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Arikedb Python Client Library

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Arikedb Python Library

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The python client library for arikedb. This is a documentation only for the arikedb python library, to learn more about basis of Arikedb Database visit the official site

Guide Lines

Creating the instance

7 Using Arikedb Python Library is very easy. Let's assume we have an Arikedb server running in localhost on its default port 6923. Go to Arikedb for references

The first step is create an instance of the ArikedbClient class

from arikedb import ArikedbClient

client = ArikedbClient()

If we are connecting to a server running on a different host and/or port just provide them in the class constructor, and the same if you need to connect using a ssl certificate

from arikedb import ArikedbClient

client = ArikedbClient("", 8000, "/path/to/cert/file")

Sending any command

The most generic method of ArikedbClient class is send_command. It just sends a command like you could do it from the Arikedb CLI, and returns a dictionary with the server response.

from arikedb import ArikedbClient

client = ArikedbClient()

resp = client.send_command("SHOW databases")



{'uid': '23478f3640bd410a89002e330c9e56da', 'status': 0, 'databases': ['db3', 'db2']}

The send command allows you to directly send arikedb commands, but most of the time will be better to use specific methods for every command. Those methods are defined below

Listing Databases

The list databases method give us all current databases in the server

from arikedb import ArikedbClient

client = ArikedbClient()

databases = client.list_databases()



['db1', 'db2']

Listing Roles

The list roles method give us all current roles in the server

from arikedb import ArikedbClient

client = ArikedbClient()

roles = client.list_roles()



[{'name': 'admin', 'allowed_cmd': ['GET', 'PGET', 'SUBSCRIBE', 'PSUBSCRIBE', 'SHOW', 'VARIABLES', 'SET', 'RM', 'SET_EVENT', 'ADD_DATABASE', 'DEL_DATABASE', 'ADD_ROLE', 'DEL_ROLE', 'ADD_USER', 'DEL_USER', 'LOAD_LICENSE', 'CONFIG']}, {'name': 'writer', 'allowed_cmd': ['GET', 'PGET', 'SUBSCRIBE', 'PSUBSCRIBE', 'SHOW', 'VARIABLES', 'SET', 'RM', 'SET_EVENT', 'ADD_DATABASE', 'DEL_DATABASE']}, {'name': 'reader', 'allowed_cmd': ['GET', 'PGET', 'SUBSCRIBE', 'PSUBSCRIBE', 'SHOW', 'VARIABLES']}]

Listing Users

The list roles method give us all current roles in the server

from arikedb import ArikedbClient

client = ArikedbClient()

users = client.list_users()



[{'username': 'john_doe', 'role': 'admin'}, {'username': 'jane_doe', 'role': 'writer'}]

Creating a database

The add_database method create a database in the server

from arikedb import ArikedbClient

client = ArikedbClient()



['db1', 'db2', 'new_database']

Selecting a database

Before write or read any data, we should select a database from the client instance

from arikedb import ArikedbClient

client = ArikedbClient()


Listing variables

Once we selected a database, we can list the existing variables based on patterns. Next example is used to get the full list of database variables

from arikedb import ArikedbClient

client = ArikedbClient()

variables = client.list_variables(["*"])


[{'var_name': 'var1', 'var_type': 'FLOAT'}, {'var_name': 'var2', 'var_type': 'UNSET'}]

Writing data to variables

To write new values to current database variables, or to create new ones, use the set method

from arikedb import ArikedbClient

client = ArikedbClient()


var_values = {
    "varX": 23.1,
    "varY": "A string variable",
    "varZ": 4
meta = {
    "city": "New York"

client.set(var_values, meta)


Setting event for historical data

To start saving historical data for one or more tags, we should define an event to trigger the data saving

from arikedb import ArikedbClient
from import TagEvent

client = ArikedbClient()


client.set_event(["var*"], TagEvent.ON_CHANGE)
client.set_event(["other*"], TagEvent.ON_CROSS_LOW_THRESHOLD, threshold=2.1)


