Obtain certificates using a DNS TXT record for DuckDNS domains
Project description
Certbot DNS DuckDNS Plugin
Plugin for certbot for a DNS-01 challenge with a DuckDNS domain.
Table of Contents
certbot_dn_duckdns is a plugin for certbot to create the DNS-01 challenge for a DuckDNS domain. The plugin takes care of setting and deleting the TXT entry via the DuckDNS API.
If you want to use the docker image, then you don't need any requirements other than a working docker installation and can proceed directly to the usage
If you prefer the local installation, then you need at least version 3.7 of Python installed. If you want to install this plugin with pip, then you also need pip3 installed.
If you already have certbot installed, make sure you have at least version 1.18.0
installed. When you installed
certbot as snap then you have to use the snap installation of the plugin.
You can check what version of certbot is installed with this command:
certbot --version
If you don't have certbot installed yet, then the PyPI version of certbot will be installed automatically during the installation.
Note: If you want to run certbot with root privileges, then you need to install the plugin with root privileges too. Otherwise, certbot cannot find the plugin.
With pip (recommend)
Use the following command to install certbot_dns_duckdns with pip:
pip install certbot_dns_duckdns
You can also very easily update to a newer version:
pip install certbot_dns_duckdns -U
From source
git clone https://github.com/infinityofspace/certbot_dns_duckdns
cd certbot_dns_duckdns
pip install .
If you use the certbot as snap package then you have to install certbot_dns_duckdns as a snap too:
snap install certbot-dns-duckdns
Now connect the certbot snap installation with the plugin snap installation:
sudo snap connect certbot:plugin certbot-dns-duckdns
The following command should now list dns-duckdns
as an installed plugin:
certbot plugins
Note: You cannot create certificates for multiple DuckDNS domains with one certbot call. This is because DuckDNS only allows one TXT record. If certificates for several domains should be created at the same time, then the same number of distinct DNS TXT records must be created. To solve the problem, you simply have to make a separate certbot call for each domain.
Note that the certificate generation through Letsencrypt has rate limits. For testing, use the additional
argument --staging
to solve this problem.
DuckDNS Token
You can either use cli parameters to pass authentication information to certbot:
--dns-duckdns-token <your-duckdns-token>
Or to prevent your credentials from showing up in your bash history, you can also create a
credentials-file duckdns.ini
(the name does not matter) with the following content:
And then instead of using the --dns-duckdns-key
parameter above you can use
--dns-duckdns-credentials </path/to/your/duckdns.ini>
You can also mix these usages, though the cli parameters always take precedence over the ini file.
Moreover, if your do not specify the --dns-duckdns-token
or --dns-duckdns-credentials
parameter, then the plugin
will try to read the token from the environment variable DUCKDNS_TOKEN
The priority of the token is as follows:
- cli parameter
- credentials file
- environment variable
Local installation usage
To check if the plugin is installed correctly and detected properly by certbot, you can use the following command:
certbot plugins
Below are some examples of how to use the plugin:
Generate a certificate for a DNS-01 challenge of the domain "example.duckdns.org":
certbot certonly \
--non-interactive \
--agree-tos \
--email <your-email> \
--preferred-challenges dns \
--authenticator dns-duckdns \
--dns-duckdns-token <your-duckdns-token> \
--dns-duckdns-propagation-seconds 60 \
-d "example.duckdns.org"
Generate a certificate for a DNS-01 challenge of the subdomain "cloud.example.duckdns.org":
certbot certonly \
--non-interactive \
--agree-tos \
--email <your-email> \
--preferred-challenges dns \
--authenticator dns-duckdns \
--dns-duckdns-token <your-duckdns-token> \
--dns-duckdns-propagation-seconds 60 \
-d "cloud.example.duckdns.org"
Generate a wildcard certificate for a DNS-01 challenge of all subdomains "*.example.duckdns.org":
certbot certonly \
--non-interactive \
--agree-tos \
--email <your-email> \
--preferred-challenges dns \
--authenticator dns-duckdns \
--dns-duckdns-token <your-duckdns-token> \
--dns-duckdns-propagation-seconds 60 \
-d "*.example.duckdns.org"
Generate a certificate for a DNS-01 challenge of the domain "example.duckdns.org" using a credentials file:
certbot certonly \
--non-interactive \
--agree-tos \
--email <your-email> \
--preferred-challenges dns \
--authenticator dns-duckdns \
--dns-duckdns-credentials </path/to/your/duckdns.ini> \
--dns-duckdns-propagation-seconds 60 \
-d "example.duckdns.org"
Generate a certificate for a DNS-01 challenge of the domain "example.duckdns.org" without an account (i.e. without an email address):
certbot certonly \
--non-interactive \
--agree-tos \
--register-unsafely-without-email \
--preferred-challenges dns \
--authenticator dns-duckdns \
--dns-duckdns-token <your-duckdns-token> \
--dns-duckdns-propagation-seconds 60 \
-d "example.duckdns.org"
Generate a staging certificate (i.e. temporary testing certificate) for a DNS-01 challenge of the domain " example.duckdns.org":
certbot certonly \
--non-interactive \
--agree-tos \
--email <your-email> \
--preferred-challenges dns \
--authenticator dns-duckdns \
--dns-duckdns-token <your-duckdns-token> \
--dns-duckdns-propagation-seconds 60 \
-d "example.duckdns.org" \
DNS-01 Challenges allow using CNAME records or NS records to delegate the challenge response to other DNS zones.
