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Prometheus exporter for blackbox-style DNS monitoring

Project description


A Blackbox-style Prometheus exporter with a focus on DNS monitoring. Built on the excellent and

Following the Multi Target Exporter Pattern described in dns_exporter can query any DNS server and return metrics based on the response.

Note: The well known Blackbox Exporter also supports DNS probes and exports metrics about DNS lookups. The dns_exporter was made with an exclusive focus on DNS monitoring. As always use the tool which is the best fit for your usecase :)


Installation can be done using pip:

pip install dns_exporter

A config file is not required for basic operation. Almost all functionality (except answer validation) can be used by passing URL arguments. But defining a config file with one or more modules (groups of settings) makes it possible to reuse settings between scrape jobs. It also makes the Prometheus config much shorter.

Exporter Configuration

The config file is a yaml file where a root element named modules will be read and added to the configuration. Given an example config file with the following settings:


    protocol: "tcp"
    family: "ipv4"
    query_type: "ns"

Then the two following scrape requests are identical:

Without any module:

Using the tcp4_ns module:

Using yaml anchors and merges means modules can be reused and extended. The package install contains an example config with the filename dns_exporter_example.yml which can be used as-is or adapted for your needs. It can also be found on Github at

You are encouraged to contribute nice modules as a PR to the example config.

Prometheus Configuration

The dns_exporter follows the same Multi Target Exporter Pattern as Blackbox so the same principles apply regarding rewriting targets. The following is an example where the dns_exporter is running at and since we will be using the relabel config a few times we defined a yaml anchor named dnsexp_relabel which we can reuse in all the scrape jobs:


dnsexp_relabel: &dnsexp_relabel
  - source_labels:
      - '__address__'
    target_label: '__param_target'
  - source_labels:
      - '__param_target'
    target_label: 'instance'
  - target_label: '__address__'
    replacement: ''

We will also be reusing the targets so define an anchor for those too:


mytargets: &dns_targets
  - ""
  - ""
  - ""

And finally the scrape config:


  - name: 'dns_exporter_dot4'
    scheme: 'https'
    scrape_interval: '10s'
    metrics_path: "/query"
        - "dot"
        - "ipv4"
        - ""
    targets: *dns_targets
    relabel_configs: *dnsexp_relabel

  - name: 'dns_exporter_dot6'
    scheme: 'https'
    scrape_interval: '10s'
    metrics_path: "/query"
        - "dot"
        - "ipv6"
        - ""
    targets: *dns_targets
    relabel_configs: *dnsexp_relabel

This config will result in Prometheus scraping so the dns_exporter does a DoT query over v4 and v6 for to each of the three targets every 10 seconds.


The dns_exporter returns two or three metrics for each valid scrape request to /query:

  • dns_query_time_seconds is a timing histogram with a bunch of labels about the DNS query and response
  • dns_query_success is always 0 or 1
  • dns_query_failure_reason is an enum which carries information about why a query failed. This is only included when dns_query_success is 0.

This is an example of the metrics returned from a random query:

