Data validation and standardization library wrapping Python dictionaries.
Project description
Do-Py, shorthand for DataObject Python, is a data-validation and standardization library wrapping Python dictionaries.
Project milestones
Make a basic DataObject.
We will make a class and call it MyFavoriteStuff
. We
will inherit the DataObject class to gain all its wonderful features.
Here you can see we must define the '_restrictions' attribute.
from do_py import DataObject, R
class MyFavoriteStuff(DataObject):
A DataObject that contains all of my favorite items.
:restriction favorite_number: The number I favor the most. Strings not allowed.
:restriction favorite_candy: My favorite candy, this is restricted by value.
:restriction favorite_movie: My favorite movie. This is optional because a `None` IS allowed!
# There are two kinds of restrictions, type and value.
_restrictions = {
# Type restrictions restrict the type a value can have: int, str, bool, or other DataObjects's
'favorite_number': R.INT,
# Value restrictions restrict the value to a specific value in a list.
'favorite_candy': R('Jolly Ranchers', 'Nerds'),
# This is a type restriction that allows `None` as a value.
'favorite_movie': R.NULL_STR
# Instantiate your new DataObject.
instance = MyFavoriteStuff({
'favorite_number': 1985,
'favorite_candy': 'Jolly Ranchers',
'favorite_movie': 'Jolly Green Giant'
# output: MyFavoriteStuff{"favorite_candy": "Jolly Ranchers", "favorite_number": 1985, "favorite_movie": "Jolly Green Giant"}
# You can access values using dot notation or like a `dict`.
print(instance.favorite_number == instance['favorite_number'])
# output: True
# output: 1985
# output: Jolly Ranchers
# output: Jolly Green Giant
# Editing the values can also be done very easily.
instance.favorite_number = 2013
# output: 2013
Using restrictions.
Restrictions are written using do_py.R
. R
allows developers to define custom value restrictions as well as type
restrictions using the special shortcuts. Here are a few examples of how you can write value restrictions and type
restrictions using the type short-cuts.
from do_py import DataObject, R
class TypeShorCuts(DataObject):
All of the restrictions written for this DataObject us R's type shortcuts.
_restrictions = {
# integer
'int': R.INT,
'nullable_int': R.NULL_INT,
# string
'str': R.STR,
'nullable_str': R.NULL_STR,
# bool
'bool': R.BOOL,
# date and datetime
'date': R.DATE,
'nullable_date': R.NULL_DATE,
'datetime': R.DATETIME,
'nullable_datetime': R.NULL_DATETIME,
# other (these are rarely used(aqw
'set': R.SET,
'list': R.LIST,
class ValueRestrictions(DataObject):
All of the restrictions for this class are value restrictions.
_restrictions = {
# number values
'integers': R(1, 2, 3),
'integers and None': R(1, 2, 3, None),
# string values
'strings': R('hello', 'hi', 'sup'),
'nullable_strings': R('hello', 'hi', 'sup', None),
Give the DataObject default values.
DataObjects are able to define the default value for their restrictions. If a developer is not sure
if a value will be available, defaults are a very useful utility. We have updated the original example to have
a default value for it's restriction favorite_candy.
In order to use the default value when instantiating a DataObject, we must instantiate it in non-strict mode.
Strict instantiation is used by default. In strict instantiation, the data passed in must contain all the
keys defined in the DataObject's _restrictions
With non-strict initialization, it is acceptable to have some keys missing per DO _restrictions. For all missing keys,
the default restriction value is used. This section provides an example of using a DataObject in non-strict mode
so that we can use the default values for favorite_candy
from do_py import DataObject, R
class MyFavoriteStuff(DataObject):
:restriction favorite_number: The default value is 1.
:restriction favorite_candy: The default value is is "Unknown".
:restriction favorite_movie: When nullable, the default value is `None`.
_restrictions = {
'favorite_number': R.INT.with_default(1),
'favorite_candy': R('Jolly Ranchers', 'Nerds', 'Unknown', default='Unknown'),
'favorite_movie': R.NULL_STR
# In order to use the default value when instantiating a DataObject, we must instantiate it in non-strict mode.
# Any values that are not provided will use defaults.
instance = MyFavoriteStuff({}, strict=False)
# output: MyFavoriteStuff{"favorite_candy": "Unknown", "favorite_number": 1, "favorite_movie": null}
Nest a DataObject in another DataObject.
from do_py import DataObject, R
class Contact(DataObject):
_restrictions = {
class Author(DataObject):
A DataObject that contains all of my favorite items.
:restriction id:
:restriction favorite_candy: My favorite candy, this is restricted by value.
:restriction favorite_movie: My favorite movie. This is optional because a `None` IS allowed!
_restrictions = {
'id': R.INT,
'name': R.STR,
'contact': Contact
class VideoGame(DataObject):
A DataObject that contains all of my favorite items.
:restriction id:
:restriction favorite_candy: My favorite candy, this is restricted by value.
:restriction favorite_movie: My favorite movie. This is optional because a `None` IS allowed!
_restrictions = {
'id': R.INT,
'name': R.NULL_STR,
'author': Author
# Data objects must be instantiated at their **init** with a dictionary and
# strict(True(default) or False)
instance = VideoGame({
'favorite_number': 1985,
'favorite_candy': 'Jolly Ranchers',
'favorite_movie': 'Jolly Green Giant'
Nest a list of DataObjects in another DataObject.
from do_py import DataObject, R
from do_py.common.managed_list import ManagedList
class Book(DataObject):
There are multiple books in the library!
:restriction name: Name of the book.
:restriction author: The author of the book.
_restrictions = {
'name': R.STR,
'author': R.STR,
class Library(DataObject):
This DataObject represents a library which contains multiple books.
:restriction city: The city the library is located in.
:restriction books: A list of instances of the DataObject "Book".
_restrictions = {
'city': R.STR,
'books': ManagedList(Book)
What is a DataObject?
A DataObject allows us to create Python classes that have strictly defined fields called "restrictions". Restrictions
are defined for a DataObject using the _restriction
attribute. See the Quick-start section.
There are two kinds of restrictions, type and value:
- Value restrictions restrict the value to a specific value in a list.
- Type restrictions restrict the type a value can have: int, str, bool, or other DataObjects.
Advanced Uses
Advanced DataObject validations.
Certain use-cases require more complex validations or restrictions that cannot be supported without code execution.
The parent class Validator
allows us to execute code at instantiation and any time a key is updated. A child of
is required to define a _validate
instance method.
from do_py import R
from do_py.data_object.validator import Validator
class Validated(Validator):
This DataObject validates that we only have one of key or id, but not both. Since this can't be accomplished only
using restrictions, we are inheriting from `Validator` so we can attach extra validations.
_restrictions = {
'key': R.NULL_STR,
'id': R.NULL_INT
def _validate(self):
Validate that we have exactly one of key or id.
This function runs at instantiation and any time the instance is updated.
assert any([self.key,]) and not all([self.key,]), \
'We need exactly one of id or key to not be None.'
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