Reading data

To read real time and historical data we can use get and pget methods, the first receive the list of tag names while the second takes a list of pattern to match variable names

from arikedb import ArikedbClient

client = ArikedbClient()


data = client.get(["var1", "var2"], epoch="m")

pdata = client.pget(["var*"], epoch="m")



[['varX', 1696425352176, 23.1, {'city': 'New York'}], ['varY', 1696425352176, 'A string variable', {'city': 'New York'}]]
[['varX', 1696425352176, 23.1, {'city': 'New York'}], ['varZ', 1696425352176, 4, {'city': 'New York'}], ['varY', 1696425352176, 'A string variable', {'city': 'New York'}]]

The output is a list of variables. Each variable in the list is a list of four elements

[ Variable name, Timestamp, Current value, Metadata ]

To get historical data use the method arguments from and to

import time
from arikedb import ArikedbClient

client = ArikedbClient()


data = client.get(["varX", "varY"], epoch="m", from_=time.time() - 1000, to=time.time())
data = client.get(["varX", "varY"], epoch="s", to=time.time())
pdata = client.pget(["var*"], from_=time.time() - 1000)



[[['varX', 1696425869.716597, 23.1, {'city': 'New York'}], ['varX', 1696425869.742981, 24.1, {'city': 'New York'}], ['varX', 1696425869.7632911, 25.1, {'city': 'New York'}], ['varX', 1696425869.7848454, 26.1, {'city': 'New York'}], ['varX', 1696425869.8179193, 27.1, {'city': 'New York'}]], [['varY', 1696425869.716597, 'A string 0', {'city': 'New York'}], ['varY', 1696425869.742981, 'A string 1', {'city': 'New York'}], ['varY', 1696425869.7632911, 'A string 2', {'city': 'New York'}], ['varY', 1696425869.7848454, 'A string 3', {'city': 'New York'}], ['varY', 1696425869.8179193, 'A string 4', {'city': 'New York'}]]]
[[['varX', 1696425869.716597, 23.1, {'city': 'New York'}], ['varX', 1696425869.742981, 24.1, {'city': 'New York'}], ['varX', 1696425869.7632911, 25.1, {'city': 'New York'}], ['varX', 1696425869.7848454, 26.1, {'city': 'New York'}], ['varX', 1696425869.8179193, 27.1, {'city': 'New York'}]], [['varY', 1696425869.716597, 'A string 0', {'city': 'New York'}], ['varY', 1696425869.742981, 'A string 1', {'city': 'New York'}], ['varY', 1696425869.7632911, 'A string 2', {'city': 'New York'}], ['varY', 1696425869.7848454, 'A string 3', {'city': 'New York'}], ['varY', 1696425869.8179193, 'A string 4', {'city': 'New York'}]]]
[[['varX', 1696425869.716597, 23.1, {'city': 'New York'}], ['varX', 1696425869.742981, 24.1, {'city': 'New York'}], ['varX', 1696425869.7632911, 25.1, {'city': 'New York'}], ['varX', 1696425869.7848454, 26.1, {'city': 'New York'}], ['varX', 1696425869.8179193, 27.1, {'city': 'New York'}]], [['varZ', 1696425869.716597, 4, {'city': 'New York'}], ['varZ', 1696425869.742981, 3, {'city': 'New York'}], ['varZ', 1696425869.7632911, 2, {'city': 'New York'}], ['varZ', 1696425869.7848454, 1, {'city': 'New York'}], ['varZ', 1696425869.8179193, 0, {'city': 'New York'}]], [['varY', 1696425869.716597, 'A string 0', {'city': 'New York'}], ['varY', 1696425869.742981, 'A string 1', {'city': 'New York'}], ['varY', 1696425869.7632911, 'A string 2', {'city': 'New York'}], ['varY', 1696425869.7848454, 'A string 3', {'city': 'New York'}], ['varY', 1696425869.8179193, 'A string 4', {'city': 'New York'}]]]