$ curl ""
# TYPE dns_query_success gauge
dns_query_success 1.0
# HELP dns_query_time_seconds DNS query time in seconds.
# TYPE dns_query_time_seconds histogram
dns_query_time_seconds_bucket{additional="0",answer="1",authority="0",family="ipv4",flags="QR RA RD",ip="",le="0.005",nsid="gpdns-ham",opcode="QUERY",protocol="dot",query_name="",query_type="A",rcode="NOERROR",target=""} 0.0
dns_query_time_seconds_bucket{additional="0",answer="1",authority="0",family="ipv4",flags="QR RA RD",ip="",le="0.01",nsid="gpdns-ham",opcode="QUERY",protocol="dot",query_name="",query_type="A",rcode="NOERROR",target=""} 0.0
dns_query_time_seconds_bucket{additional="0",answer="1",authority="0",family="ipv4",flags="QR RA RD",ip="",le="0.025",nsid="gpdns-ham",opcode="QUERY",protocol="dot",query_name="",query_type="A",rcode="NOERROR",target=""} 0.0
dns_query_time_seconds_bucket{additional="0",answer="1",authority="0",family="ipv4",flags="QR RA RD",ip="",le="0.05",nsid="gpdns-ham",opcode="QUERY",protocol="dot",query_name="",query_type="A",rcode="NOERROR",target=""} 0.0
dns_query_time_seconds_bucket{additional="0",answer="1",authority="0",family="ipv4",flags="QR RA RD",ip="",le="0.075",nsid="gpdns-ham",opcode="QUERY",protocol="dot",query_name="",query_type="A",rcode="NOERROR",target=""} 1.0
dns_query_time_seconds_bucket{additional="0",answer="1",authority="0",family="ipv4",flags="QR RA RD",ip="",le="0.1",nsid="gpdns-ham",opcode="QUERY",protocol="dot",query_name="",query_type="A",rcode="NOERROR",target=""} 1.0
dns_query_time_seconds_bucket{additional="0",answer="1",authority="0",family="ipv4",flags="QR RA RD",ip="",le="0.25",nsid="gpdns-ham",opcode="QUERY",protocol="dot",query_name="",query_type="A",rcode="NOERROR",target=""} 1.0
dns_query_time_seconds_bucket{additional="0",answer="1",authority="0",family="ipv4",flags="QR RA RD",ip="",le="0.5",nsid="gpdns-ham",opcode="QUERY",protocol="dot",query_name="",query_type="A",rcode="NOERROR",target=""} 1.0
dns_query_time_seconds_bucket{additional="0",answer="1",authority="0",family="ipv4",flags="QR RA RD",ip="",le="0.75",nsid="gpdns-ham",opcode="QUERY",protocol="dot",query_name="",query_type="A",rcode="NOERROR",target=""} 1.0
dns_query_time_seconds_bucket{additional="0",answer="1",authority="0",family="ipv4",flags="QR RA RD",ip="",le="1.0",nsid="gpdns-ham",opcode="QUERY",protocol="dot",query_name="",query_type="A",rcode="NOERROR",target=""} 1.0
dns_query_time_seconds_bucket{additional="0",answer="1",authority="0",family="ipv4",flags="QR RA RD",ip="",le="2.5",nsid="gpdns-ham",opcode="QUERY",protocol="dot",query_name="",query_type="A",rcode="NOERROR",target=""} 1.0
dns_query_time_seconds_bucket{additional="0",answer="1",authority="0",family="ipv4",flags="QR RA RD",ip="",le="5.0",nsid="gpdns-ham",opcode="QUERY",protocol="dot",query_name="",query_type="A",rcode="NOERROR",target=""} 1.0
dns_query_time_seconds_bucket{additional="0",answer="1",authority="0",family="ipv4",flags="QR RA RD",ip="",le="7.5",nsid="gpdns-ham",opcode="QUERY",protocol="dot",query_name="",query_type="A",rcode="NOERROR",target=""} 1.0
dns_query_time_seconds_bucket{additional="0",answer="1",authority="0",family="ipv4",flags="QR RA RD",ip="",le="10.0",nsid="gpdns-ham",opcode="QUERY",protocol="dot",query_name="",query_type="A",rcode="NOERROR",target=""} 1.0
dns_query_time_seconds_bucket{additional="0",answer="1",authority="0",family="ipv4",flags="QR RA RD",ip="",le="+Inf",nsid="gpdns-ham",opcode="QUERY",protocol="dot",query_name="",query_type="A",rcode="NOERROR",target=""} 1.0
dns_query_time_seconds_count{additional="0",answer="1",authority="0",family="ipv4",flags="QR RA RD",ip="",nsid="gpdns-ham",opcode="QUERY",protocol="dot",query_name="",query_type="A",rcode="NOERROR",target=""} 1.0
dns_query_time_seconds_sum{additional="0",answer="1",authority="0",family="ipv4",flags="QR RA RD",ip="",nsid="gpdns-ham",opcode="QUERY",protocol="dot",query_name="",query_type="A",rcode="NOERROR",target=""} 0.0638432502746582
# HELP dns_query_time_seconds_created DNS query time in seconds.
# TYPE dns_query_time_seconds_created gauge
dns_query_time_seconds_created{additional="0",answer="1",authority="0",family="ipv4",flags="QR RA RD",ip="",nsid="gpdns-ham",opcode="QUERY",protocol="dot",query_name="",query_type="A",rcode="NOERROR",target=""} 1.67321186737803e+09

The labels returned by the dns_query_time_seconds histogram are:

  • target (from request): The DNS server used for the query
  • ip (from request): The IP used for the query
  • family (from request): Either ipv4 or ipv6
  • protocol (from request) Either udp, tcp, dot, doh, or doq
  • query_name (from request)
  • query_type (from request)
  • flags (from response): The DNS header flags
  • opcode (from response): The opcode is usually QUERY
  • rcode (from response): The rcode like NOERROR or NXDOMAIN
  • nsid (from response): The nsid string if nsid was requested
  • answer (from response): The number of answer section RRs
  • authority (from response): The number of authority section RRs
  • additional (from response): The number of additional section RRs

Additionally, when a failure is encountered the dns_query_failure_reason enum is included in the response to give an idea of what went wrong, in this case an unexpected NXDOMAIN instead of NOERROR as rcode:

