Interactive command line shell for CouchDB
Project description
auto-completion for database name, document id, view name, command
syntax highlighting of documents and views
navigate a couchdb server as if it were a file system
- various commands supported
cd - change database
ls - list docs under a database
cat - show content of a doc
exec - execute a view
rm - remove a doc
man - show help on commands
mkdir - create new database
du - doc and database size
lv - list views inside a view doc
create/update docs using external $EDITOR
pipe output to external shell commands, such as grep, wc and jq
This tool allows you to traverse a CouchDB database as if it were a file system. Familiar file system commands are supported, such as ls, cd, mkdir, rm, etc, while providing context-rich auto-completion.
Starting cdbcli
Refer to the Installation section for guide on how to install cdbcli.
Running cdbcli requires connection parameters to the underlying couchdb instance you want to connnect to.
cdbcli --help
Usage: cdbcli [OPTIONS] [DATABASE]
-h, --host TEXT The host of the couchdb instance
--port TEXT The port of the coouchdb instance
-u, --username TEXT The username to connect as
-p, --password TEXT The password
-P, --askpass / --no-askpass Ask for password?
--tls / --no-tls Use TLS to connect to the couchdb instance?
--help Show this message and exit.
e.g., if you want to connect your couchdb instance at http://yourdomain:9999, you can issue the command:
cdbcli -h yourdomain --port 9999 -u admin -P
Specifying -P will prompt you for password. You can also use -p to specify password at the command line, but this is not recommended for sensitive passwords.
By default, cdbcli connects to the couchdb instance at http://localhost:5984.
You will be greeted by the cdbcli’s splash screen:
___ ____ ____ ___ __ ____ / __)( _ \( _ \ / __)( ) (_ _) ( (__ )(_) )) _ <( (__ )(__ _)(_ \___)(____/(____/ \___)(____)(____) Welcome to cdbcli 0.1.1 CouchDB version: 1.5.0 Type 'help' or 'man' to get a list of all supported commands Press <TAB> for command auto-completion Press Ctrl+C or Ctrl+D or type 'exit' to exit admin@yourdomain/>
Run with Docker
cdbcli is also available as a docker image on the docker hub
To run:
docker run -it kevinjqiu/cdbcli cdbcli <arguments>
The docker networking restrictions apply, so if you want to connect to a database on localhost, e.g., you will need to let the container use the host’s networking:
docker run -it --net=host kevinjqiu/cdbcli cdbcli <arguments>
pip install cdbcli
Clone this repository.
Make a Python virtualenv
Install requirements: pip install -r requirements-test.txt
Install docker because the integration tests require it
Run make start_couchdb. This will start the testing couchdb instance using docker
Run make test
Run make stop_couchdb to clean up
Contributing to Documentation
Clone this repository.
Make a Python virtualenv
Install requirements: pip install -r requirements-docs.txt
Run make docs. The documentation can be accessed under docs/build/index.html.
cdbcli is licensed under Apache 2.0
python-prompt-toolkit by Jonathan Slenders
click by Armin Ronacher
Project details
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