets all transaction receipts for a given block hash.

# Access the Alchemy NFT API. Gets contract metadata for NFT and gets collection name
contract = "0x01234567bac6ff94d7e4f0ee23119cf848f93245"

The Alchemy class also supports static methods from Web3 object that streamline the development process:

  • Encoding, Decoding, Hashing: to_bytes, to_int, to_hex, to_text, to_json, keccak
  • Currency Utility: to_wei, from_wei
  • Address Utility: is_address, is_checksum_address, to_checksum_address

Alchemy Core

The core namespace contains all commonly-used Web3.eth methods.

It also includes the majority of Alchemy Enhanced APIs, including:

  • get_token_metadata(): Get the metadata for a token contract address.
  • get_token_balances(): Gets the token balances for an owner given a list of contracts.
  • get_asset_transfers(): Get transactions for specific addresses.
  • get_transaction_receipts(): Gets all transaction receipts for a given block.

Alchemy NFT API

The SDK currently supports the following NFT API endpoints under the alchemy.nft namespace:

  • get_nft_metadata(): Get the NFT metadata for an NFT contract address and tokenId.
  • get_nft_metada_batch(): Get the NFT metadata for multiple NFT contract addresses/token id pairs.
  • get_contract_metadata(): Get the metadata associated with an NFT contract.
  • get_contracts_for_owner(): Get all NFT contracts that the provided owner address owns.
  • get_nfts_for_owner(): Get NFTs for an owner address.
  • get_nfts_for_contract(): Get all NFTs for a contract address.
  • get_owners_for_nft(): Get all the owners for a given NFT contract address and a particular token ID.
  • get_owners_for_contract(): Get all the owners for a given NFT contract address.
  • get_minted_nfts(): Get all the NFTs minted by the owner address.
  • is_spam_contract(): Check whether the given NFT contract address is a spam contract as defined by Alchemy (see the NFT API FAQ)
  • get_spam_contracts(): Returns a list of all spam contracts marked by Alchemy.
  • refresh_contract(): Enqueues the specified contract address to have all token ids' metadata refreshed.
  • get_floor_price(): Return the floor prices of a NFT contract by marketplace.
  • compute_rarity(): Get the rarity of each attribute of an NFT.


The Alchemy NFT endpoints return 100 results per page. To get the next page, you can pass in the pageKey returned by the previous call.

SDK vs API Differences

The NFT API in the SDK standardizes response types to reduce developer friction, but note this results in some differences compared to the Alchemy REST endpoints:

  • Methods referencing Collection have been renamed to use the name Contract for greater accuracy: e.g. get_nfts_for_contract.
  • Some methods have different naming that the REST API counterparts in order to provide a consistent API interface ( e.g. get_nfts_for_owner() is alchemy_getNfts, get_owners_for_nft() is alchemy_getOwnersForToken).
  • SDK standardizes to omit_metadata parameter (vs. withMetadata).
  • Standardization to page_key parameter for pagination (vs. nextToken/startToken)
  • Empty token_uri fields are omitted.
  • Token ID is always normalized to an integer string on BaseNft and Nft.
  • Some fields omitted in the REST response are included in the SDK response in order to return an Nft object.
  • Some fields in the SDK's Nft object are named differently than the REST response.

Usage Examples

Below are a few usage examples.

Getting the NFTs owned by an address

from alchemy import Alchemy
from alchemy.nft import NftFilters

alchemy = Alchemy()

# Get how many NFTs an address owns.
response = alchemy.nft.get_nfts_for_owner('vitalik.eth')

# Get all the image urls for all the NFTs an address owns.
for nft in response['owned_nfts']:

# Filter out spam NFTs.
nfts_without_spam = alchemy.nft.get_nfts_for_owner('vitalik.eth', exclude_filters=[NftFilters.SPAM])

Getting all the owners of the BAYC NFT

from alchemy import Alchemy

alchemy = Alchemy()

# Bored Ape Yacht Club contract address.
bayc_address = '0xBC4CA0EdA7647A8aB7C2061c2E118A18a936f13D'

# Omit the NFT metadata for smaller payloads.
response = alchemy.nft.get_nfts_for_contract(bayc_address, omit_metadata=True, page_size=5)
for nft in response['nfts']:
    owners = alchemy.nft.get_owners_for_nft(
        contract_address=nft.contract.address, token_id=nft.token_id
    print(f"owners: {owners}, tokenId: {nft.token_id}")

Get all outbound transfers for a provided address

from alchemy import Alchemy

alchemy = Alchemy()

Questions and Feedback

If you have any questions, issues, or feedback, please file an issue on GitHub, or drop us a message on our Discord channel for the SDK.



Project details

Download files

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Source Distribution

alchemy-sdk-0.1.1.tar.gz (33.8 kB view details)

Uploaded Source

Built Distribution

alchemy_sdk-0.1.1-py3-none-any.whl (36.3 kB view details)

Uploaded Python 3

File details

Details for the file alchemy-sdk-0.1.1.tar.gz.

File metadata

  • Download URL: alchemy-sdk-0.1.1.tar.gz
  • Upload date:
  • Size: 33.8 kB
  • Tags: Source
  • Uploaded using Trusted Publishing? No
  • Uploaded via: twine/4.0.2 CPython/3.9.6

File hashes

Hashes for alchemy-sdk-0.1.1.tar.gz
Algorithm Hash digest
SHA256 097c48b1cbe6b63ff0facfc2004eecf489fe7df257a670c8c73d8c7768a4e0ad
MD5 cd01493c2d8dea5b043986b79fa92fbf
BLAKE2b-256 2e0fcb75293fc9dda66b651f6589f1c532ef2ff3a768099a9e41137d7642b75d

See more details on using hashes here.

File details

Details for the file alchemy_sdk-0.1.1-py3-none-any.whl.

File metadata

  • Download URL: alchemy_sdk-0.1.1-py3-none-any.whl
  • Upload date:
  • Size: 36.3 kB
  • Tags: Python 3
  • Uploaded using Trusted Publishing? No
  • Uploaded via: twine/4.0.2 CPython/3.9.6

File hashes

Hashes for alchemy_sdk-0.1.1-py3-none-any.whl
Algorithm Hash digest
SHA256 cf02044fed60de367b029fb0e9c1133ca6d94327116a85994cb3d1c89b08f17f
MD5 40655372a29d253e9971d35988371695
BLAKE2b-256 b15d01f2aa4617e086c3af494ee295c11c1ecab4003615fa5a3563048f84ef62

See more details on using hashes here.

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