Utilities for using appengine tasks. Inspired by deferred.
Project description
# appenginetaskutils
This is the repo for the appengine task utils library. It generates the appenginetaskutils package
## Install
Use the python package for this library. You can find the package online [here](https://pypi.python.org/pypi/appenginetaskutils).
Change to your Python App Engine project's root folder and do the following:
> pip install appenginetaskutils --target lib
Or add it to your requirements.txt. You'll also need to set up vendoring, see [app engine vendoring instructions here](https://cloud.google.com/appengine/docs/python/tools/using-libraries-python-27).
## @task
The most basic element of the taskutils library is task(). This decorator function is designed to be used as a replacement for [deferred](https://cloud.google.com/appengine/articles/deferred).
### Configuring @task
When using deferred you have a builtin to configure in app.yaml to make it work. For taskutils.task, you need to add the following to your app.yaml and/or \<servicename\>.yaml file:
- url: /_ah/task/.*
script: taskutils.app
login: admin
This rule creates a generic handler for task to defer work to background push tasks.
Add it at the top of the list (to make sure other rules don't override it).
### Importing task
You can import task into your modules like this:
from taskutils import task
### Using task as a decorator
You can take any function and make it run in a separate task, like this:
def myfunction():
... do stuff ...
Just call the function normally, eg:
You can use @task on any function, including nested functions, recursive functions, recursive nested functions, the sky is the limit. This is possible because of use of [yccloudpickle](https://medium.com/the-infinite-machine/python-function-serialisation-with-yccloudpickle-b2ff6b2ad5da#.zei3n0ibu) as the underlying serialisation library.
Your function can also have arguments, including other functions:
def myouterfunction(mapf):
def myinnerfunction(objects):
for object in objects:
...get some list of lists of objects...
for objects in objectslist:
def dosomethingwithobject(object):
... do something with an object ...
The functions and arguments are being serialised and deserialised for you behind the scenes.
When enqueuing a background task, the App Engine Task and TaskQueue libraries can take a set of parameters. You can pass these to the decorator:
@task(queue="myqueue", countdown=5)
def anotherfunction():
... do stuff ...
Details of the arguments allowed to Tasks are available [here](https://cloud.google.com/appengine/docs/python/refdocs/google.appengine.api.taskqueue), under **class google.appengine.api.taskqueue.Task(payload=None, \*\*kwargs)**. The task decorator supports a couple of extra ones, detailed below.
### Using task as a factory
You can also use task to decorate a function on the fly, like this:
def somefunction(a, b):
... does something ...
somefunctionintask = task(somefunction, queue="myqueue")
Then you can call the function returned by task when you are ready:
somefunctionintask(1, 2)
You could do both of these steps at once, too:
task(somefunction, queue="myqueue")(1, 2)
### transactional
Pass transactional=True to have your [task launch transactionally](https://cloud.google.com/appengine/docs/python/datastore/transactions#transactional_task_enqueuing). eg:
def myserioustransactionaltask():
### includeheaders
If you'd like access to headers in your function (a dictionary of headers passed to your task, it's a web request after all), set includeheaders=True in your call to @task. You'll also need to accept the headers argument in your function.
def myfunctionwithheaders(amount, headers):
... stuff ...
App Engine passes useful information to your task in headers, for example X-Appengine-TaskRetryCount.
### other bits
When using deferred, all your calls are logged as /_ah/queue/deferred. But @task uses a url of the form /_ah/task/\<module\>/\<function\>, eg:
which makes debugging a lot easier.
This is the repo for the appengine task utils library. It generates the appenginetaskutils package
## Install
Use the python package for this library. You can find the package online [here](https://pypi.python.org/pypi/appenginetaskutils).
Change to your Python App Engine project's root folder and do the following:
> pip install appenginetaskutils --target lib
Or add it to your requirements.txt. You'll also need to set up vendoring, see [app engine vendoring instructions here](https://cloud.google.com/appengine/docs/python/tools/using-libraries-python-27).
## @task
The most basic element of the taskutils library is task(). This decorator function is designed to be used as a replacement for [deferred](https://cloud.google.com/appengine/articles/deferred).
### Configuring @task
When using deferred you have a builtin to configure in app.yaml to make it work. For taskutils.task, you need to add the following to your app.yaml and/or \<servicename\>.yaml file:
- url: /_ah/task/.*
script: taskutils.app
login: admin
This rule creates a generic handler for task to defer work to background push tasks.
Add it at the top of the list (to make sure other rules don't override it).
### Importing task
You can import task into your modules like this:
from taskutils import task
### Using task as a decorator
You can take any function and make it run in a separate task, like this:
def myfunction():
... do stuff ...
Just call the function normally, eg:
You can use @task on any function, including nested functions, recursive functions, recursive nested functions, the sky is the limit. This is possible because of use of [yccloudpickle](https://medium.com/the-infinite-machine/python-function-serialisation-with-yccloudpickle-b2ff6b2ad5da#.zei3n0ibu) as the underlying serialisation library.
Your function can also have arguments, including other functions:
def myouterfunction(mapf):
def myinnerfunction(objects):
for object in objects:
...get some list of lists of objects...
for objects in objectslist:
def dosomethingwithobject(object):
... do something with an object ...
The functions and arguments are being serialised and deserialised for you behind the scenes.
When enqueuing a background task, the App Engine Task and TaskQueue libraries can take a set of parameters. You can pass these to the decorator:
@task(queue="myqueue", countdown=5)
def anotherfunction():
... do stuff ...
Details of the arguments allowed to Tasks are available [here](https://cloud.google.com/appengine/docs/python/refdocs/google.appengine.api.taskqueue), under **class google.appengine.api.taskqueue.Task(payload=None, \*\*kwargs)**. The task decorator supports a couple of extra ones, detailed below.
### Using task as a factory
You can also use task to decorate a function on the fly, like this:
def somefunction(a, b):
... does something ...
somefunctionintask = task(somefunction, queue="myqueue")
Then you can call the function returned by task when you are ready:
somefunctionintask(1, 2)
You could do both of these steps at once, too:
task(somefunction, queue="myqueue")(1, 2)
### transactional
Pass transactional=True to have your [task launch transactionally](https://cloud.google.com/appengine/docs/python/datastore/transactions#transactional_task_enqueuing). eg:
def myserioustransactionaltask():
### includeheaders
If you'd like access to headers in your function (a dictionary of headers passed to your task, it's a web request after all), set includeheaders=True in your call to @task. You'll also need to accept the headers argument in your function.
def myfunctionwithheaders(amount, headers):
... stuff ...
App Engine passes useful information to your task in headers, for example X-Appengine-TaskRetryCount.
### other bits
When using deferred, all your calls are logged as /_ah/queue/deferred. But @task uses a url of the form /_ah/task/\<module\>/\<function\>, eg:
which makes debugging a lot easier.
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Hashes for appenginetaskutils-0.4.3-py2.py3-none-any.whl
Algorithm | Hash digest | |
SHA256 | 23f550b51d5cee17093166413d22c91ea6ad4886adeb1b2444253a5148ed7081 |
MD5 | 4e1950b91889e3d89246ecef09660439 |
BLAKE2b-256 | d88f2c7d93a50592751b30a32cb052f9364175da38d27dad268aac70baf44cb5 |