A package that collects data then process
Project description
Collect Then Process: A python data collection library
What do you need to do if you are running some programs on the remote server and you want to collect some runtime data during program running, and process it on your local PC, e.g. plot a figure? See how many steps you need without ctp:
- collect the data
- serialize the data
- download the data to your local computer through various ways: scp, ftp ...
- deserialize the data on your local computer
- process the data, e.g plot a figure
Tired of all this? ctp now provides a easy to use solution of just Collect then Process:
Collect on the remote cloud server:
import ctp
with ctp.append_run("my_experiment") as run:
run.collect("my_data", data)
Then Process on your local computer:
import ctp
with ctp.get_run("my_experiment") as run:
data = run.process("my_data")
pip install --index-url https://test.pypi.org/simple/ --extra-index-url https://pypi.org/simple cthenp
To start a server locally:
import ctp
ctp.start_listen(ip = "localhost", port=50057)
Example usage of collecting data and transfer it to server:
import ctp
run = ctp.append_run("sample_exp")
This appends a new run of the experiment, to collect data to new run:
for i in range(10):
Or you can also pass a list created by yourself by:
sample_data = [] # sample data list created by your self
run.monitor("sample_data", sample_data)
for i in range(10):
After collecting data, finish collect and upload all data to server:
If you don't want to deal with start and stop by your self, you can:
with ctp.append_run("sample_exp") as run:
... ## your code here
will automatically upload all data once this block is finished
To process data from other machines:
import ctp
run = ctp.get_run("sample_exp")
get sample data:
sample_data = run.process("sample_data")
def start_listen(ip : str = "localhost", port : int = 50057) -> None:
def append_run(exp_name : str, ip : str = "localhost", port : int = 50057) -> ctp.Run:
def get_run(exp_name : str, ip : str = "localhost", port : int = 50057) -> ctp.Run:
def collect(self, user_label : str, data : any = None, prefix : str = '_') -> List[any]:
def monitor(self, user_label : str, datas : List[any], prefix : str = '_') -> None:
def stop_collect() -> None:
def process(self, user_label : str = None) -> Optional[dict[str,List[any]],List[any]]:
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