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Extract and Merge Batches/Image patches (tf/torch) for easy, fast and self-contained digital image processing and deep learning model training.

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Extract and Merge Image Patches (EMPatches)

Extract and Merge Batches/Image patches (tf/torch), fast and self-contained digital image processing and deep learning model training.

  • Extract patches
  • Merge the extracted patches to obtain the original image back.

Upadate 0.2.3 (Bug Fix)

  • While merging tensors.
    thanks MRLBradley for noticing.

Upadate 0.2.2 (New Functionalities)

  • Handling 1D spectral and 3D volumetric data structures, thanks to antonyvam.
  • Batch processing support for 1D, 2D, 3D (image/pixel + voxel/volumetric) data added.
  • Bug fixes for multi-dimensional image patch merging for C > 3.

Update 0.2.0

  • Handling of tensorflow/pytorch Batched images of shape BxCxHxW -> pytorch or BxHxWxC -> tf. C can be any number not limited to just RGB channels.
  • Modes added for mergeing patches.
    1. overwrite: next patch will overwrite the overlapping area of the previous patch.
    2. max : maximum value of overlapping area at each pixel will be written.
    3. min: minimum value of overlapping area at each pixel will be written.
    4. avg : mean/average value of overlapping area at each pixel will be written.
  • Patching via providing Indices.
  • Strided patching thanks to Andreasgejlm


python >= 3.6


Extracting Patches

from empatches import EMPatches
import imgviz # just for plotting

# get image either RGB or Grayscale
img = cv2.imread('../digits.jpg')
img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)

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# load module
emp = EMPatches()
img_patches, indices = emp.extract_patches(img, patchsize=512, overlap=0.2)

# displaying 1st 10 image patches
tiled= imgviz.tile(list(map(np.uint8, img_patches)),border=(255,0,0))

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Image Processing

Now we can perform our operation on each patch independently and after we are done we can merge them back together.

pseudo code
# do some processing, just store the patches in the list in same order
img_patches_processed = some_processing_func(img_patches)
# or run your deep learning model on patches independently and then merge the predictions
img_patches_processed = model.predict(img_patches)
'''For now lets just flip channels'''
img_patches[1] = cv2.cvtColor(img_patches[1], cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)

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After processing the patches if you can merge all of them back in original form as follows,

merged_img = emp.merge_patches(img_patches, indices, mode='max') # or
merged_img = emp.merge_patches(img_patches, indices, mode='min') # or
merged_img = emp.merge_patches(img_patches, indices, mode='overwrite') # or
merged_img = emp.merge_patches(img_patches, indices, mode='avg') # or
# display
plt.title(Your mode)

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Strided Patching

img_patches, indices = emp.extract_patches(img, patchsize=512, overlap=0.2, stride=128)
tiled= imgviz.tile(list(map(np.uint8, img_patches)),border=(255,0,0))
plt.title('Strided patching')

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Volumetric/Voxel data patching

# first generate a sample data
def midpoints(x):
    sl = ()
    for i in range(x.ndim):
        x = (x[sl + np.index_exp[:-1]] + x[sl + np.index_exp[1:]]) / 2.0
        sl += np.index_exp[:]
    return x
r, g, b = np.indices((17, 17, 17)) / 16.0
rc = midpoints(r)
gc = midpoints(g)
bc = midpoints(b)
# define a sphere about [0.5, 0.5, 0.5]
sphere = ((rc - 0.5)**2 + (gc - 0.5)**2 + (bc - 0.5)**2 < 0.5**2).astype(int)

ax = plt.figure().add_subplot(projection='3d')
plt.title(f'Voxel 3D data: {sphere.shape} shape')

Extract patches from voxel 3D data.

