Control your browser's tabs from the command line
Project description
Control your browser's tabs from the terminal.
No command has been specified
usage: bt [-h] {move,list,close,activate,search,open,words,text,html,dup,windows,clients} ...
bt (brotab = Browser Tabs) is a command-line tool that helps you manage browser tabs. It can
help you list, close, reorder, open and activate your tabs.
positional arguments:
move move tabs around. This command lists available tabs and runs
the editor. In the editor you can 1) reorder tabs -- tabs
will be moved in the browser 2) delete tabs -- tabs will be
closed 3) change window ID of the tabs -- tabs will be moved
to specified windows
list list available tabs. The command will request all available
clients (browser plugins, mediators), and will display
browser tabs in the following format:
"<prefix>.<window_id>.<tab_id><Tab>Page title<Tab>URL"
close close specified tab IDs. Tab IDs should be in the following
format: "<prefix>.<window_id>.<tab_id>". You can use "list"
command to obtain tab IDs (first column)
activate activate given tab ID. Tab ID should be in the following
format: "<prefix>.<window_id>.<tab_id>"
active display active tabs for each client/window in the following
format: "<prefix>.<window_id>.<tab_id>"
search Search across your indexed tabs using sqlite fts5 plugin.
query Filter tabs using chrome.tabs api.
index Index the text from browser's tabs. Text is put into sqlite
fts5 table.
open open URLs from the stdin (one URL per line). One positional
argument is required: <prefix>.<window_id> OR <client>. If
window_id is not specified, URL will be opened in the active
window of the specifed client
navigate navigate to URLs. There are two ways to specify tab ids and
URLs: 1. stdin: lines with pairs of "tab_id<tab>url" 2.
arguments: bt navigate <tab_id> "<url>", e.g. bt navigate b.20.1
"" stdin has the priority.
update Update tabs state, e.g. URL. There are two ways to specify
updates: 1. stdin, pass JSON of the form: [{"tab_id":
"b.20.130", "properties": {"url": ""}}]
Where "properties" can be anything defined here:
ons/WebExtensions/API/tabs/update Example: echo
"properties":{"url":""}}]' | bt update 2.
arguments, e.g.: bt update -tabId b.1.862
-url="" +muted
words show sorted unique words from all active tabs of all
clients. This is a helper for webcomplete deoplete plugin
that helps complete words from the browser
text show text from all tabs
html show html from all tabs
dup display reminder on how to close duplicate tabs using
command-line tools
windows display available prefixes and window IDs, along with the
number of tabs in every window
clients display available browser clients (mediators), their
prefixes and address (host:port), native app PIDs, and
browser names
install configure browser settings to use bt mediator (native
messaging app)
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Target hosts IP:Port
Demo [TBD]
Features to show:
- list tabs
- close multiple tabs (fzf)
- move tabs, move, same window
- move tabs, move, different window
- move tabs, move, different browser (NOT IMPLEMENTED)
- move tabs, close
- words, complete in neovim (integration with coc, ncm2, deoplete)
- open tabs by url
- open tab by google query, search (should be extendable, NOT IMPLEMENTED)
- integration with fzf:
- activate tab
- close tabs
- integration with rofi:
- activate tab
- close tabs
- integration with albert
- index text of available tabs (requires sqlite 3.25, fts5 plugin)
- search a tab by text in albert
- show duplicate tabs and close them
- Install command-line client:
$ pipx install brotab # preferred method, if pipx not installed: $ sudo apt install pipx
$ uv tool install brotab # alternative
$ pip install --user brotab # alternative
$ sudo pip install brotab # alternative
- Install native app manifests:
bt install
- Install Firefox extension:
- Install Chrome (Chromium) / Brave extension:
- Enjoy! (try
bt clients
,bt windows
,bt list
,bt words
Build, test and manual installation
Related projects
- TabFS -- mounts tabs info a filesystem using FUSE
- dudetab -- collection of useful scripts on top of brotab
- ulauncher-brotab -- Ulauncher extension for brotab
- cmp-brotab -- brotab completion for nvim-cmp
- tab-search -- shows a nice icon with a number of tabs (Firefox)
- tab_wrangler -- a text-based tab browser for tabaholics
- vimium-c -- switch between tabs/history, close tabs with shift-del
Yuri Bochkarev
Project details
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Source Distribution
(45.5 kB
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Built Distribution
(51.1 kB
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File details
Details for the file brotab-1.5.0.tar.gz
File metadata
- Download URL: brotab-1.5.0.tar.gz
- Upload date:
- Size: 45.5 kB
- Tags: Source
- Uploaded using Trusted Publishing? No
- Uploaded via: twine/6.0.1 CPython/3.12.7
File hashes
Algorithm | Hash digest | |
SHA256 | 2c307f2b13089bc560733df19ca546f3ac0c6613d69bd239b18f7ae164c18d55 |
MD5 | 3328ae8edbab23aa013c6e538d891f08 |
BLAKE2b-256 | 8f1fe5adafe088d99e7ed6883c94afda13a60cb056539d1f74a7f2ec42cce3c0 |
File details
Details for the file brotab-1.5.0-py3-none-any.whl
File metadata
- Download URL: brotab-1.5.0-py3-none-any.whl
- Upload date:
- Size: 51.1 kB
- Tags: Python 3
- Uploaded using Trusted Publishing? No
- Uploaded via: twine/6.0.1 CPython/3.12.7
File hashes
Algorithm | Hash digest | |
SHA256 | e8f72119ca7baac4999d8c4322dff8e1d88a3e58c427d594734603cd622b799f |
MD5 | 8195137c9f08eef38d42970c790e92e3 |
BLAKE2b-256 | 694c584cf91f8197b83cfb2e17e2756001f2162978768cb1900f80688dbed15f |