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A Django app to create Web-based anonymous surveys

Project description

Anonsurvey is a Django app to create Web-based anonymous surveys by

Anonsurvey3 is a fork to support Python 3 and add more question types such as audio.

Quick start

  1. Install django-anonsurvey from this repo:

    mkvirtualenv survey
    git clone
    cd django-anonsurvey
    python bdist_wheel
    pip install --upgrade dist/django_anonsurvey*.whl
  2. Add “anonsurvey3” to your INSTALLED_APPS setting like this:

    SURVEYS_PAGE_SIZE = 5 # for paginator
    STATIC_ROOT = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'static') # optional for collectstatic
  3. Include the anonsurvey URLconf in your project like this:

    from django.conf.urls import url, include
    url(r'^survey/', include('anonsurvey3.urls')),
  4. Create the anonsurvey models:

    python makemigrations anonsurvey3
    python migrate
  5. Start the development server and visit to create a survey (you’ll need the Admin app enabled).

    python createsuperuser
    python runserver
  6. Visit to list surveys.

Creating survey

First you enter survey main data:

  • title

  • name (which is a slug initialy created from title)

  • introduction text

  • active state (False by default).

Then you can enter question. For each question you can enter the question group the question belongs to. Question group is optional. Question data are:

  • survey the question belongs to

  • optional question group

  • type of the question:

    -   input - input type text
    -   choice - input type radio group
    -   multiple choice - input type checkboxes
    -   choice with input - input type radio group with one radio
        input with type text
    -   multiple choice with input - input type checkboxes with
        one checkbox with input type text
  • text of the question

  • requires answer

  • sort index - questions are sorted by this number ascending.

Question group contains of the survey it belongs to and question group text.

For each question you define answer or multiple offered answers. Answer data are:

  • type - input or choice - it is relevant only for choice with input and multiple choice with input question types

  • text prefix - displayed before input field of input type answer

  • text - displayed for choice type of answer

  • text sufix - displayed after input field of input type answer

  • default value - for input type of answer

  • validation regex - for input type of answer; regex is a valid python regex

  • sort index - answers are sorted by this number ascending.

Depending on survey definition survey questions and offered answers are rendered differently.

First, survey title and intro text are displayed. Then questions are rendered in ordering depending on sort index value. If question belongs to question group then group’s title is displayed. Then each quesiton for group is rendered inside that group. If question belongs to none group then its alone is rendered. For each question its text is displayed. Under the question answers are rendered in ordering defined by sort index value. If question type is input then input field is rendered. Before input field text prefix is displayed. After input field text sufix is displayed. If default value is defined that value is rendered inside input field. If question type is choice then offered answers are displayed as radio group. Each radio is one offered answer and its text is displayed. If question type is multiple choice then offered answers are displayed as checkbox. Each checkbox is one offered answer and its text is displayed. If quesiton type is choice with input or multiple choice with input then each answer is displayed as above for choice or multiple choice type of question. Here answer’s answer type is relevant. If type is input then its radio or checkbox contains of input field which is rendered the same as for input type of question.

When submiting completed survey validations are performed:

  • if question requires answer then answer must be suplied

  • if answer type is input and validation regex is supplied then answer value must match defined regex (note that regex is prefixed and sufixe with ^ and $ so that whole string match is checked).

Submitted answers data are:

  • client_id - in the format <current_timestamp>@<remote_ip> (by this value you can group answers to one client that completed the survey)

  • datetime - current timestamp answer is saved

  • answer - foreign key to offered answer that is input/selected

  • text - input value for input type of offered answer.

Within package there are simplest templates you can use to make your own. For survey display {% include “anonsurvey3/survey_form.thml” with survey=survey %} is used. This template provides a way for rendering the survey form depending on survey definition. You can use it as is or you can use it as a template for constructing yours.

Project details

Supported by

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