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A tool for data profiling and data validation

Project description


master: pipeline status test coverage docstr-coverage

dev: pipeline status test coverage docstr-coverage

Deirokay (dejɾo'kaj) is a tool for data profiling and data validation.

Deirokay separates document parsing from validation logic, so that you can create your statements about your data without worrying whether or not your file has been properly parsed.

You can use Deirokay for:

  • Data parsing from files (CSV, parquet, excel, or any other pandas-compatible format);
  • Data validation, via Deirokay Statements;
  • Data profiling, which generates Deirokay Statements automatically based on an existing file. You may use these statements later against new documents to make sure the validation still holds for new data.

To start using Deirokay, install its package and follow the instructions bellow.


Install Deirokay directly from master branch typing in your command line:

pip install git+http://gitlab.bigdata/data-engineers/deirokay

To include optional dependences for AWS S3, install:

pip install git+http://gitlab.bigdata/data-engineers/deirokay[s3]

If you want to be in sync with the latest (and possibly unstable) release:

pip install git+http://gitlab.bigdata/data-engineers/deirokay@dev

Installation for development

If you wish to contribute for Deirokay development, maybe you will want to install a more complete set of packages for testing and to help you in your development.

pip install git+http://gitlab.bigdata/data-engineers/deirokay[dev]

API Reference

Please, read the docs.

Getting started

Suppose the following CSV file:

name age is_married
john 55 true
mariah 44
carl false

A known issue when dealing with pandas is that some of the datatypes can be misrepresented as another dtypes. See the result when reading this file with pandas:

>>> import pandas
>>> pandas.read_csv('file.csv')
     name   age is_married
0    john  55.0       True
1  mariah  44.0        NaN
2    carl   NaN      False
>>> pandas.read_csv('file.csv').dtypes
name           object
age           float64
is_married     object
dtype: object

Although strings are correctly parsed, integers become floats when null cell are present in the same column. If you ever write the file back to your hard disk, you'll get the following content:

name age is_married
john 55.0 True
mariah 44.0
carl False

Now all your integers became floats!

To prevent this unexpected behavior, Deirokay requires you to provide a JSON (or YAML) file that explicitly specifies how each column should be parsed:

    "columns": {
        "name": {
            "dtype": "string",
            "nullable": false,
            "unique": true
        "age": {
            "dtype": "integer",
            "nullable": true,
            "unique": false
        "is_married": {
            "dtype": "boolean",
            "nullable": true,
            "unique": false

Now, import Deirokay.data_reader and pass the JSON/YAML file as argument:

>>> from deirokay import data_reader
>>> data_reader('file.csv', options='options.json')
     name   age  is_married
0    john    55        True
1  mariah    44        <NA>
2    carl  <NA>       False
>>> data_reader('file.csv', options='options.json').dtypes
name           object
age             Int64
is_married    boolean
dtype: object

The options argument also accepts dict objects directly. When parsing your file, you may also provide a set of different arguments, which varies in function of the data types. When passing Deirokay file options as dict, you may optionally import the available data types from the deirokay.enums.DTypes enumeration class.

Below you will find a list of current data types and their supported arguments.

DTypes String-like alias Supported Arguments Default Argument Description
All DTypes - nullable True Values can be null
All DTypes - unique False Values shoud be unique
All DTypes - rename None Rename column
INTEGER 'integer' thousand_sep None Thousand separator (e.g., "1,988")
FLOAT 'float' thousand_sep None Thousand separator (e.g., "1,988")
FLOAT 'float' decimal_sep '.' Decimal separator (e.g., "3.14")
DECIMAL 'decimal' decimal_sep '.' Decimal separator (e.g., "3.14")
DECIMAL 'decimal' thousand_sep None Thousand separator (e.g., "1,988")
DECIMAL 'decimal' decimal_places None Decimal places (e.g., 2 for "1.25")
BOOLEAN 'boolean' truthies ['true', 'True'] Values taken as True
BOOLEAN 'boolean' falsies ['false', 'False'] Values taken as False
BOOLEAN 'boolean' ignore_case False Ignore case when evaluating True/False
BOOLEAN 'boolean' default_value None Value to use if not truthy nor falsy
DATETIME 'datetime' format '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' Date Time format
TIME 'time' format '%H:%M:%S' Time format
DATE 'date' format '%Y-%m-%d' Date format
STRING 'string' treat_null_as None Value to replace when null (e.g., "")

Along with the specification for the columns, Deirokay options also support specification of parameters to properly open the file. These extra parameters are passed to pandas.read_* methods when reading it. For instance, you may want to specify the separator and the encoding for your CSV file:

    "sep": ";",
    "encoding": "iso-8859-1",
    "columns": {
        "customer_id": {
            "dtype": "integer",
            "nullable": false,
            "thousand_sep": ".",
            "unique": false
        "transaction_date": {
            "dtype": "datetime",
            "format": "%Y%m%d"
        "transaction_id": {
            "dtype": "integer",
            "nullable": false,
            "thousand_sep": ".",
            "unique": false

Except for columns, all other parameters from Deirokay options are passed to pandas.read_* methods when opening the file.