emp = EMPatches()
patches, indices  = emp.extract_patches(sphere, patchsize=8, overlap=0.0, stride=None, vox=True)

ax = plt.figure().add_subplot(projection='3d')
plt.title(f'Patched Voxel 3D data: {patches[0].shape} shape')

for i in range(len(patches)):

mp = emp.merge_patches(patches, indices)
###############___VOXEL DATA___ setting vox to True ########################
##  shape     indices in xyz dimension
>> (8, 8, 8) (0, 8, 0, 8, 0, 8)
>> (8, 8, 8) (0, 8, 0, 8, 8, 16)
>> (8, 8, 8) (8, 16, 0, 8, 0, 8)
>> (8, 8, 8) (8, 16, 0, 8, 8, 16)
>> (8, 8, 8) (0, 8, 8, 16, 0, 8)
>> (8, 8, 8) (0, 8, 8, 16, 8, 16)
>> (8, 8, 8) (8, 16, 8, 16, 0, 8)
>> (8, 8, 8) (8, 16, 8, 16, 8, 16)

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Here the output shape is 8x8x8 i.e. the croping is also done in D/C dimension unlike when we are doing image croping/patching in that case the output would have shape 8x8x3 (RGB) or 8x8 (grayscale), and incides would be like.

###############___PIXEL DATA___ -> setting vox to False ########################
##  shape     indices in xy dimension
>> (8, 8, 16) (0, 8, 0, 8)
>> (8, 8, 16) (8, 16, 0, 8)
>> (8, 8, 16) (0, 8, 8, 16)
>> (8, 8, 16) (8, 16, 8, 16)

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1D spectral Data patching

x1 = np.linspace(0.0, 5.0)
y1 = np.cos(5 * np.pi * x1) * np.exp(-x1)
plt.title('1D spectra')

emp = EMPatches()
patches, indices  = emp.extract_patches(y1, patchsize=8, overlap=0.0, stride=None)

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ax1 = plt.subplot(1)
plt.plot(patches[0]) # 0th patch
ax2 = plt.subplot(2, sharex=ax1, sharey=ax1)
plt.plot(patches[2]) # 2nd pathc
plt.suptitle('patched 1D spectra')
# merge again
mp = emp.merge_patches(patches, indices)

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Batched Patching

Things to know.

  • batch : Batch of images of shape either BxCxHxW -> pytorch or BxHxWxC -> tf to extract patches from in list(list1, list2, ...), where, list1->([H W C], [H W C], ...) and so on.

  • patchsize : size of patch to extract from image only square patches can be extracted for now.

  • overlap (Optional): overlap between patched in percentage a float between [0, 1].

  • stride (Optional): Step size between patches

  • type (Optional): Type of batched images tf or torch type

  • batch_patches : a list containing lists of extracted patches of images.

  • batch_indices : a list containing lists of indices of patches in order, whihc can be used at later stage for 'merging_patches'.

  • merged_batch : a np array of shape BxCxHxW -> pytorch or BxHxWxC -> tf.


from empatches import BatchPatching

bp = BatchPatching(patchsize=512, overlap=0.2, stride=None, typ='torch')
# extracging
batch_patches, batch_indices = bp.patch_batch(batch) # batch of shape BxCxHxW, C can be any number 3 or greater

plt.title('3rd patch of 2nd image in batch')

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# merging
# output will be of shpae depending on typ variable
# BxCxHxW -> torch or BxHxWxC -> tf
merged_batch = bp.merge_batch(batch_patches, batch_indices, mode='avg') 

# accessing the merged images
plt.title('2nd merged image in batch')

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Patching via Providing Indices

NOTE in this case merging is not supported.

from empatches import patch_via_indices

img = cv2.imread('./digit.jpg')
img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
img = cv2.resize(img, (1024, 512))

i = [(0, 512, 0, 256),  # 1st patch dims/indices
     (0, 256, 310, 922),# 2nd patch dims/indices
     (0, 512, 512, 768)]# 3rd patch dims/indices
img_patches = patch_via_indices(img, indices)

# plotting
tiled= imgviz.tile(list(map(np.uint8, img_patches)),border=(255,0,0))
plt.title('patching via providing indices')

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empatches-0.2.3.tar.gz (11.2 kB view hashes)

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