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The Dirac Quantum Engine

Project description

The Dirac Quantum Engine: a tribute to a legend


  1. A Tribute to a Legend

  2. Let's Get Started

  3. Hello Quantum World

A Tribute to a Legend

The Dirac engine is a Pyhon physics engine which simulates quantum phenomena. This includes basic quantum and wave mechanics, spin 1/2 particles and their antimatter partners.

In 1928 Paul Dirac, an english physicist, was working on a relativistic theory of quantum mechanics. The result is a beautiful equation:

$$ i \hbar \gamma^\mu \partial_\mu \ket\psi - m c \ket\psi = 0 $$

This equation predicts electron spin, the periodic table, antimatter and the g factor. It is also the first building block of quantum field theory: оur best description of reality (yet).

This equation is the core of the Dirac engine. This is why this name has been chosen for the project. The engine is a tribute to a legend: Paul Dirac, one of the geniuses of the 20th century.

Quantum field theory is hard. It requires years of studying just for the basics. But that is not the main problem. Calculations in quantum field theory are beyond the performance limits of modern computers. So, how could we simulate the quantum realm?

Fortunately, quantum field theory's predecessor: quantum mechanics, is easier. It does not require you to build a cluster of supercomputers. You can simulate basic quantum phenomena on your own computer.

Let's Get Started


Let's get started with the engine. Firstly: the requirement. Using this engine is not for everyone. But if you have passed the requirements you will not have any problems when coding. Here are they:

  • Python: it is obvious

  • basic quantum mechanics: don't worry, we have provided an introduction guide to quantum mechanics

  • linear algebra: this is Python so you should be good

  • complex numbers: √-1 is possible

  • hamiltonian mechanics: if you know this, you can skip the other

  • multivariable calculus: just the basics

  • basic physics: this is a must


If you are comfortable with most of the requirements, you can proceed to the installation. You can install it like any other PIP package. Just open your terminal and paste this command:

pip install diracengine

Congratulations! You have installed the Dirac engine.

Importing the engine

Now let's import the package in Python. Open a new .py flie and write:

import diracengine as dirac

This is it. You are ready to use the Dirac engine. In the next chapter we will write our first dirac programs. By the end of the chapter you will be able to solve the Schrodinger equation on your own with just a few lines of code.

Hello Quantum World

In this chapter we will show you how to code with the Dirac engine. We will start with the basics. Then we will progress to more advanced cases. In this chapter we will figure:

1. Quantum state

  • Quantum bits: a great introduction to the building blocks of quantum computing

  • Spin 1/2: meeting our first quantum operators

2. Wave function:

Note: We will be using Dirac's bra-ket notation from now on. If you are not comfortable with it, you can check our introduction guide to quantum mechanics.

The Qubit

Our first example will be a quantum bit, shortly a qubit. A qubit is a quatum object with two states: 0 or 1. The qubit is in a superposition of both states. Each state has some probability amplitude. We can express this mathematically:

$$ \ket\psi = \alpha\ket0 + \beta\ket1 $$

where $\alpha$ is the probability amplitude of the 0 state and $\beta$: the 1 state. This quatum state will look like this:

import diracengine as dirac

psi = dirac.QuantumState([ alpha, beta ], [ 0, 1 ])

The QuantumState object is initiated when two arguments are provided: probabilityAmplitudes and basis. They must be lists. probabilityAmplitudes must include complex numbers only while basis does not have restrictions.

Let's try to initiate a qubit with equally likely possibilities of being 0 or 1:

$$ \ket\psi = \alpha\ket0 + \alpha\ket1 $$

In the language of the Dirac engine this will look like this:

import diracengine as dirac

alpha = 1 + 0j

psi = dirac.QuantumState([ alpha, alpha ], [ 0, 1 ])

But there is an issue. In quantum mechanics the quantum state must be normalized:

$$ \braket{\psi|\psi} = 1 $$

This means that if we want a normalized quantum state we need $\alpha$ to be:

$$ \alpha^*\alpha = \frac{1}{2} $$

If we assume that $\alpha$ is a real number: $\alpha \in \mathbb{R}$, this means that $\alpha$ must be $\pm \sqrt{\frac{1}{2}}$, not 1. So, we have made a mistake?

The Dirac engine normalizes the quantum state by default. It only scales the probability amplitudes, preserving their phase. This means that when we pass $\alpha = 1$, the engine will convert it to $\alpha = \sqrt{\frac{1}{2}}$. We can test this by printing the quantum state:

import diracengine as dirac

alpha = 1 + 0j

psi = dirac.QuantumState([ alpha, alpha ], [ 0, 1 ])


The terminal output is:


        0: 0.7071067811865476 + 0.0i 

        1: 0.7071067811865476 + 0.0i 


Tip: if you want to work with unnormalized probability amplitudes you can change the normalize argument to False when initiating the object:

<p>psi = dirac.QuantumState(probabilityAmplitudes, basis, normalize = False)</p>

You can also change norm of the state $\braket{\psi|\psi}$. By default it is set to 1.