For example, this allows you to resolve the DNS challenge for another provider's domain using a duckdns domain.
For example, we have abc.duckdns.org
as duckdns domain and example.com
as our other domain.
We might have an existing DNS configuration which look like this:
one.example.com. 600 IN CNAME two.example.com.
two.example.com. 600 IN CNAME abc.duckdns.org.
It chains one.example.com
to two.example.com
and finally to abc.duckdns.org
Now we want to issue a DNS-01 challenge for the subdomain "test.example.com". So we create a CNAME record for "_acme-challenge.test.example.com" pointing to "one.example.com". The DNS records now look like this:
_acme-challenge.test.example.com. 600 IN CNAME one.example.com.
one.example.com. 600 IN CNAME two.example.com.
two.example.com. 600 IN CNAME abc.duckdns.org.
Now we use certbot to generate a certificate for the domain test.example.com
with the DNS challenge:
certbot certonly \
--non-interactive \
--agree-tos \
--email <your-email> \
--preferred-challenges dns \
--authenticator dns-duckdns \
--dns-duckdns-token <your-duckdns-token> \
--dns-duckdns-propagation-seconds 60 \
-d "test.example.com" \
What happens in the background can be seen very well in the DNS records:
_acme-challenge.test.example.com. 600 IN CNAME one.example.com.
one.example.com. 600 IN CNAME two.example.com.
two.example.com. 600 IN CNAME abc.duckdns.org.
abc.duckdns.org. 60 TXT "asduh9asudhßa97sdhap9sudaisudoi"
When validating the DNS challenge value, all CNAME records are now traversed.
It starts with _acme-challenge.test.example.com
and goes to one.example.com
, then to two.example.com
and finally
to abc.duckdns.org
. Here is the validation token stored as TXT record.
The example could also be shortened by directly creating a CNAME entry from _acme-challenge.test.example.com
. So we skip all other CNAME records in between. To make it clear that any CNAME records are traversed
during validation, the intermediate parts are added in the previous example.
Try to update all currently generated certificates:
certbot renew
You can find al list of all available certbot cli options in the official documentation of certbot.
Docker usage
You can simply start a new container and use the same certbot commands to obtain a new certificate:
docker run -v "/etc/letsencrypt:/etc/letsencrypt" -v "/var/log/letsencrypt:/var/log/letsencrypt" infinityofspace/certbot_dns_duckdns:latest \
certonly \
--non-interactive \
--agree-tos \
--email <your-email> \
--preferred-challenges dns \
--authenticator dns-duckdns \
--dns-duckdns-token <your-duckdns-token> \
--dns-duckdns-propagation-seconds 60 \
-d "example.duckdns.org"
Or you can use a credentials file:
docker run -v "/etc/letsencrypt:/etc/letsencrypt" -v "/var/log/letsencrypt:/var/log/letsencrypt" -v "/absolute/path/to/your/duckdns.ini:/conf/duckdns.ini" infinityofspace/certbot_dns_duckdns:latest \
certonly \
--non-interactive \
--agree-tos \
--email <your-email> \
--preferred-challenges dns \
--authenticator dns-duckdns \
--dns-duckdns-credentials /conf/duckdns.ini \
--dns-duckdns-propagation-seconds 60 \
-d "example.duckdns.org"
If you want to use the docker image to renew your certificates automatically, you can do this with the host cron, for example. To use this example you must have crontab and cron installed beforehand. Note that depending on the installation you may need to use the crontab of a root user to access the docker daemon or file directories. For example, use the following crontab expression:
0 3 */8 * * docker run --rm -v "/etc/letsencrypt:/etc/letsencrypt" -v "/var/log/letsencrypt:/var/log/letsencrypt" -v "/absolute/path/to/your/duckdns.ini:/conf/duckdns.ini" infinityofspace/certbot_dns_duckdns:latest renew
This will start a temporary docker container every 8 days at 3am and tries to renew expiring certificates.
