Django admin CKEditor integration.
Project description
Django CKEditor
NOTICE: django-ckeditor 5 has backwards incompatible code moves against 4.5.1.
File upload support has been moved to ckeditor_uploader. The urls are in ckeditor_uploader.urls, while for the file uploading widget you have to use RichTextUploadingField instead of RichTextField.
Django admin CKEditor integration. Provides a RichTextField, RichTextUploadingField, CKEditorWidget and CKEditorUploadingWidget utilizing CKEditor with image uploading and browsing support included.
This version also includes:
support to django-storages (works with S3)
updated ckeditor to version 4.7
included all ckeditor language and plugin files to made everyone happy! ( only the plugins maintained by the ckeditor develops team )
Install or add django-ckeditor to your python path.
pip install django-ckeditor
Add ckeditor to your INSTALLED_APPS setting.
Run the collectstatic management command: $ ./ collectstatic. This will copy static CKEditor required media resources into the directory given by the STATIC_ROOT setting. See Django’s documentation on managing static files for more info.
CKEditor needs to know where its assets are located because it loads them lazily only when needed. The location is determined by looking at a script tag which includes a URL ending in ckeditor.js. This does not work all the time, for example when using ManifestStaticFilesStorage, any asset packaging pipeline or whatnot. django-ckeditor is quite good at automatically detecting the correct place even then, but sometimes you have to hardcode CKEDITOR_BASEPATH somewhere. It is recommended to override the admin/base_site.html template with your own if you really need to do this, i.e.:
{% extends "admin/base_site.html" %} {% block extrahead %} <script>window.CKEDITOR_BASEPATH = '/static/ckeditor/ckeditor/';</script> {{ block.super }} {% endblock %}
Of course you should adapt this snippet to your needs when using CKEditor outside the admin app.
Required for using widget with file upload
Add ckeditor_uploader to your INSTALLED_APPS setting.
Add a CKEDITOR_UPLOAD_PATH setting to the project’s file. This setting specifies a relative path to your CKEditor media upload directory. CKEditor uses Django’s storage API. By default, Django uses the file system storage backend (it will use your MEDIA_ROOT and MEDIA_URL) and if you don’t use a different backend you have to have write permissions for the CKEDITOR_UPLOAD_PATH path within MEDIA_ROOT, i.e.:
When using default file system storage, images will be uploaded to “uploads” folder in your MEDIA_ROOT and urls will be created against MEDIA_URL (/media/uploads/image.jpg).
If you want be able for have control for filename generation, you have to add into settings yours custom filename generator:
# def get_filename(filename): return filename.upper()
# CKEDITOR_FILENAME_GENERATOR = 'utils.get_filename'
CKEditor has been tested with django FileSystemStorage and S3BotoStorage. There are issues using S3Storage from django-storages.
For the default filesystem storage configuration, MEDIA_ROOT and MEDIA_URL must be set correctly for the media files to work (like those uploaded by the ckeditor widget).
Add CKEditor URL include to your project’s file:
url(r'^ckeditor/', include('ckeditor_uploader.urls')),
Note that by adding those URLs you add views that can upload and browse through uploaded images. Since django-ckeditor 4.4.6, those views are decorated using @staff_member_required. If you want a different permission decorator (login_required, user_passes_test etc.) then add views defined in ckeditor.urls manually to your
Set CKEDITOR_IMAGE_BACKEND to one of the supported backends to enable thumbnails in ckeditor gallery. By default no thumbnails are created and full size images are used as preview. Supported backends:
pillow: Uses Pillow
Optional - customizing CKEditor editor
Add a CKEDITOR_CONFIGS setting to the project’s file. This specifies sets of CKEditor settings that are passed to CKEditor (see CKEditor’s Setting Configurations), i.e.:
CKEDITOR_CONFIGS = { 'awesome_ckeditor': { 'toolbar': 'Basic', }, }
The name of the settings can be referenced when instantiating a RichTextField:
content = RichTextField(config_name='awesome_ckeditor')
The name of the settings can be referenced when instantiating a CKEditorWidget:
widget = CKEditorWidget(config_name='awesome_ckeditor')
By specifying a set named default you’ll be applying its settings to all RichTextField and CKEditorWidget objects for which config_name has not been explicitly defined
CKEDITOR_CONFIGS = { 'default': { 'toolbar': 'full', 'height': 300, 'width': 300, }, }
It is possible to create a custom toolbar
CKEDITOR_CONFIGS = { 'default': { 'toolbar': 'Custom', 'toolbar_Custom': [ ['Bold', 'Italic', 'Underline'], ['NumberedList', 'BulletedList', '-', 'Outdent', 'Indent', '-', 'JustifyLeft', 'JustifyCenter', 'JustifyRight', 'JustifyBlock'], ['Link', 'Unlink'], ['RemoveFormat', 'Source'] ] } }
If you want or need plugins which are not part of django-ckeditor’s plugin set you may specify assets and plugins as follows:
text = RichTextField( config_name='forum-post', # CKEDITOR.config.extraPlugins: extra_plugins=['someplugin'], # CKEDITOR.plugins.addExternal(...) external_plugin_resources=[( 'someplugin', '/static/.../path-to-someplugin/', 'plugin.js', )], )
Optional for file upload
All uploaded files are slugified by default. To disable this feature, set CKEDITOR_UPLOAD_SLUGIFY_FILENAME to False.