Now the output is a list of historical values

Subscribing to variables

To subscribe to variables to get the latest values based on an event, let's use subscribe and psubscribe methods

import time
from arikedb import ArikedbClient
from import TagEvent

client = ArikedbClient()


def callback(name: str, timestamp: float, value, meta: dict):
    print(f"Tag Name: {name}")
    print(f"Timestamp: {timestamp}")
    print(f"Tag Value: {value}")
    print(f"Tag meta: {meta}")

client.subscribe(["varY"], callback, event=TagEvent.ON_CHANGE)
client.psubscribe(["var[XZ]"], callback, epoch="ms", event=TagEvent.ON_RISING_EDGE)

for i in range(5):
    var_values = {
        "varX": 23.1 + float(i),
        "varY": f"A string {i}",
        "varZ": 4 - i
    meta = {
        "city": "New York"
    client.set(var_values, meta)



Tag Name: varY
Timestamp: 1696426808696048128
Tag Value: A string 1
Tag meta: {'city': 'New York'}
Tag Name: varX
Timestamp: 1696426809723
Tag Value: 25.1
Tag meta: {'city': 'New York'}
Tag Name: varY
Timestamp: 1696426810744874240
Tag Value: A string 3
Tag meta: {'city': 'New York'}
Tag Name: varX
Timestamp: 1696426811773
Tag Value: 27.1
Tag meta: {'city': 'New York'}

Removing variables

To permanently delete variables (including all its historical data) us rm method

from arikedb import ArikedbClient

client = ArikedbClient()

variables = client.rm(["var*"])

Removing a database

To permanently delete a database with all its content

from arikedb import ArikedbClient

client = ArikedbClient()


Creating a role

To create a role specify the role name and the list of allowed commands

from arikedb import ArikedbClient
from arikedb_tools.command import Command

client = ArikedbClient()

client.add_role("new_role", [Command.GET, Command.PGET])

Removing a role

To delete a role

from arikedb import ArikedbClient

client = ArikedbClient()


Creating a user

To create a user set the role, username and password

from arikedb import ArikedbClient

client = ArikedbClient()

client.add_user("admin", "john_doe", "StrongPassword")

Removing a user

To delete a user

from arikedb import ArikedbClient

client = ArikedbClient()



Using auth method to authenticate with user credentials

from arikedb import ArikedbClient

client = ArikedbClient()

client.auth("john_doe", "MyStrongPassword")

Configuring the server

Using get_config and set_config methods to get and modify server configurations. Take into account that some configuration changes need a server restart. The reset_config will reset all configurations to its default values. And the show_config prints the configuration in a pretty table

from arikedb import ArikedbClient

client = ArikedbClient()

conf = client.get_config()