$ curl "" | grep failure
# HELP dns_query_failure_reason The reason this DNS query failed
# TYPE dns_query_failure_reason gauge
dns_query_failure_reason{dns_query_failure_reason="invalid_request_module"} 0.0
dns_query_failure_reason{dns_query_failure_reason="invalid_request_target"} 0.0
dns_query_failure_reason{dns_query_failure_reason="invalid_request_family"} 0.0
dns_query_failure_reason{dns_query_failure_reason="invalid_request_ip"} 0.0
dns_query_failure_reason{dns_query_failure_reason="invalid_request_protocol"} 0.0
dns_query_failure_reason{dns_query_failure_reason="timeout"} 0.0
dns_query_failure_reason{dns_query_failure_reason="invalid_response_rcode"} 1.0
dns_query_failure_reason{dns_query_failure_reason="invalid_response_flags"} 0.0
dns_query_failure_reason{dns_query_failure_reason="invalid_response_answer_rrs"} 0.0
dns_query_failure_reason{dns_query_failure_reason="invalid_response_authority_rrs"} 0.0
dns_query_failure_reason{dns_query_failure_reason="invalid_response_additional_rrs"} 0.0
dns_query_failure_reason{dns_query_failure_reason="other"} 0.0

Finally, the following persistent metrics are also kept by the exporter and returned by the /metrics endpoint (as well as the normal Python process metrics exported by the Prometheus python_client):

$ curl -s "" | grep -v python
# HELP dns_exporter_build_version_info The version of dns_exporter
# TYPE dns_exporter_build_version_info gauge
dns_exporter_build_version_info{version="0.2.0b2"} 1.0
# HELP up Is the dns_exporter up and running? 1 for yes and 0 for no.
# TYPE up gauge
up 1.0
# HELP dns_exporter_http_requests_total The total number of HTTP requests received by this exporter since start. This counter is increased every time any HTTP request is received by the dns_exporter.
# TYPE dns_exporter_http_requests_total counter
dns_exporter_http_requests_total{path="/query"} 72790.0
dns_exporter_http_requests_total{path="/metrics"} 9.0
# HELP dns_exporter_http_requests_created The total number of HTTP requests received by this exporter since start. This counter is increased every time any HTTP request is received by the dns_exporter.
# TYPE dns_exporter_http_requests_created gauge
dns_exporter_http_requests_created{path="/query"} 1.673211814111238e+09
dns_exporter_http_requests_created{path="/metrics"} 1.6732127021289015e+09
# HELP dns_exporter_http_responses_total The total number of HTTP responses sent by this exporter since start. This counter is increased every time an HTTP response is sent from the dns_exporter.
# TYPE dns_exporter_http_responses_total counter
dns_exporter_http_responses_total{path="/query",response_code="200"} 72790.0
dns_exporter_http_responses_total{path="/metrics",response_code="200"} 8.0
# HELP dns_exporter_http_responses_created The total number of HTTP responses sent by this exporter since start. This counter is increased every time an HTTP response is sent from the dns_exporter.
# TYPE dns_exporter_http_responses_created gauge
dns_exporter_http_responses_created{path="/query",response_code="200"} 1.6732118142182536e+09
dns_exporter_http_responses_created{path="/metrics",response_code="200"} 1.6732127021304686e+09
# HELP dns_exporter_dns_queries_total The total number of DNS queries sent by this exporter since start. This counter is increased every time the dns_exporter sends out a DNS query.
# TYPE dns_exporter_dns_queries_total counter
dns_exporter_dns_queries_total 72790.0
# HELP dns_exporter_dns_queries_created The total number of DNS queries sent by this exporter since start. This counter is increased every time the dns_exporter sends out a DNS query.
# TYPE dns_exporter_dns_queries_created gauge
dns_exporter_dns_queries_created 1.6732118126893325e+09
# HELP dns_exporter_dns_query_responses_total The total number of DNS query responses received since start. This counter is increased every time the dns_exporter receives a query response (before timeout).
# TYPE dns_exporter_dns_query_responses_total counter
dns_exporter_dns_query_responses_total 72790.0
# HELP dns_exporter_dns_query_responses_created The total number of DNS query responses received since start. This counter is increased every time the dns_exporter receives a query response (before timeout).
# TYPE dns_exporter_dns_query_responses_created gauge
dns_exporter_dns_query_responses_created 1.6732118126896229e+09
# HELP dns_exporter_dns_query_failures_total The total number of DNS queries considered failed. This counter is increased every time a DNS query is sent out and a valid response is not received.
# TYPE dns_exporter_dns_query_failures_total counter
dns_exporter_dns_query_failures_total 0.0
# HELP dns_exporter_dns_query_failures_created The total number of DNS queries considered failed. This counter is increased every time a DNS query is sent out and a valid response is not received.
# TYPE dns_exporter_dns_query_failures_created gauge
dns_exporter_dns_query_failures_created 1.6732118126896834e+09

Versioning and Releases of dns_exporter

Versioning, branching and tagging of dns_exporter is done based on and

Project details

Download files

Download the file for your platform. If you're not sure which to choose, learn more about installing packages.

Source Distribution

dns_exporter-0.2.0b3.tar.gz (21.3 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Source

Built Distribution

dns_exporter-0.2.0b3-py3-none-any.whl (16.5 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 3

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