<p>norm = 1</p>
<p>psi = dirac.QuantumState(probabilityAmplitudes, basis, norm = norm)</p>

Let's return to the general case. We will try an arbitrary value for $\beta$. For example let $\beta$ be $i$:

import diracengine as dirac

alpha = 1 + 0j

beta = 0 + 1j

psi = dirac.QuantumState([ alpha, beta ], [ 0, 1 ])


        0: 0.7071067811865476 + 0.0i

        1: 0.0 + 0.7071067811865476i


We can see that $\beta$ is still an imaginary number after the normalization. The phase of $\beta$ looks the same. We can test this. We can get the new value for $\beta$ after the normalization like this:


Now we will import the cmath module to get the phase of the complex number. Then we will print the results on the terminal.

import cmath

import diracengine as dirac

alpha = 1 + 0j

beta = 0 + 1j

psi = dirac.QuantumState([ alpha, beta ], [ 0, 1 ])

newBeta = psi.probabilityAmplitude(1)

phaseBeta = cmath.phase(beta)

phaseNewBeta = cmath.phase(newBeta)

print(phaseBeta, phaseNewBeta)
1.5707963267948966 1.5707963267948966

The result is 90° in radians. Just to remind you, you can convert to degrees by multiplying by $180^\circ/\pi$.

Our next goal will be converting the complex probability amplitudes to real probabilities. We can get the probability of a base state with this method:


In this case for the states 0 and 1 we get 0.5. The states are equally likely.

You can get the total quantum state's probability. If you haven't touched normalize and norm attributes you should always get 1. Just use the totalProbability method:


There are other useful methods. If you want to see all the methods go to the ...

This concludes our qubit tour. In the next section we will get familiar with quantum operators in the Dirac engine.

Spin 1/2

The electron is famous for its two-valuesness. It behaves like a qubit. The two states are called: spin-up and spin-down.:

$$ \ket\psi = \alpha\ket\uparrow + \beta\ket\downarrow $$

Now let's use the Dirac engine to create an electron:

import diracengine as dirac

alpha = 1 + 0j

beta = 0 + 1j

basis = [ 'spin-up', 'spin-down' ]

psi = dirac.QuantumState([ alpha, beta ], basis)

All fermions that have this qubit-like property are classified as spin 1/2 particles. Spin is a fundamental property of nature. It does not have a classical analog. It is a pure quantum property. Spin seems like intrinsic angular momentum. In fact, it is its origin. But if this were true, spin would violate relativity. That is why spin doesn't mean spinning.

We can measure this "angular momentum" property. We can use a quantum operator for this job. Operators measure properties. For example, we can measure the spin of the electron by applying the spin operator to the state.

Before we start coding, we should look at some examples. Let's calculate the spin of 100% spin-up particle. If we measure the spin we should get $\hbar/2$:

$$ \hat{S}\ket{\uparrow} = \frac{\hbar}{2}\ket{\uparrow} $$

And if we do this for spin-down spin must be negative, because it is "spinning" in the opposite direction:

$$ \hat{S}\ket{\downarrow} = - \frac{\hbar}{2} \ket{\downarrow} $$

Those two equation are also called: eigenstate equations. We can solve those equations for the spin operator:

$$ \hat{S} = \frac{\hbar}{2} \begin{bmatrix} 1 & 0 \ 0 & -1 \end{bmatrix} $$

Now we can apply this operator for an arbitrary quantum state to measure how much the electron is "spining" up or down:

$$ \hat{S}\ket\psi = \frac{\hbar}{2} \begin{bmatrix} 1 & 0 \ 0 & -1 \end{bmatrix} \begin{bmatrix} \alpha \ \beta \end{bmatrix} $$

Let's compute this. We will use natiral units: $\hbar = 1$. Firstly, we need to create the matrix. We will use the numpy library:

import numpy

spinMatrix = numpy.array([ [ 1 + 0j, 0j ], [ 0j, -1 + 0j ] ])

Secondly: the operator. We will initate an Operator object and we will pass spinMatrix as an argument:

S = dirac.Operator(spinMatrix)

Next we have to apply the operator to the state:

measuredSpin = S @ psi

Tip: The act method is equivalent to the @ operator:

<p>measuredSpin = S.act(psi)</p>

When we print measuredSpin we get:


        spin-up: 0.7071067811865476 + 0.0i 

        spin-down: 0.0 + -0.7071067811865476i 


... hbar, change of basis ...

The Wave Function

So far we have only used quantized states. However in real life we observe continuous basis. Suppose we have a particle in free space. It is in a superposition of possible positions. But space is not quantized. It is continuous. We have infinitely many basis states. What could we do?