An example for the usage with docker-compose can be found here.
Docker secrets
The docker image supports the use of docker secrets. Create a secret with the default name DUCKDNS_TOKEN
or a custom
name specified in the parameter --dns-duckdns-token-env
and do not provide the --dns-duckdns-token
parameter. The image will automatically read the secret and use it.
Plugin arguments
Obtain certificates using a DNS TXT record for DuckDNS domains
--dns-duckdns-propagation-seconds DNS_DUCKDNS_PROPAGATION_SECONDS
The number of seconds to wait for DNS to propagate before asking the ACME server to verify the DNS record. (default: 30)
--dns-duckdns-credentials DNS_DUCKDNS_CREDENTIALS
DuckDNS credentials INI file. (default: None)
--dns-duckdns-token DNS_DUCKDNS_TOKEN
DuckDNS token (overwrites credentials file) (default: None)
--dns-duckdns-token-env DNS_DUCKDNS_TOKEN_ENV
Environment variable name for the DuckDNS token (default: DUCKDNS_TOKEN)
Do not restore the original TXT record (default: False)
You can the FAQ in the wiki.
Setup environment
First get the source code:
git clone https://github.com/infinityofspace/certbot_dns_duckdns.git
cd certbot_dns_porkbun
Now create a virtual environment, activate it and install all dependencies with the following commands:
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip3 install -r requirements-dev.txt
Now you can start developing.
Feel free to contribute to this project by creating a pull request. Before you create a pull request, make sure that you code meets the following requirements (you can use the specified commands to check/fulfill the requirements):
- check unit tests:
python -m unittest tests/*.py
- format the code:
ruff format
- lint the code:
flake8 certbot_dns_duckdns --count --ignore E501 --show-source --statistics
pylint certbot_dns_duckdns --disable C0301
You can run the tests with the following command:
python -m unittest tests/*.py
Third party notices
All modules used by this project are listed below:
Name | License |
certbot | Apache 2.0 |
requests | Apache 2.0 |
setuptools | MIT |
dnspython | ISC |
Furthermore, this readme file contains embeddings of Shields.io.
MIT - Copyright (c) 2021-2024 Marvin Heptner
Project details
Release history Release notifications | RSS feed
Download files
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Source Distribution
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File details
Details for the file certbot_dns_duckdns-1.5.tar.gz
File metadata
- Download URL: certbot_dns_duckdns-1.5.tar.gz
- Upload date:
- Size: 14.7 kB
- Tags: Source
- Uploaded using Trusted Publishing? No
- Uploaded via: twine/5.1.1 CPython/3.9.20
File hashes
Algorithm | Hash digest | |
SHA256 | 7beb068085b204f0ac6cb5521c89cbaa46cb1d9e869e2de94a810fafd98d2b84 |
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BLAKE2b-256 | ef5ed068eeb6b57a1ea7401546e5a3f7e7aef46fa9f0e8d34d607dc9ea44f837 |
File details
Details for the file certbot_dns_duckdns-1.5-py3-none-any.whl
File metadata
- Download URL: certbot_dns_duckdns-1.5-py3-none-any.whl
- Upload date:
- Size: 12.2 kB
- Tags: Python 3
- Uploaded using Trusted Publishing? No
- Uploaded via: twine/5.1.1 CPython/3.9.20
File hashes
Algorithm | Hash digest | |
SHA256 | 8c4a915147aa19cb647e4b75821ccb1dbc35520572579062f8a62af36c73cf70 |
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