Daemon for Docker Automation
Project description
autodock is a Daemon for Docker Automation.
autodock is MIT licensed.
Either pull the automatically updated Docker image:
$ docker pull prologic/autodock
Or install from the development repository:
$ git clone https://github.com/prologic/autodock.git $ cd autodock $ pip install -r requirements.txt
autodock comes with a number of plugins where each piece of functionality is provided by a separate plugin. Each plugin is “linked” to autodock to receive Docker events and issue new Docker API commands. The following list is a list of the currently available plugins for production use:
autodock-cron – Provides a Cron-like scheduler for Containers
autodock-logger – Logs Dockers Events
autodock-hipache – Automatically registers virtualhosts with hipache
Example #1 – Logging Docker Events
Start the daemon:
$ docker run -d -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock --name autodock:autodock prologic/autodock
Link and start an autodock plugin:
$ docker run -i -t --link autodock prologic/autodock-logger
Now whenever you start a new container autodock will listen for Docker events. The autodock-logger plugin will log all Docker Events received by autodock.
Example #2 – Automatic Virtual Hosting with hipache
Start the daemon:
$ docker run -d --name autodock prologic/autodock
Link and start an autodock plugin:
$ docker run -d --link autodock prologic/autodock-hipache
Now whenever you start a new container autodock will listen for Docker events and discover containers that have been started. The autodock-hipache plugin will specifically listen for starting containers that have a VIRTUALHOST environment variable and reconfigure the running hipache container.
Start a “Hello World” Web Application:
$ docker run -d -e VIRTUALHOST=hello.local prologic/hello
Now assuming you had hello.local configured in your /etc/hosts pointing to your hipache container you can now visit http://hello.local/
echo " hello.local" >> /etc/hosts curl -q -o - http://hello.local/ Hello World!
Example #3 – Cron-like Scheduling of Containers
Start the daemon:
$ docker run -d --name autodock prologic/autodock
Link and start an autodock plugin:
$ docker run -d --link autodock prologic/autodock-cron
Now whenever you create a new container autodock will listen for Docker events and discover containers that have been created. The autodock-cron plugin will specifically listen for created containers that have a CRON environment variable and schedule a job based on the cron expression supplied and re-run that container when its scheduled has triggered.
Start a “Hello” Busybox Container:
$ docker run -i -t --name hello busybox sh -c "echo Hello"
After about three minutes or so you should see the following in the logs:
$ docker logs hello Hello Hello Hello
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