Mathematically we have a tool called the wave function: $\psi(x)$. This functions returns the probability amplitude of the particle being in position $x$. And it is related to the quantum state like this:

$$ \ket\psi = \int_{-\infty}^\infty dx : \psi(x) : \ket{x} $$

This expression is similar to the old definition of quantum state because integration is a continuous sum. Can we bypass the continuum?

We can approximate the space continuum with finite points with small positional difference. This is called discretization. Computers always use this method to do advanced calculations.

To create a discrete basis we will use numpy's method: linspace:

import numpy

START = -1

END = 1

N = 5

X = numpy.linspace(START, END, N)

[-1.  -0.5  0.   0.5  1. ]

Here START and END specify the boundaries of space and N is the number of points in space. If we want to be more precise we have to use bigger value for N. This costs computational power.

Next we will create an anonymous function. This will be our wave function $\psi(x)$. Let's use $cos(2\pi x)$ for example:

waveFunction = lambda x: numpy.cos(2 * numpy.pi * x)

Let's plot the wave function with pyplot from the matplotlib library:

Y = waveFunction(X)

pyplot.plot(X, Y)

Note: we haven't normalized the probability amplitudes

This doesn's look like a cosine wave. Don't worry. Remember: bigger N: better results. So let's try this with more points. Let's try with N = 20:

What about N = 80:

Tip: to see where are the discrete points add 'o--' to plot's arguments like this:

<p>pyplot.plot(X, Y, 'o--')</p>

But there is a catch. What if Y is not real. After all these are probability amplitudes. They are complex numbers.

The wave function is interpreted as the square root of probability density: $\rho(x)$. We can convert from probability amplitudes to probability density like this:

$$ \rho(x) = \psi^*(x) : \psi(x) $$

Probability density is always real. In fact it is always positive. Let's plot $\rho(x)$:

pyplot.plot(X, Y.conjugate() * Y, 'o--')

The Schrödinger equation

The core of the Dirac engine is the Dirac equation:

$$ i \hbar \gamma^\mu \partial_\mu \ket\psi - m c \ket\psi = 0 $$

This equations governs how the quantum state evolves over time. It is the ultimate tool for spin 1/2 particles. However it is not generalized for other particles. Also it works only with Dirac spinnors. Can we avoid this?

The answer is yes. Before the Dirac equation there was another equation: the Schrödinger equation. It does not requires spin nor spinnors. It is not the best description of reality but it is powerful enough to predict the periodic table. Lets's see the Schrödinger equation:

$$ i \hbar \frac{d}{dt} \ket\psi = \frac{-\hbar^2}{2m} \nabla^2 \ket\psi + U\ket\psi $$

To solve it, first, we will use code from the previous section:

import diracengine as dirac

import numpy

START = -1

END = 1

N = 80

X = numpy.linspace(START, END, N)

waveFunction = lambda x: numpy.cos(2 * numpy.pi * x)

Y = waveFunction(X)

Y = Y.astype('complex')

Note: we used astype('complex') to ensure that probability amplitudes stay complex. This prevents value exeptions.

Next we will create an instance of the WaveFunction class. We will use Y as probability amplitudes and we will set the mass of the particle to 1:

MASS = 1

psi = dirac.WaveFunction(Y, X, mass = MASS)

Note: WaveFunction also normalizes the probability amplitudes by default. You can configure it like QuantumState.

We can plot the wave function's probability density with the plot method:


Now let's create a potential field. We will set it to zero. This means that our equation will be:

$$ \frac{d}{dt} \ket\psi = \frac{i \hbar}{2m} \nabla^2 \ket\psi $$

To set the potential field to zero we will map X to 0:

potential = lambda x: 0

U = potential(X)

Now we can solve the equation. Just use the shrodingerEvolve method. We will pass the amount of time steps. Let's set it to 100 steps:

T = 100

psi.shrodingerEvolve(U, T)

To see the results we will use animate:


If everything is OK you should see a animation of the evolution of our initial wave function: $\psi(x) = cos(2\pi x)$. Let's review the code:

import diracengine as dirac

import numpy

START = -1

END = 1

N = 80

T = 100

MASS = 1

waveFunction = lambda x: numpy.cos(2 * numpy.pi * x)

potential = lambda x: 0

X = numpy.linspace(START, END, N)

Y = waveFunction(X)

Y = Y.astype('complex')

psi = WaveFunction(Y, X, mass = MASS)

U = potential(X)

psi.shrodingerEvolve(U, T)


Congratulations! This is your first "Hello Quantum World" program. In the next chapters we will code more advanced scripts. We will see how to do simulations in 2D and 3D. We will simulate the double-slit experiment and the hydrogen atom.

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diracengine-0.0.12.tar.gz (20.9 kB view hashes)

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diracengine-0.0.12-py3-none-any.whl (14.8 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 3

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