Making Statements about your data

The main entity in Deirokay is called Statement. A Statement is a form of test that is executed against your data to determine whether it proves to be Right/True or Wrong/False. A Statement is always evaluated against a scope, i.e., a column or a set of columns.

A set of Statements are packed together in a Validation Document - which can be either a JSON file, an YAML file or a Python dict - and used as a declarative language to test the properties of your data.

Here is an example of Validation Document in JSON format:

    "name": "VENDAS",
    "description": "An optional field to provide further textual information",
    "items": [
            "scope": [
            "statements": [
                    "type": "unique",
                    "at_least_%": 90.0
                    "type": "not_null",
                    "at_least_%": 95.0

To test your data against this document, import the deirokay.validate method and call it following the example below:

from deirokay import data_reader, validate

df = data_reader('file.parquet', options='options.json')
validation_result_document = validate(df,

The resulting validation document will present the reports for each statement, as well as its final result: pass or fail. You may probably want to save your validation result document by passing a path to a folder (local or in S3) as save_to argument to validate. The results are saved in a subfolder named after your validation document name, and the current datetime (possibly overridden by current_date argument) is used as the file name. By default, the validation result document will be saved in the same file format as the original validation document (you may specify another format -- either json or yaml -- in the save_format argument).

Here is an example of validation result document:

    "name": "VENDAS",
    "description": "An optional field to provide further textual information",
    "items": [
            "scope": [
            "statements": [
                    "type": "unique",
                    "at_least_%": 90.0,
                    "report": {
                        "detail": {
                            "unique_rows": 1500,
                            "unique_rows_%": 99.0
                        "result": "pass"
                    "type": "not_null",
                    "at_least_%": 95.0,
                    "report": {
                        "detail": {
                            "null_rows": 0,
                            "null_rows_%": 0.0,
                            "not_null_rows": 1500,
                            "not_null_rows_%": 100.0
                        "result": "pass"

These are some of the statement types currently supported by Deirokay:

Statement Type Available Arguments
'unique' 'at_least_%'
'not_null' 'at_least_%'
'not_null' 'at_most_%'
'not_null' 'multicolumn_logic'
'custom' 'location'

The following section illustrates how to create and use custom type statements.

Statement Severity Level

An optional parameter for your statements is the severity level, whose value is typically an integer from 1 to 5 (although nothing prevents you to use any other integer). The deirokay.enums.SeverityLevel enumeration describes some named levels: MINIMAL (1), WARNING (3) and CRITICAL (5), but you may use any other integer in your Validation Documents instead. When not declared, the default statement severity level is set to 5.

The severity parameter is particularly useful in two contexts:

  • When using deirokay.validate function, you may want to set raise_exception to True (default value) and specify a exception_level (default is CRITICAL or 5). This function call will raise a deirokay.exceptions.ValidationError exception whenever it finds a failed statement whose severity level is greater or equal to the exception_level variable. The level attribute of ValidationError contains the larger severity level found in all failed statements. Any failed statement whose value is lesser than exception_level will only raise a warning.
  • When validating data in Apache Airflow with DeirokayOperator, you may specify two exception levels: soft_fail_level (defaults to MINIMAL or 1) and hard_fail_level (defaults to CRITICAL or 5). The task is given the failed status if any failed statement severity matches or exceeds the hard_fail_level, and any tasks that may depend on its success won't be executed. Otherwise, if the severity level for any failed statement only matches or exceeds soft_fail_level, the task is given the skipped status, which won't prevent the DAG to keep running. If all failed statements have severity levels lesser than soft_fail_level, only a warning will be logged by the task.

Creating Custom Statements

Deirokay is designed to be broadly extensible. Even if your set of rules about your data is not in the bultin set of Deirokay statements, you can still subclass the BaseStatement class and implement your own statements. If you believe your statement will be useful for other users, we encourage you to propose it as a Merge Request so that it can become a builtin statement in a future release.

A custom Statement should override at least two methods from BaseStatement: report and result. The report method presents statistics and measurements that may be used by the result method. The report is attached to the Validation Result Document in order to compose a detailed list of facts about your data. The result method receives the report generated by report and returns either True (to signal success) or False (to signal that the statement is invalid).