Set the CKEDITOR_RESTRICT_BY_USER setting to True in the project’s file (default False). This restricts access to uploaded images to the uploading user (e.g. each user only sees and uploads their own images). Upload paths are prefixed by the string returned by get_username. If CKEDITOR_RESTRICT_BY_USER is set to a string, the named property is used instead. Superusers can still see all images. NOTE: This restriction is only enforced within the CKEditor media browser.
Set the CKEDITOR_BROWSE_SHOW_DIRS setting to True to show directories on the “Browse Server” page. This enables image grouping by directory they are stored in, sorted by date.
Set the CKEDITOR_RESTRICT_BY_DATE setting to True to bucked uploaded files by year/month/day.
The quickest way to add rich text editing capabilities to your models is to use the included RichTextField model field type. A CKEditor widget is rendered as the form field but in all other regards the field behaves as the standard Django TextField. For example:
from django.db import models from ckeditor.fields import RichTextField class Post(models.Model): content = RichTextField()
For file upload support use RichTextUploadingField from ckeditor_uploader.fields.
Alernatively you can use the included CKEditorWidget as the widget for a formfield. For example:
from django import forms from django.contrib import admin from ckeditor.widgets import CKEditorWidget from post.models import Post class PostAdminForm(forms.ModelForm): content = forms.CharField(widget=CKEditorWidget()) class Meta: model = Post class PostAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin): form = PostAdminForm, PostAdmin)
For file upload support use CKEditorUploadingWidget from ckeditor_uploader.widgets.
Outside of django admin
When you are rendering a form outside the admin panel, you’ll have to make sure all form media is present for the editor to work. One way to achieve this is like this:
<form> {{ }} {{ myform.as_p }} <input type="submit"/> </form>
or you can load the media manually as it is done in the demo app:
{% load static %} <script type="text/javascript" src="{% static "ckeditor/ckeditor-init.js" %}"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="{% static "ckeditor/ckeditor/ckeditor.js" %}"></script>
Management Commands
Included is a management command to create thumbnails for images already contained in CKEDITOR_UPLOAD_PATH. This is useful to create thumbnails when using django-ckeditor with existing images. Issue the command as follows:
$ ./ generateckeditorthumbnails
NOTE: If you’re using custom views remember to include ckeditor.js in your form’s media either through {{ }} or through a <script> tag. Admin will do this for you automatically. See Django’s Form Media docs for more info.
Using S3
NOTE: django-ckeditor will not work with S3 through django-storages without this line in
If you want to use allowedContent
To get allowedContent to work, disable stylesheetparser plugin. So include this in your
CKEDITOR_CONFIGS = { "default": { "removePlugins": "stylesheetparser", } }
django-ckeditor includes the following ckeditor plugins, but not all are enabled by default:
a11yhelp, about, adobeair, ajax, autoembed, autogrow, autolink, bbcode, clipboard, codesnippet, codesnippetgeshi, colordialog, devtools, dialog, div, divarea, docprops, embed, embedbase, embedsemantic, filetools, find, flash, forms, iframe, iframedialog, image, image2, language, lineutils, link, liststyle, magicline, mathjax, menubutton, notification, notificationaggregator, pagebreak, pastefromword, placeholder, preview, scayt, sharedspace, showblocks, smiley, sourcedialog, specialchar, stylesheetparser, table, tableresize, tabletools, templates, uicolor, uploadimage, uploadwidget, widget, wsc, xml
The image/file upload feature is done by the uploadimage plugin.
Restricting file upload
To restrict upload functionality to image files only, add CKEDITOR_ALLOW_NONIMAGE_FILES = False in your file. Currently non-image files are allowed by default.
By default the upload and browse URLs use staff_member_required decorator - ckeditor_uploader/ - if you want other decorators just insert two urls found in that and don’t include it.
Demo / Test application
If you clone the repository you will be able to run the ckeditor_demo application.
pip install -r ckeditor_demo_requirements.txt
Run python migrate
Create a superuser if you want to test the widget in the admin panel
Start the development server.
There is a forms.Form on the main page (/) and a model in admin that uses the widget for a model field. Database is set to sqlite3 and STATIC/MEDIA_ROOT to folders in temporary directory.
