A theme product for the Dutch web guidelines.
Project description
This theme is aimed at making Plone compliant with the Dutch web guidelines.
Website of the Dutch web guidelines: http://www.webrichtlijnen.nl/english
A description from the webrichtlijnen.nl website:
Government bodies and companies are facing the challenge of creating websites that are optimally accessible to people as well as browsers and search engines. The Web Guidelines aid in that process. There are internationally recognized agreements for creating web sites known as 125 quality requirements standards warrants a significantly better website. The Netherlands government has assembled these international standards in a quality model called the Web Guidelines. This quality model comprises 125 quality requirements for the benefit of better websites.
This theme is tested using the Dutch web guidelines quick scan. The quick scan checks 47 points of 125. There 78 points in the guidelines that need manual checking. These manual tests involve how the website uses HTML and other relevant techniques, that the content manager(s) are aware of several guidelines and how processes supporting the guidelines are defined. In the doc dir an example is included for all the manual points. The document is named ‘niet_toetsbare_webrichtlijnen.odt’ and is in Dutch.
If you’re from the Dutch central goverment you can login to see the scan results. Unfortunately local goverments cannot see the complete scan results, they can use the quick scan.
See docs/INSTALL.txt, collective.webrichtlijnen depends on Plone.Tableless
This package is
Why aim at these Dutch web guidelines and not the W3C standard?
All websites of the Dutch central goverment need too comply with the Dutch web guidelines in 2010. (http://www.webrichtlijnen.nl/english/background/). Websites of the local goverment (ie. municipalities) have the aim to be complaint in 2010.
Webrichtlijnen non-complaint HTML code
There are a few pages in Plone that aren’t complaint. The invalid point aren’t easy to fix in this package (ie. file icon widget) or aren’t important enough to fix (ie. Plone footer).
Possible invalid: The Plone footer uses a sub element to show the copyright character. The web guidelines advised to avoid using sup (suberscript) and sub (subscript)element where possible.
Invalid: The file archetypes has a file icon image that is missing the alt attribute. (http://dev.plone.org/plone/ticket/9948)
Invalid: The login portlet has a form without a fieldset (or similar element). no portlets. The W3C HTML validator sees this as an error.
0.1 - Unreleased
Initial release