The code below shows an example of a custom statement:

from deirokay.statements import BaseStatement

class ThereAreValuesGreaterThanX(BaseStatement):
    # Give your statement class a name (only for completeness,
    # its name is only useful when proposing it in a Merge Request)
    name = 'there_are_values_greater_than_x'
    # Declare which parameters are valid for this statement
    expected_parameters = ['x']

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)

        # All the arguments necessary for the statement are collected
        # from `self.options`. If they were templated arguments, they
        # should have already been rendered and you may transparently
        # use their final value in `report` and `result` methods.
        self.x = self.options.get('x')

    def report(self, df) -> dict:
            Report statistics and facts about the data.
        bools = df > self.x
        report = {
            'values_greater_than_x': list(bools[bools.all(axis=1)].index)
        return report

    def result(self, report: dict) -> bool:
            Use metrics from the report to indicate either success
            (True) or failure (False)
        return len(report.get('values_greater_than_x')) > 0

The following Validation Document shows how to use your custom Statement for a validation process:

        "name": "VENDAS",
        "description": "Validation using custom statement",
        "items": [
                "scope": "NUM_TRANSACAO01",
                "statements": [
                        "type": "custom",
                        "location": "/home/"
                        "x": 2

Besides the parameters necessary for your custom statement ("x": 2 in the example above) and the custom statement type, you should pass a location parameter that instructs Deirokay how to find your statement class. There is not need for the module file to be in current directory: your class will be magically imported by Deirokay and used during validation process.

The location parameter must follow the pattern path_to_module::class_name.

Currently, you can pass either a local path or an S3 key:

  • /home/ubuntu/
  • s3://my-bucket/my_statements/ (make sure you have boto3 installed)

Jinja Templating and Statements based on Past Validation Data

Some validation statements may present dynamic behaviour, maybe folowing a natural uptrend or downtrend movement of your data. Suppose you expect the number of rows of your data file to possibly fluctuate +/- 3% around a 7-day moving average. Deirokay allows you to refer to past validation data by means of a special function called series.

To use it, replace a static value for your statement parameter by a templated argument, such as the following:

name: VENDAS
- scope:
  - WERKS01
  #  When the scope has more than one column or has special characters,
  #  you should provide an `alias` string to refer to this item.
  alias: werks_prod
  - type: row_count
    min: '{{ 0.97 * (series("VENDAS", 7).werks_prod.row_count.rows.mean()
      |default(19, true)) }}'
    max: '{{ 1.03 * (series("VENDAS", 7).werks_prod.row_count.rows.mean()
      |default(21, true)) }}'

The YAML validation document above (could be JSON) presents some new features. A templated Jinja argument is identified by a pair of double braces ({{ }}) surrounding its content. Deirokay has a special callable named series that you can use to retrieve past data as a pandas.Series object. When declared, series receives a validation document name and a number of logs to look behind. Next, you should provide a path to a statement report value, following the sequence: scope (possibly aliased) => statement type name => statement result metric name. This returns a pandas.Series object you can take any calculation from (mean, min, max, etc.).

To illustrate this path, take the templated argument from the YAML document above as an example:

series("VENDAS", 7).werks_prod.row_count.rows.mean()
  • series("VENDAS", 7): Retrieve the 7 last validation logs for "VENDAS";
  • werks_prod: Consider the werks_prod-aliased item (could be the scope value itself if it is a string for a single column name);
  • row_count: Use statistics from row_count statement;
  • rows: Use the rows metric reported by the selected statement (you should know the statistics reported by your statement).
  • mean(): Since the previous object is already a pandas Series, this call gets its mean value.

When your validation results have no history, this call returns None. In Jinja, you may provide a default value to replace a null variable by using |default(<default value>, true).

Finally, here is an example of validation result log. Notice that the templates are already rendered before being saved:

name: VENDAS
- scope:
  - WERKS01
  alias: werks_prod
  - type: row_count
    min: 1490.0
    max: 1510.0
        rows: 1500
      result: pass

Data Profiling: Auto-generated Validation Document

You may generate a basic validation document by consuming a sample file. It is recommended that you review the generated document and supplement it with additional statements. The document can be saved in either JSON or YAML format, depending on the extension of the file path that you passed to optional save_to argument. You may also retrieve the dict document from the method's return.

from deirokay import data_reader, profile

df = data_reader(

validation_document = profile(df,

Deirokay Airflow Operator

Deirokay has its own Airflow Operator, which you can import to your DAG to validate your data.

from datetime import datetime

from airflow.models import DAG
from deirokay.airflow import DeirokayOperator

dag = DAG(dag_id='data-validation',
              'owner': 'airflow',
              'start_date': datetime(2021, 3, 2),

operator = DeirokayOperator(task_id='deirokay-validate',

Project details

Download files

Download the file for your platform. If you're not sure which to choose, learn more about installing packages.

Source Distribution

deirokay-0.7.0.tar.gz (35.6 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Source

Built Distribution

deirokay-0.7.0-py3-none-any.whl (34.4 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 3

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