Running selenium test
You can run the test with python test ckeditor_demo (for repo checkout only) or with tox which is configured to run with Python 2.7 and 3.4.
Running code quality tests
Create a new virtualenv, install tox and run tox -e py27-lint to Flake8 (pep8 and other quality checks) tests or tox -e py27-isort to isort (import order check) tests
If your browser has problems displaying uploaded images in the image upload window you may need to change Django settings:
More on
Example ckeditor configuration
CKEDITOR_CONFIGS = { 'default': { 'skin': 'moono', # 'skin': 'office2013', 'toolbar_Basic': [ ['Source', '-', 'Bold', 'Italic'] ], 'toolbar_YourCustomToolbarConfig': [ {'name': 'document', 'items': ['Source', '-', 'Save', 'NewPage', 'Preview', 'Print', '-', 'Templates']}, {'name': 'clipboard', 'items': ['Cut', 'Copy', 'Paste', 'PasteText', 'PasteFromWord', '-', 'Undo', 'Redo']}, {'name': 'editing', 'items': ['Find', 'Replace', '-', 'SelectAll']}, {'name': 'forms', 'items': ['Form', 'Checkbox', 'Radio', 'TextField', 'Textarea', 'Select', 'Button', 'ImageButton', 'HiddenField']}, '/', {'name': 'basicstyles', 'items': ['Bold', 'Italic', 'Underline', 'Strike', 'Subscript', 'Superscript', '-', 'RemoveFormat']}, {'name': 'paragraph', 'items': ['NumberedList', 'BulletedList', '-', 'Outdent', 'Indent', '-', 'Blockquote', 'CreateDiv', '-', 'JustifyLeft', 'JustifyCenter', 'JustifyRight', 'JustifyBlock', '-', 'BidiLtr', 'BidiRtl', 'Language']}, {'name': 'links', 'items': ['Link', 'Unlink', 'Anchor']}, {'name': 'insert', 'items': ['Image', 'Flash', 'Table', 'HorizontalRule', 'Smiley', 'SpecialChar', 'PageBreak', 'Iframe']}, '/', {'name': 'styles', 'items': ['Styles', 'Format', 'Font', 'FontSize']}, {'name': 'colors', 'items': ['TextColor', 'BGColor']}, {'name': 'tools', 'items': ['Maximize', 'ShowBlocks']}, {'name': 'about', 'items': ['About']}, '/', # put this to force next toolbar on new line {'name': 'yourcustomtools', 'items': [ # put the name of your editor.ui.addButton here 'Preview', 'Maximize', ]}, ], 'toolbar': 'YourCustomToolbarConfig', # put selected toolbar config here # 'toolbarGroups': [{ 'name': 'document', 'groups': [ 'mode', 'document', 'doctools' ] }], # 'height': 291, # 'width': '100%', # 'filebrowserWindowHeight': 725, # 'filebrowserWindowWidth': 940, # 'toolbarCanCollapse': True, # 'mathJaxLib': '//', 'tabSpaces': 4, 'extraPlugins': ','.join([ 'uploadimage', # the upload image feature # your extra plugins here 'div', 'autolink', 'autoembed', 'embedsemantic', 'autogrow', # 'devtools', 'widget', 'lineutils', 'clipboard', 'dialog', 'dialogui', 'elementspath' ]), } }
Django 2.0 compatibility
Actually include the code which sets CKEDITOR_BASEPATH.
CKEditor 4.7.3
CKEditor 4.7
Fix storage problems by setting CKEDITOR_BASEPATH (hopefully for real this time)
Documentation updates
Added a CKEDITOR_RESTRICT_BY_DATE setting to add uploaded files into folders containing the current date.
Added a CKEDITOR_FILEICONS setting that allows overriding the icons used by Gallerific.
Added a CKEDITOR_FILENAME_GENERATOR setting which allows specifying a callable which mangles the filename of uploaded files.
Added THUMBNAIL_SIZE and IMAGE_QUALITY settings for the Pillow image backend.
Actually include static assets for ckeditor_uploader in the pip-installable package.
Removed CKEDITOR_JQUERY_URL and the jQuery dependency. The CKEditor activation now uses plain JavaScript. Dependencies are JSON.parse and document.querySelectorAll which are supported in practically all used browsers these days.
Fixed a bug where the CKEditor language was not set individually for each request.
Django 1.11 support
Drop South migrations
Fix storage problems by setting CKEDITOR_BASEPATH
Fix CKEditor package static path
Django 1.10 updates
Development dependencies bump
CKEditor 4.6.1
Paste image support
Fix for ManifestStaticFilesStorage
Re-add missing additional CkEditor plugins
Updated CkEditor to 4.5.10
Django 1.10 compatibility changes
Documentation updates
Fix file/directory browsing and searching
Editor width style fixes
Python 2.6 compatibility fix
Added template missing in the package
Update Readme with backward-incompatible changes
5.0.0 (4.5.3)
Moved file upload code to new Django application - ckeditor_uploader. RichTextField doesn’t use file upload which have been moved to RichTextUploadingField.