{'headers': ['Key', 'Value', 'Source', 'Env Var', 'Default', 'Description'], 'tab': [['use_auth', False, 'Default', 'ARIKEDB_USE_AUTH', False, 'Define if authentication is needed or not to manipulate arike databases. Changing this key needs a server restart'], ['use_ssl', False, 'Default', 'ARIKEDB_USE_SSL', False, 'Define if communication with the server will need ssl to connect. If True, also the keys `cert_file` and `key_file` should be configured, Changing this key needs a server restart'], ['use_http_api', True, 'Configured', 'ARIKEDB_USE_HTTP_API', False, 'Define if communication with the server throw http API will be enabled. See `http_host` and `http_port`'], ['host', 'localhost', 'Default', 'ARIKEDB_HOST', 'localhost', 'Bind address where the server will run. Use `localhost` (default) to run only in a local scope, or use `` or a specific ip for remote access. Changing this key needs a server restart'], ['port', 6923, 'Default', 'ARIKEDB_PORT', '6923', 'Bind port where the server will run. Changing this key needs a server restart'], ['http_host', 'localhost', 'Default', 'ARIKEDB_HTTP_HOST', 'localhost', 'Bind address where the server API will run. Changing this key needs a server restart. See `use_http_api`'], ['http_port', 6924, 'Default', 'ARIKEDB_PORT', '6924', 'Bind port where the server API will run. Changing this key needs a server restart. See `use_http_api`'], ['cert_file', 'None', 'Default', 'ARIKEDB_CERT', None, 'Signed certificate file path or content to be used if server is configured with sslChanging this key needs a server restart'], ['key_file', 'None', 'Default', 'ARIKEDB_KEY', None, 'Private certificate key file path or content to be used if server is configured with sslChanging this key needs a server restart'], ['log_level', 'INFO', 'Default', 'LOG_LEVEL', 'INFO', 'Logging level for main server logs. Options are: DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR, CRITICAL. Changing this key needs a server restart']], 'cell_len': [None, None, None, None, None, 70]}
│                                                                    Arikedb Config                                                                     │
│      Key      │    Value   │    Source   │        Env Var        │   Default  │                              Description                              │
│ use_auth      │ False      │ Default     │ ARIKEDB_USE_AUTH      │ False      │ Define if authentication is needed or not to manipulate arike databa  │
│               │            │             │                       │            │ ses. Changing this key needs a server restart                         │
│ use_ssl       │ False      │ Default     │ ARIKEDB_USE_SSL       │ False      │ Define if communication with the server will need ssl to connect. If  │
│               │            │             │                       │            │  True, also the keys `cert_file` and `key_file` should be configured  │
│               │            │             │                       │            │ , Changing this key needs a server restart                            │
│ use_http_api  │ True       │ Configured  │ ARIKEDB_USE_HTTP_API  │ False      │ Define if communication with the server throw http API will be enabl  │
│               │            │             │                       │            │ ed. See `http_host` and `http_port`                                   │
│ host          │ localhost  │ Default     │ ARIKEDB_HOST          │ localhost  │ Bind address where the server will run. Use `localhost` (default) to  │
│               │            │             │                       │            │  run only in a local scope, or use `` or a specific ip for re  │
│               │            │             │                       │            │ mote access. Changing this key needs a server restart                 │
│ port          │ 6923       │ Default     │ ARIKEDB_PORT          │ 6923       │ Bind port where the server will run. Changing this key needs a serve  │
│               │            │             │                       │            │ r restart                                                             │
│ http_host     │ localhost  │ Default     │ ARIKEDB_HTTP_HOST     │ localhost  │ Bind address where the server API will run. Changing this key needs   │
│               │            │             │                       │            │ a server restart. See `use_http_api`                                  │
│ http_port     │ 6924       │ Default     │ ARIKEDB_PORT          │ 6924       │ Bind port where the server API will run. Changing this key needs a s  │
│               │            │             │                       │            │ erver restart. See `use_http_api`                                     │
│ cert_file     │ None       │ Default     │ ARIKEDB_CERT          │ None       │ Signed certificate file path or content to be used if server is conf  │
│               │            │             │                       │            │ igured with sslChanging this key needs a server restart               │
│ key_file      │ None       │ Default     │ ARIKEDB_KEY           │ None       │ Private certificate key file path or content to be used if server is  │
│               │            │             │                       │            │  configured with sslChanging this key needs a server restart          │
│ log_level     │ INFO       │ Default     │ LOG_LEVEL             │ INFO       │ Logging level for main server logs. Options are: DEBUG, INFO, WARN,   │
│               │            │             │                       │            │ ERROR, CRITICAL. Changing this key needs a server restart             │

Project details

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Source Distribution

arikedb-1.0.4.tar.gz (12.4 kB view hashes)

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Built Distribution

arikedb-1.0.4-py3-none-any.whl (8.4 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 3

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