Mastodon bot framework built on
Project description
What is Ananas?
Ananas allows you to write simple (or complicated!) mastodon bots without having to rewrite config file loading, interval-based posting, scheduled posting, auto-replying, and so on.
Some bots are as simple as a configuration file:
class = tracery.TraceryBot
access_token = ....
grammar_file = "bepis.json"
But it's easy to write one with customized behavior:
class MyBot(ananas.PineappleBot):
def start(self):
with open('trivia.txt', 'r') as trivia_file:
self.trivia = trivia_file.lines()
def post_trivia(self):
def respond_trivia(self, status, user):
self.mastodon.toot("@{}: {}".format(user["acct"], random.choice(self.trivia)))
Run multiple bots on multiple instances out of a single config file:
class = custom.JortsBot
domain =
access_token = ....
line = 632
class = roll.DiceBot
domain =
access_token = ....
And use the DEFAULT section to share common configuration options between them:
domain =
client_id = ....
client_secret = ....
Getting started
pip install ananas
The ananas
pip package comes with a script to help you manage your bots.
Simply give it a config file and it'll load your bots and close them safely when it receives a keyboard interrupt, SIGINT, SIGTERM, or SIGKILL.
ananas config.cfg
If you haven't specified a client id/secret or access token, the script will
exit unless you run it with the --interactive
flag, which allows it to
prompt you for the instance login information. (The only part of the input
you enter here that's stored in the config file is the instance name -- the
email and password are only used to generate the access token).
The following fields are interpreted by the PineappleBot base classs and will work for every bot:
class: the fully-specified python class that the runner script should instantiate to start your bot. e.g. "ananas.default.TraceryBot"
domain ¹: the domain of the instance to run the bot on. Must support https connections. Only include the domain, no protocol or slashes. e.g. ""
client_id ¹, client_secret ¹: the tokens that the instance uses to identify what client this bot is posting from/as. Will be used to determine what's displayed underneath all the posts made by this bot.
access_token ¹: the access token used to authenticate API requests with the instance. Make sure this is secret, don't distribute config files with this field filled out or people will be able to post under the account this token was created with.
admin: the full username (without leading @) of the user to DM error reports to.
Can be left unspecified, but is useful for keeping an eye on the health of the
bot without constantly monitoring the script logs. e.g.
¹: Filled out automatically if the bot is run in interactive mode.
Additional fields are specific to the type of bot, refer to the documentation for the bot's class for more information about the fields it expects.
Writing Bots
Custom bot classes should be subclasses of ananas.PineappleBot
. If you
override __init__
, be sure to call the base class's __init__
In order for the bot to do anything, you should add a method decorated with at least one of the following decorators:
@ananas.reply: Calls the decorated function when the bot is mentioned by any
other user. Decorator takes no parameters, but should only be called on
functions matching this signature: def reply_fn(self, mention, user)
will be the dictionary corresponding to the status containing the
mention (as returned by the mastodon API),
will be the dictionary corresponding to the user that mentioned the bot
(again, according to the API).
@ananas.interval(secs): Calls the decorated function every secs
starting when the bot is initialized. For intervals longer than ~an hour, you
may want to use @schedule
instead. e.g. @ananas.interval(60)
@ananas.schedule(**kwargs): Allows you to schedule, cron-style, the
decorated function. Accepted keywords are "second", "minute", "hour",
"day_of_week" or "day_of_month" (but not both), "month", and "year". If any of
these keywords are not specified, they will be treated like cron treats an *,
that is, as long as the time matches the other values, any value will be
accepted. Speaking of which, the cron-like syntax "*" as well as "*/3" are
both accepted, and will expand to the expected thing: for example,
schedule(hour="*/2", minute="*/10")
will post every 10 minutes during hours
which are multiples of 2.
@ananas.hourly(minute=0), @ananas.daily(hour=0, minute=0): Shortcuts for
that call the decorated function once an hour at the
specified minute or once a day at the specified hour and minute. If parameters
are omitted they'll post at the top of the hour or midnight (UTC).
@ananas.error_reporter: specifies custom behavior for reporting errors. The
decorated function should match this signature: def err(self, error)
is a string representation of the error.
Overrideable Functions
You can also define the following functions and they will be called at the relevant points in the bot's lifecycle:
init(self): called before the configuration file has been loaded, so that you can set default values for config fields in case the config file doesn't specify them.
start(self): called after all of the internal PineappleBot initialization is complete and the mastodon API is ready to use. A good place to load files specified in the config, post a startup notice, or otherwise do bot-specific setup.
stop(self): called when the bot has received a shutdown signal and needs to stop. The config file will be saved after this, so if you need to make any last minute changes to the config, do that here.
Configuration Fields
All of the configuration fields for the current bot are available through the
object, which exposes them with both field-accessor syntax and
dictionary-accessor syntax, for example:
foo =
bar = self.config["bar"]
These can be read (to get the user's configuration data) or written to (to affect the config file on next save) or deleted (to remove that field from the config file).
You can call self.config.load()
to get the latest values from the config
file. load
takes an optional parameter name
, which is the name of the
section to load in the config file in case you want to load a different one than
the bot was started with.
You can also call
to write any changes made since the last
load back to the config file.
Note that if you call self.config.load()
during bot operation, without first
, you will discard any changes made to the
configuration since the last load.
Distributing Bots
You can distribute bots however you want; as long as the class is available in
some module in python's sys.path
or a module accessible from the current
directory, the runner script will be able to load it.
If you think your bot might be generally useful to other people, feel free to create a pull request on this repository to get it added to the collection of default bots.
Questions? Ping me on Mastodon at
or shoot me an email at
and I'll answer as best I can!
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File details
Details for the file ananas-1.1.0.tar.gz
File metadata
- Download URL: ananas-1.1.0.tar.gz
- Upload date:
- Size: 22.2 kB
- Tags: Source
- Uploaded using Trusted Publishing? No
- Uploaded via: twine/4.0.0 CPython/3.8.10
File hashes
Algorithm | Hash digest | |
SHA256 | af6948279b892c4c76e31d4fb6a50a3b4741f91dcddf74b2add8c65a62488c8b |
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BLAKE2b-256 | 12bbc4ad2ecacd8070900ba2dd855f3d2b9068b0a0c429ee20f48a481adbe9d5 |
File details
Details for the file ananas-1.1.0-py3-none-any.whl
File metadata
- Download URL: ananas-1.1.0-py3-none-any.whl
- Upload date:
- Size: 20.8 kB
- Tags: Python 3
- Uploaded using Trusted Publishing? No
- Uploaded via: twine/4.0.0 CPython/3.8.10
File hashes
Algorithm | Hash digest | |
SHA256 | 243148131b656dde440cf93672f25608866e002b2e29238b3438609561ecd858 |
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