File upload support have been moved to ckeditor_uploader. The urls are in ckeditor_uploader.urls while for file uploading widget you have to use RichTextUploadingField from ckeditor_uploader.fields instead of RichTextField from from ckeditor.fields.
Updated ckeditor to 4.5.3 (from
Added new plugins from ckeditor maintainers: adobeair, ajax, autoembed, autogrow, autolink, bbcode, codesnippet, codesnippetgeshi, devtools, divarea, docprops, embed, embedbase, embedsemantic, filetools, iframedialog, image2, language, lineutils, mathjax, menubutton, notification, notificationaggregator, placeholder, sharedspace, sourcedialog, stylesheetparser, tableresize, uicolor, uploadimage, uploadwidget, widget, xml
Add zip_safe=False on setup config, to force does not create “.egg” file
Add python Wheel package configuration
Add functions to easy release “.egg” package and Wheel package, and tag version on git ( python publish and python tag )
Improved Tox configuration to code coverage check, code quality check (flake8), imports order check (isort) and test with django master branch
Add code quality configurations
Add EditorConfig configuration file
Refactored code to be in compliance with PEP8
Fixed unbound variable in non-image file upload
Updated ckeditor to 4.5.1
Reverted django.contrib.staticfiles.templatetags.staticfiles.static usage causing problems with some storages
Allow non-image files to be upload (the upload widget expects images so the user experience isn’t best at the moment)
Few refactors and fixes to selenium tests
Python 3 compatibility fixes
Get static files paths in a proper way
Fix Django 1.7 deprecation warning
More examples in readme
Allow only POST requests on upload view.
Exclude hidden files from image browser
Prevent caching of image browser view
Use lazy JSON encoder to support i18n in CKEditor settings.
Misc documentation updates
Check for jQuery presence correctly
Update to CKEditor 4.4.6
Make upload/browse views be staff_member_required by default (can be overridden)
Fix ckeditor initialisation code breaking with other jQuery versions.
Support grappelli inline form widgets.
Remove odd left margin from widget template.
Allow running selenium tests with chromium.
Post merge package name fix in Readme
Update CKEditor to 4.4.4 full package - for all plugins and static files you may need
Fixes for inline editor
Editor initialisation uses jQuery. You need to specify CKEDITOR_JQUERY_URL for it to work. You can use:
Update CKEditor to 4.4.1
Django 1.7 compatibility fix
Update CKEditor to 4.3.3
Fix slugifying to empty filename if only bad characters given in filename. Use random string as fallback.
Don’t use IMG tags for non image files in ckeditor file browser.
Remove non-existing image reference from CSS files that broke collectstatic.
Misc fixes
4.2.5 / 4.2.6
Fix static files installation - switch from distutils to setuptools
Added new demo application with selenium integration test
tox setup for Python 3.3 and 2.7 testing
Extracted image processing to backends. PIL/Pillow is optional now. Other backends can be added.
Fixed a bug with thumbnail generation
Python 3.3 compatibility
All uploaded files are slugified by default (New settings CKEDITOR_SLUGIFY_FILENAME)
Upload file when editing a link (<a href>) now works properly
Python 3.3 compatibility in
Include CKEditor version 4.2.1.
Support Django 1.6
Include CKEditor version 4.0.2.
Remove unwanted static files from distribution.
Use Pillow instead of PIL since it builds on all systems.
Include CKEditor version 3.6.2.
Initial work on Django aligned theme.
Fix schema slash removal issue on media url generation. Thanks mwcz
Added compatibility for South. Thanks 3point2
Prevented settings from leaking between widget instances. Thanks 3point2
Fixed config_name conflict when verbose_name is used as first positional argument for a field. Thanks 3point2
Refactored views to allow use of file walking with local paths. Thanks 3point2
Added command to generate thumbnails. Thanks 3point2
Migrated from using media to static file management.
Added ability to configure CKeditor through a CKEDITOR_CONFIGS settings. Thanks jeffh for the input.
Removed buggy url include check.
Egg package corrected to exclude testing and
Enforce correct configuration.
Changed upload behavior to separate files into directories by upload date. Thanks loop0 .
Added ability to limit user access to uploaded content (see the CKEDITOR_RESTRICT_BY_USER setting). Thanks chr15m for the input.
Added initial set of much needed tests.
General cleanup, light refactor.
csrf_exempt backwards compatability. Thanks chr15m .
Include resources, sorry about that.
More robust PIL import. Thanks buchuki .
Better CKEDITOR_MEDIA_PREFIX setting error.
Included README.rst in manifest.
Added CKEDITOR_UPLOAD_PREFIX setting. Thanks chr15m for the input.
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